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Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Date: December 16, 2020 04:27AM

The report claims that the "tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors." The Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent.



why isn't this on the news?

oh yeah....they in on the coup

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Date: December 16, 2020 08:39AM

I remember why it's not on the news. Because the "analysis" is hilariously awful and is based on misinterpreting one manual mistake as meaning the software is all dorked up. Typical MAGAtard nonsense. Thinking MAGAts could diagnose a voting machine is like expecting a caveman to fix your car. MAGAts have the IQ of a juice box. It's probably why they've lost...[checks notes]...62 times in court already.

So disregard my OP. I suck cocks. Big floppy ones.

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Posted by: Your theories suck ()
Date: December 16, 2020 09:21AM

Antrim County Michigan went for Trump by over 60%. If the machines were wrong 68% of the time that means that Biden won in Antrim County. In other words Antrim County is yet more proof that Team Trump tried to steal the election.

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Date: December 16, 2020 10:03AM

my gay stalker and another traitor

its not about supporting Trump

its about fair elections

MOUNTAINS of evidence of voter fraud

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Posted by: U R Grasping At Straws ()
Date: December 16, 2020 11:14AM

Dung heaps of allegations are not the same thing as mountains of evidence.

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Date: December 16, 2020 11:28AM

Ooops, I forgot. There's actually zero evidence of voter fraud which is why all the lawsuits keep getting laughed out of court. PROTIP: "I couldn't understand what was going on during counting" doesn't mean fraud occurred, it just means your an idiot.

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68% error rate
Date: December 16, 2020 11:53AM

says the person who is net stalking people like a cowardly bitch

don't think you quite understand you have lost your credibility

but continue on LGBTQ homo thug

its funny watching a grown man act like a fucking fagggot

ok gurl?

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Posted by: George Fucking Washington ()
Date: December 16, 2020 12:00PM

the real General Mahdi Wrote:
> my gay stalker and another traitor
> its not about supporting Trump
> its about fair elections
> MOUNTAINS of evidence of voter fraud

In reality only about 1% of voter fraud took place. Sadly there are plenty of ignorant fuck cowards like you that believe otherwise.

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Date: December 16, 2020 01:03PM

No, there's plenty of proven voter fraud. Like that dude in Pennsylvania who registered as his dead grandmother to vote for Trump and that other dude in Pennsylvania who put on a disguise to vote as his son...for Trump. And...uh...well that's it. Two illegal votes. Both for Trump.

Huh. I guess the election was fair after all. Turns out most people, reasonably, hate Trump. Probably because they're real, patriotic Americans, and not traitorous imbeciles.

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Re: Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: December 17, 2020 03:34AM

I think people get worked up when they hear Dominion voting machines had "errors", because they think that means the machine switched votes or something.

Without looking into this, I am pretty sure it just means that when someone tried to feed in a paper ballot to the machine, it said it couldn't scan it. And apparently some of these machines were pretty broken.

The high error rates have two implications:

1. If it's saying it can't read so many ballots, is it actually reading the rest of them correctly?

2. The rejected ballots have to be "hand-counted" somehow. I don't know how that is done. Does it mean keep feeding them until the machine (or some other machine on the premisis) accepts them? Or is it human eyeballs?

The report said something about the election officers getting overloaded, having to re-count so many ballots. And it made further claims that these re-counts were done without supervision, auditing, watchers, and in the dead of night in secret or something.

Not sure what to believe about all that.

Another red flag to our confidence: Why did they have to file lawsuits and have judges order the release of this information? Shouldn't it all be transparent?

If people in other places start demanding this info, and it's not forthcoming, that makes me suspect (not a conspiracy) that jurisdictions all over the place also experienced fuck-ups and nobody wants to admit it. Because it undermines confidence. Which would be worse, they each wonder? Undermine confidence in the machines or undermine trust in the transparency of the process?

I do not believe that there was some conspiracy that tampered with Dominion voting machines.

I do believe that there was probably a much larger amount of fraud than usual involving mail-in ballots. That would mainly be registration fraud, I think. (For example, receiving mis-addressed ballots and using them to vote an extra time or two. Like ballots mailed to people who moved to another state or died etc.) Also more dumped ballots and other hanky panky. I also think there were more illegal aliens voting this time. More registration fraud.

And there are legitimate questions about voting regulations being changed, or not properly followed because "Pandemic".

Trump fucked himself politically a lot since March. On the other hand, Biden and the Dems were awful and scary. On the other hand, the media of course sabotaged Trump with incessant lies. So who knows? Hard to believe it wasn't much closer though.

It would not surprise me if Trump actually won, although I don't think we will ever in 100 years have enough information to prove it one way or the other.

Meanwhile, it's just going to be four more years of an even-more divided country. I hope that by the time I die things won't be an irretrievable inescapable tyranny.

I'm an independant, conservative leaning, libertarian. I've voted D before, but not lately. The way the Democrats (and their pals The Media) behaved with Trump, I just decided to go all-R from now on, no matter what. And their pandering to the whackjob/moron radical left is quite troubling. (If the Republicans treat Biden as badly, I could change my mind. But I don't think it's possible to out-do what happened to Trump. So no need to ever consider voting for any other party, ever again.) Right now the Democrats are the Party of Hate and Lies, and somewhat dangerous. Especially since I don’t expect Biden to be able to keep them in line before Kamala takes the throne due to his health. Yesterday one of Biden’s top aides -- his Deputy Chief Of Staff -- gave an interview. In Glamour magazine (as if that’s a priority for someone of that power position) in which she offered up that Republicans are all Mother Fuckers. That tells you all that you need to know about "working across the aisle" and "unity". Yeah, Biden, let the healing of America begin!

Well I’m old and will be dead soon. A decade ago I was a news junkie, but this week I’ve decided not to read or watch or hear any news at all from now on. If it were possible for someone to ask me, "Who’s the President?" and I could honestly say "I don’t know", I think I would like that. They could ask me who we are at war with. That one I can answer. We have always been at war with EastAsia.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2020 04:02PM by Spacy.

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