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looking for a fairfax directory
Posted by: an old lost pal ()
Date: March 30, 2010 08:34PM

Is there a way to find a old Marine friend, or his family in Fairfax? I really don't even know if he made it back years ago when we deployed to different areas of the world. He was a Force Recon Black op's Marine so most of his record is blank or missing. I was wondering if there was some kind of directory ( other than the phone book that he's not listed in ) That I could scan. Thanks for any help you folks could offer. Perhaps you know him. Initials B.A. and of course a USMC Vet ( if you know who I am talking about you'll understand that )

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Re: looking for a fairfax directory
Posted by: Starchild ()
Date: March 30, 2010 09:33PM

There's a thing now that many people in the world use called Facebook.

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Re: looking for a fairfax directory
Posted by: joetheblow ()
Date: March 30, 2010 10:13PM

My wife now found her 5 old fucks.. incredible. I thought I had snaged her from alll those guys. Oviosly I fucked it all up and cant even keep up with the mortgage. This guys live at their moms basemant , but are on line all day. Thanks to face book. She was found.. last time she left the page open and all the fucks where there. Im sure you will find each other. Open and acount with a picture and everyone who you did or did you, will find you.

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