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Kiddie parks
Posted by: Brokedick13 ()
Date: July 22, 2005 10:23AM

I am new to the Fairfax area (Virginia for that matter), and have been having trouble locating a good kiddie park for my 2 year old. Any info on parks with play structures, swing sets, and maybe some walking trails would be appreciated. Anything within 10 minutes driving distance of Fair Oaks Mall or the Penderbrook area would be helpful.

Thanking everyone in advance,

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: July 22, 2005 11:26AM

Are you talking about the subdivision types? I know there HAS to be at least one of those in Fair Lakes. I lived there for two years but I cannot remember where they are.

There's also one in Greenbriar, I think its part of the school there. Elementary schools is probably a good idea too. I know there has to be one in your area, thats an actual park. It'll come to me later.

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: July 22, 2005 11:57AM

Here's the Fairfax County Park Authority overview of some of the major parks.

I used to live behind Nottowood park off Courthouse Rd. (66E to 123 turn right onto Courthouse). It's got some good stuff.

Also check out the green sections of this Google map of the Fair Oaks area. Those are either parks or golf courses.

Just be sure to make sure there's not too many sex offenders living around the parks, right?

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: Brokedick13 ()
Date: July 22, 2005 12:16PM

dlee Wrote:
> Just be sure to make sure there's not too many sex
> offenders living around the parks, right?

I do not plan on letting my son (or daughter-7 mos.) out of my site, but just out of curiosity, is that a big problem here? I guess being a fairly new parent, I've never really put much thought into it.

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: July 22, 2005 12:26PM

I don't thinks so. Cary has a link to the FCPD police log: http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/ps/police/reports/news.htm
And there's not much there. The only thing I can recal in the past year was that kid that got groped at the Fair Lakes Toys-R-Us.

I didn't mean to worry you. I was just thinking about when I checked Somebody's site the other day for my area code 22030 and apparently one Mike El-Yussif lives at the Country Club of Fairfax...

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: Brokedick13 ()
Date: July 22, 2005 02:05PM

I looked at the sex offenders link, and I noticed we have one in the complex next door. I try not to worry too much, but I do try to be safe.:)

I did in fact just go to nottowood park with my kids. The toddler play area was small, but it was still nicer than what we have in our complex. Thank you. I found a nice one in falls church the other day, but it's too far away to take him out there everyday.

Thanks again,

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: kit.car ()
Date: July 22, 2005 05:21PM

I like Algonkian Regional Park...

Too far for you on daily bases, but it has 5 HUGE play structures lined up with each one being setup for different age appropriate skills. Its set in the tree line so its shady. Lots of walking trails and even a water park. Its up 7100 FFX PKWY to Algonkian PKWY. Check out the web site. I am not down that way too often in the summer as I am in Herndon. I do have Far Oaks mall play area in the rotation during the winter months with my youngest.


also a little closer would be Bull Run not as large but good too.


Good Luck,


Stay-At-Home Dad

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 22, 2005 07:59PM

Cameron Run park on Eisenhower ave in Alexandria has a waterpark and decent playgrounds

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 30, 2005 12:43PM

A nice day trip is good to Lake Fairfax water park and right down the street is Reston Petting Zoo. The kids playgrounds are slim, but check teh elementary schools along Stringfellow. The rec center at Oak Marr may have some activities. They have an indoor pool I believe. Kids under 4 are free. If you don't spending some money, enroll the kid in the Little Gym. They have weekly classes for 2 or 3 year olds. Parents participate. My daughter is 4 going on 5 and loves the place. Been going there since she was 3. I'm sure there is one near Greenbriar. I live in the south end of the county so I don't know all of the area near Fair Oaks. Burke Lake park has 3 playgrounds, a merri go'round and little train. Excellent place to go. Lot's of trails, frisbee golf, and mini golf. The lake has docks nearby with ducks and geese. Great place to go with family and kids for an afternoon. 10 minute drive south on Rt123 from Fairfax City (GMU). One playground is under the trees so it is shaded and next to the ice cream parlor. The larger playground is near lake, but no shade. Check DLEE's post above for the link to the park.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2005 12:44PM by SWweeman.

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: mud ()
Date: August 08, 2005 07:44AM

There's definitely a lack of parks here for the, say, 2-8 age group. We came from Minnesota and they have play parks every few blocks, and some that the adults can enjoy -- rope jungle gyms that are 20 feet high and really complicated.

I'd write to someone like the person who represents you on the Board of Supervisors. If enough people eventually write they might get the message.

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Re: Kiddie parks
Posted by: CERTenly480924 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:14AM


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