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VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 25, 2005 10:41AM

Great, all we need is more officers out giving people tickets instead of solving crimes.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 25, 2005 10:45AM

I'd be more impressed if the spoiler was 10 inches higher, he had the aforementioned spinning rims, and neon lights on every possible nook and cranny.

Oh and he better be pumpin' that Biggie with some 18's in the trunk and 50,000 watt amp.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 25, 2005 10:48AM

rstidman Wrote:
> I'd be more impressed if the spoiler was 10 inches
> higher, he had the aforementioned spinning rims,
> and neon lights on every possible nook and
> cranny.
> Oh and he better be pumpin' that Biggie with some
> 18's in the trunk and 50,000 watt amp.

You can't forget some hydraulics. He needs to be bouncing down the street while bouncing his head to Biggie.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 25, 2005 11:01AM

I've been thinking about getting hydraulics for my Nissan Sentra, they really kick ass on my Golf.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: July 25, 2005 12:14PM

The GTO is so fugly...I wonder if they throw any bolt-ons on that POS?!?!?!

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 25, 2005 12:25PM

rstidman Wrote:
> I've been thinking about getting hydraulics for my
> Nissan Sentra, they really kick ass on my Golf.

I always thought they looked hawt on a huffy.. It would be sweet when your riding down the road and see a hot girl and you start hitting the switches on the 10 speed.. It makes the girls go crazy I tell ya.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rob ()
Date: July 26, 2005 12:36PM

how much of your money do they spend on a car like that?

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: July 26, 2005 07:18PM

Well, either somewhere around the appx. 30k sticker price for a GTO like that, or maybe nothing. It wouldn't be the first car that a siezed car was used for such purposes.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: July 28, 2005 09:28AM

Seeing that car again...made me throw up in my mouth.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 29, 2005 09:21AM

RaginBajin Wrote:
> Great, all we need is more officers out giving
> people tickets instead of solving crimes.

If you knew what you were talking about you'd be dangerous. Did you know most criminals are caught during traffic stops. Let's look at an example, hmmmmm Timothy McVeigh. Caught because he had dead tags. That was it. The majority of your drug and gun transporters are caught because of traffic stops. They look like criminals to me. How do most criminals get to and from their crimes, vehicles. And a majority of the time, they drive like morons. Probably a larger percentage get away. That police GTO is just another tool to catch the morons out there who drive like they have a Nascar license. Go back and watch another episode of CSI.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2005 10:49AM by SWweeman.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: August 01, 2005 11:08PM

Well that's all well and good, but how are you going to figure out who to catch if you are not investigating the crimes. Seems like we need to have more investigators instead of traffic officers, because many people are still be robbed, raped, and killed every day.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: ben ()
Date: August 01, 2005 11:45PM

RaginBajin Wrote:
> Well that's all well and good, but how are you
> going to figure out who to catch if you are not
> investigating the crimes. Seems like we need to
> have more investigators instead of traffic
> officers, because many people are still be robbed,
> raped, and killed every day.

Seriously, listen to what he said. "Most criminals are caught by accident."

That's not a glowing endorsement for more traffic enforcement, it's a damning condemnation of the abilities of the police force!

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Date: August 02, 2005 10:28AM

Some criminals are also caught for traffic violations and released. Example, Malvo and Muhammed. They were stopped for something and released. The MAIN reason the police are getting new and different unmarked cruisers is simply to be able to catch more people off gaurd. Most people know to be aware of crown vics etc.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: carguy ()
Date: August 03, 2005 01:00PM

That isn't a VSP car - the license plate ends in "L", which denotes "local" government. State cop plates are either regular VA tags or government plates that end in - wait for it - "S".

just a ripple in your collective pond of knowledge!

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: August 03, 2005 02:59PM

carguy you are a - wait for it - twat.

I hate that "wait for it" shit.

The comment about the ripple in the collective pond of knowledge though. That made me laugh. The pond around here is about 1 inch deep, and it's more of a cesspool than a pond really.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: carguy ()
Date: August 03, 2005 03:27PM

Hey, I was simply relaying information. Sorry to cause you so much emotional hardship in the process. Looking forward to reading your LiveJournal.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: 96celica ()
Date: August 03, 2005 05:14PM

eh i think thats a pretty cool cop car....sucks though that they have one
those are quick

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: August 04, 2005 05:48AM

RaginBajin Wrote:
> Well that's all well and good, but how are you
> going to figure out who to catch if you are not
> investigating the crimes. Seems like we need to
> have more investigators instead of traffic
> officers, because many people are still be robbed,
> raped, and killed every day.

Again, you have no clue. I don't know where you live, but Fairfax and most of the northern VA area doesn't have robberies, rapes, and homicides everyday. Look at DC. There are over 3500 police officers with a population of 500,000. Fairfax has 1,300 officers with 1.1 million rsidents. DC still can't handle their problems. They are in a condensed and uneducated area. Education is the key to solving and preventing crimes. Job training. drug rehabilitation. Most crimes are fueled by drug addictions. You can solve a million crimes and put people in jail, but they'll get out eventually. Then we start all over again unless people in the community try to help those people before being released. But are you willing to step up and help someone? Want to solve crimes, get the community involved. You get involved. But you are probably one of those people that believes it someone elses problem so I'll look the other way until it personally effects you. It pisses me off when people write threads bashing the cops when you know deep down inside, the police will be the ones you will point your fingers at when somethiing doesn't get done to your expectations. our society wouldn't even exist civilly without law enforcement being their to protect your rights. Fairfax County has an average crime solving rate higher than that of the national average. Not every crime gets solved, but I guess watching CSI and LAw & Order shows has given you a false impression of how crimes get solved. The responsible people of this community have requested more traffic enforcement because the minority of idiots drivers in this area can't drive safely. If you ever read the paper or watch the news, most of the people killed in this area is due to traffic related deaths. Not drugs, not shootings. Traffic related deaths (DUI, racing). So if most of the people in the area are being killed from traffic accidents or seriously injured from traffic accidents , you focus more on traffic issues. For every person arrested in the area, there are probably 3 to 4 people being taken to the hospital from traffic accidents. Ride with an ambulance for a night and you'll see. Or go ride with a cop and you'll see, or do you not want to take the time to see for yourself. There are two types of laws police are responsible for enforcing, traffic and criminal. They both have to be enforced. Are some cops out there more of an asshole than others, absolutely. But whenever you go out drinkning or shopping, do you always find the perfect employee in a happy mood. I don't think so. By the way, that isn't a VSP cruiser.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: August 04, 2005 11:06AM

SWweeman, I gave up reading your post after the 12th grammatic and spelling error, and that was only about half-way into it. I'll bet I can find some drug addicts with better English-writing skills than you have.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 04, 2005 11:13AM

Hey Kevin, I resemble that remark

Can you name the 14 punctuation marks by heart?

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: August 04, 2005 11:18AM

Just a shot....

exclamation mark
question mark
quotation mark

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 04, 2005 11:26AM

damn, you must have watched that same "west wing" episode a lot more closely

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: August 04, 2005 11:33AM

(putting on my best 'chantucky accent....)

i be a-guessen that all dat time in Mrs. Haynes engrish class in CHS had done me speaking real real good....


Too much time spent in English class, back when they made you learn all of the mechanics of the English language. I do not know what (or how) *they* are teaching in English class today (figuratively, unless you are in summer school) but it is not the "core language" that was required knowledge.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: PDcar ()
Date: August 05, 2005 11:30AM

That's a Franklin County VA sheriff's car. He's sitting at Boones Mill, VA southeast of Roanoke on US 220.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: August 08, 2005 06:02AM

kklare Wrote:
> SWweeman, I gave up reading your post after the
> 12th grammatic and spelling error, and that was
> only about half-way into it. I'll bet I can find
> some drug addicts with better English-writing
> skills than you have.

It's a forum. Who cares. Last I checked, I wasn't writing to impress you or anyone else. I'm pretty sure there are several drug addicts that can write and punctuate better than me and most of them live in Great Falls or Chantilly. At least in a few years, I'll still have the ability to write and speak with a full mouth of teeth. I was hoping for a better rebuttal to my statement than a grammar lesson.

P.S. I beleive this last statement had less mistakes and is acceptable to your high standard.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 08, 2005 08:10AM

I was hoping for a better reply than a (15 years out-of-date) stereotyping, you better "beleive" that!

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: August 08, 2005 12:25PM

SWweeman Wrote:
> kklare Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SWweeman, I gave up reading your post after
> the
> > 12th grammatic and spelling error, and that
> was
> > only about half-way into it. I'll bet I can
> find
> > some drug addicts with better
> English-writing
> > skills than you have.
> It's a forum. Who cares. Last I checked, I wasn't
> writing to impress you or anyone else. I'm pretty
> sure there are several drug addicts that can write
> and punctuate better than me and most of them live
> in Great Falls or Chantilly. At least in a few
> years, I'll still have the ability to write and
> speak with a full mouth of teeth. I was hoping
> for a better rebuttal to my statement than a
> grammar lesson.
> P.S. I beleive this last statement had less
> mistakes and is acceptable to your high standard.

The funny thing is that if you knew me, you'd know I don't really have any standards.
What's the reputation of Great Falls? I planned on living out there some day.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 08, 2005 02:05PM

Great Falls? Seriously, only wealthy or close to wealthy people live in that area....educated people, so you may not fit in (as I don't)

of course fitting in doesn't mean shit unless you care about your neighbors...

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: August 08, 2005 03:04PM

Oh I know what that area is like. I was wondering what the previous poster's stereotype of Great Falls and Chantilly was alluding to.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 08, 2005 03:14PM

sorry I didn't realize who I was replying to Kevin.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: October 12, 2009 11:42PM

About the guy saying how police need to solve more crimes...yeah the police are to serve and protect you moron, detectives solve crimes!!!

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: October 13, 2009 09:05AM

Unleaded $1.7something.

I remember those days.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: Your Grammar Teacher ()
Date: October 13, 2009 09:27AM

SWweeman Wrote:
> kklare Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SWweeman, I gave up reading your post after the
> > 12th grammatic and spelling error, and that was
> > only about half-way into it. I'll bet I can
> find
> > some drug addicts with better English-writing
> > skills than you have.
> It's a forum. Who cares. Last I checked, I wasn't
> writing to impress you or anyone else. I'm pretty
> sure there are several drug addicts that can write
> and punctuate better than me and most of them live
> in Great Falls or Chantilly. At least in a few
> years, I'll still have the ability to write and
> speak with a full mouth of teeth. I was hoping
> for a better rebuttal to my statement than a
> grammar lesson.
> P.S. I beleive this last statement had less
> mistakes and is acceptable to your high standard.

Please consider:

"who" instead of "that"
"believe" instead of "beleive"
"fewer" instead of "less"

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: Texty ()
Date: October 13, 2009 09:39AM

Your Grammar Teacher Wrote:

> Please consider:
> "who" instead of "that"
> "believe" instead of "beleive"
> "fewer" instead of "less"

It's an internet forum, not a Phd thesis paper. Get over it.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: -,SBS.- ()
Date: October 13, 2009 09:45AM

Whoever it belongs to, they've either had it for quite a while, or it is a seized vehicle because the car is 5 years old. (2004 GTO)

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: cop ()
Date: September 07, 2011 09:55AM


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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Date: September 07, 2011 10:31AM

cop Wrote:

What, they didn't teach you how to use the Caps Lock key in training?

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: StupidCop ()
Date: September 07, 2011 10:38AM

He's just on a power trip like every other cop.

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Re: VA State Police and new GTO's
Posted by: Rocko Meats ()
Date: September 07, 2011 02:05PM

Were in Fairfax County was that picture taken?

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