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gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Dick. ()
Date: August 07, 2020 04:56PM

I am a gun owner who does not hunt, but enjoys target shooting. I've spoken for years with other shooters at the range where I target shoot, and most agree that guns should be registered and owners qualified. What's holding us back? A profound mistrust of our government. In the United Kingdom and Australia, firearms registries led to laws outlawing many types of non-sporting weapons. If our legislatures could change the rules in a way that would not result in confiscation, then there would be a lot more support for a national gun control law. Darned if I know how to do that. Above my pay grade.

On "assault" weapons: First, the term "assault" should be reserved only for those weapons that are fully automatic, not for those guns that bear resemblance. There are very few of those out there, and those that are are highly regulated. Semi-automatic weapons are built to military designs because the military has tested and retested these weapons. We buy them for their proven accuracy, ease of maintenance and reliability. any other thoughts out there?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: DEMS = DUMBASSES ()
Date: August 07, 2020 08:31PM


You've never touched a gun in your life. You would tremble and pass out from the sheer fear that would shoot through your body. You would have to be one stupid bastard to believe your drug induced fantasy that most gun owners think like you. Only fools think like you.

Just wait for Ruthie to die and SCOTUS finally affirms the 2nd as a protected right. ALL unConstitutional Gun Control Laws will be gone in a blink of an eye.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 07, 2020 08:45PM

The range where most shooters want registration and qualifications exists only in your mind. Get help with your delusions.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Melted American cheese ()
Date: August 07, 2020 09:18PM

> You've never touched a gun in your life. You would
> tremble and pass out from the sheer fear that
> would shoot through your body. You would have to
> be one stupid bastard to believe your drug induced
> fantasy that most gun owners think like you. Only
> fools think like you.
> Just wait for Ruthie to die and SCOTUS finally
> affirms the 2nd as a protected right. ALL
> unConstitutional Gun Control Laws will be gone in
> a blink of an eye.

It is sad that you are so afraid. We will pray for you.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: NOVAisBETTER ()
Date: August 07, 2020 09:22PM

join the socialist rifle association we have cookies :)

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Reasonable Regulations Never Ban ()
Date: August 07, 2020 09:29PM

In my world OP reasonable regulations means keeping guns out of the hands of the crazy , so why do Democrats do what they do to the president and the people of this nation to wit :

"Resist and obstruct" the placing of mental health information into the NCIS instant check system to deny gun sales to maniacs

Both The Va Tech killer Cho and the Colorado theater joker Holmes were mental cases who could have been stopped. Then to add insult the Democrats "gun free zones " are in effect no hope kill zones where only killers will be armed. The Va Beach shooter last year was a member of the national guard so how would gun registration stop him

We next look at the Democrat Fairfax Commonwealths Attorney who refuses to prosecute marijuana possession defendants , thus the NCIS receives no criminal information that would disqualify the narcotic users on question 11E on the federal 4473 form to buy a gun. These marijuana narcotic users are the strawmen, women really who are the purchasers of guns for drug gangs across state lines , you can see them legally plying their trade at any gun show where they will claim "its my gun". All narcotics users of marijuana are now able to buy guns by simply lying on the 4473 11E question saying No , and there's no NCIS information to stop them and place them under felony arrest for their lie under federal law.

No ones above the law except illegals BLM and narcotics users of marijuana to Democrats today

Then we have the hypocritical Democrat system of revolving door justice where despite warning of heavy penalty criminals using gins in commission of crimes still get light sentences as gun crime charges are not even brought in earnest against the criminal who will be released early because some groups of people by race commit more crimes than others and Democrats must constantly pander for votes by insinuation "this is not equality to have so many X race people in prison" but they committed the crimes stupid panderers !

Simply put DEMOCRATS are the Gun problem in the Untied States , as they try to take all guns from the law abiding to further their cause of pure communism to become a third world police state of welfare and drug addicts

Lets see what unconstitutional communist JOE picks as his VP !

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Troll alert ! ()
Date: August 07, 2020 10:08PM

OP is a troll

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: August 07, 2020 10:16PM

> I've spoken for years with other shooters at the range where I target shoot

Name one local range where you target shoot.

> most agree that guns should be registered and owners qualified.


> In the United Kingdom and Australia, firearms registries led to laws outlawing
> many types of non-sporting weapons. If our legislatures could change the rules
> in a way that would not result in confiscation, then there would be a lot more
> support for a national gun control law. Darned if I know how to do that. Above
> my pay grade.

USA is neither the United Kingdom nor Australia. However, if you feel the need to be there then by all means renounce your citizenship (if you even have it) and move there. Don't let the door hit you on the way out and you leave with our heart felt blessings.

> OP is a troll

Ya think?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: LGC ()
Date: August 08, 2020 06:41AM

Join the Liberal gun club today!


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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: George Fucking Washington ()
Date: August 08, 2020 10:11AM

The Libs control Virginia now of course we are going to get more and more gun control laws every year.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: 2a on its way out ()
Date: August 08, 2020 12:22PM

The time has long come to change the 2nd amendment so that we can restore domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare for ourselves and our posterity. This does not mean that all types of guns should be prohibited, but that gun ownership should require sensible regulation and limits, as with any other constitutional right. To allow our domestic tranquility and general welfare to continue to be sacrificed on the alter of the 2nd amendment, words written 230 years ago, violates the basic foundations upon which our constitution was adopted.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 08, 2020 12:29PM

2a on its way out Wrote:
> The time has long come to change the 2nd amendment
> so that we can restore domestic tranquility and
> promote the general welfare for ourselves and our
> posterity. This does not mean that all types of
> guns should be prohibited, but that gun ownership
> should require sensible regulation and limits, as
> with any other constitutional right. To allow our
> domestic tranquility and general welfare to
> continue to be sacrificed on the alter of the 2nd
> amendment, words written 230 years ago, violates
> the basic foundations upon which our constitution
> was adopted.


That has to be the dumbest statement on FxU. After that, will you change the law of gravity so we get better fuel economy?

Here's a question for ya: what's the difference between rights and permissions?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2020 12:48PM by SumMo.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: wad cutter ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:03PM

2a on its way out Wrote:
> The time has long come to change the 2nd amendment
> so that we can restore domestic tranquility and
> promote the general welfare for ourselves and our
> posterity. This does not mean that all types of
> guns should be prohibited, but that gun ownership
> should require sensible regulation and limits, as
> with any other constitutional right. To allow our
> domestic tranquility and general welfare to
> continue to be sacrificed on the alter of the 2nd
> amendment, words written 230 years ago, violates
> the basic foundations upon which our constitution
> was adopted.

That makes sense.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Lib Idiots Don't Have A Clue ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:09PM

They are closed minded slaves to the liberal way of distorted thought process who takes their constitutional rights for granted , the ones they cherry pick that is for now. Tomorrow when they find that one of their cherished rights is gone they will be pissing their pants in the corner crying for their mama , a pitiful excuse of a man woman or in this case an IT

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Ban Guns From Law Abiding ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:11PM

Let criminals run wild a Democrat core value

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: clue number two ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:12PM

Lib Idiots Don't Have A Clue Wrote:
> They are closed minded slaves to the liberal way
> of distorted thought process who takes their
> constitutional rights for granted , the ones they
> cherry pick that is for now. Tomorrow when they
> find that one of their cherished rights is gone
> they will be pissing their pants in the corner
> crying for their mama , a pitiful excuse of a man
> woman or in this case an IT

Yet Libs rule Virginia and soon the majority of the country. Will you fight or run?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:13PM

wad cutter Wrote:
> 2a on its way out Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The time has long come to change the 2nd
> amendment
> > so that we can restore domestic tranquility and
> > promote the general welfare for ourselves and
> our
> > posterity. This does not mean that all types of
> > guns should be prohibited, but that gun
> ownership
> > should require sensible regulation and limits,
> as
> > with any other constitutional right. To allow
> our
> > domestic tranquility and general welfare to
> > continue to be sacrificed on the alter of the
> 2nd
> > amendment, words written 230 years ago,
> violates
> > the basic foundations upon which our
> constitution
> > was adopted.
> That makes sense.

What other constitutional right has limits that are not already on the 2nd amendment? What are those limits that are not on the 2nd? How does the 2nd violate domestic tranquility? Are those transgressions (if they exist) not being punished? 230 years means nothing - Truth has no expiration date.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:16PM

clue number two Wrote:
> Lib Idiots Don't Have A Clue Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They are closed minded slaves to the liberal
> way
> > of distorted thought process who takes their
> > constitutional rights for granted , the ones
> they
> > cherry pick that is for now. Tomorrow when they
> > find that one of their cherished rights is gone
> > they will be pissing their pants in the corner
> > crying for their mama , a pitiful excuse of a
> man
> > woman or in this case an IT
> Yet Libs rule Virginia and soon the majority of
> the country. Will you fight or run?

Were blacks morally justified in ignoring Jim Crow laws? Were they morally justified in fighting back against their oppressors?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: the way I see it ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:18PM

2a on its way out Wrote:
> The time has long come to change the 2nd amendment
> so that we can restore domestic tranquility and
> promote the general welfare for ourselves and our
> posterity. This does not mean that all types of
> guns should be prohibited, but that gun ownership
> should require sensible regulation and limits, as
> with any other constitutional right. To allow our
> domestic tranquility and general welfare to
> continue to be sacrificed on the alter of the 2nd
> amendment, words written 230 years ago, violates
> the basic foundations upon which our constitution
> was adopted.

When the 2A was adopted, citizens owned the same weapons as the Continental Army did. There were no restrictions or regulations, sensible or not. The framers knew very well what they were writing: a government that fears it's people is liberty/a people that fear their government is tyranny.

It's not the gun-owners who are burning down cities and rioting all over the place, sacrificing your precious domestic tranquility. It's you libtarded antifa pieces of shit doing that. Gun owners aren't the problem.

Selling our country to the chinese while importing millions of street-shitting illegal beaners isn't promoting much of the general welfare there skippy. Try rooting for America for a change you sniveling pussy.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: josey wales ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:22PM

Gun owners are simply weak and cowardly people. I feel very sorry for them.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 08, 2020 01:26PM

josey wales Wrote:
> Gun owners are simply weak and cowardly people. I
> feel very sorry for them.

Lacking a logical rebuttal, he feigns sympathy to mask his failure.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: August 08, 2020 03:31PM

All gun owners should be microchipped.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: trolled 2 easily. ()
Date: August 08, 2020 03:33PM

The Original post was a copy/paste from A WaPo editorial.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: packing heat. ()
Date: August 08, 2020 04:24PM

trolled 2 easily. Wrote:
> The Original post was a copy/paste from A WaPo
> editorial.

Gun guys are stupid as hell and they fall for that stuff so easily. They never learn.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: August 08, 2020 05:34PM

packing heat. Wrote:
> trolled 2 easily. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The Original post was a copy/paste from A WaPo
> > editorial.
> Gun guys are stupid as hell and they fall for that
> stuff so easily. They never learn.

Neither do schoolchildren who get shot up.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 08, 2020 07:18PM

trolled 2 easily. Wrote:
> The Original post was a copy/paste from A WaPo
> editorial.

The WaPo writes it. Your great intellectual challenge is cutting and pasting it on FxU. When asked questions, you aren't smart enough to defend it. Whose the dummy??

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: OP's Post ()
Date: August 08, 2020 07:45PM

Was a Libtard whine in the Waaaaa Po. A hypothetical article to shill for gun grabbing to sell papers to retards and weaklings who don't deserve the rights they have because they want to give them away. So what if it was posted here it's a glimpse of the libtarded mind

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: When Some Libtard Writes Wa Po ()
Date: August 08, 2020 07:52PM

They like to sneak in some fake BS story with their gun grab letter that they own guns hunt or were in the military

The truth is they hate the military hate hunting and hate guns

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: vold 55 ()
Date: August 08, 2020 09:26PM

When Some Libtard Writes Wa Po Wrote:
> They like to sneak in some fake BS story with
> their gun grab letter that they own guns hunt or
> were in the military
> The truth is they hate the military hate hunting
> and hate guns

You know you are feeding the troll Right?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: English 101 Again ()
Date: August 08, 2020 11:24PM

Troll does not mean TRUTH Comrade

>The truth is they hate the military hate hunting
> and hate guns

That's the truth about libtards that write BS letters to friendly libtard media

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Kellen Heller ()
Date: August 09, 2020 05:34AM

Pro gun people are the stupidest people to walk the earth.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 09, 2020 06:18AM

Kellen Heller Wrote:
> Pro gun people are the stupidest people to walk
> the earth.

From which statement we must conclude that you crawl.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: G Mason ()
Date: August 09, 2020 12:27PM

Dick. Wrote:
> I am a gun owner who does not hunt, but enjoys
> target shooting. I've spoken for years with other
> shooters at the range where I target shoot, and
> most agree that guns should be registered and
> owners qualified. What's holding us back? A
> profound mistrust of our government. In the United
> Kingdom and Australia, firearms registries led to
> laws outlawing many types of non-sporting weapons.
> If our legislatures could change the rules in a
> way that would not result in confiscation, then
> there would be a lot more support for a national
> gun control law. Darned if I know how to do that.
> Above my pay grade.
> On "assault" weapons: First, the term "assault"
> should be reserved only for those weapons that are
> fully automatic, not for those guns that bear
> resemblance. There are very few of those out
> there, and those that are are highly regulated.
> Semi-automatic weapons are built to military
> designs because the military has tested and
> retested these weapons. We buy them for their
> proven accuracy, ease of maintenance and
> reliability. any other thoughts out there?

National gun control is about 10 years away.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: NOVAisBETTER ()
Date: August 09, 2020 12:45PM

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 09, 2020 12:58PM

There already are laws that take away your right to possess a gun if you commit a felony, with or without a gun. The dems know who the killers are - 70% of the murders are drug crimes in the inner cities. The dems don't have the integrity to go after them, so they are using the crimes committed there to take guns away from the 99.9% of law abiding citizens who will never misuse a gun. It's all kabuki theater to gain control.
Any law that punishes innocent people or takes away their rights is an immoral law and no one is morally obligated to obey it.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: ponypecker ()
Date: August 11, 2020 06:47AM

SumMo Wrote:
> There already are laws that take away your right
> to possess a gun if you commit a felony, with or
> without a gun. The dems know who the killers are -
> 70% of the murders are drug crimes in the inner
> cities. The dems don't have the integrity to go
> after them, so they are using the crimes committed
> there to take guns away from the 99.9% of law
> abiding citizens who will never misuse a gun. It's
> all kabuki theater to gain control.
> Any law that punishes innocent people or takes
> away their rights is an immoral law and no one is
> morally obligated to obey it.

Hey now you really are a stupid fuck.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: RB. ()
Date: August 11, 2020 08:38AM

Dick. Wrote:
> I am a gun owner who does not hunt, but enjoys
> target shooting. I've spoken for years with other
> shooters at the range where I target shoot, and
> most agree that guns should be registered and
> owners qualified. What's holding us back? A
> profound mistrust of our government. In the United
> Kingdom and Australia, firearms registries led to
> laws outlawing many types of non-sporting weapons.
> If our legislatures could change the rules in a
> way that would not result in confiscation, then
> there would be a lot more support for a national
> gun control law. Darned if I know how to do that.
> Above my pay grade.
> On "assault" weapons: First, the term "assault"
> should be reserved only for those weapons that are
> fully automatic, not for those guns that bear
> resemblance. There are very few of those out
> there, and those that are are highly regulated.
> Semi-automatic weapons are built to military
> designs because the military has tested and
> retested these weapons. We buy them for their
> proven accuracy, ease of maintenance and
> reliability. any other thoughts out there?

This was written by Sharon Bulova's husband lol.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: jcj ()
Date: August 11, 2020 09:19AM

RB. Wrote:
> Dick. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am a gun owner who does not hunt, but enjoys
> > target shooting. I've spoken for years with
> other
> > shooters at the range where I target shoot, and
> > most agree that guns should be registered and
> > owners qualified. What's holding us back? A
> > profound mistrust of our government. In the
> United
> > Kingdom and Australia, firearms registries led
> to
> > laws outlawing many types of non-sporting
> weapons.
> > If our legislatures could change the rules in a
> > way that would not result in confiscation, then
> > there would be a lot more support for a
> national
> > gun control law. Darned if I know how to do
> that.
> > Above my pay grade.
> >
> > On "assault" weapons: First, the term "assault"
> > should be reserved only for those weapons that
> are
> > fully automatic, not for those guns that bear
> > resemblance. There are very few of those out
> > there, and those that are are highly regulated.
> > Semi-automatic weapons are built to military
> > designs because the military has tested and
> > retested these weapons. We buy them for their
> > proven accuracy, ease of maintenance and
> > reliability. any other thoughts out there?
> This was written by Sharon Bulova's husband lol.

I get it now.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 11, 2020 09:21AM

ponypecker Wrote:
> SumMo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There already are laws that take away your
> right
> > to possess a gun if you commit a felony, with
> or
> > without a gun. The dems know who the killers are
> -
> > 70% of the murders are drug crimes in the inner
> > cities. The dems don't have the integrity to go
> > after them, so they are using the crimes
> committed
> > there to take guns away from the 99.9% of law
> > abiding citizens who will never misuse a gun.
> It's
> > all kabuki theater to gain control.
> > Any law that punishes innocent people or takes
> > away their rights is an immoral law and no one
> is
> > morally obligated to obey it.
> Hey now you really are a stupid fuck.

No matter how hard I try, you remain the more stupid fuck.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: kn6dp ()
Date: August 11, 2020 10:16AM

SumMo Wrote:

> Any law that punishes innocent people or takes
> away their rights is an immoral law and no one is
> morally obligated to obey it.

Criminal laws by their nature seek to convert lawful acts which are deemed undesirable into unlawful acts. So by definition all criminal laws seek to punish innocent people or take away their rights, and thus nobody is obligated to obey them. So let's cut to the chase. When you say "punishes innocent people" what you really mean is makes illegal something you want to do.

Guns are not merely a tool for you. They are a religion. They are part of what defines you. Simply having the gun isn't enough. You want to be able to take it out with you and use it when you feel it is appropriate. YOU ARE NOT THE TYPICAL GUN OWNER.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: how many more ? ()
Date: August 11, 2020 10:36AM

How many more times Dave? I say 3.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 11, 2020 11:05AM

When you say "punishes innocent people" what you really mean is makes illegal something you want to do.

If I did say that, I'de be as stupid as you are.

A law that punishes a man for committing a rape is justifiable (morally sound). A law that punishes a man for having a dick and saying he might commit a rape is morally unsound and not justifiable. (I use this example because you guys seem fixated on gun owners dicks.)

Gun laws have moved past 'we're punishing you because you killed someone' (which is justifiable) to 'we're punishing you because we think you might kill someone even though you haven't done anything'. That's morally unjustifiable; using that logic, I can make anything illegal. No baseball bats, you might hit someone, etc.

If you don't see that, it's because you are the one suffering from moral blindness where you can't accept that what you want to do is wrong.

I reject your characterization of me. It is wrong, uninformed and, frankly, just plain stupid. It assumes knowledge you can't possible possess. It's only purpose is to try to bolster your laughable argument with an ad hominum attack.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: DEMS = DIM WITS ()
Date: August 11, 2020 11:33AM

kn6dp Wrote:
> SumMo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Any law that punishes innocent people or takes
> > away their rights is an immoral law and no one
> is
> > morally obligated to obey it.
> Criminal laws by their nature seek to convert
> lawful acts which are deemed undesirable into
> unlawful acts. So by definition all criminal laws
> seek to punish innocent people or take away their
> rights, and thus nobody is obligated to obey them.
> So let's cut to the chase. When you say
> "punishes innocent people" what you really mean is
> makes illegal something you want to do.

That has got to be the dumbest fucking thing ever uttered. Whenever you speak you further take away from the total sum of all human knowledge.

Murder since time immortal has never been viewed as a lawful act. We outlaw acts that are a harm to society as a whole. NOT "convert lawful acts which are deemed undesirable into unlawful acts." That is just plain STUPID, even for you DIM WIT.

Gun-Control laws are preemptive laws. They do attempt to outlaw lawful non-threatening activities because someone, someday may abuse that right. Idiots like you like to say are rights can be restricted. And always use the example that your can't scream fire in a crowded theater as an example about restricting free speech.

This is a straw-man argument at best. Because you CAN scream fire in a crowded theater. You may not scream fire in a crowded theater IF there is no fire. It is not a preemptive law but a punitive law. It punishes unlawful behavior that can harm society. If you where to use a preemptive law to prevent screaming in a crowded theater you would have to gag everyone entering the theater because someday someone may abuse it.

Where the courts have been failing the rights enumerated by the 2nd Amendment is that law infringing on it must be measured by the strict scrutiny standard. It is the highest and most stringent standard of judicial review, and results in a judge striking down a law unless the government can demonstrate in court that a law or regulation: is necessary to a "compelling state interest"; is "narrowly tailored" to achieving this compelling purpose; and uses the "least restrictive means" to achieve the purpose.

Once Ruthie dies, SCOTUS will dictate the strict scrutiny standard for the 2nd Amendment which will negate a vast majority of gun-control laws in the country.

Let the wailing begin.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: blkface ()
Date: August 11, 2020 04:12PM

Like it or not you are getting more gun control. Go cry about it Cowards.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 11, 2020 04:15PM

blkface Wrote:
> Like it or not you are getting more gun control.
> Go cry about it Cowards.

The face of the new America. It looks just like the face to the old Jim Crow America except that the bitterly clinging deplorables know what's coming and are ready.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: how many more ? ()
Date: August 11, 2020 04:39PM

2 down one to go.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Kamalala's Jewish husband ()
Date: August 11, 2020 05:16PM

Guns kill people plain and simple. More guns, more murders. It's science.

No one is calling for a "gun ban". That is an antisemitic conspiracy theory. We just want to control who has the guns so guns are not in the hands of white supremacists. We want our military to have guns so they can protect our greatest ally Israel. If you are not a Jew living on the West Bank, why do you need a gun? No one needs a gun. If you feel unsafe, give more money to police, buy a house in a gated community, or hire private security. They are actually trained to use guns. If you can't afford it, learn to code, goy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Admit it ()
Date: August 11, 2020 05:17PM

If you think the police will protect you then you need a reality check.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 11, 2020 05:40PM

Police? The police we are defunding and hamstringing? Those police?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Admit it ()
Date: August 11, 2020 05:53PM

Yes those police. The more defunding the less cops to answer calls for help. That leaves you to see to your own safety.

The defunding is a move by liberal politicians to draw attention away from their failed policies. Instead they blame the police. Sad to say that works in crime ridden cities like Baltimore and Chicago.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Goose and Gander ()
Date: August 11, 2020 07:45PM

> Murder since time immortal has never been viewed
> as a lawful act.

You truly are a fucking moron You assume that when Jehovah created the earth in 4,000 B.C. that he handed down a divinely ordained criminal code that has remained in force from that time to today. Killing off a rival in early human society was probably as legitimate a way to advance yourself or preserve your position in society as it is in animal societies. It was only as human society evolved that murder became a crime. The earliest crimes in human society probably were not even clearly defined. They were instead something like "Anything that is not in the interests of this society" or "Anything the guy running the group does not approve of".

You don't have to be a scholar of legal history though to know that what constitutes a crime and how that crime is defined varies over time and from society to society. You are perfectly happy about this when society is prohibiting activities that you don't approve of. What gores your goat is when society decides something you want should be restricted with violations of those restrictions resulting in criminal sanctions.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: how many more ? ()
Date: August 12, 2020 05:01AM

You got it Dave!

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 12, 2020 05:37AM

Goose and Gander Wrote:
> What gores your goat
> is when society decides something you want should
> be restricted with violations of those
> restrictions resulting in criminal sanctions.

You mean like looting, robbing, arson, assault and battery being called reparations and ignored by the legal authorities? That sort of advancement in legal justice?

You're using an end justifies the means argument. Your means, punishing innocent people who have committed no crime, cannot be justified. Since you can't justify that, you want us to ignore the immorality of the means and focus on the outcome.
What you won't admit is that there are some things that are intrinsically wrong. Punishing innocent people who have committed no crime merely because they belong to a group you dislike is a morally reprehensible act. Making a crime out of membership in the group is not the act of a legal scholar, but the act of a moral coward. It was moral cowardice when it was done to blacks under Jim Crow and it is moral cowardice today when gun owners are made the new blacks.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: DEMS = DIM WITS ()
Date: August 12, 2020 09:44AM

Goose and Gander Wrote:
> DEMS = DIM WITS Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Murder since time immortal has never been
> viewed
> > as a lawful act.
> You truly are a fucking moron You assume that
> when Jehovah created the earth in 4,000 B.C. that
> he handed down a divinely ordained criminal code
> that has remained in force from that time to
> today. Killing off a rival in early human society
> was probably as legitimate a way to advance
> yourself or preserve your position in society as
> it is in animal societies. It was only as human
> society evolved that murder became a crime. The
> earliest crimes in human society probably were not
> even clearly defined. They were instead something
> like "Anything that is not in the interests of
> this society" or "Anything the guy running the
> group does not approve of".
> You don't have to be a scholar of legal history
> though to know that what constitutes a crime and
> how that crime is defined varies over time and
> from society to society. You are perfectly happy
> about this when society is prohibiting activities
> that you don't approve of. What gores your goat
> is when society decides something you want should
> be restricted with violations of those
> restrictions resulting in criminal sanctions.

DIM WIT you really can't be that fucking stupid. Your rambling delusional drivel looks like the product of a 5th grader, not a legal scholar. "It is better the world think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Society has deemed murder an illegal act since the advent of civilization. The oldest remaining written record is the Code of Ur-Nammu, but we know of much earlier codes like the Code of Urukagina. Law number 1 was, "If a man commits a murder, that man must be killed." None of this had to do with the Hebrew God.

What "gores my goat" DIM WIT is when you try to impose your irrational immature fears to further enslave people through the reduction of Civil Rights.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Lisa Jean ()
Date: August 12, 2020 11:29PM

Hitler banned guns from citizens and made the SS the police see what that lead to. Oh I forgot the "NEW" jerks wants to remove history ask the 8 million Jews Hilter killed

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Gun Control Failure ()
Date: August 13, 2020 04:50AM

Gun control is a failure.

Democrats created the perfect storm now by targeting police and implementing gun control. Cops won’t enforce gun control laws due to fears of shooting someone and being prosecuted. Cops aren’t protecting communities from riots and riots are forcing liberals to rethink their personal protection plans. No enforcement = No stop and frisks, no guns recovered or enforcement measures taken. When the qualified immunity is gone, police will be scared to do their jobs. No laws will be enforced. Cops aren’t searching cars anymore. Sure maybe a few will, but how long before they are prosecuted for putting their hands on an uncooperative armed motorist or even potentially shooting that person, especially with prosecutors ready to put these cops in jail?

Who will enforce gun control? This is why Biden is demanding police get more funding. He knows he cannot get the cops to do his bidding. And the military won’t either. I’d say anyone implementing gun control has a problem now that they’ve turned against their guard dogs. The “Guard dogs” won’t do gun control tricks anymore.

Every riot creates another crop of new gun owners realizing they better find ways to defend their homes and business from criminals. The government isn’t required to protect anyone.

The Democratic Party will attempt more gun control and lose elections over this. Gun control is rooted in racism and racist laws that originally prohibited slaves from owning firearms. When gun control is implemented, it’s always used to disarm and oppress minority neighborhoods. The politicians then swoop in and demand votes or else the voters get the criminals again. Obedience is always commanded in gun controlled areas. Even Johns Hopkins put out a study that stayed that the lack of legal gun owners hurts black communities.

Gun control isn’t working. It doesn’t stop mass shooters or protect neighborhoods from armed criminals. The cops, military, or government doesn’t either. Even BLM, the socialists, whatever, all provide their own security at these protests/riots, because they know the truth. And right now, politicians and their laws have the lowest approval rating, and support for their laws is at an all time low.

What gun control does do is make the inhabitants of these DC region liberal enclaves feel warm and fuzzy inside, they like seeing the no guns signs. It makes them feel safe but laws and signs don’t stop criminals. Only armed citizens stop armed criminals from doing harm. The government, the cops, the military, private hired security, won’t stop them for the above outlined reasons.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: singletons ()
Date: August 13, 2020 06:00AM

Gun Control Failure Wrote:
> Gun control is a failure.
> Democrats created the perfect storm now by
> targeting police and implementing gun control.
> Cops won’t enforce gun control laws due to fears
> of shooting someone and being prosecuted. Cops
> aren’t protecting communities from riots and
> riots are forcing liberals to rethink their
> personal protection plans. No enforcement = No
> stop and frisks, no guns recovered or enforcement
> measures taken. When the qualified immunity is
> gone, police will be scared to do their jobs. No
> laws will be enforced. Cops aren’t searching
> cars anymore. Sure maybe a few will, but how long
> before they are prosecuted for putting their hands
> on an uncooperative armed motorist or even
> potentially shooting that person, especially with
> prosecutors ready to put these cops in jail?
> Who will enforce gun control? This is why Biden is
> demanding police get more funding. He knows he
> cannot get the cops to do his bidding. And the
> military won’t either. I’d say anyone
> implementing gun control has a problem now that
> they’ve turned against their guard dogs. The
> “Guard dogs” won’t do gun control tricks
> anymore.
> Every riot creates another crop of new gun owners
> realizing they better find ways to defend their
> homes and business from criminals. The government
> isn’t required to protect anyone.
> The Democratic Party will attempt more gun control
> and lose elections over this. Gun control is
> rooted in racism and racist laws that originally
> prohibited slaves from owning firearms. When gun
> control is implemented, it’s always used to
> disarm and oppress minority neighborhoods. The
> politicians then swoop in and demand votes or else
> the voters get the criminals again. Obedience is
> always commanded in gun controlled areas. Even
> Johns Hopkins put out a study that stayed that the
> lack of legal gun owners hurts black communities.
> Gun control isn’t working. It doesn’t stop
> mass shooters or protect neighborhoods from armed
> criminals. The cops, military, or government
> doesn’t either. Even BLM, the socialists,
> whatever, all provide their own security at these
> protests/riots, because they know the truth. And
> right now, politicians and their laws have the
> lowest approval rating, and support for their laws
> is at an all time low.
> What gun control does do is make the inhabitants
> of these DC region liberal enclaves feel warm and
> fuzzy inside, they like seeing the no guns signs.
> It makes them feel safe but laws and signs don’t
> stop criminals. Only armed citizens stop armed
> criminals from doing harm. The government, the
> cops, the military, private hired security,
> won’t stop them for the above outlined reasons.

Why are you such a coward?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 13, 2020 06:39AM

singletons Wrote:
> Gun Control Failure Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gun control is a failure.
> >
> > Democrats created the perfect storm now by
> > targeting police and implementing gun control.
> > Cops won’t enforce gun control laws due to
> fears
> > of shooting someone and being prosecuted. Cops
> > aren’t protecting communities from riots and
> > riots are forcing liberals to rethink their
> > personal protection plans. No enforcement = No
> > stop and frisks, no guns recovered or
> enforcement
> > measures taken. When the qualified immunity is
> > gone, police will be scared to do their jobs.
> No
> > laws will be enforced. Cops aren’t searching
> > cars anymore. Sure maybe a few will, but how
> long
> > before they are prosecuted for putting their
> hands
> > on an uncooperative armed motorist or even
> > potentially shooting that person, especially
> with
> > prosecutors ready to put these cops in jail?
> >
> > Who will enforce gun control? This is why Biden
> is
> > demanding police get more funding. He knows he
> > cannot get the cops to do his bidding. And the
> > military won’t either. I’d say anyone
> > implementing gun control has a problem now that
> > they’ve turned against their guard dogs. The
> > “Guard dogs” won’t do gun control tricks
> > anymore.
> >
> > Every riot creates another crop of new gun
> owners
> > realizing they better find ways to defend their
> > homes and business from criminals. The
> government
> > isn’t required to protect anyone.
> >
> > The Democratic Party will attempt more gun
> control
> > and lose elections over this. Gun control is
> > rooted in racism and racist laws that
> originally
> > prohibited slaves from owning firearms. When
> gun
> > control is implemented, it’s always used to
> > disarm and oppress minority neighborhoods. The
> > politicians then swoop in and demand votes or
> else
> > the voters get the criminals again. Obedience
> is
> > always commanded in gun controlled areas. Even
> > Johns Hopkins put out a study that stayed that
> the
> > lack of legal gun owners hurts black
> communities.
> >
> >
> > Gun control isn’t working. It doesn’t stop
> > mass shooters or protect neighborhoods from
> armed
> > criminals. The cops, military, or government
> > doesn’t either. Even BLM, the socialists,
> > whatever, all provide their own security at
> these
> > protests/riots, because they know the truth.
> And
> > right now, politicians and their laws have the
> > lowest approval rating, and support for their
> laws
> > is at an all time low.
> >
> > What gun control does do is make the
> inhabitants
> > of these DC region liberal enclaves feel warm
> and
> > fuzzy inside, they like seeing the no guns
> signs.
> > It makes them feel safe but laws and signs
> don’t
> > stop criminals. Only armed citizens stop armed
> > criminals from doing harm. The government, the
> > cops, the military, private hired security,
> > won’t stop them for the above outlined
> reasons.
> Why are you such a coward?

Why are you such an idiot?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Gun Control Failure ()
Date: August 13, 2020 07:26AM


You remind everyone of that bicycle shop that said they won’t service law enforcement’s bicycles anymore, but then made the claim that the cops will surely respond when good times go bad at their place of business. We all know that the police respond after the crimes are over and do not prevent crime.

Are you the type of coward that hopes and prays for 911?

When seconds count, the police are minutes away!

How does it feel to know that 94% of the state rejected gun control? That the cops won’t enforce radical gun control laws? That the national guard won’t either?

Looks like the gun control agenda will have to wait! Btw, most cops and military own guns too! Looks like your agenda fails!

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: That balloon was popped ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:19AM

Lisa Jean Wrote:
> Hitler banned guns from citizens and made the SS
> the police see what that lead to. Oh I forgot the
> "NEW" jerks wants to remove history ask the 8
> million Jews Hilter killed

Hitler did not ban German citizens from owning guns. The Nazis actually loosened up German gun ownership laws. Jews were not allowed to own guns because they were not German citizens under Nazi laws. Also of the 8 million Jews killed, the vast majority came from nations other than Germany, principally Poland and the Soviet Union. Germany on the eve of the Nazi takeover was home to around around 525,000 Jews, with roughly 20% being resident aliens with foreign citizenship.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:26AM


The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 replaced a Law on Firearms and Ammunition of April 13, 1928. The 1928 law was enacted by a center-right, freely elected German government that wanted to curb "gang activity," violent street fights between Nazi party and Communist party thugs. All firearm owners and their firearms had to be registered. Sound familiar? "Gun control" did not save democracy in Germany. It helped to make sure that the toughest criminals, the Nazis, prevailed.

The Nazis inherited lists of firearm owners and their firearms when they 'lawfully' took over in March 1933. The Nazis used these inherited registration lists to seize privately held firearms from persons who were not "reliable." Knowing exactly who owned which firearms, the Nazis had only to revoke the annual ownership permits or decline to renew them.

In 1938, five years after taking power, the Nazis enhanced the 1928 law. The Nazi Weapons Law introduced handgun control. Firearms ownership was restricted to Nazi party members and other "reliable" people.

The 1938 Nazi law barred Jews from businesses involving firearms. On November 10. 1938 -- one day after the Nazi party terror squads (the SS) savaged thousands of Jews, synagogues and Jewish businesses throughout Germany -- new regulations under the Weapons Law specifically barred Jews from owning any weapons, even clubs or knives.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Cleetus ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:38AM

When the armed thug niggers kick down your door, rape your daughter and your wife, and try to rob and kill you, everyone can *thank* the POS libtard Democrats for banning guns and making them illegal for people to protect their family's at home.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Democrats Follow The Nazi Plan ()
Date: August 13, 2020 01:47PM

Now it all makes sense thanks Sum Mo . Everyone should know that Democrats support a fascist police state not the personal liberty and self defense this nation was founded upon

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: God Bless America! ()
Date: August 13, 2020 05:55PM


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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Biden 2020 ()
Date: August 13, 2020 05:57PM


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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Biden 2020 ()
Date: August 13, 2020 06:07PM


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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 13, 2020 06:15PM


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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Get the fuck off the planet ()
Date: August 13, 2020 07:14PM

Democrats.... soft on crime, but ban things from law abiding citizens.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: debva ()
Date: August 13, 2020 09:56PM

jpfo. LMAO. Why not simply say NRA SumMo

Not that you care, but here is what really happened. Pre-imperial and Imperial Germany was hostile to the idea of private gun ownership by the masses. At the conclusion of WW1 the Versailles treaty disarmed Germany, including imposing on private gun ownership. In 1920, to officially to comply with the provisions of the Versailles treaty and to curb the potential for revolution at home the Weimar Republic passed a gun law which "officially" practically banned private gun ownership by individuals. The operative word is "officially". In reality what happened was that the German government funneled firearms that it would otherwise be required to destroy to right wing paramilitary groups while using the law to disarm suspected Bolsheviks. This was known to French military intelligence who determined by the mid 1920s that although Germany was officially limited to an army of 100,000 men, it had the current potential to field an army four times that large. Problem for the German military though was they had only a vague idea of where those armed individuals were. So in 1928 the Weimar Republic passed a new gun law which eased restrictions but imposed a registration requirement on firearm owners. In 1938 Nazi Germany went even further, passing a law which made it legal for all German citizens to own rifles and shotguns. By German citizens though they did not mean German Jews who had been stripped of German citizenship 3 years earlier and who were prohibited from possessing weapons of any sort.

What the jpfo does is cites the rules and say they are evidence that Germany was increasing restrictions on gun ownership. If they told the full history of gun ownership restrictions in Germany it would be obvious that the laws represent the easing of restrictions on gun ownership by typical non-Jewish Germans.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Biden Will Call In Beto ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:11PM

>Who will enforce gun control?

Beto the gutless "one man army" of failure will be the Gun Confiscation Czar , he has already gotten into training greatly enjoying reading Karl Marx and Mein Kampf when he was in Jr High and is now reading works by Stalin Mao Che Fidel and Ho Chi Minh and Saddam to get the job done in true Chicago Saturday night style for JOE and KAMAL He has the "final solution" for American gun owners well at hand with gas tanks and full power military equipment lined up to issue to his gun grabbing goons who will be recruited from the ranks of Antifa Democrat supporters

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Boo fn hoo ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:15PM

2a on its way out Wrote:
> The time has long come to change the 2nd amendment
> so that we can restore domestic tranquility and
> promote the general welfare for ourselves and our
> posterity. This does not mean that all types of
> guns should be prohibited, but that gun ownership
> should require sensible regulation and limits, as
> with any other constitutional right. To allow our
> domestic tranquility and general welfare to
> continue to be sacrificed on the alter of the 2nd
> amendment, words written 230 years ago, violates
> the basic foundations upon which our constitution
> was adopted.

Fuck you...that’s what you think, buddy,libtard

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Libtardz! Lolz! ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:20PM


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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Liberal Democrat Retort LOLOL!! ()
Date: August 13, 2020 10:25PM

>passing a law which made it legal for all German citizens to own rifles and shotguns.

Sure thing , "Drillings" a shotgun rifle that was well off Germans main sporting firearm . Expensive arms that cost more then a new US Ford coupe in the late 1930's , guns for the political elite and the rich HUH

Just like a Democrat he justifies guns for Democrat elitists and party members the way Hitler did , not the people . The lame NRA quip shows your true allegiance to the party of US ruin . When the Beto gun " authorization is ran for a single barrel shotgun only to be kept in a vault at "the club" , will you also blackball Republicans Libertarian's Jews and minorities from firearms possession as you ride home in your liberal limo to your gated guarded home with the blue sign " Hate Has No Home Here " as Minister of Democrat Socialist Propaganda

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 14, 2020 03:42PM

debva Wrote:
> jpfo. LMAO. Why not simply say NRA SumMo
> Not that you care, but here is what really
> happened. Pre-imperial and Imperial Germany was
> hostile to the idea of private gun ownership by
> the masses. At the conclusion of WW1 the
> Versailles treaty disarmed Germany, including
> imposing on private gun ownership. In 1920, to
> officially to comply with the provisions of the
> Versailles treaty and to curb the potential for
> revolution at home the Weimar Republic passed a
> gun law which "officially" practically banned
> private gun ownership by individuals. The
> operative word is "officially". In reality what
> happened was that the German government funneled
> firearms that it would otherwise be required to
> destroy to right wing paramilitary groups while
> using the law to disarm suspected Bolsheviks.
> This was known to French military intelligence who
> determined by the mid 1920s that although Germany
> was officially limited to an army of 100,000 men,
> it had the current potential to field an army four
> times that large. Problem for the German military
> though was they had only a vague idea of where
> those armed individuals were. So in 1928 the
> Weimar Republic passed a new gun law which eased
> restrictions but imposed a registration
> requirement on firearm owners. In 1938 Nazi
> Germany went even further, passing a law which
> made it legal for all German citizens to own
> rifles and shotguns. By German citizens though
> they did not mean German Jews who had been
> stripped of German citizenship 3 years earlier and
> who were prohibited from possessing weapons of any
> sort.
> What the jpfo does is cites the rules and say they
> are evidence that Germany was increasing
> restrictions on gun ownership. If they told the
> full history of gun ownership restrictions in
> Germany it would be obvious that the laws
> represent the easing of restrictions on gun
> ownership by typical non-Jewish Germans.

Saying NRA or jpfo doesn't make the facts wrong. Speaking of which, I linked to my facts, where did you get yours?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: In Defense of Maturity & Country ()
Date: August 14, 2020 04:56PM

Actual American firearm owners wouldn’t post to this forum.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Since you asked SumMo ()
Date: August 14, 2020 08:28PM

A brief summary of some of the information can be found here: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=4029&context=flr I don't think there is a good source on the Deuxieme Bureau's German military assessments of the 1920s and early 1930s online, but there are a bunch of sites on Reichswehr-Freikorps cooperation and Freikorps armed activities. One good one is this: https://prism.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/handle/11023/2451/ucalgary_2015_bucholtz_matthew.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y Although the Freikorps were paramilitaries not officially connected with the government, they seem to have been well armed with machine guns, grenades and artillery. I'm not going to dig into my sources on pre-WW1 German gun laws.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: information highway guardrail ()
Date: August 15, 2020 05:31AM

This thread is funny. It proves how incredibly stupid pro gun people are.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 15, 2020 05:39AM

This thread is funny. It proves how incredibly stupid anti gun people are.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: information highway guardrail ()
Date: August 15, 2020 06:15AM

SumMo Wrote:
> This thread is funny. It proves how incredibly
> stupid anti gun people are.

That is a awesome and original post there Mister coward.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: August 15, 2020 06:18AM

information highway guardrail Wrote:
> SumMo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This thread is funny. It proves how incredibly
> > stupid anti gun people are.
> That is a awesome and original post there Mister
> coward.

That is a awesome and original post there Mister coward.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: nraman. ()
Date: August 15, 2020 11:15AM

I love me some guns. I am to scared to be without at least one gun.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Have You Ever Seen ()
Date: August 15, 2020 06:55PM

Democrats trying so hard to void a major constitutional right ! Then they hypocritical tell people they support the constitution and Trump is violating it !

The second amendment states firmly in the strongest language of all 27 amendments of the constitution


The most unconstitutional political party in the nations history , the party of slavery Jim Crow Segregration Thehe Democrat Party!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Never Trust A Political Party ^^ ()
Date: August 15, 2020 09:06PM

That lies through their teeth to deny you your constitutional rights , any of them ! , the Democrats

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Joe Gun ()
Date: September 20, 2020 01:10PM

Have You Ever Seen Wrote:
> Democrats trying so hard to void a major
> constitutional right ! Then they hypocritical tell
> people they support the constitution and Trump is
> violating it !
> The second amendment states firmly in the
> strongest language of all 27 amendments of the
> constitution
> The most unconstitutional political party in the
> nations history , the party of slavery Jim Crow
> Segregration Thehe Democrat Party!

Gun rights in this country have already been infringed and those infringements have held up in the supreme court. Since we have already infringed it is time to infringe some more. All you gun cowards can do is cry about it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: zippo. ()
Date: September 21, 2020 07:35AM

2A zealots are the stupidest people on earth.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: disgusted taxpayer ()
Date: September 21, 2020 10:22AM

Gun control means using both hands.

There is an old saying that politicians prefer unarmed peasants. No wonder some politicians, especially Democrats, want to disarm the people.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: This Is The Only Real Truth ()
Date: September 21, 2020 12:30PM

>Gun rights in this country have already been infringed and those infringements have held up in the supreme court. Since we have already infringed it is time to infringe some more. All you gun cowards can do is cry about it.

There have only been three cases decided by the Supreme Court 1939 Miller Vs US where the court decided Millers saw off shotgun was not a weapon worthy of use by the militia. A unconstitutional decision by the Democrat Roosevelt packed court during the pennyless depression when people could not afford new shoes let alone new guns. The question begs , Is a AR 15 not worthy of being used by the unorganized militia of the United States as Democrats screamed it is a "weapon only designed to be used on a battlefield" but don't add to kill communist enemies with

The second amendment reads

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed "

While Democrats and so called "leftist legal scholars " LIE and scream "The Militia Is The National Guard" Just another lie that will be brought to the
high court as the militia of the United States ..is YOU in different classes

Which also begs the question : How can you trust your constitutional rights to the Democrat Party of lies and deception to NOT infringe upon your rights? If your wish is to be a simpleton a serf a subject or a slave your free to vote for the Democrat for all the constitutional infringements beyond what your freedom can tolerate to acquire your wish


246. Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

Then there were the Supreme Court cases of Heller Vs DC and McDonald vs Chicago, both cases were complete bans on handguns, that were declared to be unconstitutional with the majority opinion to reasonable regulate not ban , while affirming there is an individual right to keep and bear arms

Other 2A cases have come to the high court which sent them back to the lower courts as the 4 conservatives wanted to hear them , but wishy washy Roberts did not want to hear them and be forced into a box to uphold the constitution or infringe upon it

That all just changed for the better

>Just wait for Ruthie to die and SCOTUS finally affirms the 2nd as a protected right. ALL unConstitutional Gun Control Laws will be gone in a blink of an eye.

She just did and we will soon have that solid 5-4 majority with the 4 being Roberts and the 3 leftist infringers that history will vilify

A 5-4 that will be strengthened to 6-3 before Trump leaves office in 4 more years

California's magazine ban has already been overturned by a 3 judge panel on the 9th circuit , no need for the full 9th to hear the case ,the Supremes will overturn it and that will be the law of land . In Virginia a day of reckoning awaits Democrats in 2021 when there narrow victory in 2019 will be turned into a major disaster for the lawless Democrats and Fairfax County and its gun bans

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: zippo. ()
Date: September 21, 2020 12:35PM

My wish is to remain the simpleton that I am my comrades:

nraman. information highway guardrail () In Defense of Maturity & Country ()Biden 2020 and other pre-communist all concur but its not clear yet if they want to change that to "Communist Chinese slave" we are all simpletons you know

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: singletons ()
Date: September 22, 2020 07:10AM

Cleetus Wrote:
> When the armed thug niggers kick down your door,
> rape your daughter and your wife, and try to rob
> and kill you, everyone can *thank* the POS libtard
> Democrats for banning guns and making them illegal
> for people to protect their family's at home.

Most gun owners have this same fantasy running through their heads all the time. The reality of the situation is that owning guns makes you even more of a victim. That is a proven fact.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Countdown ()
Date: September 22, 2020 07:28AM

disgusted taxpayer Wrote:
> Gun control means using both hands.
> There is an old saying that politicians prefer
> unarmed peasants. No wonder some politicians,
> especially Democrats, want to disarm the people.

Privileged Politicians:
1. Unarm the citizens
2. Disable the police
3. Hire security protection for ourselves (police force just for us)
4. Take over the world.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Nolan Brock ()
Date: September 22, 2020 02:05PM

singletons Wrote:
> Cleetus Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When the armed thug niggers kick down your
> door,
> > rape your daughter and your wife, and try to
> rob
> > and kill you, everyone can *thank* the POS
> libtard
> > Democrats for banning guns and making them
> illegal
> > for people to protect their family's at home.
> Most gun owners have this same fantasy running
> through their heads all the time. The reality of
> the situation is that owning guns makes you even
> more of a victim. That is a proven fact.

People own guns because they are weak and scared. It's no wonder that they turn the guns on themselves so often.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Always carrying ()
Date: September 22, 2020 03:13PM

Those of you that are anti-gun just remember when you are in harms way I won't discriminate when save you too.

The problem isn't guns, it's mental health.

- Always carrying

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: September 22, 2020 03:31PM

Always carrying Wrote:
> Those of you that are anti-gun just remember when
> you are in harms way I won't discriminate when
> save you too.
> The problem isn't guns, it's mental health.
> - Always carrying

That brings up an interesting question for the anti gun crowd.

Let's say you (an anti) are attacked by someone with a knife and are being cut and stabbed. Nearby is someone with a gun. Do you want that person to:
a - just call 911.
b - Ignore what's going on because he has a gun and is more dangerous to you than the guy with the knife.
c - try to save you but don't use the gun.
d - use the gun to stop the guy stabbing you.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Ms. Hagel Circle ()
Date: September 22, 2020 03:59PM

Gun Control worked real good in our neighborhood last night. 1 dead and 1 almost dead from a shooting last night. So if you mean gun control then they were able to control their gun and hurt and kill. If you meant gun control as in not having access or carry a gun? Then only the innocent people lost because of this type of gun control. Thanks it didn't work.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Hey That's Where I Lived ()
Date: September 22, 2020 07:41PM

Another shooting ! Remember when the Virginia State Trooper Cochran, was killed at Hagel Circle coming home in the parking lot. Dems only want thugs to have guns as they never obey the laws then punish the lawful citizen DAJAX The trooper was responding to a domestic dispute near his place of residence back in 1987.

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: Consider the address ()
Date: September 22, 2020 09:23PM

Hagel Circle is a central nexus of crime in Fairfax County.

The Cursed Earth of Hagel Circle.

Here’s my list of the most disturbing occurences I’ve found so far:

January 15, 1987 Off-duty Virginia State trooper Alexander M. Cochran, III, and Army Sergeant Dennis R. Kief, both 27, are shot to death in the 9800 block of Hagel Circle.

September 1, 1990 While visiting friends in a home in the 9600 Block of Hagel Circle, 23-year-old Paul S. Harley is shot to death.

September 28, 1991 The strangled corpse of 22-year old District woman Antonena B. Lindsay is found in the 9700 block of Hagel Circle.

August 4, 2005 30-year old Christian A. Green is stabbed to death in the 9600 block of Hagel Circle.

September 27, 2006 Connie L. Briggs Parham, of 9588 Hagel Circle, dies in a car crash in Prince William County, aged 51.

May 29, 2009 54-year-old Robert J. Neal, Jr. shoots his wife, 45-year-old Jacqueline Y. Neal, to death, then kills himself in their home at 9637 Hagel Circle.

September 22, 2010 Elieen Cecilia Langham-Anderson, 24, and her two sons, 5-year-old Soloman Anderson and 3-year-old Alfonso Anderson, die in a house fire at 9639 Hagel Circle.

In case you didn’t keep count, that’s 11 violent, unnatural deaths of people, more than half of them murders, connected with a road that is two thousand feet long.

Someone should do some deeper investigating. Is this an old Indian burial ground? A former cemetery? Or, as Steven King’s Jud Crandall describes in his novel “Pet Sematary”, is it just that the ground is sour?

At any rate, I’m quite sure there’s one street in Lorton I won’t be visiting anytime in the near future. Care to guess which one?


1. Eve Zibart and Martin Weil, Washington Post Staff Writers. "Virginia Trooper, Army Sergeant Slain :Third Man Wounded in Fairfax Shooting 2 Killed, 1 Wounded in Fairfax . " The Washington Post (1974-Current file) 16 Jan. 1987,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Washington Post (1877 - 1994), ProQuest. Web. 9 Mar. 2011. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=139179592&sid=2&Fmt=10&clientId=1452&RQT=309&VName=HNP
2. "Fairfax Man Slain in Lorton. " The Washington Post (1974-Current file) 2 Sep. 1990,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Washington Post (1877 - 1994), ProQuest. Web. 9 Mar. 2011. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=869640712&sid=2&Fmt=10&clientId=1452&RQT=309&VName=HNP
3. "Arrest in Fairfax Killing. " The Washington Post (1974-Current file) 29 Oct. 1991,ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Washington Post (1877 - 1994), ProQuest. Web. 9 Mar. 2011. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1065491922&sid=2&Fmt=10&clientId=1452&RQT=309&VName=HNP
4. Tom Jackman. "Lorton Man Stabbed to Death While Trying to Break Up Fight :[FINAL Edition]. " The Washington Post 6 Aug. 2005,Washington Post, ProQuest. Web. 9 Mar. 2011. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=878353811&sid=3&Fmt=3&clientId=1452&RQT=309&VName=PQD
5. "Connie L. B. Parham." Petersburg Progress-Index 1 Oct. 2006. Print. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22156400.html
6. Fairfax County Police Department. Public Information Office. Fairfax County Police Department Activity Report. Fairfax County Police Department, 5 June 2009. http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/crime/incident-reports/2009/activity_report_06-05-09.pdf
7. Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. Fire Victims Identified. Fire & Rescue: News Release. 24 Sept. 2010. http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/fr/news/2010archive/2010_088.htm


There are tons more recent murders, shootings, and crimes there as well




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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: I Got Out ()
Date: September 22, 2020 10:09PM

When the getting was good only after a years lease , long ago pal DAJAX The Harley victims family is a well respected long time commercial fishing family, one of the last on the Potomac River in the Gunston area RIP I was not going to mention him .

>Someone should do some deeper investigating. Is this an old Indian burial ground? A former cemetery? Or, as Steven King’s Jud Crandall describes in his novel “Pet Sematary”, is it just that the ground is sour?

No pal is just RT 1 , try police reports in Sequoia there's a police substation there and others down that way plus all the old drinking joints too , its FCPS main violence haunt and the FCFD gets more calls then any others up on down the "Highway Number One " Or "Number One Highway"

He Wore a Black Leather Jacket With A Screaming Eagle On The Back, Rode a Hopped Up Cycle That Took Off Like A Gun, That Fool DAJAX Was The Terror Of Highway Number One

Hey Blondie Bring Me Another Beer!

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: bransolio ()
Date: September 23, 2020 04:47AM

SumMo Wrote:
> Always carrying Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Those of you that are anti-gun just remember
> when
> > you are in harms way I won't discriminate when
> > save you too.
> >
> > The problem isn't guns, it's mental health.
> >
> > - Always carrying
> That brings up an interesting question for the
> anti gun crowd.
> Let's say you (an anti) are attacked by someone
> with a knife and are being cut and stabbed. Nearby
> is someone with a gun. Do you want that person
> to:
> a - just call 911.
> b - Ignore what's going on because he has a gun
> and is more dangerous to you than the guy with the
> knife.
> c - try to save you but don't use the gun.
> d - use the gun to stop the guy stabbing you

The use of a gun in that situation would only make things worse. A brave man dies but once, a coward with a gun dies a thousand deaths.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: SumMo ()
Date: September 23, 2020 05:13AM

bransolio Wrote:
> SumMo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Always carrying Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Those of you that are anti-gun just remember
> > when
> > > you are in harms way I won't discriminate
> when
> > > save you too.
> > >
> > > The problem isn't guns, it's mental health.
> > >
> > > - Always carrying
> >
> > That brings up an interesting question for the
> > anti gun crowd.
> >
> > Let's say you (an anti) are attacked by someone
> > with a knife and are being cut and stabbed.
> Nearby
> > is someone with a gun. Do you want that person
> > to:
> > a - just call 911.
> > b - Ignore what's going on because he has a gun
> > and is more dangerous to you than the guy with
> the
> > knife.
> > c - try to save you but don't use the gun.
> > d - use the gun to stop the guy stabbing you
> The use of a gun in that situation would only make
> things worse. A brave man dies but once, a coward
> with a gun dies a thousand deaths.

And just how would it make things worse?

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Re: gun control in Fairfax county, some thoughts.
Posted by: The Screams Of Victims ()
Date: September 23, 2020 06:40PM

Are always the loudest when the victim is a liberal gun grabber, when a kine stabs into you it is unpredictable , one minute the victim may be fine , five minutes later weak from internal bleeding they farther and relize something is very wrong as they slump to the ground pleading for their lives , unconcious is comes the police and fire rescue arrive they die on the way in , DOA gone because they were unconstitutional cowards to the spirt of liberty

Their killers sprint off many never to be found laughing at their deed

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