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Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: GuntherVA ()
Date: June 06, 2007 04:57PM

Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?

Let's say someone goes bar-hopping every week and pick
a one-night-stand each time.... is he/she more likel
to get VD in New York City or Fairfax County?

Thanks for any info!

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: hold em' ()
Date: June 06, 2007 05:33PM

Only a total idiot has unprotected sex with someone he/she just met.
You can cure VD, what you should worry about is herpes which has no cure and is easily transmitted. Then there is AIDS which is a death penalty.

If you are a guy and pick up a girl who has unprotected sex and you just met her what are the chances she does that with alot of guys? Probably very good.

Then there is the all time great that she needs five hundred bucks for an abortion. You can sit back and sweat it out that she has the abortion and maybe she pockets your money and deceides to have the baby anyway. Welcome to 18+ years of child support.

Bottom line: Dont be stupid. Is it worth the risk?

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: ya ()
Date: June 06, 2007 06:30PM

hold em' Wrote:
> Only a total idiot has unprotected sex with
> someone he/she just met.

Hey, I was drunk and high, what can I say. It happens

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: Seriously ()
Date: June 07, 2007 12:11AM

what is vd?

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 07, 2007 12:42AM

venereal disease is what vd stands for. "VD" is not one thing, herpes, aids, and all that crap are "VD", venereal disease. The modern term is "STD". "VD" is what people called sexually transmitted diseases 30 years ago (or more).

hold em's post seriously lacks credibility for this very reason: he is using a dated reference incorrectly.

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 07, 2007 01:02AM

hold em' Wrote:
> Then there is the all time great that she needs
> five hundred bucks for an abortion.

it's $400

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: Holden McCrank ()
Date: June 07, 2007 06:29AM

$400? You're paying way too much. Just send your girl to me. I'm running a special this week only: The Rusty Coathanger for $50, or The Stomach Punch for only $25.

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: June 07, 2007 10:45AM

LOL, there are only two VD's that can't be cured? More like 15 that have no cure and 5 of those will kill you.

I've known girls who have admitted to me that they have X VD. Never slept them thank god. I'm always amazed when they get drunk and take a guy home with them. If it's a guy I know then I'll tell them "you better not sleep with her, she's got something you don't want", but if it's some ass then he's on his own.

I was in a bar once with the girl and to kill boredom I started saying "Ok she slept with X, I know X slept with X and so on..." By the time I was done I amazed by how many people could possibly be infected.

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: hold em' ()
Date: June 07, 2007 06:34PM

reston, herpes can be separate from vd. You can have a herpes sore on the lips even in the eyes. Would you call that a veneral disease?

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: June 07, 2007 08:07PM

30 years ago my ass... an episode of friends comes to mind..

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Re: Does Fairfax County's health dept keep track of VD?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 08, 2007 01:07AM

I would say any disease that arises from contact with a sexual organ falls under the popular definition of VD. The dictionary might be more specific about it, so as to define it as arising from intercourse.

My point was merely to show that 'VD" is not a single disease, but a range of diseases, as hold 'em was stating that VD is a disease unto itself.

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