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indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: davef ()
Date: July 13, 2005 05:30PM

Anyone know of any local indoor basketball courts near the areas of Skyline, Seven Corners, Seminary Road, etc? It's starting to get way too hot to play outdoors at the local park courts.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: davef ()
Date: July 13, 2005 05:50PM

Just found one.. M-F from 8pm-10pm for adults. anymore?


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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Date: July 13, 2005 07:34PM

Can't remember if there's an NVCC out that way, but most of the times their courts are open kinda late. At least the one at Annandale was.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: davef ()
Date: July 14, 2005 05:59PM

I see one in Alexandria, but I don't see anything on the site about a gymnasium.. but then again i don't see anything on the Annandale site either.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 15, 2005 08:33AM

There are gyms at both of those NVCC campus's. The Annandale one is in the back end of teh campus. I believe the Alexandria one is in a seperate building near Beaureguard. If you don't mind the drive, there is a rec center on Telegraph Rd near Rosehill, Lee District Park. They have nice courts. They have a bunch of folks from DC go there though.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Benny ()
Date: July 26, 2005 11:15AM

Wow I have yet to see a outdoor basketball court since I've been here. Any locations in the DC area that have a steady flow of quality pickup games? I'm used to NYC where there is a court every 1 mile it seems like. Thanks

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Rob ()
Date: July 26, 2005 12:16PM

Get outside and get some sun. who wants to play indoors, sweat, humidity, buncha sweaty nut sacks. thats just gross

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 26, 2005 12:23PM

yeah, the humidity outside is great here....I never sweat when I go outdoors. And I must say that everyone knows that when you go outside, you cease to have a nutsack, so it can't sweat either.

Oh and the air is so clean, very conducive to exerting yourself outdoors.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Benny ()
Date: July 26, 2005 12:40PM

So there are no good pickup game locations in NOVA in Outdoor or Indoor courts? I'm just looking to shed some rust and get a good blow

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Rob ()
Date: July 26, 2005 04:28PM

i know a chick that could help you out with that!

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Ken Brockman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 02:13AM

Geez, I guess I'll be the only one to hook you guys up with the ballin' info.

The ultimate place for indoor basketball is at Lifetime Gym. I play 3-4 times a week. $60/month there lets you play there and there's ALWAYS 2 fullcourt games going on every evening (except on nights they use 1 of the 2 courts for volleyball) and even people are still playing full court games at midnight.

A couple of my friends don't have lifetime and they have to play outside, where it's 1 billion degrees. They play at the outdoor basketball courts in falls church. I don't remember the name. It's right off of Lee Highway, after you pass that movie theatre that's there. You'll see a mini-golf place, tennis courts, and 2 bball courts. They say there's always people there. I played with them once. Since it's all crazy hot, it's all pretty much passing and shooting. Very little moving/cutting. No one wants to die out there.

Also there is an indoor court at Mott Community Center in fairfax which is off of Braddock Road, 3-4 miles west of George Mason, Near the Parkway. But that court is miniturized. If regulation is 94 feet, then that court must be like 25 feet long. So it is like impossible to take the ball inside, because the court is so compact, and you'll get mauled. If you liked getting hacked, and only having to run 2 steps to get from one end of the court to the other, then this is your place, since it's free.

Also there is are indoor courts at the dulles Sportsplex near dulles airport, off of 28. I think you can google that website. That place is open to the public (when it's not reserved for leagues) but they charge you $5 or something to get in, and last time I went there a year ago, they rarely had very many people to get a full court game going. Just 3-3.
But the cool thing is, since the courts are always empty, you can beg one of the teenagers working the front desk to lower one of the rims to 8 feet and have a dunk contest and stuff. That was fun.

Also there's a indoor gym in Tyson's Corner by Tysons II, across from Booze Allen. It's a nice gym. Except the rims they have there are in bad shape, and they rattle and stuff. Also not full sized courts--bigger than Mott, but still not full size. Sportandhealth.com is there website--they offer free trial membership. Or they were, 2 months ago. I haven't been there since then.

Also there's an indoor gym at a park in Alexandria. I forgot the name, they have a huge gym, 3 court indoor gym. open to the public, but also has a $5 entry. I know how to get to it, but I don't remember the street name, or the name of the actual place. Ask me later, and I can easily find out though.

So that's all the places I've played at in the Nova area. Also, there's the GMU physical education complex, but that involves some serious ninja style metal gear solid type sneakyness to sneak past the guy checking student ID's.

So I think that's all pretty much it in nova for bball. I might be forgetting 1 or 2 places. The place in reston, and the place near annandale. I can find out the names of those places too if you want.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 08:48AM

I thought the guy from the simpsons was KenT Brockman...

ok I KNOW it is...

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Ken Brockman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 04:42PM

You're correct. Your point?
My name is Ken Brockman. The guy from the simpsons(news anchor?) is Kent Brockman. Similar, but different. But if one is to be compared to the other, you should know I was born before 1982, with the Simpsons obviously coming around several years later.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: ben ()
Date: July 28, 2005 05:46PM

Ken Brockman Wrote:
> But if one is to be compared to the
> other, you should know I was born before 1982,
> with the Simpsons obviously coming around several
> years later.

Okay, Michael Bolton.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: daveF ()
Date: July 29, 2005 11:01AM

Ken Brockman Wrote:
> Also there's an indoor gym at a park in
> Alexandria. I forgot the name, they have a huge
> gym, 3 court indoor gym. open to the public, but
> also has a $5 entry. I know how to get to it, but
> I don't remember the street name, or the name of
> the actual place. Ask me later, and I can easily
> find out though.

Now this sounds like what I'm looking for! Can you get that info for me? Thanks.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Ken Brockman ()
Date: July 29, 2005 02:28PM

I thought it was called Franconia Park, but the official name is Lee District Park. Maybe the sign out front is Franconia, or I'm just confused.


Aerial Photo

Let's all meet up there and have a fairfaxunderground bball fiestamania

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: DaveF ()
Date: August 02, 2005 10:36AM

Ken Brockman Wrote:
> Let's all meet up there and have a
> fairfaxunderground bball fiestamania

Let's do it... we could have the first annual fairfaxunderground bball feistamania championships there.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Banger ()
Date: January 12, 2011 01:02PM

Looking for ballers to join men's league. Anyone still play around here? League is for 30+. I'd like to get some guys who played college ball that are still active so we can run the league and win it all.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Your Nigga ()
Date: January 12, 2011 01:23PM

YEAH, I ran wit de cube @ VUU (That's Virginia Union to all you none niggaz out dere) Word I would be down to throw a few down..HOLLA at your boy rkpeatross hotmail.com

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: GfromRIC ()
Date: August 19, 2012 11:17AM

Check, I just moved to Fairfax from Newport News where I played college ball... I need to know where the real ballers are because I cant play seriously unless its competitive & challenging runs goin on. Let me know where the pick-up ball is serious in the NOVA/DC metro area.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: NBF ()
Date: August 19, 2012 05:12PM

Hey GfromRIC,
Turkey Thicket park off of GW Parkway is great basketball..........the only problem is there will be 50-100 niggers there playing, so good luck!

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: fairfaxballer420 ()
Date: August 20, 2012 01:49AM

Nottoway Park off courthouse rd in vienna/oakton nearoakton high school lots of good players, lots of dark skinned folks even tho it is in the suburbs. get there before 6 pm unless u wanna wait for a game

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Jamila ()
Date: January 02, 2014 12:10PM

Hello I'm looking for a basketball court to rent out or just go to to train my basketball clients in the Northern VA area. I'm a sports specific athletic trainer trying to find a place to train my clients. Please email me as well if you can help and also if your interested in training 3dxplosiveperformance@gmail.com thanks in advance

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: ruined by nigs ()
Date: January 02, 2014 03:09PM

Looking for a nice basketball court where we can go and get some exercise and have some fun competition. Someplace the niggers don't know about. Once they come, it ruins everything. Your average white guy won't touch the ball again, if he's lucky enough to get on the court. The niggers will run up and down, yelling and arguing over every play.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: low overhead operator ()
Date: January 02, 2014 03:16PM

Jamila Wrote:
> Hello I'm looking for a basketball court to rent
> out or just go to to train my basketball clients
> in the Northern VA area. I'm a sports specific
> athletic trainer trying to find a place to train
> my clients. Please email me as well if you can
> help and also if your interested in training
> 3dxplosiveperformance@gmail.com thanks in advance

Why not find a place you can rent instead of sniffing for a freebee?

Also, using a gmail account makes you look SO professional. NOT.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: bubbles ()
Date: January 02, 2014 10:23PM

Then what email websites do the "professionals" use then?

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Date: January 10, 2014 12:55PM

I was enjoying this site(using this to get information about basketball courts where my husband and I could play), until I got to the comments about niggers this and niggers that. Yes, I am African American. I can't believe in 2014 people still use the word niggers. I knew racisim still existed, but in a forum where people are trying to get helpful information, it is unneccessary and uncalled for. I wanted to put in my opinon, because if we don't stand for something we will fall for anything.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: what fun ()
Date: January 10, 2014 01:32PM

no of your business Wrote:
> I was enjoying this site(using this to get
> information about basketball courts where my
> husband and I could play), until I got to the
> comments about niggers this and niggers that. Yes,
> I am African American. I can't believe in 2014
> people still use the word niggers. I knew racisim
> still existed, but in a forum where people are
> trying to get helpful information, it is
> unneccessary and uncalled for. I wanted to put in
> my opinon, because if we don't stand for something
> we will fall for anything.

I hope you know that you made your e-mail address public.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: none of your business ()
Date: January 10, 2014 02:11PM

yes, I do know. I hardly check that one, but thank you.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: eLester ()
Date: January 10, 2014 02:11PM

Ramsey Rec Center off of N. Beauregard Street. Used to play there long time ago. Most of the kids were 6'5 or taller. I'm 6'3".

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: smell the coffee ()
Date: January 10, 2014 02:48PM

You can't believe in 2014 people still use the word "nigger".......have you ever been around a froup of blacks before? Every other word is "nigger" or "bitch"
What planet did you come from?
I can't believe that in 2014 black people walk around and viciously attack random white people walking down the street.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: ruined by cigs ()
Date: January 10, 2014 03:11PM

I'd stay away from the courts full of chainsmoking old white men who argue over play, make up bs touch calls, and mug you on drives. Been there. Done that.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: none of your business ()
Date: January 10, 2014 04:43PM

I know that people use the word "nigger" in 2014(Im not dumb, Im actually highly educated). I guess I believe in the human race and the hope for equality, but this good forum turned bad, doesn't add to my optimisim.

I just can't believe that people use the word to generalize a whole group of people. If you had a bad experience with a group of young african american guys, then talk about your experience. Not all people use the word, in my house, we don't use the word. It has a derogatory and degrading meaning historically and currently. When did the word become so culturally acceptable? Have we not expanded our vocabulary to describe people or rather instances with others that weren't so pleasant. I become very frustrated when people generalize an entire group based on one experience!

I can't believe that ANY race of people would attack ANY race of people. Its senseless. Once again, you are generalizing....i am black and I have never attacked anyone. My husband is black and he is never attacked anyone. My daughter is black and she has never attacked anyone. I could generalize and say, I can't people white people go around shooting up schools. That's not fair to the Caucasian race, is it?! JUST STOP generalizing!!!!!

I am not going to entertainment this anymore. If you are comfortable with your ways of generalizing people. So be it! I just couldn't read this forum and see nigger this and nigger that and not speak against it. GOD bless you :-)

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: just wondering ()
Date: January 10, 2014 06:47PM

I don't think anyone is generalizing about all blacks, but its the preponderance of violent crime committed by blacks, way disproportionate to their population. Whatever the causes for this behavior, it doesn't change that.
But, since you're upset about the use of the word "nigger", I'm wondering if you get upset or complain about it's use primarily among black people themselves. Do you tell them not to use it or chastise them about their language, or is it just white people on this forum?

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: Enought Already ()
Date: March 30, 2015 04:22PM

I myself chastise all races and people that promote ignorance. At this time you are promoting it by using the word. Hopefully your ease of using the word so frequently isn't a representation of your upbringing.

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: tennis court seeker ()
Date: March 30, 2015 04:31PM

Anyone know of good tennis courts not filled with chinks and slopes?

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Re: indoor basketball courts?
Posted by: native 1960 ()
Date: March 30, 2015 05:14PM

aka prisons.

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