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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Pay it Forward
Posted by: D2 ()
Date: April 27, 2007 01:18PM

Ok everyone,

I know you can be rough...but you need to know that I am sharing this with the hope that I will not receive any negative comments (I know..wishful thinking)

As you go about your daily routine, try to do something nice for someone (preferably a stranger), and don't let them know you did it! Examples:

1. Yesterday while waiting for my lunch, 2 Fairfax County Policy Officers came in behind me. When I got to the register to pay, the attendant asked if that would be all and I said "No, I would like to pay for the 2 officers behind me." He was going to tell them what I did, but I asked him not to say anything until I left; and asked that when he did, all he need do is tell them to do something nice for someone else in return.

2. I always pay for the toll for the car behind me

3. I often pay for the car behind me in a drive through - whether fast food, coffee, or dry cleaning!

We have this program going on in my neighborhood too! As a matter of fact, every Saturday, one family goes to IHop for breakfast. I shared with them that when I do go there, I always choose "table" and pick up the check for them. Sometimes I am still there when they are told and it's truly a great feeling when you see their surprised, and at the same time thankful faces!

They now do it every week, and are even letting their daughter "pick the table." Not only is it teaching their child that when you do something nice for someone you should not EXPECT something in return; it is also showing her that when you do something for someone that is done from the HEART, the feeling you get back is incomparable to anything else!

I've been doing this since the movie came out back in the 80's, so I thought I would share the concept with the people registered on this forum. If you do it just once, I know you'll be hooked so please, give it a try!

Home of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: youmademyday ()
Date: April 27, 2007 01:30PM

I have never posted to this site, but thank you for this post! It truely made my day alot better. I will pay it forward!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: D2 ()
Date: April 27, 2007 01:36PM

Back at you "youmademyday!"

Your response was enough to make my post worth the effort!

Home of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Larry David ()
Date: April 27, 2007 02:07PM


I think i saw this in a movie over the weekend?

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: FairF4x0r ()
Date: April 27, 2007 02:24PM

Many people (myself included) would not like it if someone paid for something for me. Not only do I work hard and like to pay my own way, someone else could use the charity a lot more than me. Save the tolls and drive-thru money and buy a homeless person a sandwich or donate an equivalent amount on an annualized basis to a halfway house.

Better yet still to integrate kind activities into everyday life, such as holding doors for people, letting mergers into traffic without rocketing ahead of them, being patient with cashiers and waiters having a hard day, etc.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: D2 ()
Date: April 27, 2007 03:13PM

FairF4x0r Wrote:
> Many people (myself included) would not like it if
> someone paid for something for me. Not only do I
> work hard and like to pay my own way, someone else
> could use the charity a lot more than me. Save
> the tolls and drive-thru money and buy a homeless
> person a sandwich or donate an equivalent amount
> on an annualized basis to a halfway house.
> Better yet still to integrate kind activities into
> everyday life, such as holding doors for people,
> letting mergers into traffic without rocketing
> ahead of them, being patient with cashiers and
> waiters having a hard day, etc.

I think you missed the point of the Pay it Forward. WHATEVER kindness you do for a stranger - you ask the person in the middle (should there be one) or ask the person directly to do something nice for someone else. In addition, I thank you for your suggestion regarding donations, but as you most likely guessed, I already donate regularly to my charities of choice. Lastly, regarding integrating kind activities into everyday life - done too but thanks for taking the time to remind others who read this that things as simple as the ones you mentioned can make a difference in someone's day!

Home of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 27, 2007 05:14PM

You're a phony piece of shit and I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you. You claim you don't want any acknowledgement of your "good" deeds, and then you come on this thing and broadcast them to the widest possible audience you can find short of youtube. Your shit is transparent pal, not to mention pathetic and needy - go tell it to Hillary or Barrack...

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: FairF4x0r ()
Date: April 27, 2007 05:54PM


You bring up a point though... I tend to want to avoid acknowledgment of good deeds. If I'm in a hurry yet let someone else in line in traffic, I can think to myself "I hooked that driver up a little, he/she will never know it, but I was cool to them and I hope their day is better." But I'm not going to roll down the windows and yell "hey fucknut who cut me off, you should let someone else in too!"

In the last building I worked at I knew the names of every homeless person who hung out there and bought them stuff to eat occasionally, but I didn't go and tell anyone about it. Unfortunately society is sliding away from politeness and consideration, probably due to the isolation and immediacy of the Internet that people then leave the house and subconsciously expect in real-world areas. But realizing that and trying to be civilized is a good way to make the world easier to live in.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Rowsdower ()
Date: April 27, 2007 07:38PM

:burpgun: Wrote:
> You're a phony piece of shit and...

Why don't you give the person the benefit of the doubt.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Blah Blah Blah ()
Date: April 28, 2007 12:19AM

Do you get to see Helen Hunt in her underwear like in the movie?

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Larry David ()
Date: April 28, 2007 01:06AM

Larry David Wrote:
> Meh,
> I think i saw this in a movie over the weekend?

Haha... The movie is called Pay it forward.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: cw ()
Date: April 28, 2007 01:36AM

go to the local animal shelter and give an hour or two of your time to walk one of the dogs. you dont have to adopt one just take it out of the cramped cage and give it some exercise.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: April 28, 2007 04:58PM

My post got deleted. It must have been really good for Cary : )

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: April 28, 2007 05:30PM

It is illegal to pay for meals or offer gifts to FFX policeman.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Herndon Cutie ()
Date: April 28, 2007 05:43PM

:burpgun: Wrote:
> You're a phony piece of shit and I wouldn't trust
> you as far as I could throw you. You claim you
> don't want any acknowledgement of your "good"
> deeds, and then you come on this thing and
> broadcast them to the widest possible audience you
> can find short of youtube. Your shit is
> transparent pal, not to mention pathetic and needy
> - go tell it to Hillary or Barrack...

Maybe he/she is trying to inspire people to be kind to one another. Maybe if there were more people like D2 and less people like you, the world would be a better place.


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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 28, 2007 07:10PM

I would wish upon the world more grounded realists than self-satisfied hypocrites. You drank the Kool-aid and never even saw the styrofoam cup...

Hey, it's your youth - enjoy it. I apologize for injecting the truth prematurely. Vote Obama!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: eh ()
Date: April 28, 2007 09:46PM

"I've been doing this since the movie came out back in the 80's"

Pay it forward was released in theaters October 20, 2000.
As far as I can tell it wasn't a remake. Assuming it wasn't, you lied. Granted it's a small lie... but when people lie to me about stuff, even small stuff, I wonder what their motivation is and what else they could be lying to me about.


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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: April 29, 2007 02:53PM

There are a couple of websites dedicated to this http://www.payitforwardfoundation.org/

FYI - One of my favorite movies.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: D2 ()
Date: April 30, 2007 11:21AM

Dear Burpgun,

You have real issues! I posted here because I wanted to OFFER AN IDEA to readers on this forum - that's it, that's all, period!

If you had not only read, but comprehended my post, you would know that I was not brodcasting anything - just offering examples. You see I am anonymous here, so your point about "seeking acknowledgement" just does not make sense!

In addition, pathetic and needy are adjectives that more aptly apply to you, as there is nothing more pathetic and needy than someone who is angry, does not realize it, and will not seek assistance in order to control it!

Home of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 30, 2007 02:13PM

What I comprehended was that you're completely full of shit - now go back to scamming old people out of their retirement money...

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: D2 ()
Date: April 30, 2007 02:58PM

:burpgun: Wrote:
> What I comprehended was that you're completely
> full of shit - now go back to scamming old people
> out of their retirement money...

BURPGUN - I feel bad for you!

Anyone else - Thank you for reading the post and understanding; possibly acting on the subject!

Home of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2007 03:04PM by D2.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: smile2strangers ()
Date: April 30, 2007 09:43PM

Ignore Burpgun... he seems to have some complex or affliction of some nasty sort. Maybe his mom didn't love him enough or something... who knows!

I hope your message does reach the people of Fairfax! It is sad when there seems to be so little kindness in our community.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: eh ()
Date: May 01, 2007 07:40AM

Thank you for avoiding my previous post.

"3. I often pay for the car behind me in a drive through - whether fast food, coffee, or dry cleaning!"

So you give the brown skinned person at the cashier window (who makes $6 an hour and sleeps on the floor with 20 other people) extra cash to buy the guy behind you (in the BMW) a Big Mac... nice.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: FairF4x0r ()
Date: May 01, 2007 07:56AM

That's what I was thinking... it's a really racist thing to do and I'm surprised people would do it. I'm sure any drive-thru worker could use the money more than someone who can afford to go out and buy fast food regularly.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: D2 ()
Date: May 01, 2007 10:52AM

You know, it's sad that I could not even share an idea about "kindness, charity, or selflessness" without being bombarded by people who find it necessary to critisize!

Eh - If you want to give money to the person working at the drive thru - then please - go ahead and do so but don't fault me for what I CHOOSE to do! AT LEAST I DO SOMETHING! Also, I regret that I stated in the post above that I have been doing this "since the 80's when the movie came out". I combined facts as I was not "LYING." I have indeed been doing things like this since the 80's, so you can stop wondering and if you choose to, start participating!

FairF4xOr - it is Eh who may be racist - look at his/her description of the person working the drive thru! In addition, if you want to do something kind for a drive-thru attendant - PLEASE DO SO!

All, I am not asking anyone to DO WHAT I DO! I just wanted to raise awareness of a concept and if just one of the readers in this forum does something to PAY IT FORWARD, then the personal attacks have been worth it.

Home of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave!

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 01, 2007 11:19AM

I don't care if you share your ideas, but this is off topic in general. You should share it in the off topic area of fairfax underground.

I hated the movie, that kid was just so gushy and awful. Helen Hunt was boring.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Deltron ()
Date: May 01, 2007 11:32AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> I don't care if you share your ideas, but this is
> off topic in general. You should share it in the
> off topic area of fairfax underground.
> I hated the movie, that kid was just so gushy and
> awful. Helen Hunt was boring.

i hate the kid in the grudge. sombody kick that fucker in the mouth

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: myspaceaddict ()
Date: May 01, 2007 11:38AM

D2 I think what you do is very awesome. Last year I stopped to get an early breakfast at the McDonalds at Kings Park. I pulled up to the window to pay and I didn't have cash handy and my credit card was no where to be found. After about a minute of digging I apologized and told them I needed to pull up and find my credit card, I pulled over to the side and was checking under the seats, low and behold it had fallen there. I walked inside to pay and they said it was already paid for and handed me my food. The Fairfax County Cop that was behind me waved and drove off... I have no idea who he is or I would totally find a way to thank him. Yes my meal was under $5 but this action definately made my week. *Shrug*

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: May 01, 2007 02:38PM

I do a lot of "Pay It Forward" stuff. - "Bartender, I'd like to buy that girl over there a drink."

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: cw ()
Date: May 01, 2007 08:03PM

Helen Hunt is a pretty good milf

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Rowsdower ()
Date: May 01, 2007 10:55PM


This is on post and will do worlds for your karma.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 02, 2007 02:41AM

Rowsdower Wrote:
> http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/news/2004/04206.htm
> This is on post and will do worlds for your karma.

karma is bullshit. i mean, if we have karma, then i guess you will agree to voting to cut 100% of the police budget and release all prisoners? i mean, dont worry, karma has it under control. feel free to post your name and social security number because anyone who abuses that info will be haunted by karma.

i hope karma kills you in a car accident for being a retard.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Rowsdower ()
Date: May 02, 2007 08:56PM

Gravis Wrote:

> i hope karma kills you in a car accident for being
> a retard.

It is just an expression. Get a life. But if karma was a science, you would be the guy to end up getting buggered in the ass by two released convicts with genital warts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2007 09:00PM by Rowsdower.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 03, 2007 01:07PM

Rowsdower Wrote:
> Gravis Wrote:
> > i hope karma kills you in a car accident for
> being
> > a retard.
> It is just an expression.

since when was it an expression, you fucktard? btw, mine was just an expression too.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 04, 2007 12:34AM

Damn Gravis, did you really come back just to fight some kind of one-man war against this new generation of trollers and scrum the site has been attracting lately?

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 04, 2007 07:33AM

Yeah, at least show some love to the old generation of trollers like us.

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Re: Pay it Forward
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: May 04, 2007 01:57PM

Welcome back Gravis!

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