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Posted by: Bobbybouche ()
Date: May 02, 2007 11:53PM

Im a senior in highschool and Im going to JMU in the fall. A few people i know went there and said they hated it, but everyone else ive talked to says its awesome. I really dont know what to expect and am wondering what people have to say about it

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Posted by: The Congressman ()
Date: May 03, 2007 12:11AM

From what I've heard, they don't treat their students too well. Parking is a bitch and the place is just generally overcrowded. They have crazy requirements for registration and prereqs and your major determines what classes you can get into. You have to apply to be accepted to most majors as well. Aside from that, Harrisonburg is a nice enough little town with the regular college town atmosphere. There's never a lack of drinking to be done on weekends and people just seem to give away beer at house parties like it's going out of style. That's about all I know, but I didnt go there so I'm sure somebody who does/has can shed some more light on it.

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Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: May 03, 2007 01:43AM

This is what I think, and I have no idea who you are, what you look like, and what kind of person you are.

From what I've heard, they don't treat their students too well.

No..? They have an AWESOME orientation program that gets you suited with your roommates and people in your hall real quick before classes begin. Everyone is always smiling at you, and opening doors; sometimes it can actually get annoying.

Parking is a bitch and the place is just generally overcrowded.

If you're freshmen, it won't matter. Upperclassmen can get a parking pass for a few hundred dollars or take the bus. The only things that are ever overcrowded are the dining halls but you have to know the best times to eat before or after rush hour.

They have crazy requirements for registration and prereqs and your major determines what classes you can get into.

I guess this depends on what field you are going into or what you're interested in. Also how nice your advisor, geneds can suck but since everyone needs to do them, they're not that bad unless you get crappy teachers. Your major only limits you from taking other major's main courses, you still have some freedom I guess.

You have to apply to be accepted to most majors as well.

I thought other places had it like this too.

Aside from that, Harrisonburg is a nice enough little town with the regular college town atmosphere.

Yeah, if you like retarded rednecks who are wasting oxygen everyday. Stay near campus, and stray from the hillbillies out younder. But really, this place is racist, and most people will agree on that silently. A lot of spics though, which makes it seem more like Fairfax LOL

There's never a lack of drinking to be done on weekends and people just seem to give away beer at house parties like it's going out of style.

That's true, but it's the weekends mostly. It's fun, I've been out to different places but I remember some news about people breaking in and stealing personal items and destroying properties. For a while, that reduced the number of people going out on the weekend.

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Posted by: LanEvo ()
Date: May 03, 2007 03:27AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 10:47PM by LanEvo.

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Posted by: Lester Burnham ()
Date: May 03, 2007 09:27AM

LanEvo Wrote:
> But, I have heard that this school now surpasses Radford in STD rates.

I look forward to the day when people stop quoting this supposed "fact" about Radford. It is something of an urban legend and only came to light because, at the time, Radford was the only college in Virginia reporting this public health statistic. Once the Commonwealth required all colleges to provide this information JMU was near the top and Radford was somewhere in the lower half.

Is this a reason to consider/reject JMU? I hope not since it is really a pretty decent place and offers an education on par with the rest of the colleges in Virginia. Is it the right school for you? I think that you need to make that decision on your own, but you may not know until you spend a year or two on campus.

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Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: May 03, 2007 10:19AM

Yeah, I completely forgot about the smell around here. It used to be worse, but it's there because a dog food factory is nearby some place. Also, if you are thinking of going to jmu, remember that around 90% of the people are white. For some people that will be uncomfortable,

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Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: May 03, 2007 11:18AM

The town sucks. The girl guy ratio is good (for us guys), and the girls are smoking hot. And easy. Unlike VT, you don't have to pay to go to parties, and it's not very frat-oriented in the party scenes. It's true that it's 90% white, but the students aren't racist. Something like 25% are from NOVA, 25% from southern VA, and the rest come from northern states. You won't find many southern bells, but NJ, NY, Conn, and Penn are big sources of the population at JMU. The rec center is fantastic, the best I've ever seen. It's an easy 2 hour drive, without the stoplights and cops of rte 29 to UVA or the extra 2 hours to get to Tech. Not a lot going on with the football team, but it's getting better. Tons of club sports. And lots of sex everywhere.

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Posted by: FairF4x0r ()
Date: May 03, 2007 12:25PM

They treated their RAs like dirt compared to other schools, at least in the 90's. Beyond that there is plenty to like.

Except for the campus "police". If you thought the GMU ones were dumb get ready for JMU's.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/03/2007 12:26PM by FairF4x0r.

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Posted by: stacks ()
Date: May 03, 2007 01:53PM

jmu is a lot of fun (almost too much). its been awhile since i went there, but the females were hot and there were always parties going on...which kinda made it hard to get to class

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Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: May 03, 2007 02:43PM

dude, hot girls, fuck yes indeed. It's like being in heaven sometimes if you ignore the fat, and ugly fucks here and there.

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Posted by: LanEvo ()
Date: May 03, 2007 09:38PM

Lester Burnham Wrote:
> LanEvo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > But, I have heard that this school now surpasses
> Radford in STD rates.
> I look forward to the day when people stop quoting
> this supposed "fact" about Radford. It is
> something of an urban legend and only came to
> light because, at the time, Radford was the only
> college in Virginia reporting this public health
> statistic. Once the Commonwealth required all
> colleges to provide this information JMU was near
> the top and Radford was somewhere in the lower
> half.
> Is this a reason to consider/reject JMU? I hope
> not since it is really a pretty decent place and
> offers an education on par with the rest of the
> colleges in Virginia. Is it the right school for
> you? I think that you need to make that decision
> on your own, but you may not know until you spend
> a year or two on campus.

If that's true Lester, then I apolgize.

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Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: May 04, 2007 08:32AM

Well if I were you I'd seriously consider getting a CCW permit, or at least open carry if you go there. Last year my cousin was fast asleep in his dorm room when all of a sudden somebody barged into his room and grabbed a hold of him while he was sleeping, and when he was fighting the guy off, another guy came in and swatted him with a piece of lumber. He needed 20 stitches and threw his back out, and they never even caught the guys. I'd definitely put my 2nd amendment rights to good use if went there.

Bobbybouche Wrote:
> Im a senior in highschool and Im going to JMU in
> the fall. A few people i know went there and said
> they hated it, but everyone else ive talked to
> says its awesome. I really dont know what to
> expect and am wondering what people have to say
> about it

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Posted by: The Congressman ()
Date: May 04, 2007 01:54PM

You can't get a CHP or even a handgun if you're under 21. Futhermore, it's probably a gun free school zone. Finally, how would having a gun have helped your cousin? They surprised him in his sleep. A better idea is to lock you fucking door.

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Posted by: Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos Ta ()
Date: January 21, 2022 05:02PM

Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos Tacos tacos tacos

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