Seems that fear & anxiety drive the conservative:
1. Conservatives tend to focus on the negative
2. Conservatives have a stronger physiological response to threat
3. Conservatives fear new experiences
4. Conservatives’ brains are more reactive to fear
The most interesting study, An Analysis of Trump Supporters Has Identified 5 Key Traits:
1. Authoritarian Personality Syndrome
2. Social dominance orientation
3. Prejudice
4. Intergroup contact
5. Relative deprivation
^ Sounds like every trunp supporter
Seems that fear & anxiety drive the conservative:
1. Conservatives tend to focus on the negative
2. Conservatives have a stronger physiological response to threat
3. Conservatives fear new experiences
4. Conservatives’ brains are more reactive to fear
The most interesting study, An Analysis of Trump Supporters Has Identified 5 Key Traits:
1. Authoritarian Personality Syndrome
2. Social dominance orientation
3. Prejudice
4. Intergroup contact
5. Relative deprivation
^ Sounds like every trunp supporter, just so weird
Just another sadz russia troll?