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Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Chip ()
Date: July 21, 2005 06:50AM

Please see my attached letter to my Mr. Fry and Gerry Connolly. Gerry needs to go!


Mr. Michael R. Frey, Supervisor
Sully District Governmental Center
4900 Stonecraft Boulevard
Chantilly, VA 20151

Re: xxxx Point Pleasant Drive Reflects the Crisis We Have In Fairfax
County, Virginia, And the United States of America.

Impact: INNOVA Fair Oaks Hospital Won’t Pay Their Critical Care Nurses!
Federal, State, and Local Governments Are Going Broke and Passing On The Expense In Unfair Higher Taxes.

Dear Mr. Frey:

For your review I have attached in detail my complaint referencing the severe zoning violation located at xxxxx Point Pleasant Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151. The purpose and intent of my letter is not specifically this address, but to emplore you, Gerry Connolly, and the rest of the Supervisors to enforce existing laws and create policy change. This issue of illegally boarding people in single-family homes is rampant not only in Fairfax, but also throughout our country.

The only thing I would like to add to my zoning complaint is the following and exemplifies my grievance. One of the numerous families that live in this house drives a commercial truck (TV 30-944 VA) (both a county violation and HOA violation). It is a family that consists of a father, mother, and two children. This is the exact same size as my family, but what’s the difference. Both of these houses are designed for a family of 4 or 5. Not designed for my size family and 16 additional unrelated individuals. Additionally, it took 254 years (Fairfax County established in 1742) for my taxes to reach 3,000 (1996) and 9 years later my taxes have doubled to $ 6,000. How much money did the man that owns the commercial truck pay to the county; Nothing! I will also challenge you and ensure you his name is not Silva Guzman Florentino, the owner!

Impact: My wife is a Critical Care Nurse at INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital. Do you think a Critical Care Nurse is a valuable asset; the INOVA Hospital system does not think so. Approximately a year ago they changed the way they evaluate the total paid time off (PTO) for nurses, they took part of it away because they are not making any money. They have too many patients that don’t pay their bills. In June I finished up my Command and General Staff College for the Army and returned on a Saturday so my wife could work her required shift on Sunday morning (12 hour shifts). At 5:00 AM she received a call telling her that she did not need to come to work today because they did not have enough patients and by the way, WE WON’T PAY YOU! Could you live this way, could you pay your outrageous tax bill to the county and mortgage if Fairfax County told you not to come to work today and by the way, we will not pay you!

Let me tell you why INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital does not make any money:

1. Last fall Fairfax County Police brought in an illegal Hispanic gang member into the ICU because he was going through alcohol withdrawal. They picked him up because he did not go to his court appearance. I ask you the following, who is going to pay his bill? Why did our county ever let him out of jail? Why was he not turned over to the INS?
2. Last summer, an Indian man (India) living in this country legally brought his mother over on a tourist visa and dropped his mother off at Fair Oaks Hospital. The women had cancer and he brought her in as a self-pay patient, which means NO PAY PATIENT! She was treated with chemotherapy and radiation and her son threatened to sue the hospital if they did not give her experimental drugs he found on the Internet. She eventually died after three weeks in the ICU. Who is going to pay this bill? It was probably into the hundreds of thousands of dollars and at the same time the hospital has to be concerned they may be sued!
3. Last year an elderly Korean man was admitted to the ICU, thank GOD this was not my wife’s patient. The man had TB and ended up dieing from it a couple of days later. Didn’t we eradicate TB 40 years ago? Would you want your wife exposed to TB?

A couple of years ago when the state was going through the budget crisis, the INOVA management sent out letters to their employees asking them to contact their state representatives to make sure the state funds the MEDICADE (Welfare) portion of the total bill. This is the same organization that seems not to care for their employees. If my wife used INOVA’s health care plan she would not have any take home money, it would all go to pay the health care insurance, but it is fine for them to tell her to have the state pay for someone else’s health care and at the same time raise her taxes and they also stressed these are the same people that live in our community.

To prove my point, last fall Gov. Mark Warner announced plans to get more children across the state to renew their health insurance coverage with a bi-language initiative (FAMIS). I thought at one time our country valued the idea and required if you came to this country you could not get welfare. The same article (Examiner) noted 41 percent of the children enrolled in FAMIS and FAMIS Plus are Hispanic. It also noted Fairfax County had 27,984 children enrolled in the program. I don’t mind helping the needy, but Fairfax County is becoming a welfare magnet at my expense. In raw numbers and before the first free lunch is paid for, it costs Fairfax County a staggering $ 307 Million dollars to educate these children. When will it stop and how many more can we afford to put onto the welfare role in Fairfax County. Gov Mark Warner also noted at last February’s Governors Conference “By 2010, there’s going to be less than 10 percent of the jobs that are no-skill jobs”; this was in reference to revamping our nation’s education system. If your not educated, have no skill, and speak limited English what will you do?

Two years ago I wrote a letter to the President of the United States, which focused on Fairfax County and our staggering support to welfare through out our county. I sent a copy to you and Gerry Connolly. I will copy some of the information for your review to prove my point using three-year-old data:

1. Fairfax County promotes Housing Vouchers.
a. I was recently interviewed for my Top Secret Clearance required for my military reserve assignment.
b. Lisa Morris, the investigator that interviewed me recently graduated from college (2 years ago).
c. Her job started at $ 30,000 and she thought she was doing very well for just getting out of college.
d. She applied for an apartment in Fairfax County and was told she did not qualify at her salary, but she qualified for subsidized housing because she made less than $ 36,000 and could get a voucher!

COST: Fairfax County promotes housing vouchers and wants me to burden the cost.

2. Let us go deeper into Fairfax County’s Welfare engineering program.
a. If one individual makes $ 45,900, they would qualify for subsidized housing (see below).
b. Housing vouchers range from $ 865 to $ 2,466 (see below).

Fairfax County Housing Polices

Fairfax County Income Requirements and Rents
Income limits revised July 2002

Application (Fillable PDF)

Chatham Town, Colchester Towne*, Island Creek, Little River Square, McLean Hills, Springfield Green, Penderbrook

Unit Size Base Rent Min Income Family Size Max Income

Efficiency $531 $18,206 1 $45,900
1 Bedroom $607 $20,811 2 $52,500
2 Bedroom $723 $24,789 3 $59,050
3 Bedroom $805 $27,600 4 $65,600
5 $70,850
6 $76,100


Fairfax County Housing Vouchers
Payment Standards - Includes Rent and Utilities
Effective November 2, 2002
(Please note: These are maximum limits and actual rent approved
must be comparable to rents for similar units in your area.)

Bedroom Size Maximum Limits
0 BR $ 865
1 BR $ 984
2 BR $1,154 3 BR $1,573
4 BR $1,897
5 BR $2,181
6 BR $2,466
Mobile Home Pad $ 461


In closing, I was alarmed last March when the Fairfax County leaders asked Virginia’s governor to amend a state bill so that localities would not have to verify that public assistance clients are legal residents. Why do we allow illegals to live in are county? Why are we promoting welfare, when you subsidize any behavior, good or bad you will only get more of what ever you support financially. Do you want to live next to a boarding house? Do you want to be unfairly taxed? Should my wife be paid as a Critical Care Nurse? Every one of these issues has and will eventually impact you also. I don’t think it is right, morale, and/or should be tolerated by our elected county officials to promote and ask me to pay for this type of illegal behavior. xxxxx Point Pleasant Drive represents the severe problems we have in Fairfax County and our Nation. Why is it that only some of us in America are required to obey the laws, pay unfairly higher taxes because of what we tolerate, put up with MS-13 type gangs because we promote deviant behavior. I emplore you and the rest of the board to take the right step, enforce existing zoning laws and most importantly create legislation to minimize welfare, work in conjunction with the State and Federal counter parts to enforce INS laws and clean up our county. By the way, my German immigrant wife was called about a month ago from INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital telling her she may have been exposed TB! Yes the same Fair Oaks that does not think they need to pay nurses!



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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: July 21, 2005 04:38PM

You write like a Nigerian spammer.

but to emplore you
Why do we allow illegals to live in are county?
I emplore you and the rest of the board to take the right step
work in conjunction with the State and Federal counter parts

I got tired of picking them out. If you want to write a letter "emploring" somebody to take action, at least have the common sense to check your spelling. If I received this letter I would trash it by mistake #2 and that's the end of it. If you don't care enough to send me a properly written letter, I don't care enough to read it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2005 06:00PM by mad max, JD.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: July 21, 2005 07:51PM

I have to be a dick, and agree with mad max: You speak the English language well, I'm sure, now please learn how to write it.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: ben ()
Date: July 21, 2005 08:02PM

This house is at the entrance to Poplar Tree Estates coming from Stringfellow Rd, on the right side just past Tulip Tree Ct. and next to the graveyard. There are normally about 10 cars parked in front, and from what I've heard (from a real estate agent) every room in the house has been converted into a bedroom.

And yes, most of the cars are tacky. Big green SUV with no-name chrome rims, Corolla with flame decals, etc.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Ken Brockman ()
Date: July 23, 2005 02:52PM

"Let me tell you why INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital does not make any money:


3. Last year an elderly Korean man was admitted to the ICU, thank GOD this was not my wife’s patient. The man had TB and ended up dieing from it a couple of days later. Didn’t we eradicate TB 40 years ago? Would you want your wife exposed to TB?"

What does reason #3 have to do with why the hospital doesn't make money?
I don't get it. #1, and #2 involve non-paying non-citizens, so ok, those pass as valid supporting arguments, but then #3 just talks about an old guy with a disease.
Am I missing something? Who cares if your wife was exposed to a disease. That's why hospital staff wear latex gloves and a medical masks. Hospitals are where diseased people go. I don't know, that's just what I always thought.

Can someone explain this to me?

/I laughed and agreed with Madmax, He DOES sound like a nigerian scammer.
//Chip just needs a hug from his mommy.

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You Don't Get It!
Posted by: Rick ()
Date: July 24, 2005 09:58AM

To the three individuals that don't get it, this may help!

1. How do you think the elderly Korean man paid for his medical services? Did you know if you come to this country (elderly) you can enroll in Medicare without ever putting a dollar into the system.

2. The same individuall could get social security under the SSI provision.

3. In 1900 we would have never allowed anyone to enter this country with TB.

4. Did you know there are some forms of TB that cost $ 250,000 in medical costs to cure, takes 4 months of treatments and with lifetime side affects.

5. Why would we let anyone in this country with TB.

6. Did you know 20 percent of all people in jail today are illegal Hispanic. Source: Zell Miller (Former Senator from GA)

7. Maybe you want to live next a flop house, get TB and continue to pay Gerry Connolly's out of control taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Wake Up

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Re: You Don't Get It!
Posted by: Ken Brockman ()
Date: July 24, 2005 10:06PM

1) Chip aka Rick. Stop changing your name. Pick a name and stick with it.

2) Koreans aren't hispanic. Korea is in North East Asia, not middle/South America.

3) I have a bunch of Korean friends, and they are rich bastards. Ever been to Lifetime? The parking lot is all lexus/bmw/mercedes, and inside it's all koreans. I bet there's under 10 koreans total in jail, And I'm pretty sure they have the money to pay their medical bills.

It sounds like all this just stems from you hating your neighbors. Well, that's your problem. Everyone else has enough more important problems, than to worry about your petty hatred of your neighbors.

This is Fairfax, one of the richest a$$ suburbs in the U.S., if you're too poor to deal with the taxes, then move the f*ck out. Go back to Georgia, or some other mayberry boondocks where you won't see hispanics or koreans, if you hate them so much.

So I think you just need to relax, shave your mullet, grab a pack of coronas, and go over to your neighbors house and invite yourself to dinner. Maybe they'll have chalupas.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 24, 2005 10:32PM

Korean bbq is the best. And I have to say, my sister-in-law is korean and she's pretty rich, and she wouldn't last a second in any kind of confinement so no way she's been to jail..

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: FFXSUCKS ()
Date: July 27, 2005 03:50PM

What he is trying to say is that the elderly Korean man is admitted to the hospital and WE (yes you too) are paying for it!! In addition, as for the TB issue, this is a disease that was pretty much wiped out in the mid to late 50's. Since 1985, cases of TB have been rising at an alarming rate in FFX County Schools. There are tooooo many illegals living in this area. If you need proof, go to the 7-11 at the corner of Hummer Rd and 236 on any given week day and then let us know what you think!!!!

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Ken Brockman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 01:30AM

I never see any Koreans there at 7-11 of Hummer Rd and 236.

Once again, FFXSUCKS, please take notes on this if you have to: Koreans are North East Asian. Hispanics are from middle/south America.

This is simple geography / common sense, people. Koreans do not = illegal hispanics.

Here is some picture examples to help you mullet people distinguish the differences.

GIS for "Koreans"

GIS for "Hispanics"

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 08:46AM

the proper term for a person from latin america is "latino".. Hispanic refers to any spanish-speaking person and is not considered acceptable in some places now.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 28, 2005 10:05AM

Ken, the illegal Koreans are working in the massage parlors. Also, just because day workers are found at the 7-Eleven doesn't make them illegals. Apparently you have a predisposition to being biased against the Latinos and Latinas. By the way, My bet is that there are people here illegally from every country in the world.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 01:13PM

I agree, we should be biased against all races EQUALLY. They all should be deported - latino, korean, chinese, red, yellow, green, I don't care.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: August 03, 2005 12:46PM

I was re-watching the old Bad News Bears the other day and cracked up at the part where Tanner is saying all we got on this team is spics, niggers, and jews; and Ogilvie comes up and says, in case you haven't noticed, you're one of the few non-spics, jews, or niggers on this team.

That scene definitely didn't make the new version.

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Re: You Don't Get It!
Posted by: Tiffany ()
Date: August 05, 2005 06:13PM

You are too funny.

The Guy's letter was all over the map. If he could have written a cohesive and understandable letter maybe he would not be so exasperating or exasperated!

I understand (not necessarily agree) with all that he was trying to say but maybe he should have let someone else take that memo.

He rambled on to tell us at the end his wife was a German Imigrant who does not get paid (she is called a PRN nurse or as needed, meaning Inova pays when THEY need her to work) and that she was possibly exposed to TB. As a former volunteer at INOVA Fair OaKs I can tell you that you get vacinated for TB and that there is always a threat when you work in Health services whether you are in Fairfax County or West Virginia.

In the end what does his wife's job status, her immigration status and and all the extraneous stuff he put in the letter help to prove??? Not a darn thing but that he needs to be more coherent before he tries to educate anyone about the troubles he views in Fairfax County.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: jigaboo ()
Date: August 07, 2005 01:09PM

as long as we get rid of those damn mics i'll be happy.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 07, 2005 02:34PM

what did microphones ever do to you? If you don't look out I'll tell a MICK and he'll kick your redneck ass.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: jigaboo ()
Date: August 07, 2005 08:10PM

rstidman, did you actually take that seriously? I didn't think that racial epithet had been used in decades.

I'm half Irish.....

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 07, 2005 08:16PM

no, I was just finding a vehement way to spell "mick"

god knows I don't care if you slur me, just spell it right and keep in mind there's irish, jewish-german, regular german, dutch, and English in there so you'll be at it for a while, hell one of my great-great-great-great-granfathers may have even got it on with one of the slaves on the plantation so you never know what the soup has in it.

plus everyone knows those fucking irish twats can't fight for shit, if you want a fighter you have to get a fucking wop.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: CERTenly238904 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:14AM

CERT is for sure welfate magenant friend I am cheap poor welfare junkie

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Better ()
Date: October 13, 2011 08:11PM

In my opinion there's a lot you could do besides write a letter. You will get no response from that other than a form letter "we got your letter". Instead call the police for random hoa violations they will come out. Any noise you hear after 10 call the police again. Eventually the neighbors will move. Or you could move. Pick a better part of the county to live in. As for your wife she could work somewhere else. She could have chosen another field. At least she's employed. I guarantee you there is no shortage of money at INOVA everytime you turn around they build another wing or specialty center.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: I do it you can too ()
Date: October 13, 2011 08:31PM

Just pay more in taxes and learn to celebrate the diversity

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: FFX 9d ()
Date: October 13, 2011 08:39PM

Land of entitlement, Fairfax and folks like Gerry Connolly, allow the US to be a big fucking pig, with tits to suck on. And guess who has to pay for this bullshit. Us, US citizens, legal. Thanks Gerry and folks in DC and in FFX govt

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Mikeymike ()
Date: October 13, 2011 10:25PM

For fucks sake, the man is ranting about his taxes going up and then being wasted on various freeloaders. Forget his fucking spelling, syntax and grammar shortcomings and just say "Power, fellow 53%'er." If I fucked up anything in my post, fuck you in advance.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: american ()
Date: October 13, 2011 10:59PM

This anti-immigrant sentiment is way over the top and not very American. I can understand a little dismay at having a neighbor who has lots of cars in the driveway, but this mean spiritedness is just wrong.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Med School ()
Date: October 13, 2011 11:57PM

"As a former volunteer at INOVA Fair OaKs I can tell you that you get vacinated for TB and that there is always a threat when you work in Health services whether you are in Fairfax County or West Virginia."

You're either a dumbass volunteer or someone lied to you! There is no vaccination for TB....jeez, they tested you for TB with a tiny sub-dermal injection and checked it after two days to see if it looked funny.....And you thought you were being vaccinated for it! Now that's some funny shit.

Dr. -"We better mask up, this patient is a rule out TB case".

Dumbass Volunteer -"I'll take care of it without a mask Doc, I've been vaccinated".

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: like it is ()
Date: October 14, 2011 06:41AM

it's a war between the makers and the takers,the liberals enable the takers to breed and expand at the expence of the makers .the balance of power has shifted to favor the takers in this area .i suggest voting with your feet and stop subsidising the takers and liberal policians that promise sunshine and lollipops to all the poor underprivelgded slackers and when you find the utopia stay involved pollitically or that place will go the same way as this one has.history always repeats itself when we fail to learn from our mistakes.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Taxes Dumb Asses ()
Date: October 14, 2011 06:56AM

He is trying to point out you stupid fucks that Fairfax if a sanctuary county for which your taxes are skyrocketing here to pay for the thousands of boarding houses. Ken Brockman who goes to LifeTime Fitness apparently has enough money not to worry about his doubling tax rate, liberal fuck.

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Re: Fairfax County - Out of Control! Welfare Magnet; Do Something About It!
Posted by: Taxes Dumb Asses ()
Date: October 14, 2011 06:58AM

I hope you get a boarding house next door to you like I have. Then you can talk. I am sure that the fifteen cars and squalor are going to drop my sales price 100,000 when I move from this shithole called Fairfax.

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