Re: Caron Butler is Awesome
Posted by:
Lester Burnham
Date: May 30, 2007 01:57PM
Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> Look at the kid's house. How much did the dad pay
> Caron to show up? Even if they didn't pay him,
> their Type-A anal pestering of Butler was on the
> verge of stalking.
Maybe, but I would like to take the article and story on NBC4 as an accurate telling of the story. From everything that I have read about Caron Butler, he is a really decent guy who decided to do a nice thing without asking for a penny. This is not like the father in Potomac who paid %50K to have N'Sync show up for 30 minutes at his daughter's Bat Mitzvah.
Did they get a little pushy with multiple invitations? Maybe, but they kept the event quite and did not create a media circus. No one tried to use this for PR value and the story only came out days later from third-party sources.
There is a lot to be cynical about these days, especially with athletes, but this story shows the other side.