one of the magical aspects of the fasting state, or autophagy, is that it activates your internal cleansing process, the one nature gave you, where your body for one, starts consuming all its weaker parts..,everything that will become a problem, health wise, in the future is consumed first...animals instinctively fast when sick or injured...Pythagorus was ordered to fast for 40 days when he tried to get into the schools in Kemet(Egypt)...Jesus and Moses allegedly fasted for 40 days...and much like baking out in the sun and doing breathing exercises, it gets you "high"...Plus, science indicates that caloric restriction increases lifespan!
you can win a great many battles with intermittent fasting...if you end your dinner at 8PM, for instance, and don't consume anything else until morning, by 8AM you are officially in the fasting if you fast and stay in the state until Noon, you got 4 hours of autophagy...if you fast and stay in the state until 5PM you got 9 hours...bear in mind that water with a little bit of lemon juice squeezed in, unsweetened tea,/herbal tea and coffee won't knock you out of the fasting state although eye don't advocate drinking coffee, as fabulous as it is...the great thing about intermittent fasting is that you can get into autophagy every day...the highest level intermittent fasting is giving yourself only a one hour window per day to consume calories substantial enough to knock you out of the fasting state...a higher level than that would be restricting it to one meal every two days....
the next level of fasting is prolonged ones, only consuming water...the metaphorical Freshman year final exam would be 3 days on just water with a little bit of lemon or lime squeezed in...wherever the pain or issues is at the end of those 3 days is where your future problems are at...but start getting comfortable with 24 hours...after that get comfortable with personal experience with fasting only consuming water is that day 5 and beyond is where the magic starts...the heightened awareness...if you can't get a decent bowel movement on a prolonged fast, fresh squeezed lemon juice/distilled water, slighty heated, enemas will take care of that problem
the most dangerous and highest level of fasting is the dry fast...the hard dry fast is where no water touches your body...the soft dry fast is where water can touch your body, you can brush your teeth, take a shower or bath etc...eye have never done a prolonged hard dry fast but the soft dry fast is my favorite type of fast, as unpleasant as it is...eye didn't start dry fasting until after eye achieved the feat of 10 days only consuming water, a little over a decade go...eye like the dry fast because it is the most aggressive cleansing...your body is forced to create its own water which comes largely from its weaker parts and fat(harmful parasites tend to use our body fat as hotels) longest soft dry fast is 7 days...sipping my homemade OJ after that fast was over, eye never felt so sane and at peace in my entire life...
please fast rationally and don't starve yourself...just bear in mind, even if you are skinny, could be suffering from malabsorption where the food you eat just goes through you because you are so clogged up internally..
not going to sugar coat things, at the top of the triangle, they are trying to reduce the population....they want to disconnect you from everything nature provided because that would increase the population's standard of living and not bring in the death toll numbers they want....look at these skies here, not one natural cloud...never has there been a better time to be concerned with ones health...