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UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: July 07, 2010 09:05AM


I'm one of the lucky 3,000!


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: welp ()
Date: July 07, 2010 10:04AM

Be sure to thank Obama. (One big ass mistake america)

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Voter___ ()
Date: July 07, 2010 10:08AM

Felts said UniCare's decision in Virginia is not related to recently enacted health-care legislation but is the result of competition from larger carriers, such as CareFirst and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield that "UniCare has been fighting for years."


welp Wrote:
> Be sure to thank Obama. (One big ass mistake
> america)

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Yabels ()
Date: July 07, 2010 10:59AM

I totally thought that this thread said "Unicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Vaginas!". I'm even more upset at this news, but a little relieved at the knowledge that no vaginas were dropped.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 07, 2010 11:27AM

Voter___ Wrote:
> Felts said UniCare's decision in Virginia is not
> related to recently enacted health-care
> legislation but is the result of competition from
> larger carriers, such as CareFirst and Anthem Blue
> Cross and Blue Shield that "UniCare has been
> fighting for years."

Please... try to put things together. Both UniCare and Anthem are part of WellPoint. Shortly insurance companies will be forced to accept people with pre-existing conditions. Why not have one of your subsidiaries drop customers in a market serviced by another subsidiary BEFORE that happens and charge more for the pre-existing condition or drop those risky people altogether for a while?

This is why I was in a very small minority suggesting the insurance company mafiosas get written out of the system completely and move to single-payer. They are a meddlesome middleman that tacks cost onto the entire system. If you believe the timing for what UniCare did was coincidence (and believe a press release from a health insurance carrier) you are naïve.

Here's another clue to the truth from the article: "The termination will affect only health insurance. UniCare life, dental, vision, disability and Medicare coverage will not be affected." Wow, UniCare was kicking Anthem's ass in dental and all the Medicare coverage, pretty much everything BUT what the impending legislation is going to affect... whew, good thing they didn't drop those!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2010 11:30AM by pgens.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Whobe ()
Date: July 07, 2010 01:57PM

I found this out last winter when I tried to change my policy. Switched the family to Anthem while I had some surgery done and now waiting to get in with Anthem too.
Funny I got the cancellation letter last week and this week a letter extolling their great continued coverage?

Anthem is a little cheaper but I'm sure that won't last more than 1 season once they get everybody over to them.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: July 08, 2010 07:09AM

pgens Wrote:
> Please... try to put things together. Both
> UniCare and Anthem are part of WellPoint. Shortly
> insurance companies will be forced to accept
> people with pre-existing conditions. Why not have
> one of your subsidiaries drop customers in a
> market serviced by another subsidiary BEFORE that
> happens and charge more for the pre-existing
> condition or drop those risky people altogether
> for a while?

Ding ding ding ding! And we have a winner!

> This is why I was in a very small minority
> suggesting the insurance company mafiosas get
> written out of the system completely and move to
> single-payer. They are a meddlesome middleman
> that tacks cost onto the entire system. If you
> believe the timing for what UniCare did was
> coincidence (and believe a press release from a
> health insurance carrier) you are naïve.

Hell no. I have Premera and they're 100% badass *AND* a non-profit health insurance company. Mess with them and I along with 88 thousand of my fellow employees will find you and take a dump down your throat.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: July 08, 2010 07:55AM

That's intersting, I never knew the two were affiliated. I've got to bone up and read on some of this shit to figure out what my next move is.

I've had a cheapo, high deductible policy for years and always thought I'd offset it by staying in good shape. Oh well, I guess this is my wakeup call to go look for a product that fits my present needs and try not to get whored while I'm at it.

pgens Wrote:
> Voter___ Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Felts said UniCare's decision in Virginia is
> not
> > related to recently enacted health-care
> > legislation but is the result of competition
> from
> > larger carriers, such as CareFirst and Anthem
> Blue
> > Cross and Blue Shield that "UniCare has been
> > fighting for years."
> Please... try to put things together. Both
> UniCare and Anthem are part of WellPoint. Shortly
> insurance companies will be forced to accept
> people with pre-existing conditions. Why not have
> one of your subsidiaries drop customers in a
> market serviced by another subsidiary BEFORE that
> happens and charge more for the pre-existing
> condition or drop those risky people altogether
> for a while?
> This is why I was in a very small minority
> suggesting the insurance company mafiosas get
> written out of the system completely and move to
> single-payer. They are a meddlesome middleman
> that tacks cost onto the entire system. If you
> believe the timing for what UniCare did was
> coincidence (and believe a press release from a
> health insurance carrier) you are naïve.
> Here's another clue to the truth from the article:
> "The termination will affect only health
> insurance. UniCare life, dental, vision,
> disability and Medicare coverage will not be
> affected." Wow, UniCare was kicking Anthem's ass
> in dental and all the Medicare coverage, pretty
> much everything BUT what the impending legislation
> is going to affect... whew, good thing they didn't
> drop those!


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 08, 2010 08:38AM

I don't envy your situation at all, though I think many of us will face some kind of change. No matter how well intentioned, when Washington makes moves two things happen: reactions/counter-moves by the industry affected, and unintended consequences. Often times both are worse than the problems intended for solving, and why real "reform" should be far-reaching, innovative, and very impactful to mean anything.

boredom Wrote:
> Hell no. I have Premera and they're 100% badass *AND* a non-profit
> health insurance company.

re Premera: non-profit status for a health insurance company isn't a blue ribbon, it is a red flag. I have had good insurance companies (some non-profit) too, but don't be deceived into thinking they aren't a suck on the system as well. If you have seen their annual meetings and how their executives travel, you will see no difference between a non-profit health insurance company and a for-profit one: extravagance and excess abound. Non-profit doesn't mean they don't make money, it means they are tax-sheltered.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: go away ()
Date: July 08, 2010 09:24AM

It is always intersting to see the differences in the quality of posts. You have pgens who provides information and sensible analysis, and then you have welp who is in over his head and has nothing to offer. (I don't much like the health care reform either, but that is beside the point.)

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: July 08, 2010 03:00PM

pgens Wrote:
> re Premera: non-profit status for a health
> insurance company isn't a blue ribbon, it is a red
> flag. I have had good insurance companies (some
> non-profit) too, but don't be deceived into
> thinking they aren't a suck on the system as well.
> If you have seen their annual meetings and how
> their executives travel, you will see no
> difference between a non-profit health insurance
> company and a for-profit one: extravagance and
> excess abound. Non-profit doesn't mean they don't
> make money, it means they are tax-sheltered.

Technically, non-profit only means that they do not distribute their profits to owners or shareholders. Any profit they make must be used to further the goals of the organization, and I'm sure there is major flexibility in what they can classify as "furthering the goals of the organization."

In any event, I didn't say they were noble, that their executives were living on middle-class salaries, or that they travel by greyhound to save on expenses. For all I know they abuse the shit out of their non-profit status. I really could care less because they are, quite simply, the finest insurance company I've ever used. Compared to Aetna, Kaiser, UHC, and one or two others I'm forgetting, Premera is fantastic. Everyone I've spoken with speaks clear english, appears to live in Seattle (where the particular office is located), and is extremely helpful.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Les ()
Date: July 08, 2010 04:34PM

The government has a new website up but it lacks quotes.


Some of the insurers own other facilities,such as outpatient clinics and labs. The profits get returned to these units as incentives for holding down costs (by denying or limiting service).


Felts said UniCare's decision in Virginia is not related to recently enacted health-care legislation but is the result of competition from larger carriers, such as CareFirst and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield that "UniCare has been fighting for years." UniCare and Anthem Blue Cross are subsidiaries of WellPoint.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Karen ()
Date: August 06, 2010 08:33PM

I got the letter also....just after they unicare send me a letter how they would provide the best ...than....BOOM....we are cancelling all of Virginia....they gave me no options,,,basically thru me to the curb,,,yacking about costs and how they can not afford virginia,,,this has nothing to do with Obama's health reform this is this the way they can do anything they wanr at any time..uhhggg i have preexsisting ,,,yuck....ummm i work for a very small struggling bussiness,,,where do i go?who will want me....uggh..kjs
this is why we need health reform...thank yourself if you have good health and a good company....you are lucky....for now...

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Seroiously try ()
Date: August 06, 2010 09:44PM

Try Kaiser. I heard nothing but negative comments about Kaiser for years but I can say they are the most affordable and offer excellent care in Virginia. I should have switched years ago.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: R. E. agent ()
Date: September 23, 2010 04:08PM

I am also one of the lucky ones dropped....I think we all need to get together to fight this. No, you cannot be denied for pre-existing conditions BUT there is not cap of price so expect to pay 2 to 3 times more if you are self employed, as I am.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 23, 2010 04:22PM

Damn....I read the post wrong...I thought you said virgins

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: conVince ()
Date: September 23, 2010 05:23PM

R. E. agent Wrote:
> I am also one of the lucky ones dropped....I think
> we all need to get together to fight this. No, you
> cannot be denied for pre-existing conditions BUT
> there is not cap of price so expect to pay 2 to 3
> times more if you are self employed, as I am.

The "time to fight this" was the 2008 presidential campaign. We got what we voted in, good job. Most of our area is represented by demokrats and Fairfax County went blue. Sorry, vote correctly next time and encourage your friends to do the same. Campaign against these kriminal demokrats.


twitter @EyeAmU

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: September 23, 2010 06:13PM

That's my "problem" also, self-employment. I am not sure if which direction to go and I haven't begun the oh so exciting task of reviewing other providers and options. What do you think?

I was considering taking UC off of my bank auto-pay and only paying the fuckers if I needed to go, let the account go into arrears but keep the policy active.

R. E. agent Wrote:
> I am also one of the lucky ones dropped....I think
> we all need to get together to fight this. No, you
> cannot be denied for pre-existing conditions BUT
> there is not cap of price so expect to pay 2 to 3
> times more if you are self employed, as I am.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Qwest ()
Date: September 23, 2010 06:50PM

Obama care makes it almost impossible for an insurance company to drop current insuree's. Too bad the law only went into effect today.

Insurance companies could pretty much do what they wanted before the health care law, at least now insurance company have to play half way fair. Insurance companies are nothing but snakes in the grass.

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: KJ..VA ()
Date: October 20, 2010 10:48PM

I am losing my insurance come(very small biz i get a new insurance at 50 yo female with some pre exsiting condtions??? any hints/advise

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Re: UNicare Health Insurance Drops 3,000 Virginians
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: October 20, 2010 11:37PM

I guess I should feel lucky to pay only 40 bucks a paycheck for a preferred PPO from BCBS or United, but I work for a HUGE company that can negotiate those kinds of rates.

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