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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: David ()
Date: May 03, 2007 11:43PM


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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Ryan ()
Date: May 04, 2007 07:16AM

anyone know a link?

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: mbf ()
Date: May 04, 2007 03:17PM


scroll down under most recent videos and select "Know a District--VA's 11th"

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 04, 2007 04:06PM

that was pretty good, thanks for posting it

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 04, 2007 06:52PM

Johnny Hartman, drummer for the Doobie Bros, lives in Fairfax County? Who knew? I checked the arrest ticket search and he is not on it. What type of "Doobie" could he be?

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Date: May 04, 2007 07:30PM

That wasn't that great, not much local stuff was mentioned. You know, I was hoping my town would be up or something.

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: May 04, 2007 08:48PM

Davis certainly looked like a tool.

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: May 04, 2007 09:16PM

Fairfax should change its official motto to

11th district We are the richest BITCHES!

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 05, 2007 08:54AM

ferfux Wrote:
> Fairfax should change its official motto to
> 11th district We are the richest BITCHES!

How about "We are the richest, the rest of you are wanna-be bitches" or
"We are number one and if your not first, your last." Or
"Only one trailer park (that we can think of) in the whole county." or
"We got malls, We got malls, We got malls!" or
Fairfax County - Where everyday is casual Friday" or
"Fairfax, our unemployment rate is lower than your passbook savings account interest rate" or
"Pat Buchanan moved, so it is safe to live here now."
"Come for the jobs, stay because of the traffic."
So close to power, we can smell it. So close to the money, we can taste it, so close to Central America, we can see their people at our 7-11's.
Fairfax County, 80mph or 20mph - nothing in between. or
124 languages and growing. or
"Our culture stopped evolving about 130 years ago".
"We sent our money to Richmond, and all we got was this lousy tee-shirt" or
"Zero tolerance on drugs in the schools, violence in the streets and hov violations on rt 66."
Fairfax County, we route your internet porn.
Fairfax, the biggest county you never heard of. The richest county you never cared about.
"McLean 22102" a new Tori Spelling produced nighttime soap based on the lives of jr partner lawyers and non profit association presidents and their wives who get together to selflessly save a non-working farm for fear that when the farm is converted to homes - the 200 plus cars that go along with the housing will make their "quality of life" disappear.
Fairfax County - we did not know M&M Mars was headquartered here either.

Actually this is getting fun. Let us keep this going. Please chime in with your submission for the official motto of Fairfax County.

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 05, 2007 09:05AM

Fairfax County - even our day laborers subcontract the work.

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 05, 2007 11:35AM

Fairfax County - Hustle to find a job, slack when you get one.
Fairfax County - outnumbered by the stupid people in the rest of the state.
Fairfax County - Not sure what a commonwealth is either.
Fairfax County - Roads flawed by design.
Fairfax County - nonexistent nightlife and we like it that way.
Fairfax County - Millions of people pass through without stopping everyday.
Fairfax County - Come enjoy our... oh, nevermind,
Fairfax County - More people than Boston, yet only 3 Icelanders.
Fairfax County - 395 Square miles of land no one can afford anymore.
Fairfax County - We import teachers and firemen yet let Newt Gingrich live here.
Fairfax County - Mortgage your house, go to the movies.

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 05, 2007 04:23PM

Fairfax County - Founding location of Dateline NBC's "To Catch A Predator"

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 06, 2007 05:35AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Fairfax County - Founding location of Dateline
> NBC's "To Catch A Predator"

you get my vote! just wondering if it's really true because someone has to work on the invisible smear campain for the wikipedia entry. :)

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Fairfax Colbert Show
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 06, 2007 05:03PM

Come on people! Vote for mine:

Fairfax County - We route your Internet porn.

With AOL and MAE East and a couple of others here, so much of the internet traffic in the world passes through Fairfax County.

So much porn, so little time.

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