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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Noah ()
Date: July 22, 2005 05:23PM

What is it with these cops? I got a parking ticket in front of my house!!! I was parked in the street for a minute to run inside - I come back out to move my car and I have a ticket. I was assisting my frail grandmother in the house just for a second and I get a ticket. UNBELIEVABLE. We are supposed to help the police? We have a backwards system in FFX if that's how the county is going to make money. I'M DONE WITH THE POLICE. A reason like this is why so many in Fairfax hate the police. They are a harassment.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: pgens_ ()
Date: July 22, 2005 05:51PM

Why not just park in a legal spot to help your frail grandmother? What if you got into the house and she was in distress and you had to call 911 and wait with her but the ambulance couldn't get near enough to the house because you were parked in a fire lane?

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 22, 2005 07:57PM

I got a ticket for expired plates for a car I parked in my condo development. I hadn't moved it in months and was waiting for the charity to come tow it away.

I thought cops couldn't patrol private property unless someone calls? Must have been a neighbor.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: July 22, 2005 08:33PM

When I lived in New Orleans, I got a ticket for blocking my own driveway. I sent a letter confirming that it was my address and there was no need to ticket me. They didn't buy it but it would have cost more to miss work and go to court than to pay the fine. Buncha ball-washing bastards if you ask me.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: July 25, 2005 09:22AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 02:38AM by darbrewe.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: FFX Police = Harrassers ()
Date: July 26, 2005 03:06PM

This is the exact reason I HATE FFX Cty police. As a kid, from 16-19 I was pulled about 15 times, never once ticketed, never pulled for a moving violation. Only because I was "part of a random check", "had tinted windows" which I had no tint on at all?!, or the favorite of these asses "no front plate"

Fairfax County police are worse than VA State police, by far. I hate going into the county because of all the road blocks, and other general harassment by the police for pointless offenses which go overlooked in other areas where the police have better things to do. Like protect and serve.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Rob ()
Date: July 26, 2005 04:16PM

You need to find a charity that doesn't take months to pick up a free car

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 26, 2005 08:58PM

Well, no, I wouldn't need to do anything since that was four years ago, but thanks for playing. You lose as usual.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: crybaby ()
Date: July 28, 2005 02:47PM

well then stay out of Fairfax

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: FourFingerFreddy ()
Date: July 28, 2005 03:37PM

How does rob lose...you got the ticket!!

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 06:24PM

yeah and I really should pay it

and "then stay out of fairfax".... very thoughtful response. Sounds like crybaby is... living very nicely up to the name.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2005 06:26PM by rstidman.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: FourFingerFreddy ()
Date: July 29, 2005 01:30AM

Whaaaaaaaa somebody call the whaaambulance for da whittle whittlecry baby

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 29, 2005 06:24AM

rstidman Wrote:
> I got a ticket for expired plates for a car I
> parked in my condo development. I hadn't moved
> it in months and was waiting for the charity to
> come tow it away.
> I thought cops couldn't patrol private property
> unless someone calls? Must have been a neighbor.

Your condo development probably gave written permission for the county to come onto the property and enforce state laws, like tags and stuff. They do this so people don't just leave cars on their property. The parking tickets will give them the leverage they need to tow your car as abandoned. Then the neighborhood doesn't start looking like the ghetto. You should have pressure dthe charity to come and pick it up. Either a neighbor or property manager probably called police to ticket your car.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 29, 2005 06:26AM

Noah Wrote:
> What is it with these cops? I got a parking
> ticket in front of my house!!! I was parked in
> the street for a minute to run inside - I come
> back out to move my car and I have a ticket. I
> was assisting my frail grandmother in the house
> just for a second and I get a ticket.
> UNBELIEVABLE. We are supposed to help the police?
> We have a backwards system in FFX if that's how
> the county is going to make money. I'M DONE WITH
> THE POLICE. A reason like this is why so many in
> Fairfax hate the police. They are a harassment.
What was the ticket for?

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FUCK the Police
Posted by: RasOne ()
Date: July 30, 2005 08:12AM

fire burn fairfax county police

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: August 02, 2005 06:14PM

What was the ticket for Noah?

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: JSPITZ ()
Date: August 12, 2005 10:24AM

FFX Cops are a bunch of Nazi's I was pulled over a couple of months ago by the FFX Camaro for speed, but I was behind an explorer had another car behind me and a mini van next to me, let's just say there were about 7 car all bunched together he pulled everyone over to get to me. told me I was doing 15 over, this was on fullerton when you are ging uphill next to the cusco. I spent 6 yrs in the Marines as Military Police I know how this goes, so I asked him if I could see the radar print out. (By the way you can ask for that) he could not produce it so he gave me a warning, but not before looking around my car for ilegal aftermarket parts like turbo's and front mount intercooler's, "street racing stuff" after he couldnt find anything this fag talked to me for another 10 minutes about the his dam Camaro, "cause he could see I was into cars".

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Jim ()
Date: August 12, 2005 02:48PM

Police in Virginia do NOT have to show you a "radar printout", as such a thing does not exist on the speed detection devices authorized by the state legislature. The ONLY thing they would have to show you at your request would be the speed on a LIDAR device, not RADAR, not on a pace and not on VASCAR. All are recognized speed detection devices or methods but all are quite different. LIDAR is in fact vehicle specific. They can pick you out of a pack of vehicles, it is THAT precise. As a matter of fact, MOST judges do NOT care about "locking in" speeds with RADAR as they would rather have what's known as "tracking history." If you are going to sit here and mouth off about the police at least know what you are talking about Marine. The ignorance displayed on this site is befuddling.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: JSPITZ ()
Date: August 12, 2005 03:34PM

Jim Wrote:
> Police in Virginia do NOT have to show you a
> "radar printout", as such a thing does not exist
> on the speed detection devices authorized by the
> state legislature. The ONLY thing they would have
> to show you at your request would be the speed on
> a LIDAR device, not RADAR, not on a pace and not
> on VASCAR. All are recognized speed detection
> devices or methods but all are quite different.
> LIDAR is in fact vehicle specific. They can pick
> you out of a pack of vehicles, it is THAT precise.
> As a matter of fact, MOST judges do NOT care
> about "locking in" speeds with RADAR as they would
> rather have what's known as "tracking history."
> If you are going to sit here and mouth off about
> the police at least know what you are talking
> about Marine. The ignorance displayed on this
> site is befuddling.

I will give this one ass, all states are different but on Camp Pend we do thinks different they can be printed apone request. You must be one of FFX finest, figures, people posted stuff about fire bombing police stations and you have nothing to say about that. Just like they always seem to catch people speeding, but all the real criminalsget away, just like the guy that hit an ran on me. thanks FFX for showing up an hour later.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2005 03:44PM by JSPITZ.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: August 13, 2005 06:26AM

> I will give this one ass, all states are different
> but on Camp Pend we do thinks different they can
> be printed apone request. You must be one of FFX
> finest, figures, people posted stuff about fire
> bombing police stations and you have nothing to
> say about that. Just like they always seem to
> catch people speeding, but all the real
> criminalsget away, just like the guy that hit an
> ran on me. thanks FFX for showing up an hour
> later.

You know, for posting that you were a MP with the Marines, I would think you would be a little smarter. If you prefer the way the Marines did things, go back. Fairfax is not Camp Pendleton. You posted on another forum that you're the guy zipping in and out of traffic so doesn't surprise me you got stopped. He probably saw you somewhere else that you were driving like an idiot, probably on Backlick or Rolling. Then you got a warning out of it? I think the cop did you a favor and you should be happy. There are alot of people who post on here about their innocence, but actually get tickets or jail time. At least they have a real beef. Jim's post was right, police are not required to show you anything until they go to court. Since you were an "MP" for 6 years, you are all knowing. Well you don't know what you were talking about. I spent 5 years as a MP, and I can assure you, 6 years as a MP on a nice military installation gives you no more knowledge of what it's like out in the real world. I would think as a former USMC MP you would have more respect for law enforcement and the laws out there, but I guess you didn't learn much from the corps. In fact, you're an embarrassement to even say you were in the corps. You never took the time to grow-up it seems and you probably came home to live with your mom and dad again. At least you probably have that nice USMC tattoo on your arm or ass and have something to impress the girls with.

By the way, hit and run with no one injured, is not a real crime. It's an accident. Again, someone bitching about how the police didn't come and solve my problem. Even though they were probably working another crime like a robbery or burglary, or better yet someone elses hit and run. But those things didn't happen to you so their problem isn't as importatnt, only yours is. Maybe the county could magically make more policemen appear, but oh wait then you would have to pay more taxes. Then you could start another thread on how we pay too much in taxes for too many cops and no one still came to my hit and run accident. As a trained MP, I hope you knew to get the tag. If not, I hope you switched to GEICO.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 13, 2005 01:15PM

Anybody who would willingly become a marine is a child-molesting faggot. That's the only type the marines want these days. It's not like back in the day when Marines were tough guys who knew what to do. Nowadays they just prey on children and sexually torture arabs for fun.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: benny ()
Date: August 13, 2005 11:20PM

wow, sounds like you think about this stuff all the time. I guess it is a cliche, but it takes one to know one!

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: JSPITZ ()
Date: August 15, 2005 01:30PM

rstidman Wrote:
> Anybody who would willingly become a marine is a
> child-molesting faggot. That's the only type the
> marines want these days. It's not like back in
> the day when Marines were tough guys who knew what
> to do. Nowadays they just prey on children and
> sexually torture arabs for fun.

WOW, Talk about ignorant. For one that was the Army that did that. And it dosen't matter who did it. You being from America, in a terrorist eye's makes you just as guilty. Oh yeah your welcome for the freedom that was provided to by the Armed forces.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 15, 2005 02:04PM

Actually freedom is provided by the constitution

and since when is guantanamo run by the army????????? I'm not talking about abu graib...marines love to sexually torture arabs just as much as any army....

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: JSPITZ ()
Date: August 16, 2005 09:20AM

rstidman Wrote:
> Actually freedom is provided by the constitution
> and since when is guantanamo run by the
> army????????? I'm not talking about abu
> graib...marines love to sexually torture arabs
> just as much as any army....

I respect your views on the military. But you can't blame every military person for a hand full of idiots. Do you blame every Cop in the U.S for what happened to rodney king. or the guy the cops shot 41 time in New York because they though his wallet was a gun, wait what about the men and women that get sexually assualted every year by the cops does this ring a bell NYPD Cop Gets 15 Years in Louima Case http://www.blackseek.com/articles/2000/n000627-1.html.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: 2fast2furious ()
Date: August 16, 2005 12:40PM

> rstidman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Actually freedom is provided by the
> constitution
> >
> > and since when is guantanamo run by the
> > army????????? I'm not talking about abu
> > graib...marines love to sexually torture
> arabs
> > just as much as any army....
> I respect your views on the military. But you
> can't blame every military person for a hand full
> of idiots. Do you blame every Cop in the U.S for
> what happened to rodney king. or the guy the cops
> shot 41 time in New York because they though his
> wallet was a gun, wait what about the men and
> women that get sexually assualted every year by
> the cops does this ring a bell NYPD Cop Gets 15
> Years in Louima Case .

No. You can't blame all the cops but you can sure as hell blame the dirty ones and their puppeet masters.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Boredom ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:33PM

Noah, get over it. Perhaps next time you’ll find a legal parking space to park your car.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: August 17, 2005 03:55PM

Spitz maybe he saw you weaving in and out of traffic like you bragged about in another post.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: truthserum ()
Date: August 18, 2005 03:41PM

Actually, it appears that civilians, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard are potentially involved in maintaining and operating the facilities in Gitmo where unaligned armed terrorists have been detained since the invasion of Afghanistan. I say this because of the joint nature of the operation. See, for example, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/dod/jtf-gtmo.htm.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: JSPITZ ()
Date: August 22, 2005 03:57PM

truthserum Wrote:
> Actually, it appears that civilians, Army, Navy,
> Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard are potentially
> involved in maintaining and operating the
> facilities in Gitmo where unaligned armed
> terrorists have been detained since the invasion
> of Afghanistan. I say this because of the joint
> nature of the operation. See, for example, .

you are very right

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Smobien ()
Date: August 24, 2005 04:00PM

hah. I would tear that shit up right in front of him

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:22PM

So, you got a parking ticket. If you're guilty, be a man and pay it. If you're not guilty, go to court. What kind of a tool would waste his time complaining about it on a public forum?

Also, as far as being upset about the cops stopping people on multiple occasions and giving warnings: that's called proactive police work. If you see them slacking in Dunkin' Donuts, you complain, if you see them out trying to make a difference you complain. I can't believe how space this website dedicates to cops. Sounds like somebody is jealous to see a man who has more authority and power than him.

Definitely abnormal to obsess so much about dislike for the police when your beef is over a parking ticket.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: chilla ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:37PM

Actually, you are lucky you were not towed. Almost every apartment, condo, and townhouse association have in their parking regulations that you cannot park a vehicle in the parking lot if the plates are expired.

Also, the association may have given the cops permission to come on their property to patrol.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: C. ()
Date: April 18, 2012 02:10AM

The dickhead wrote me a ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign. I took it to court, and showed the judge photos showing that he couldn't have seen a violation beacuse the bushes he was hiding behind were too thick. The judge agreed with me.


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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Smallest Violen in the World ()
Date: April 18, 2012 08:14AM

Oh you're so right, he's such an ogre...

Certificate of Valor Recipients

Police Officer First Class Robert Bauer
Fairfax County Police Department

Police Officer First Class Jose Morillo
Fairfax County Police Department

On New Year’s Eve, a citizen flagged down PFC Bauer, reporting that someone had been stabbed. His calm demeanor didn’t match what he was saying and that triggered PFC Bauer’s concern for his own safety. He called PFC Morillo to back him up, and together they entered the apartment where the man said someone had been stabbed. The officers could see through the open front door that two men were calmly playing cards. Both officers were unsure if this was a true emergency or a potential ambush.

With weapons drawn, Bauer and Morillo checked out room in the apartment. They found a man and a woman, unresponsive on a blood soaked bed. It looked like there had been a massacre. The bloodied man was lying on top of the woman and PFC Morillo moved him to get to the woman. The man began to fight and grab frantically under the bed. Once they handcuffed him, the officers discovered he was bleeding from one wrist and his intestines were exposed from a gaping wound. They also found a knife under the bed.

PFC Bauer checked, but could find no pulse on the woman. Turning to the injured man, the officers tried to stem his bleeding and called for an ambulance, crime scene and homicide detectives. PFC Morillo rode in the ambulance with the injured suspect and took notes to document statements he made confessing to the murder. The suspect survived emergency surgery for his self-inflicted wounds and the woman was pronounced dead.

Both officers rushed into the unknown; encountered strange, unexplained behaviors; steeled themselves for possible ambush; faced a gory murder scene; and struggled with a bloodied, seriously injured man who tried to attack them. PFC Jose Morillo and PFC Robert Bauer acted courageously, unselfishly, and professionally to help two critically injured strangers that night, despite threats to their personal safety.

I wish we had more "assholes" like this, then I probably wouldn't have to hear so much whining from people who can't even obey simple traffic laws. A word of advice...If you don't want a parking ticket, THEN DON'T VIOLATE PARKING LAWS!

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Date: April 18, 2012 08:17AM

They should have just shot the wounded guy.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: WTF4real ()
Date: April 18, 2012 09:38AM

Smallest Violen in the World Wrote:
> Oh you're so right, he's such an ogre...
> Certificate of Valor Recipients
> http://www.fairfaxchamber.org/valor-foundation/201
> 1-valor-award-recipients/?print=y
> Police Officer First Class Robert Bauer
> Fairfax County Police Department
> Police Officer First Class Jose Morillo
> Fairfax County Police Department
> On New Year’s Eve, a citizen flagged down PFC
> Bauer, reporting that someone had been stabbed.
> His calm demeanor didn’t match what he was
> saying and that triggered PFC Bauer’s concern
> for his own safety. He called PFC Morillo to back
> him up, and together they entered the apartment
> where the man said someone had been stabbed. The
> officers could see through the open front door
> that two men were calmly playing cards. Both
> officers were unsure if this was a true emergency
> or a potential ambush.
> With weapons drawn, Bauer and Morillo checked out
> room in the apartment. They found a man and a
> woman, unresponsive on a blood soaked bed. It
> looked like there had been a massacre. The
> bloodied man was lying on top of the woman and PFC
> Morillo moved him to get to the woman. The man
> began to fight and grab frantically under the bed.
> Once they handcuffed him, the officers discovered
> he was bleeding from one wrist and his intestines
> were exposed from a gaping wound. They also found
> a knife under the bed.
> PFC Bauer checked, but could find no pulse on the
> woman. Turning to the injured man, the officers
> tried to stem his bleeding and called for an
> ambulance, crime scene and homicide detectives.
> PFC Morillo rode in the ambulance with the injured
> suspect and took notes to document statements he
> made confessing to the murder. The suspect
> survived emergency surgery for his self-inflicted
> wounds and the woman was pronounced dead.
> Both officers rushed into the unknown; encountered
> strange, unexplained behaviors; steeled themselves
> for possible ambush; faced a gory murder scene;
> and struggled with a bloodied, seriously injured
> man who tried to attack them. PFC Jose Morillo and
> PFC Robert Bauer acted courageously, unselfishly,
> and professionally to help two critically injured
> strangers that night, despite threats to their
> personal safety.
> I wish we had more "assholes" like this, then I
> probably wouldn't have to hear so much whining
> from people who can't even obey simple traffic
> laws. A word of advice...If you don't want a

WAIT!!! so reading the report, they gave this cop a medal for slowly entering the apartment after a citizen told them there had been a stabbing. When they get there after who knows how long, waiting for backup they find a woman dead and a guy with a self inflicted knife wound.

If they had entered the apartment with a little more urgency maybe they could have saved the womans life. They get a medal for wrestling a guy with 2 near fatal knife wounds after he murdered a woman. Cops in DC call that a Tuesday night!

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: April 18, 2012 10:14AM

Wow. Bauer sounds like a hero to me. The blowhards that don't realize that are the sort who would shit in their pants before entering the apartment. Cowards bray the loudest. No, I'm not a cop and I've had my share of tickets but I realize it's a difficult job.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: T-Shirt ()
Date: April 18, 2012 11:38AM


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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: and where's Noah? ()
Date: April 18, 2012 12:32PM

Was he in a residential zone? (Permitted area, without proper sticker) Other infraction?

I'm not saying anything, but more info is needed. Without it, this is just a exercise in speculation. Plus, if there's a valid reason, there are checks and balances. Write a letter to the judge, have your grandmother also. Amazing how a nicely written letter/email, can provide another check and balance, with reason.

Depends on the ticket though. Perhaps you parked in a residential permit zone? As a officer, whether you agree or not, he was enforcing the law. Deal-tell us more.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: usedtobe ()
Date: April 18, 2012 02:40PM


> FFX Cops are a bunch of Nazi's I was pulled over a
> couple of months ago by the FFX Camaro for speed,
> but I was behind an explorer had another car
> behind me and a mini van next to me, let's just
> say there were about 7 car all bunched together he
> pulled everyone over to get to me. told me I was
> doing 15 over, this was on fullerton when you are
> ging uphill next to the cusco. I spent 6 yrs in
> the Marines as Military Police I know how this
> goes, so I asked him if I could see the radar
> print out. (By the way you can ask for that) he
> could not produce it so he gave me a warning, but
> not before looking around my car for ilegal
> aftermarket parts like turbo's and front mount
> intercooler's, "street racing stuff" after he
> couldnt find anything this fag talked to me for
> another 10 minutes about the his dam Camaro,
> "cause he could see I was into cars".

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: dcpd ()
Date: April 18, 2012 02:47PM

Your right, these guys would not 5 minutes in dc, hahaha they remind me of the cops in smoky and the bandit

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Date: April 18, 2012 02:59PM

WAIT!!! so reading the report, they gave this cop a medal for slowly entering the apartment after a citizen told them there had been a stabbing. When they get there after who knows how long, waiting for backup they find a woman dead and a guy with a self inflicted knife wound.

If they had entered the apartment with a little more urgency maybe they could have saved the womans life. They get a medal for wrestling a guy with 2 near fatal knife wounds after he murdered a woman. Cops in DC call that a Tuesday night!

--So says the fat shit sitting on his couch in his basement. How's the view from the safety of your mom's house?

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: whiny bitch ()
Date: April 18, 2012 06:03PM

So what op is saying is I still live in mom or grandmas basement and I'm 30?

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: April 18, 2012 06:12PM

I hate these fuckers in Fairfax who live by the minute rule- fuck the law because I'm gonna break it for only a minute...my life and needs are so special who cares if it inconveniences someone else...they can wait for me.. I'm KING OF THE FUCKING WORLD!

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Unreals ()
Date: April 19, 2012 03:54AM

The irrational worship of police on forums like this is nauseating. Anyone who has dealt with cops knows that they are far more likely to be corrupt and/or incompetent harrassers of citizens than they are to be any kind of heroes. Cops don't stop crime. They certainly don't solve them very often (remember, during the D.C. sniper period, the snipers left a note tacked to a tree at the crime scene, and had to call the police repeatedly before they even noticed it).

Real "valor" on the part of police is almost nonexistent. They are far more likely to taser a toddler or someone in a wheelchair, or barge into the wrong house and shoot the occupant, than they are to identify and apprehend a truly violent criminal. They are far more trouble than they're worth.

They are good at hiding behind bushes, however....

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: LOLZ delusional ()
Date: April 19, 2012 04:04AM

Unreals Wrote:
> The irrational worship of police on forums like
> this is nauseating. Anyone who has dealt with cops
> knows that they are far more likely to be corrupt
> and/or incompetent harrassers of citizens than
> they are to be any kind of heroes. Cops don't stop
> crime. They certainly don't solve them very often
> (remember, during the D.C. sniper period, the
> snipers left a note tacked to a tree at the crime
> scene, and had to call the police repeatedly
> before they even noticed it).
> Real "valor" on the part of police is almost
> nonexistent. They are far more likely to taser a
> toddler or someone in a wheelchair, or barge into
> the wrong house and shoot the occupant, than they
> are to identify and apprehend a truly violent
> criminal. They are far more trouble than they're
> worth.
> They are good at hiding behind bushes, however....

So What academy with its 1,000s of hours of training, and law did you fail from? I guess also you were not able to complete your Bachelor's degree, nor get through the selection process with polygraphs and other various interviews/character references? Whine. Do some more. Then call when you need help.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Unreals ()
Date: April 19, 2012 05:29AM

Look, I would never want to be a cop. It's a thankless job, even if they all were honest and actually wanted to protect the peace. That being said, just look at all the videos out there, that substantiate the corrupt behavior on the part of countless police officers every day. Proof is readily available that they use their power to beat and intimidate citizens, often people who have done nothing remotely "wrong."

I can guarantee that I will never "need" the police. If I needed them, even if they were prompt and efficient, it is unlikely they'd get there in time to help. On the other hand, they are always there, hiding in the bushes, to nab peaceful citizens for petty "offenses."

They need to have their power greatly curtailed, and a whole new background investigatory procedure established, so that life long bullies and unstable personalities are not hired and given this kind of blanket authority. As long as clueless people like some on this forum continue to defend them, and permit them to run roughshod over the liberties of the people, then things will simply never get better.

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Re: Officer Robert Bauer FFX Police Writes me a Ticket Parked in Front of My HOUSE!!!
Posted by: Not a cop ()
Date: April 19, 2012 07:22AM

The more posts from losers who clearly broke the law and then complain about being caught, the more I appreciate the cops for dealing with you scum.

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