Re: Assaulting cops now misdemeanor in VA
Posted by:
The sayonara kid
Date: August 30, 2020 11:08AM
Elections have consequences, good and experienced officers are leaving the field. Their replacements are going to be young, feckless people of color with checkered pasts.
There is no longer a basic reading comprehension test, the physical agility test is a joke, they're currently doing away with polygraph exams for candidates in the general assembly and allowing people to be law enforcement if they have been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude at least three years in the past.
Put a little stress on this new generation and they will either freeze, run away or go bonkers and use excessive force. The Commonwealth is finished.
VA is going to be alot less safe, poorer due to civil lawsuits but the diversity optics of cops on trial will never look better!