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A good general auto mechanic?
Date: March 25, 2007 05:53PM

Can anyone recommend a good independent auto mechanic in this area that works on Japanese cars? I've mostly been using Craven Tire & Auto in Sterling for my routine maintenance. I do some things myself such as changing a belt or filter, but I go there for fluid changes and the general inspection of various things that has to be done regularly.

They seem like decent people but I'm wondering if they're doing the right things. I have low mileage so I go by time. Every time I go in they say to just get their standard 3K service which is mainly an oil change and 31-point inspection. They say they test my fluids and will tell me if any need changing. However, there are some things that are neglected. For instance, I just noticed I'm due for new sparkplugs which I will put in.

I was thinking of trying someone else next time and seeing what they do different. Does anyone have any places they like?

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: March 25, 2007 06:10PM

Craven seems to be good but they charge an arm and a leg. Find a good dealer to go to, I don't know what kind of jap car you have but Rosenthal Nissan/Mazda is real good.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Kid ()
Date: March 25, 2007 09:12PM

brothers automotive off of 50

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Date: March 25, 2007 09:50PM

It's a Toyota Corolla. Actually I was happy that Craven wasn't trying to sell me their more expensive services, but I'm concerned that I'm not having enough done. I haven't needed any real repairs but I think the dealers are most expensive, more expensive than Craven or other independents for regular maintenance.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: BIG SHOW ()
Date: March 26, 2007 09:07AM

Dulles Auto Clinic- Sterling, off of 606. Great mechanics and good prices. Never had a problem with these guys.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: El Mono Rojo ()
Date: March 26, 2007 09:46AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2014 04:04PM by El Mono Rojo.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: why me ()
Date: March 26, 2007 11:53AM

When I lived near Fairfax Hosp. I used Precision Inport Service on Dorr Ave. a lot and they were very good. Closer to home I have used Capital Car Care at Braddock & the beltway.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: March 26, 2007 05:13PM

Looks like you can take your car just about any place... lol

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: ThOr101 ()
Date: March 27, 2007 11:14AM


There is a gas station on that corner, just a stones throw from McDonalds (not the Shell, I think it is an exxon, use the business finder to get details).

Anyway, I went there with my truck. Excellent service. I then went there with my Mazda Tribute that had strut problems or something. I don't recall. The guy couldn't beleive that it had this problem with such low mileage, so I brought it in. They guy took it for a test (bearings, that what is was, they were shot) drive with me in the car, and said that it was indeed them.

I told them the price the dealership was going to charge me (with discounts) and he said it was just a $100 or so over what he could do it for. He told me to go with the dealership in case there was a recall, I could recoup the money.

Anyway, I've gone to him, my friends have gone to him, and he has always treated us right. And you can wait at the McDonalds, or walk over to the closing CompUSA.

Good luck.


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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: VA Driver ()
Date: March 27, 2007 12:05PM

If you want the highest quality service and are willing to pay top dollar for it, Curry's has 4 locations around the area:


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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Fhdbdydbdjdj ()
Date: November 30, 2018 09:02PM


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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: 3hv9x ()
Date: November 30, 2018 10:36PM

get the fuck out

FFU isn't your private advertising board

you didn't pay the SYSOP anything

don't blow our time with your advertising

i'm telling everyone i know to stay 10 miles away from "craven"

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: What my Uber driver said ()
Date: December 01, 2018 03:06AM

He recommended Liberty Auto Service off of Fairfax Circle. https://goo.gl/maps/UZjNd2c8mBr

Apparently they have some honest mechanics that won't inflate prices

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Honda Man ()
Date: December 01, 2018 09:38AM

My Accord had $260k miles on it when I sold it and I did nothing more than change the fluids regularly, and change the brakes, tires and timing belt. No 15k or 30k services, ever.

And avoid the stealership at all costs!

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Yes, True ()
Date: December 01, 2018 11:47AM

What my Uber driver said Wrote:
> He recommended Liberty Auto Service off of Fairfax
> Circle. https://goo.gl/maps/UZjNd2c8mBr
> Apparently they have some honest mechanics that
> won't inflate prices

That station also doesn't over-inflate their gas prices either. But, they have a lot of business because it's hard to navigate their lot. I'd use them for a repair.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: December 01, 2018 02:04PM

Wherever a white guy works, your mechanic will be educated and honest.

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Re: A good general auto mechanic?
Posted by: Dick Ed ()
Date: December 01, 2018 02:36PM

Space Ghost Coast to Coast Wrote:
> It's a Toyota Corolla. Actually I was happy that
> Craven wasn't trying to sell me their more
> expensive services, but I'm concerned that I'm not
> having enough done. I haven't needed any real
> repairs but I think the dealers are most
> expensive, more expensive than Craven or other
> independents for regular maintenance.

Try this - The next time you go for your oil change, ask one of the service writers to follow you to the customer lounge.

Pick a nice chair to bend over, pull down your pants, and ask if someone could fuck you up the ass.

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