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The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: July 13, 2005 12:02AM

Welcome to Fairfax Underground! You probably found this page through google or some other search engine. Please click the "Home" button above to continue to Fairfax Underground, an anonymous forum for residents of Northern Virginia. This page simply lists recent search terms that brought visitors here, so it's probably not what you're looking for.

Also be sure to check out the other primary features such as the "Arrest/Ticket Search" available in the top menu bar.

The Arrest/Ticket search is a searchable database of all arrests and tickets issued by the Fairfax County Police Department in the past couple years. You can search for things such as a street name to see all the arrests on your street. Be sure to omit the suffix from your street name search as it is defined in a seperate field. For example if you live on "Nutley St" simply search for "nutley." Great tool to see what kind of trouble your neighbors have been getting into.

If you have any questions feel free to post them in the welcome thread and someone will get back to you.

*From 7/13/05:
First off about the Freda thread, this site is the #1 search result on google for (misspelled) "Frieda Sorce" and was on the first google page for "Freda Sorce." The links took googlers to this thread, which I edited to guide them to the proper thread that someone created.

Long story short, all the extra traffic put this server into a downward spiral as apache and mysql consumed more and more of the cpu. The server was down for about an hour last night, and a good portion of the day today. I had the colo guys reboot the machine for me once last night and twice today. I tried to get out to the facility around 3:30 today, but during rush hour Chantilly -> McLean is an impossible journey.

Everything should be back to normal now. I'm planning on upgrading the server to a quad PIII 700mhz with a gig of ram tomorrow. Right now it's a POS 400mhz celeron with 256 megs of ram.

So you have a better idea of what happened, here are the search engine referrer stats for the past 36 hours. Whenever I've done this before it has been an entire month. This only counts requests that actually made it through to the server before it was killed, many more were rejected.

reqs search term
2507 frieda sorce
2370 freda sorce
466 frieda geronimo
228 bart sorce
100 don geronimo frieda
64 fairfax underground
35 frieda don and mike
33 don geronimo and frieda
31 don and mike frieda
21 frieda don geronimo
10 don and frieda geronimo
9 sorce frieda
9 don geronimo's wife frieda
9 freda sorce picture
8 don geronimo wife frieda
7 sorce freda
7 freda sorce auto
7 don frieda geronimo
7 frieda sorce don geronimo
6 what happened to frieda sorce
6 bart sorce picture
6 related:www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2 2434
6 frieda sorce don and mike
6 don geronimo
5 geronimo frieda
5 freda sorce photo
5 don and frieda sorce
5 freda sorce fairfax
5 don and mike show freda sorce
5 don and mike freda sorce
4 bart sorce photo
4 frieda right sorce
4 related:www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2 606
4 don and freda sorce
4 fairfaxunderground.com
4 http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/news/fredasorce.html
4 don geronimo freda
4 don geronimo's wife
4 mike and frieda sorce
4 don & mike frieda
3 freda sorce car
3 frieda geronimo fairfax
3 don geronimo and freda
3 don and mike frieda geronimo
3 freda sorce geronimo
3 frieda from don and mike
3 mike & freda sorce
3 mike and freda sorce
3 chris craddock
3 frieda and don and mike
3 don frieda sorce
3 freda sorce don geronimo
3 don and mike frieda sorce
3 fairfax don mike frieda
3 http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2 2434
3 mike frieda sorce
2 don and frieda geronimo pictures
2 picture of freda sorce
2 frieda and don geronimo
2 dungrats
2 don geronimo freda sorce
2 freda sorce don and mike
2 site:www.fairfaxunderground.com frieda sorce
2 police report freda sorce
2 freda sorce don
2 http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2 606
2 don geronimo and mike show frieda
2 don & frieda geronimo
2 freda and sorce
2 bart sorce geronimo
2 freda sorce fairfax va
2 don sorce and freda
2 bart sorce don geronimo
2 bart sorce pics
2 frieda sorce don
2 fios chantilly
2 freda sorce va
2 don freda sorce
2 frieda don & mike
2 fairfaxunderground
2 freda:sorce
2 fairfax underground freda sorce
2 freda sorce police report
2 frieda sorce va
2 don geronimo arrest
2 virginia bond adequate to pay for all damages to persons or property is required
2 freda sorce mclean virginia
2 freda sorce pictures
2 kelly dennis lawyer fairfax va
2 how did freda sorce die
2 freda sorce virginia
2 arrest ticket search
2 frieda of don and mike
2 da dominicos restaurant va
2 bart sorce don and mike
2 'freda sorce'
2 where can i find information on frieda geronimo?
2 don geronimo frieda sorce
2 bart sorce don and mike show
2 police eating donuts photos
2 frieda sorce picture
2 keithacole
2 frieda
1 michael sorce great falls
1 frieda sorce 10 june 2005
1 dungrats falls
1 don and mike freda
1 frieda wife of don geronimo
1 freda sorce & don geronimo
1 fairfax virgina freda sorce
1 don and mike and frieda
1 don geronimo arrest record
1 freda sorce of va
1 freda sorce reston virginia
1 mike freda bart sorce
1 %09fairfax cryo
1 site:www.fairfaxunderground.com fairfax underground
1 don geronimo mike frieda
1 sorce 2005 freda car
1 fairfax cryo
1 what happened to frieda geronimo
1 freda sorce pic
1 underground fairfax
1 don and mike frieda\
1 'frieda sorce
1 police and donuts
1 bella pizza centreville
1 freda sorce die
1 frieda sorce mike sorce
1 fairfax virginia and freda sorce
1 bart sorce\
1 geronimo freda sorce
1 don geronimo frieda geronimo
1 underground dzk
1 don geronimos wife
1 strip club tysons virginia
1 pictures of freda sorce
1 people search mike sorce freda sorce
1 graviszro
1 frieda geronimo don dj
1 freda sorce fairfax county
1 frieda sorce car
1 don geronimo frieda bart
1 what happened to frieda geronimo from the don and mike show?
1 ''frieda sorce
1 frieda sorce news
1 freda sorce arrest
1 denman rucker arlington attorney
1 sorce arrest fairfax county
1 ''frieda geronimo''
1 frieda sorce geronimo
1 freda sorce forum
1 fairfax frieda sorce
1 don geronimo virginia
1 mike freda sorce
1 hookah bar chantilly
1 freda sorce?
1 streetwalkers va
1 don sorce frieda
1 freda don geronimo
1 don and frieda
1 michael sorce frieda
1 fairfax underground.com
1 sorce great falls va
1 www.fairfaxunderground
1 freda write sorce
1 ludacris centreville high school
1 where can i find information on don geronimo's wife frieda
1 michael sorce wife frieda
1 www.fairfaxunderground.com/
1 don sorce frieda bart
1 frieda sorce automobile
1 wegmans restaurant reston
1 midgetville vienna
1 arrest/ticket search
1 freda sorce alcohol
1 don and mike fairfax underground
1 bart sorce pic
1 frieda sorce state of virginia
1 frieda sorce fairfax
1 frieda and sorce
1 frieda sorce don radio
1 don and mike radio show frieda 2005
1 amerigo's mclean va
1 don geronimo freda message board
1 don geronimo and wife frieda
1 frieda sorce radio
1 frieda geronimo picture
1 frieda sorce fairfax virginia
1 freda sorce cancer
1 freda sorce falls church virginia
1 don geronimo's sorce
1 frieda geronimo die
1 don frieda bart radio
1 don and mike freda photo
1 where can i find information on frieda sorce
1 calzone worldgate herndon va
1 sorce don and mike
1 don and mike wife frieda
1 don sorce freda
1 frieda geronimo and don geronimo
1 frieda geronimo don
1 midgetville falls church va
1 frieda sorce don mike geronimo
1 frieda bart sorce
1 dj don geronimo wife
1 dj don geronimo frieda
1 fairfax va freda sorce
1 how to make ice coffee
1 don geronimo & frieda
1 hookah bar sterling va
1 don geronimo and frieda and sorce
1 frieda don sorce
1 frieda sorce don and mike show
1 michael & frieda sorce fairfax virginia
1 great falls va and freda sorce
1 nw hd5 accesories
1 freda sorce message board
1 don geronimo arrested
1 zip code for cia langley
1 news frieda
1 frieda sorce from don and mike show
1 wife of radio dj don geronimo frieda
1 frieda sorce on don and mike
1 milf inva
1 mike geronimo & frieda radio
1 don geronimo bart freda
1 frieda don geronimo's wife
1 sorce fairfax arrest
1 picture of mike and freda sorce
1 what happened to don geronimo's wife
1 fast eddies centreville
1 sluts herndon virginia
1 frieda sorce don & mike show
1 mike sorce and frieda
1 frieda sorce virginia
1 freda bart sorce
1 michael and frieda sorce
1 mvc late night video tysons
1 dj don geronimo's family
1 freda sorce 2005
1 don and frieda geronimo\
1 pics of bart sorce
1 what happened to freda sorce
1 local dj don geronimo wife
1 fairfax county arrest sorce
1 freda sorce great falls va
1 pictures of don and frieda geronimo
1 sorce freda in va
1 sorce mike frieda
1 harry potter bookz
1 hookah chantilly
1 frieda write sorce
1 don and mike & frieda
1 freda sorce has cancer
1 freda sorce don and mike show
1 freda and mike sorce great falls
1 frieda sorce in fairfax news
1 don and mike radio show
1 got ticket in fairfax va
1 frieda wife geronimo
1 don geronimo mike
1 michael freda sorce
1 frieda sorce'
1 freda sorce great falls virginia
1 freda sorce don mike
1 don geronimo don and mike frieda
1 don geronimo's wife frieda picture of
1 don geronimo arrests
1 buffalo wings factory sterling
1 mike sorce
1 frieda geronimo don mike
1 hookah restaurant va
1 don & frieda sorce
1 dj don geronimo's real last name

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2006 08:20PM by Cary.

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: July 13, 2005 11:00AM

What was the percentage of increase in visitors before the site went offline? I'm curious to know what the average daily load on the server was leading up to the failure, and wondering what the numbers were when it finally rendered itself useless.

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 13, 2005 12:16PM

Heh, slashdot effect. pwned.

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: July 13, 2005 09:54PM

OK, who was searching for the Tysons MVC?

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: July 13, 2005 10:00PM

hahaha... And sluts in Herndon Virginia?

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: IdiotPatrol ()
Date: July 13, 2005 10:11PM

Just for the record, I was led to this site through a link posted on DCRTV.com.

I looked back to see who posted it, but I believe it has been removed.

Nice forum you're running here.

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 17, 2005 12:04AM

as soon as anyone figures out how Cary is responsible for a link on DCRTV please tell me
Cary could kick Dave Hughes' ass in a fight any day, BTW

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Re: The Freda thread and server downtime
Posted by: CERTenly23029121 ()
Date: October 13, 2011 02:15AM

CERT so tired of this site being incapacitated over modest load... CERT request real admin run this site!

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