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Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: May 26, 2020 07:24PM

I was gonna go run on the track at Madison HS but there was a cop standing there saying that it was closed. I asked why and he explained that their had been a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary which is located just behind Madison. He wouldn't tell me anything else.

Obviously school is not in session so I assume it occurred outside the school. Not sure if there were any deaths or arrests or who was involved. Anyone know what went down?

Just FYI there are 2 FLint Hill's, one is a private school for super rich kids located in Oakton. The other is the elementary school that I am talking about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2020 07:26PM by jabberwocky.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: Officer Friendly ()
Date: May 26, 2020 08:13PM

The officer was correct. There was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary, however, no one was injured. Rather, a severely injured animal had limped onto school property where it had to be euthanized. The surrounding area was secured in case a round went astray.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: May 26, 2020 08:58PM

Wtf officer?? Why the hell would you call that a "shooting" and make people think their neighborhood is unsafe. Vienna's finest.

Do you know what type of animal it was? Deer hit by a car?

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: Vinnie Vienna ()
Date: May 26, 2020 09:36PM

Vienna is very safe.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: So They Used A M-60 ?? ()
Date: May 26, 2020 10:07PM

>The surrounding area was secured in case a round went astray.

From the Fairfax County police helicopter and hosed the critter down like wild west gunslingers at the OK Corral

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: May 26, 2020 10:11PM

I know. Which is why it was concerning for the officer to say in a very serious tone that there "had been a shooting at Flint Hill". He could have just said that they needed to shoot a wounded animal and that therefore they needed to keep the area clear as a safety measure. It wasn't like I had kids in my car that were gonna cry because they killed Bambi.

Instead I started worrying about all the kids that were outside that out and about with a potential shooter on the lose.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: Mayor of Mosaic ()
Date: May 27, 2020 04:46AM

Given the large number of emigrants who have left Vienna for the safety and improved quality of life offered by the Town of Mosaic, I am inclined to disagree with any assertion that Vienna is safe.

What kind of secure safety perimeter is needed when an animal must be put down? Feet perhaps, not acres.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: johnny law ()
Date: May 27, 2020 08:02AM

He gave you a little extra info and you got triggered. See how that works?

He should have told you nothing except "you are not permitted into this area due to current police activity" and sent you on your way. The public can be triggered over the least little thing so it's best to tell them nothing. If he told you it was an animal you could have gathered all your PETA friends and staged a huge protest.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: god bless the NRA ()
Date: May 27, 2020 09:25AM

Officer Friendly Wrote:
> The officer was correct. There was a shooting at
> Flint Hill Elementary, however, no one was
> injured. Rather, a severely injured animal had
> limped onto school property where it had to be
> euthanized. The surrounding area was secured in
> case a round went astray.

I'm surprised a good guy with a gun didn't show up to shoot the animal before the cops got there. When seconds count the police are only minutes away.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: Lt. Col. Kilgore ()
Date: May 27, 2020 09:39AM

I would call in an airstrike next time, and Nape the whole fucking area.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: 479yc ()
Date: May 27, 2020 09:46AM

> When seconds count the police are only minutes
> away.

That’s funny.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: Daktari ()
Date: May 27, 2020 12:01PM

jabberwocky Wrote:
> Do you know what type of animal it was? Deer hit
> by a car?

A squirrel.

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Re: Apparently there was a shooting at Flint Hill Elementary in Vienna - Anyone got more details?
Posted by: Will Wussy ()
Date: May 27, 2020 12:41PM

god bless the NRA Wrote:
> Officer Friendly Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The officer was correct. There was a shooting
> at
> > Flint Hill Elementary, however, no one was
> > injured. Rather, a severely injured animal had
> > limped onto school property where it had to be
> > euthanized. The surrounding area was secured
> in
> > case a round went astray.
> I'm surprised a good guy with a gun didn't show up
> to shoot the animal before the cops got there.
> When seconds count the police are only minutes
> away.

There are no good guys with guns in the libtard haven of Vienna.

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