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Sully Place Shopping Center -Panhandler Swarm!
Posted by: Human Tripod ()
Date: January 04, 2020 07:03PM

Go to this shopping center at your own peril! More panhandlers than PanAm Shopping Center ever had!

Beware of the aggressive woman red scarf who makes "Mammy" in Gone With The WInd look as skinny as a bean pole. She patrols the parking lot. Her scam is to beg you for money by asking for "something to eat" when you park your car. After your shop, she offers to return your shopping cart at the Aldi, to at least scam you out of your 25 cent deposit on the cart. There's also a panhandler with a sign at the exit by Backyard Barbecue. I saw a couple of other suspicious types roaming the parking lot.

When I saw her do her "in your face" tactics on a Vietnamese family (including leaning into the car), I complained to the manager at the nearest store, the Aldi. He shrugged his shoulders and said he "(couldn't) do anything about it."

Customers can do something about it. Stay away from what has become another third-world shithole in NOVA and take your business elsewhere!

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