Anyone else seeing this shit? About a week ago, for at least a full straight week the Lumen tower in Tysons was lit up from top to bottom with green white and red every night. I was trying to figure out what the color scheme was all about. Then as soon as the news broke about Iranians being behind the attack on the US embassy in Iraq, they changed the color scheme. Since then it has been just flashing white lights.
I remain skeptical that it was anything other than coincidence, but I know there are a shit ton of rich ass Persians in Tysons. Anyone know what the deal is behind the color scheme?
For reference see the picture. The light I am talking about is that big strip that runs from the top to bottom of the building on the right side of the picture. It is a bunch of LED's that can be programmed to whatever color scheme they choose. For some reason it was 1/3rd green, 1/3rd white, and 1/3rd red leading up to the attacks. Now it is just flashing lights. The building is one of the tallest in the state and is up on a hill so you can see it from really far away.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2020 03:33PM by jabberwocky.