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the stupidty of police
Posted by: 96celica ()
Date: July 18, 2005 05:11PM

not saying all cops are bad or mean
just a great handle full of stupid ones..... like this jerkoff here

oh and anyone else hear about the ffx police who are too stupid to kill a dear

a deer jumps 14' off a bridge onto 66 ffx county responds and finds a severly wounded dear. to "put it out of its missery" the officers(2) decide to shoot it....logically you think through the lungs/heart or in the head....no they can't hit the broad side of a barn what idiots they shoot it in the neck....at this time an animal control officer comes to the scene and finds this act of stupidty as the deer is still alive and massivly wounded....she calls in and reports the idiodic officers...after this the 2 officers get a plastic bag and sufficate the poor dear till it dies......OMG HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET.....

but i would like to note...there are some great and wonderful ffx/state and otherwise not noted officers out there and some are great to talk to when your pulled over!.....so don't take offence just deal this is for those stupid ones out there

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2005 12:38AM by 96celica.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 18, 2005 06:09PM

Deer - fauna native to the North American continent.

Dear - cherished or beloved.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: July 18, 2005 06:15PM

Give up Rob, that post isn't even English as far as I can tell.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 18, 2005 06:35PM


if the Germans had had a code language like that... we would never have defeated the enigma machine...

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: SchoolMarm ()
Date: July 18, 2005 09:09PM

I believe it was the ARLINGTON County police who were involved in that incident, NOT Fairfax County. Also, your spelling is pathetic!

Why all of the hatred towards law enforcement on this site? It's no wonder many of you are always in trouble with attitudes such as these. If I was a police officer I certainly wouldn't be inclined to give too many of you a break!

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: ben ()
Date: July 18, 2005 10:24PM

SchoolMarm Wrote:
> Why all of the hatred towards law enforcement on
> this site? It's no wonder many of you are always
> in trouble with attitudes such as these. If I was
> a police officer I certainly wouldn't be inclined
> to give too many of you a break!

I have the attitude not because I'm always in trouble, but because I've been treated horribly by Fairfax County police just for- being at a shopping center at night with some friends, hanging out after school with some friends, walking down the street with some friends, etc. In fact, the *only* time I was in serious legal trouble there were no police officers involved.

And now that I'm an adult I have to deal with asshat cops on traffic duty who lie in court with no repercussions. How am I supposed to respect someone that lies in court in order to screw me? Care to make an argument on that?

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 19, 2005 12:28AM

SchoolMarm Wrote:
> Why all of the hatred towards law enforcement on
> this site?

It's not hatred, merely a common dislike of power in the hands of the untrustworthy. These guys have a lot of power in their hands, and they have the potential to hurt decent people.

Sure, it only takes a a few bad apples to fuck up the reputation, but the lowered standards for these first responders and lack of empathy for the general public deserves attention.

Nobody likes seeing a cop pepper-spray a bitch becuase his arrogant ass thought she ripped him off $10. Nobody should EVER likes seeing a cop shot for pulling a worthless criminal over.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: July 19, 2005 12:33AM

I have one recent reason.



Oh let me quote since you may not click

"Investigation has revealed that at the time [of the]... incident and for a substantial period of time [before] it was common knowledge among the law enforcement community in Northern Virginia ... that Carter had a propensity for stopping an inordinate number of young women for purported traffic offenses. It was also known that many of these young women had complained of suffering undue harassment and humiliation at the hands of Trooper Carter. The State Police clearly did not take sufficient measures, if any, to prevent Carter from continuing such conduct," Daniel J. Morisette, Doe's attorney, wrote to Virginia Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2005 12:37AM by johnnye.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: econ201 ()
Date: July 19, 2005 01:57AM

i can understand why people shoot state troopers. its because they are pulled over for doing absolutely nothing, kept there against their own free will, harassed, and then found guilty in court

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 19, 2005 09:08AM

I'd like to see one case where a person who shot a cop gave that as a reason...

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: VALegend ()
Date: July 19, 2005 09:57AM

That drive-thru footage is sickening; and cops wonder why some people have issues with the boys in blue. The whole situation could've been dealt with rationally and reasonably, but HE decided to take it to the next level. She was just doing her job, and got a face full of mace.

Was this a local incident?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2005 09:59AM by VALegend.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 19, 2005 10:27AM

96celica Wrote:
> oh and anyone else hear about the ffx police who
> are too stupid to kill a dear

Wow, this comes on the heels of this story in Arlington:


Idiot shoots it in the head once, which doesn't kill it. Instead of trying again he tells two other officers to fucking RUN OVER it and that doesn't do it, then he finally suffocates it.

Are you sure your story was FFx County cops and not Arlington cops on I-66? Stories seem similar enough to wonder if they are different stories.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: VALegend ()
Date: July 19, 2005 10:34AM

If you have a gun, how hard is it to kill an injured deer?

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: July 19, 2005 11:28AM

I would have a lot more respect for the police in this area if they followed the same rules they were supposed to be enforcing

How hard is it to use your blinkers? If the police aren't doing it no one else will.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: July 19, 2005 06:28PM

Blinkers?? Thats just the start of it.

I hate when they flick on their lights/siren to go thru a red light. Then turn them off after they've passed thru it.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 19, 2005 11:06PM

one of those guys blew past me on 29 last month, i swear he was going at least 90 with no regard for human life.

i commented on it back in the "what cops drive" forum. it blows my mind that they pull that shit and think they have the moral authority to bust everyone else for it. i don't care if it's an emergency; someone will die if you keep that shit up.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 20, 2005 09:56AM

yeah... i got peppersprayed once... for sitting on a couch. basically i was at a party which was underage (everyone was 19, 20, or 20+) and the cop demanded to who brought the beer. nobody answered and he threatened to charge us all with the crime. i suggested that perhaps the person had already left. he was shouting at this point and yelled at me to "SHUT UP!" and said if i said anything else that i would be arrested. i put my feet up on the coffee table and apparently the thud my feet made was too loud. he told me to get up and i refused and sat on the couch. he threatened to pepperspray me and said "you dont think ill do it do you" i replied with "no, i think you will" at this point he sprayed me and my gut reaction was to grab my face and my feet flailed. police protocol at this point is to "get far away from [them]." he was too my left so he shouldnt have gotten anywhere near my feet but he dove in toward me and got kicked. i then stood up and was promptly tackled. i was charged with two felony counts of assulting a police officer (because i clearly kicked the other officer which was BEHIND the couch) and resisting arrest. i almost got a mandatory 1 year in jail but the prosecuter cut the felonies to misdomeaners as they started (and ended) the physical altercation.

few bad apples my ass. fuck ffx city cops. ffx county are just a notch below them. surprisingly ive found the state cops to actually be reasonable people.

anyone wonder why i hate cops?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: July 20, 2005 10:23AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 02:39AM by darbrewe.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 20, 2005 10:34AM

stupidity has a new name: darbrewe

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 20, 2005 10:59AM

96celica Wrote:
> not saying all cops are bad or mean
> just a great handle full of stupid ones..... like
> this jerkoff here
> oh and anyone else hear about the ffx police who
> are too stupid to kill a dear
> a deer jumps 14' off a bridge onto 66 ffx county
> responds and finds a severly wounded dear. to "put
> it out of its missery" the officers(2) decide to
> shoot it....logically you think through the
> lungs/heart or in the head....no they can't hit
> the broad side of a barn what idiots they shoot it
> in the neck....at this time an animal control
> officer comes to the scene and finds this act of
> stupidty as the deer is still alive and massivly
> wounded....she calls in and reports the idiodic
> officers...after this the 2 officers get a plastic
> bag and sufficate the poor dear till it
> dies......OMG HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET.....
> but i would like to note...there are some great
> and wonderful ffx/state and otherwise not noted
> officers out there and some are great to talk to
> when your pulled over!.....so don't take offence
> just deal this is for those stupid ones out there
> Edited 1 times. Last edit at 07/19/05 12:38AM by
> 96celica.

If you actually read the news or watch it, you would have known it was ARLINGTON COUNTY POLICE, not Fairfax County. I have a friend who works for Arlington and knows the supervisor who is in trouble. You forgot to mention they drove over the deer twice before they put the bag over the head. Also, you don't put down a deer by shooting in the heart or lung. You put a bullet in the head behind the ear. They shot it twice in the neck. That only pissed off the deer.
Thanks for bashing the wrong county. Guess you needed another excuse to cuss the Fairfax county cops again.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: July 20, 2005 12:15PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 02:39AM by darbrewe.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 20, 2005 12:44PM

now now

if you stop paying attention to the screaming neighbor child it's likely to go away. no need to think bad thoughts.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 20, 2005 08:51PM


i dont think bad thoughts, bad thoughts think me. :)


ha! you call that an insult? that wasnt even clever, much less original. now go back to licking those boots.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: 96celica ()
Date: August 03, 2005 05:22PM

oops my bad i heard ffx...it was the radio in a piece of crap truck....oh well close enough......fuck the ffx police for the hell of it.....
fuck the arlington police for being stupid.....

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: tina ()
Date: August 04, 2005 12:15PM


They drove over it? Too bad we don't have that on tape-it really would've been a good laugh =)

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: CheckYourFacts ()
Date: August 05, 2005 02:32PM

This actually happened in Arlington County. Try checking the facts before running your mouth, douchbag.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: tina ()
Date: August 05, 2005 03:28PM

awwwwwww, don't mean

poor guy, it was probably just a mistake

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: August 05, 2005 10:04PM

No direct offense to the OP, but all to often it's not a "mistake". Too many people hear half of the correct story, or the whole of an incorrect one and regard it as fact without checking the validity of the story first.

Case in point: did you know that, in August, Mars will be closer to the Earth than in the last 50000 years? This e-mail has been spreading for the last week or so. Great story, and the facts surrounding it are mostly correct, but the actual event happened in 2003. I know more than a few people that were making plans to see this "once in a lifetime event" in August, because they did not validate the story.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 05, 2005 10:17PM

Hey, yeah, that BETTER have happened in August 2003, or I spent an entire night tripping on mushrooms and pointing it out to people for nothing.

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: DrFunkenstien ()
Date: August 10, 2005 12:33PM

FFX County Police lie cheat and steal

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Re: the stupidty of police
Posted by: CERTenly1324089 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:13AM

CERT says yes!

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