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Bronx Museum of Art has continually hosted Satanic themed art SINCE BILL CLINTON
Posted by: 4h45 ()
Date: January 30, 2022 10:55PM

They're still doing it to this day - art with death mottoe and skulls frequently sought and displayed.

Ruddy Guiliani, 1999, shut off funding during a major debacle of anti-catholic art.

BUT NOT BEFORE Bill Clinton hosted his own absolutely satanic display at National Art museum which was a whole another debacle.


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Re: Bronx Museum of Art has continually hosted Satanic themed art SINCE BILL CLINTON
Posted by: Amazondotcom ()
Date: January 30, 2022 10:59PM

"Ruddy" "The Jew" Jewliani apparel and more trump merch available at amazon.com

Amazon.com sells a lot of stuff check us out Amazon.com open 24 hours a day, 365

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