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HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 07:30PM

UGH!! HOV is the most ridiculous idea ever! Why shut down one of the busiest highways in the country for a couple hours so people with 2 or more can drive on it. That's the most dumbest thing ever!

BTW the rant comes from getting my first HOV ticket today. I was 1/4 mile away from the beltway and got nabbed from an officer. I missed the stupid turn off for 267 as I was really heading to the airport. He didn't care. I tried to tell him that I had missed the exit and he said "Not my problem I just enforce the law". That proceeded to anger me quite a bit. I asked him what I was suppose to do? His response was "Umm I don't know". I said quote, "You don't know, and you enforce the law. God help us". He was like what did you say sir. I said, "If you don't know the law then how can you accurately give me this ticket." His comment was "Well you can tell that to the judge" and walked off.

Whatever.Totally retarded.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 20, 2005 08:42PM

I'm confused. At that point you had been violating HOV for a while, no? I thought all lanes were HOV in that area after 3:30 pm and until 7.... I guess you need to be more specific in general about direction and time of day.. and place he claims to have spotted you..

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 20, 2005 08:55PM


the whole HOV lane idea was presented by idealist dirty hippies who cruise around in their electric van. the practical side to it though is that they get thousands of dollars a day for pulling over violators who are clearly terrorists cowardly attacking mother earth. really, it all just makes me want to burn down a forest or two.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:11PM

rstidman Wrote:
> I'm confused. At that point you had been
> violating HOV for a while, no? I thought all
> lanes were HOV in that area after 3:30 pm and
> until 7.... I guess you need to be more specific
> in general about direction and time of day.. and
> place he claims to have spotted you..

Since I was on my way to the airport I was ok, till I passed the 267 interchange. At that point, I was to apparently according to the officer magically get off 66 and back on 267 in some way or function. As he said, "He wasn't sure and won't go into it with me".

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:12PM

Gravis Wrote:
> RaginBajin,
> the whole HOV lane idea was presented by idealist
> dirty hippies who cruise around in their electric
> van. the practical side to it though is that they
> get thousands of dollars a day for pulling over
> violators who are clearly terrorists cowardly
> attacking mother earth. really, it all just makes
> me want to burn down a forest or two.
> unfairfax adaptivetime com

So Basically.. It's fucking stupid. Gotcha. 10-4 Over and out good buddy.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:15PM

"At that point, I was to apparently according to the officer magically get off 66 and back on 267 in some way or function."

I'm honestly trying to make that into a coherent sentence, care to help??

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:35PM

rstidman Wrote:
> "At that point, I was to apparently according to
> the officer magically get off 66 and back on 267
> in some way or function."
> I'm honestly trying to make that into a coherent
> sentence, care to help??


I was past the toll road exit which is how you get to Dulles Airport. Being that I was on my way to Dulles Airport I was allowed to be on the HOV roads. Since I missed that exit, I was suppose to figure out how to get off 66 magically. In another words, I had to get off 66 when there was no possible way for me to do so.

That was a coherent sentence.. I think you should just lay off the jack for a bit.
Honestly, I guess I could of added a comma or two, but still the sentence makes sense.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2005 11:36PM by RaginBajin.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:38PM

How about this:

"According to the officer, I was supposed to be paying attention so that this would not have happened in the first place."

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:38PM


easy for him to say, that entrance isn't as well marked as it could be

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:42PM

Hemsk Wrote:
> How about this:
> "According to the officer, I was supposed to be
> paying attention so that this would not have
> happened in the first place."

That is very possible, but I missed it. So, instead I now have to pay $107.00 for missing an exit. Hopefully I don't get another one because that's $200.00, then it's $500.00 and the 4th offense and higher is $1000.00. Don't forget to throw in the $57.00 processing fee.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2005 11:43PM by RaginBajin.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:47PM

That blows. Can you prepay, or do you get the "pleasure" of missing work to appear in court?

I imagine that you would need to appear in court so that they can levy the higher fines for each subsequent offense.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:49PM

Hemsk Wrote:
> That blows. Can you prepay, or do you get the
> "pleasure" of missing work to appear in court?
> I imagine that you would need to appear in court
> so that they can levy the higher fines for each
> subsequent offense.

Nah, I'm just going to pay it. Not worth wasting my time in court just so they take the officers word over mine.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: face ()
Date: July 31, 2005 10:45PM

only reason you would go to court is to fight it.

you can prepay any other time (except after 4 i think they arrest you, haha).

i tried to fight my HOV last november. it was november 2nd (election day). i was trying to get home from georgetown to vienna so i could vote before the polls closed (performing my civic duty). on route 29 before the on ramp to 66, there was a road crew repaving 2 out of the 3 lanes. there were cones on all sides and traffic was being directed by flagmen. this whole situation was so distracting that i didn't even notice what time it was before (almost forcibly) getting on to 66.

it really was my fault at the end of it all, and the judge wouldn't buy it. so i had to pay the 107. real bummer.

it's not the fine really. it's the damn 57 dollar court fee that kills me. i would have had to pay the court fee whether or not i decided to go to court. so i guess if you get a ticket, you may as well get your 57 dollars worth and go fight it.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 31, 2005 10:56PM

If you don't pay they don't arrest you, they suspend your shit, charge a late fee, and then turn your ass over to the tax dept for "collection" if all else fails. The tax dept then can take court action to garnish wages or sell your property . Oh yes, and you then have to show proof to the tax dept or they keep sending you notices even after you've paid. They won't cross-check things before they take court action. Probably only an actual bankruptcy is worse for your credit state than a court order garnishing wages on behalf of the state. That says "deadbeat" pretty loudly.

I wonder how often it actually goes that far.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: August 01, 2005 11:04PM

I bet it happens more frequently than you think. I totally agree about how the city/county/state have no clue on making sure that their process of collecting money and reporting it runs as smoothly as possible. I bet these guys lose ton of money every year because they can not account for it.

I bought a new car, registered it with the city in order to pay for stupid property tax, and have yet to receive any information about it. Even when I was pulled over for this HOV ticket they said nothing to me. I'm still waiting, even after calling them and they asking me to fill out the paperwork again, for my property tax stuff to come.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: blah ()
Date: August 02, 2005 10:57AM

You should *always* go to court, no matter what. Everyone knows just how much all these "violations" are about boosting revenue. Just look at the recent news, there was a town that couldn't fund its police dept and decided to drop speed limits and step up enforcement. (http://www.rctimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050727/MTCN0301/307270113/1303/MTCN03)

If everyone who got a bs ticket (speeding, etc, incl hov though the orig poster gets no sympathy from me, your "magical" way to get off 66 was the 267 ramp, you missed it) went to court, it would cut into the bottom line of the government entities writing the tickets. First of all, like others have said, if you are already paying the court fee - make sure they actually have to provide you with the service. Not only will you cut into their profits, you will help clog up the traffic courts, but you'll do your part by taking one officer off the streets for another 10 or 20 minutes.

And before anyone says something about that meaning less cops to protect us - when was the last time say....the falls church police dept solved/prevented a dangerous crime?

Take away the dollar signs and maybe you'll see less profiteering by local govt.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 02, 2005 12:41PM

You must be talking about THIS little gem:

wsh post article

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: DrFunkenstien ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:35PM

I got one on 66...take it to court...get an attorney...should cost less than $500 to get you off

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Jim ()
Date: August 11, 2005 01:37AM

Is paying $500 to a shyster really "getting off?" Sounds to me like you are being penalized either way.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: ben ()
Date: August 11, 2005 01:49AM

Jim Wrote:
> Is paying $500 to a shyster really "getting off?"
> Sounds to me like you are being penalized either
> way.

Welcome to the legal system.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: August 13, 2005 03:51PM

DrFunkenstien Wrote:
> I got one on 66...take it to court...get an
> attorney...should cost less than $500 to get you
> off

The ticket will cost less and no points. I wouldn't get an attorney and you hope they charge only $500. Depending on the judge, you'll still be found guilty and pay someting plus the $500.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: lalala ()
Date: August 18, 2005 07:44PM

> That is very possible, but I missed it. So,
> instead I now have to pay $107.00 for missing an
> exit. >

uhhh, no. you had to pay $107 because you were riding HOV during HOV hours by yourself.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 18, 2005 09:00PM

RaginBajin Wrote:
> So,
> instead I now have to pay $107.00 for missing an
> exit.

Nah... it's more like saying "I shot this gun in the middle of the mall at the far wall hoping to hit an annoying sign but hit a kid, and now I have to go to jail for murder for missing a sign."

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: that's funny ()
Date: August 19, 2005 02:35AM

pgens Wrote:
> Nah... it's more like saying "I shot this gun in
> the middle of the mall at the far wall hoping to
> hit an annoying sign but hit a kid, and now I have
> to go to jail for murder for missing a sign."

that would be true if shooting a gun in the mall at a sign was legal. I certainly know I've been in many a mall wishing I could shoot a sign or two. Driving on 66 to get to the exit is legal. Still, a funny attempt.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 19, 2005 09:26AM

No, at the time the person was driving it wasn't legal... that's where the ticket came from.

Also, I thought it was pretty well known that if you show the cop your plane ticket, or some itinerary that shows when you are picking someone up, etc they'll let you off. If the OP had shown the officer some sort of evidence like that (which should have been on hand if he/she REALLY had airport business) and said "I missed the exit and I'm already late, here's the proof that I'm going there and can I please proceed?" the outcome would likely have not been a ticket.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: that's funny ()
Date: August 19, 2005 03:43PM

pgens Wrote:
> No, at the time the person was driving it wasn't
> legal... that's where the ticket came from.

driving 66 to exit legal, missing exit not legal

shooting at the sign in mall not legal, hitting kid in head even more not legal.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: ben ()
Date: August 19, 2005 05:54PM

pgens Wrote:
> Also, I thought it was pretty well known that if
> you show the cop your plane ticket, or some
> itinerary that shows when you are picking someone
> up, etc they'll let you off. If the OP had shown
> the officer some sort of evidence like that (which
> should have been on hand if he/she REALLY had
> airport business) and said "I missed the exit and
> I'm already late, here's the proof that I'm going
> there and can I please proceed?" the outcome would
> likely have not been a ticket.

I've never taken any documentation with me when picking someone up from Dulles. I have a cell phone, and I use that to contact whoever I am picking up to find out what time they'll be arriving, and at what gate I should pick them up.


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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 19, 2005 06:17PM

Most often you won't get pulled on the airport route unless you're speeding or something. If you do get pulled and say something stupid like "I missed my exit", certainly you'll get cited. Duh. Best defense is to say you're going to the airport to pick up someone, then drive on to there, park for 10 minutes then leave. That proves you were at the airport and if you choose to go to court, at least you have that. Other support documentation can be fabricated if you're creative.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Went To Court ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:31PM

Hey. I went to court last month where a dude plead guilty for being in HOV. His explanation:

"Your honor. I was ok during off-times and had about 15 minutes left. I just had to get to the next exit, which was a mile away. Then traffic backed up severely. WHen I finally made it to my exit, I was about 5 minutes over. At the intersection where the cop pulled me over, there were two of us cars there who'd exited with one occupant each... but I'M the one who looked at him, so he pulled ME over. I explained the situation and that I was working a job, and I'd only just gotten off because of traffic. But he insisted on giving me a ticket just based on the clock and because he *could*."

HERE IS WHERE OFFICER INTERJECTED ABOUT STUPID "His own dash clock said 9 minutes past. He was well over the HOV time-limit."

Guy simply said he had no choice as he was stuck.

Judge listened to what the guy's driving record was: OK. Let him off on his merry way.

Just respectfully explain what happened. If you sound logical, calm and sorry at the same time, the cop will just have to shut his trap as you go out as Not Guilty.

Good luck! Crossing my fingers for you.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Dick ()
Date: December 01, 2011 08:15PM

Let this thread be revived...

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: YES ()
Date: December 01, 2011 08:19PM


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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Boarding pass? ()
Date: December 01, 2011 08:25PM

Do you have a boarding pass for your flight? If you "claim" you are picking up a friend you are screwed.

Were you really flying out? You can prove it. If not, oh well.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: capt obvious ()
Date: December 02, 2011 01:23AM


In other words, you broke the law.....and want to have a pissy parade about paying for your mistake

Bet you don't do it again

seems like the justice system worked perfectly....

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: December 02, 2011 08:42AM

When HOV was first proposed AND implemented many a moon ago, the studies showed that HOV-3 was necessary to save the gas that it was put in place to save.

That, of course, proved untenable (it's not easy finding 2 other car-poolers, relatively speaking) so the politicos instead put in place the literally-illogical HOV-2 rules instead.

So now we have "HOV" lanes that serve no useful purpose; the estimated savings are nil for HOV-2 vehicles - at best.


or, generically:


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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Date: December 02, 2011 08:50AM

Can you imagine slug lines in McLean? Oh the horror!!!!!111


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: December 02, 2011 09:04AM

Some cop tried to give me a ticket at 6:31 am as I exited on to Rt 7 one morning. The catch was that I got off at 6:27, but the cop had stopped a car in the middle of the ramp, so I couldn't pass. When he pulled me over saying that I was violating HOV, I said "I got off about 5 minutes ago, but ive been sitting here since you had the ramp blocked and now my watch says 6:31, as does my clock and my satellite radio says 6:31 as well. So clearly I got off 66 in time.

He tried to give me a ticket, soi said that he needed to do what he needed to do and I'd fight it in court. Then he said "forget it" and let me go.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: program manager ()
Date: December 02, 2011 09:38AM

Contact TV station 4 or 7, they love to air stories about people who are unfairly treated for building treehouses in their front yards or receiving parking tickets while the economy goes to shit. You story will be breaking news for them today.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Date: December 02, 2011 09:41AM

I got an HOV ticket in Old Town back in the '90's. I knew I was in the HOV lane but I had to be there because I needed to make a left hand turn. The cop got several of us. I explained to him that I had to make a left hand turn coming up and I had to get into this lane. He said "I should have gotten into the left lane as I got closer to the turn instead of being in it now". I, in turn, said "I got into the lane because someone was nice enough to let me in, instead of pratically backing up traffic trying to wait and let someone to let me change lanes". Typical response from the cop was "You should of gotten in the lane later". Oh well, common sense and the law do not go together.


Here is a scenario and ponder on this: A husband and his pregnant wife are in a car driving to wherever. Wife goes into labor. Husband decides that since they are lucky enough to be near a hospital he will go there. Enroute he decides that since his wife is in labor that he will break some traffic laws such as speeding or maybe not doing a complete stop at a stop sign(rolling stop). He gets pulled over by a cop. He explains his situation. GUESS WHAT, HE WILL STILL GET TICKETED PERIOD, REMEMBER, THIS IS NORTHERN VIRGINIA!!! Of course, the cop will help deliver the baby before the ticketing. So I guess they have some sense of compassion.


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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: December 02, 2011 11:46AM

Olde Farte Wrote:
> So now we have "HOV" lanes that serve no useful
> purpose; the estimated savings are nil for HOV-2
> vehicles - at best.

Is it really all about gas savings? How about emissions?

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: December 02, 2011 11:53AM

Kilton Wrote:
> Is it really all about gas savings? How about
> emissions?

Though I don't have a source to cite, I've read that NOTHING is better about HOV due to the fact that people have to drive around to pick up their other passengers AND due to traffic in non-HOV lanes becoming MUCH worse.

Perhaps the source I cited above has that info as well.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: R_in_FFX ()
Date: December 02, 2011 03:38PM

A least the state government will stop playing favorites on June 30th with Hybrid vehicles, what a crock of shit that was "oh you buy car that we like?? ALL THE LANES FOR YOU!":

"Hybrid rules on I-66:

Effective July 1, 2011, hybrids with clean fuel plates issued before July 1, 2011 are allowed to travel in the HOV lanes on I-66 during rush hour with one occupant. That exemption will expire June 30, 2012. Hybrids with clean fuel plates purchased after July 1, 2011 are not allowed to travel on the I-95/395 HOV lanes without three people on board."


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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: AngryRocketman ()
Date: December 02, 2011 05:00PM

That "sunset" provision has been extended year after year after year by the clueless General Assembly and the brilliant masterminds at VDOT. The slalom course of slow moving Prii will continue indefinitely.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: December 03, 2011 08:57AM

R_in_FFX Wrote:
> A least the state government will stop playing
> favorites on June 30th with Hybrid vehicles, what
> a crock of shit that was "oh you buy car that we

Don't you prefer that the hybrids use HOV instead of contributing to the clogging of your non-HOV lanes? Or are you blinded by hybrid hatred? :-)

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: December 03, 2011 12:20PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Don't you prefer that the hybrids use HOV instead
> of contributing to the clogging of your non-HOV
> lanes? Or are you blinded by hybrid hatred? :-)

That's stupid.

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Re: HOV can suck my ...
Posted by: No ()
Date: December 03, 2011 12:42PM

justsayin Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Don't you prefer that the hybrids use HOV
> instead
> > of contributing to the clogging of your non-HOV
> > lanes? Or are you blinded by hybrid hatred? :-)
> That's stupid.

It's a completely logical question. Emotion vs Reason (logical thought)

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