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TOMORROW: Federal Government to Shut Down
Posted by: not so true ()
Date: December 02, 2021 04:38PM

*** except for a skeleton crue to insure any money they can collect will STILL BE OWED ***

* local governments will be active

* note allot of "federal buildings" are actually now local to states - USA has been decentralizing it's "growing workforce" for many good reasons

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Re: TOMORROW: Federal Government to Shut Down
Date: December 02, 2021 06:31PM

Thanks, rethuglicans.

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Re: TOMORROW: Federal Government to Shut Down
Date: December 03, 2021 12:34AM

the imposter general mahdi....using my screen name to push his very very gay agenda....

and has the nerve to call someone else a thug....

you really think you are untouchable huh faggot?
Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 4.29.44 PM.png

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