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Re: Freda
Posted by: robin ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:30AM

Don (Mike)
If you were not a public peson, the loss of Freda would be something you would have to deal with alone. As a public person, it is a different matter. However, I don't believe that people should take advantage of your situation in order to make themselves feel larger.

My sincere condolences to you. As much as we will miss Freda (my husband always enjoyed her rapid responses to you, and I always found her responses helpful in dealing with my husband), I know that nothing we can say will help you or bart or big freda in dealing with this loss. I can not even begin to imagine the pain you are dealing with. The love and understanding each of you exhibited toward each other gave all of us an example. Love is not finding the perfect person, it's learning to find the perfection in the person you love. I think the two of you manageged to do that.

Love and prayers to you and the family. To hell with the people who take advantage of the situation.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Easternshoreguy ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:33AM

To rstidman and friends...you are lower than snail slim. You have not an ounce of decency in your whole body. And when YOUR time comes, I hope someone takes a giant crap on your grave.

And for those idiots that still dont get it...Don is doing a radio show and THAT is why he sometimes sounds like a jerk...it's part of the show. Just like Howard Stern does his best to shock his audiance (though I am no fan of Stern).
Even if Don really was a total jerk he wouldnt deserve to lose his wife.

As for Freda, she was a good and decent person. Something that rstidman will never be, and doesnt even understand the concept of.

As for Route 90, putting a guardrail down the whole stretch of that highway, instead of just part of it, would have saved countless lives by now...including Freda's.

Stick me with a fork....I'm done

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Easternshoreguy ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:36AM

You said it!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: California Listener ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:53AM

RStidman....I say Good day to YOU, Sir.........

The Devil

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Re: Freda
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: August 16, 2005 12:23PM

> "STIDMAN ","ROBERT ","E","025","
> ","VA","10/14/2004","LOSER

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Somebody ()
Date: August 16, 2005 12:29PM

What is so different about the kind of "shocking" characters that rstidman and dnm portray?

I listened to yesterday's show and started laughing my ass off when don was complaining about the lack of accountability on the interent. Aren't these the same people that bitch about the FCC? Didn't you actually have to search this site out?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 16, 2005 12:48PM

He claimed to have to go to page 10 of Google's search results to find it. Yeah, this info is sure blasting the area just like the Bat Signal, I tell ya.

If he hadn't brought it up it would have been forgotten and a couple more pages back on the search results by now. But no... now all the same pathetic radio show fans are coming here again to post and bring MORE attention to his address. Next people may be tempted to post addresses for the rest of the people on the show... just a stupid cycle that wastes everyone's time and energy.

I understand Don's position, but by bringing attention to it he's basically telling his fans to go look for it. That doesn't sound like someone too concerned for his privacy.

Personally, I think this issue simply serves as an anger outlet for Don. I suppose there are worse anger outlets, but this one is a little self-defeating.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:31PM

I feel bad for Robert Stidman. The one that keeps popping up on this string is not the right one. This guy is going to catch hell and probably get ambushed on his way home from work one day because a bunch of fucking idiots are taking this shit too seriously. Someone should warn him. Better yet, let him get killed by the idiots ... that'll bring Freda back, won't it?

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Posted by: DMV ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:32PM

Its been taken care of.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: California Listener ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:40PM

Paper Pusher.....

nice try, trying to deflect people from rstidman.....you know it is the same person...he posts all throughout this forum....

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:44PM

I don't know enough about him to protect him. I suppose you'll be out to get every PaperPusher on the internet as well. That'd be every government worker out there. Good luck!

Plus, if it's worth your while to come all the way here just to vent, feel free. It's your money and your time. Just be prepared. We have SSLs and MS-13.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: California Listener ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:46PM

threats to Me now!?

how lame ARE you.....

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:47PM

pretty lame. bring it on

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Re: Freda
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:50PM

DeadFredasRottingCorpse Wrote:
> I think im gonna friggin puke. I cant believe the
> ignorant people that post on this site thinking
> someone from the family will actually read it. I
> think whats more hilarious then Freda actually
> dying is the fact that so many morons talk about
> how devistated they were and are. Get real Don got
> what he deserved. Now that we know Dons address we
> need to post it everywhere. Just like he likes
> telling peoples phone numbers on the air. Have
> every one you know send morbid cards to his house
> rejoicing in the death of his wife. Wait a little
> while though before sending any let him start
> recovering a little first then stick it to the
> bastard.
> Buh Bye then. Sugar Bear

bro, you can't be serious with that stuff. i mean, wow. seems kinda like a personal vendetta to me. you got a story to share? 'cause there are lotsa people i can't stand, but who i've never met; if they passed, or if one of their loved ones passed, i can't imagine getting so PERSONALLY vicious about it. only way i can imagine getting as vitriolic as ^^^that stuff is if the deceased person (or loved one thereof) had PERSONALLY affected me in some (horrible, horrible) way.

so what did this guy do to YOU? must be a good story. please share.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:52PM

it was a joke obviously. it sounds just like something Don himself would say.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 02:57PM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> it was a joke obviously.

you think?

i'm not sure ... 'course, i don't know jack about psychology, so all my dime-store head-shrinkin' above might be worth even less than that. but for a "joke" it sure sounded a little ... personal.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: :) ()
Date: August 16, 2005 03:47PM

What a Bunch of Freaks!!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 16, 2005 03:51PM

No doubt we all are and the freakpile keeps growing. That's why I'll be glad when the extraneous freaks leave and we're back to a managable pile of freaks.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: get alife ()
Date: August 16, 2005 04:04PM

why can't peaple get a life? there are a lot of things more important than who said what and what is ok to say.
In the end we all die and who cares.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: streamline ()
Date: August 16, 2005 04:15PM

get alife Wrote:
> why can't peaple get a life? there are a lot of
> things more important than who said what and what
> is ok to say.
> In the end we all die and who cares.

down with it

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 04:54PM

Here's the latest scoop on the ol' Stidmeister:

E. Leet Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> Public Information available on
> Robert E. Stidman, Age 26
> Last 3 Residences:
> 6237 Summer Pond Dr.
> 6407 Columbia Pike
> 2790 Prince Harold Ct.
> HERNDON VA 20171
> Works as a Bench Technician:
> Rob Stidman
> Bench Technician
> Intrepid Technical Services
> 6621-A Electronic Drive
> Springfield, VA 22151
> 800-642-6015

Shit, by tomorrow, we'll know more about this fuckstick Stidman's personal life than HE does!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 05:01PM


are you related to, or friends with, anyone involved in this?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: anon ()
Date: August 16, 2005 05:10PM

All D&M fans should call Rob Stidman's work number, ask for him and hang up. Tie up their phone lines. Tell his employer what he did to Don and that this is a reflection of what their employees do?



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Re: Freda
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 05:12PM

anon Wrote:
> All D&M fans should call Rob Stidman's work
> number, ask for him and hang up. Tie up their
> phone lines. Tell his employer what he did to Don
> and that this is a reflection of what their
> employees do?
> 800-642-6015

don't just tell me what to do. tell my why i'm supposed to do it. and don't be conclusory like, "he posted up don's address." tell me why i should take time out of my day to try to fuck up this guy's EMPLOYER.

don't you think that mike sorce is a big boy and can take care of himself? why are you so invested in this? what is your personal interest in it? why is it so important to YOU? why THIS?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Laura ()
Date: August 16, 2005 05:17PM

THANK YOU A-FAN Good work. You made my day by your posting of the address. What the hell is a bench technician? Tightens the bolts on the benches at Metro? Hmmmm. I hope he (RStinkman)gets lovely handwritten letters to his home and his poor, sick mother, (who takes care of him ) opens them up and finds skulls and crossbones.

This pisses me off, and NO! I didnt know Freda, but one knows an asset to the planet earth when one hears it, and that does hurt we normal people. I think its nice Don posted a thank you (if it was indeed him) and I'm glad too, even though we know he's wealthy, he got some life insurance proceeds-hope the ill wishers choke on that.
God Bless all the people that are making deposits into the banks of our lives and not constant withdrawals and overdraughts.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: anon ()
Date: August 16, 2005 05:50PM

NOW, lets get the personal information of Cary Wiedemann (the guy that runs the site) and post that on here. Everything you can find on him.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 05:56PM

Why? What did he do to deserve that? That would definitely be outta line. Wiedemann is basically an innocent bystander in this whole process. He, in fact, pulled most of the offending remarks.

No, I say we just zero in on Stimpy!!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: E. Leet ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:11PM

Ahhhhhhhh... A. Fan has become the ring leader! I thought I saw a nice pointy white hat. Sheeeeyt!!!! Let us just find a tree and start lynchin' everyone.

Anon, if you could buy a clue, Cary's information was already posted in another section. One of you nitwits was able to do a WHOIS search!!! Woo hoo... It is a regu-lar hoot-en-nanny!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. fan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:13PM

Leech, your funny!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: E. Leet ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:19PM

A. Fan,

Since you are so primed on pointing out other's misspellings, you should know the proper phrasing you were looking for was "you're funny." You and Are as a conjunction is "you're."

I should expect no less from some redneck who prolly didn't grad-u-ate high skoo!

Why don't you kick back on the front porch of your ranch and pick us a little banjo mu-sick!

Good night, A. Fan.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:23PM

Regarding my previous post - lest any of the nit-pickers call it to your attention - it should be "you're funny" not "your funny", when used in that particular context - my bad. And, I should have capitalized the "F" in Fan.

That "lynchin'" talk got me all excited, I guess!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:28PM

See, I told you somebody would notice! Basically, they can't find fault anywhere else so they gotta pick on a simple typo or two!

Let he who is without fault cast the first keyboard, WHORE!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:29PM

so how bout them redskins

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Re: Freda
Posted by: anon2 ()
Date: August 16, 2005 06:56PM

But it is not the correct information, just the full name. We want the same information that was posted about rstidman. Don HAS pointed Cary out on the show for allowing this to happen. Since he did NOT remove the personal information or offending remarks made about Freda and Don, he is now fair game!

Ready to play.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:04PM

My gut feeling is you're probably one of Stimpy's buddies, pissed because so much Stidmeister info has been posted here. Dig up what you can - I honestly believe Cary doesn't give a flying fuck - NOBODY else does! Knock yourself out.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:05PM

Does anyone else find it funny there are alot of people that identify with Don because of his arguments with his spouse? White trash abound.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:26PM

johnnye Wrote:
> Does anyone else find it funny there are alot of
> people that identify with Don because of his
> arguments with his spouse? White trash abound.

so ... you don't argue with your spouse? i'm guessing you don't have one.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:31PM

I never argue because I'm always right so it is futile for her to try.

No really, I never raise my voice, at all, ever. She can see the anger in my eyes, no need to start a commotion and have the cops arrive.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2005 07:31PM by johnnye.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:50PM

johnnye Wrote:
> I never argue because I'm always right so it is
> futile for her to try.

i wish my wife was as prescient as yours. although it is also a given in my house that i am always right, she nonetheless argues, and frequently (read: always) wins.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: TiLenol Daeqil ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:58PM

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 16, 2005 10:20PM

I find it amazing that so many people take this stuff so seriously.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Hemsk ()
Date: August 16, 2005 10:31PM

Seriously, people. Get a grip.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:57PM

i think its over . praise the lord

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Re: Freda
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: August 17, 2005 12:26AM

1. I know rstidman personally and i can vouch that he's a good guy. if you have contention, eat me

2. the don and mike show is one of my few radio joys. i was very sad when i heard about freda, but for fuck's sake let's leave the personal sorrow to her family and people that knew her personally.

3. what the previous 3 posters said

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Matt ()
Date: August 17, 2005 01:02AM

some people....some people...

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Re: Freda
Posted by: d ()
Date: August 17, 2005 11:27AM

rstidman u r a(n) ______ im sure youve gotten a ticket 2 lets all post that on the internet. leave don alone, or call him up and talk to him man to man. cause when u mess w/ don and freda ur messing w/ all of us

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Re: Freda
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 17, 2005 11:38AM

Welcome to the party - a day late! Stidman's shit has already been posted - some time ago, so "u r" simply wasting your time.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 17, 2005 12:02PM

d, you don't speak for me.

I have no qualms with anyone. remember freedom of speech? the moderator doesn't edit or alter much on this site much to his credit.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 17, 2005 12:03PM

d Wrote:
> cause when u mess w/ don and freda ur messing
> w/ all of us

I think this is my new favorite pathetic post from the sad fans.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Daniel J ()
Date: August 17, 2005 12:09PM

Re: Freda
Posted by: d (IP Logged)
Date: August 17, 2005 11:27AM

rstidman u r a(n) ______ im sure youve gotten a ticket 2 lets all post that on the internet. leave don alone, or call him up and talk to him man to man. cause when u mess w/ don and freda ur messing w/ all of us

d, why do you need to post his speeding tickets on the internet, the fairfax county police already did it for you as you can see here. http://fairfaxunderground.com/arrests/

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Re: Freda
Posted by: E. Leet ()
Date: August 17, 2005 02:38PM

Daniel J Wrote:
> d, why do you need to post his speeding tickets on
> the internet, the fairfax county police already
> did it for you as you can see here.
> [fairfaxunderground.com]

Oh, this is fucking hilarious!!! Let's post a link to the site we are already posting to...

This boy's IQ must be the same as his shoe size!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Kwitcherbitchin ()
Date: August 17, 2005 02:58PM

To all,

I must say that going through these previous posts have given me much amusement. In you I have seen an array of human emotional maladies (A disease, a disorder, or an ailment. An unwholesome condition). We have individuals calling for blood (metaphorically speaking) over someone they do not know or have any personal connection with. Yet they protect them as if they were their only child. I happended to listen to the radio program that day and heard Don's plea for information. Did he call his audience to war, did I miss something? Have we been chosen to exact his revenge? I think not. Don has obtained the information and will do with it what he chooses. Don't let someone elses problem cause you to sink to the level of children. You are all better than this, I least if I am to have any hope in humanity I would pray that you are. If not, then I pity your children, I pity your families and I do not envy your life.

To those of you who so kindly posted stidmans information on this forum. How is what you did any better then what he did? Do you not realize that Don's anger was do to his personal information being given out? Do you realize that you have now lowered yourself to the level of man you deem horrible? Does that not make you horrible as well? Please, before the lynching (any yes lynching is the correct spelling) begins, I am not deffending him, and I do not agree with what he did, but I believe that those of you who did not maintain the moral high ground have no right to judge and are no better than he.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: nando ()
Date: August 18, 2005 11:54AM

Rob, I know you probably dont listen to the show but Don has asked that you call him live on the air (202) 432-1067 between the hours of 3pm to 7pm monday through friday. I think it would be great radio, I'd love to hear you on the air.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: JDM ()
Date: August 18, 2005 12:14PM

Lets put this bickering to rest. Enough already.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Dennis Murphy ()
Date: August 18, 2005 12:25PM

Ic I had a toungce I cwould give all you ccloosers the toungce clasking cof cyour clives. Ceven thouch he treacs me like dirt and nakes fun cof me because i have no toungce and arm.

Cleave Con aclone.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: August 18, 2005 02:24PM

We need Mr. 40 to chime in.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Deborah ()
Date: August 18, 2005 02:47PM

Wow Dennis really can't spell - hehe - Speaking of Mr. 40 - Whatever happened to him???

Don seems to be doing better on the air now. All those people that don't like the show - then turn the freakin dail. Enough is enough.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: FGAD ()
Date: August 19, 2005 08:03AM

??? Wheres Stidman ????

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Re: Freda
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: August 19, 2005 12:38PM

First, why would rstidman call in to that lame ass show? Don treats his callers like dumbasses. Then again, that's what most of them are, from what I can tell.

Second, Kwitcherbitchin when people use a big word inappropriately it's called a malapropism. I wonder if there's a similar term for someone who tries to sound intelligent while spewing grammatical errors like a tourette’s patient?

Third, d have you ever heard of a granfalloon?

My apologies to the regulars for perpetuating the madness.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: ron ()
Date: August 24, 2005 06:48PM

Anyone you gathers and posts personal information about anyone,whether they are a public personality or not,is disgusting.It is an invasion,no different than breaking into someones home.The arguement about such information being "public information" is garbage.Every person in this country has a legal RIGHT to a private life.
To those who think Freda's death is reason to joke.Have the guts to post your
name,address and phone number so Mike Sorce can call you and respond to your idiot remarks.If a person I did not know insults me regarding the death of a loved one,that person would be picking up their teeth off the floor.But cowards make ignorant comments behinds closed doors or hiding behind a website.
Someday you may suffer a loss,and you would not tolerate crude, and hateful comments about your family.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: pete the meat ()
Date: August 24, 2005 06:54PM

Why in the hell is it funny or needed to call don or give out his address and make fun of his dead wife, thats really sick, and the people who gave out the info are morons and have no lifes.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: james ()
Date: August 24, 2005 08:31PM

Don: I know youre monitoring this site. I am so sorry to hear about yours and Bart's loss. I haven't been listening for a while and found out today when that guy called shortly before you left.

I know you hear it all day long, but my prayers are with you.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Embla ()
Date: August 24, 2005 09:42PM

I do not believe this. I do not fucking believe this.
I just got home a few minutes ago, and while in the car, had to listen to Don read some of that shit that's been posted here. Don, -if you're seeing this, I want you to know that hearing that stuff ripped my heart out. I know that there's nothing I can say to help to heal the wounds I would, however try to provide some emotional orientation and perspective to this nonsense. It's this: there are monsters in the world. There is Evil in the world. It's just that simple.
I'm not a very religious person, but after having had my soul savaged by a true sociopath earlier this year, I can now say without reservation that some people are just plain Evil, -and I do mean the capitol E thing. They're not crass, insensetive, sick or even crazy. These people are simply bad. That's all there is to it. Please stop beating yourself up over trying to figure this sort of thing out, what motivates them, -in short some kind of reason for why they do what they do, because there is none.
I had to accept this, and it makes looking back on what happened easier. In closing, -and I know it's an awful thing to say, but it's this sort of business that makes me hope there is a hell, so that there's a place for these people to go. Take care, Don. Love, -Dianne.

P.S. Cary, I wanted to barf all over your stupid little condescending message on the home page. Bite me.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: average joe ()
Date: August 24, 2005 09:48PM

If you are so upset about Freda, why don't you take all of the awful posts off of your website? Some of these people that frequent your site are really sick, and NO ONE should have to be subjected to the adolescent mindlessness that they are speaking. Your site invites a variety of people... you should disclude the immature, cruel, and nasty people. Don lost his best friend, and the love of his life. Can you imagine that? I can't imagine losing my love. You need to be respectful of that, or the next thing you know you are going to die a lonely lonely person. Just because you haven't experienced love doesn't mean that you can't respect it. Your site crashed today because Don said the name on air, and rightfully so. A man's wife has died. He is devestated. If you can't respect that and leave it alone then you are inhuman. I hope that you never find true love. You obviously don't deserve it.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: jerry ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:03PM

Listened to the show today and heard Don "railing" about this website, I agree that some views are cruel and heartless, i'm pretty sure it's done just for the "Shock value" such as it is...Don I take it avoids this, can't say I blame him, but the show that ran a while back when Don ran over his dog and Frieda's reaction to the whole incident cemented my belief she had a great heart and I feel for Don and Bart. Loosing a dog is tantamount to loosing a child in some views. Frieda, scratch Rudy behind the ears, I'm sure he'll love it!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: BITE ME ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:17PM

I have listened to Don & Mike on and off for years. I am NOT a big fan, but to whoever is posting about Don's wife. I hope what goes around come around and it bites you right in the ass. As to the ASSHOLE that is running this site it is PURE BULLSHIT to HIDE YOUR PUNK ASS behind the first admendment. Be a man and shut this CRAP DOWN.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Ghost of Christmas Past ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:41PM

Swimming in more putrid stuff now, eh Cary?

Think you'll medal?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Embla ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:44PM

Hey, Cary,

I couldn't help but notice that you deleted an entire thread on this board in regards to the backlash generated by the black shit that was said about Don and Freda. As I recall, (and also saved) you claimed to be a first-amendment advocate in your cute little home page text.
ie: "Don: I work in Fairfax City not even a mile away from WJFK. I'd be more than willing to come in and give you a nice lesson on the first amendment."
So, where's your first-amendment passion, now? Huh?
I'd love to hear you come into the WJFK studio and go on air talking about all this. Really.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Jay ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:48PM

Are you saying that Cary is scared of Don or his fans or that he is caving in to the pressure? Hmmm...

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Embla ()
Date: August 24, 2005 11:31PM

Just an observation. OK?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Brian ()
Date: August 24, 2005 11:49PM

Don and Mike are true entertainers and they have proved that with the fact that their show has become so much better after the FCC crack down. They dont need a potty mouth to have a great show.

I may be a stranger to Don, however, I feel like he is a member of my family. While it is only a 10 min. drive to get home from work every day, I have chosen to take a longer route home. for the last 4 years I choose to drive the back roads, rather than the expressway, to get home every day. To me its like spending quality time with family members. The extended drive home gives me 20 min of relaxing time with a great group of people,

Over the years Don has opened up his personal life to us all, and I have always enjoyed him sharing it wih us. I cannot imagine the pain he is going through right now, yet he still able entertain us each day.

I don't consider myself as an overly religious person. I make my infrequent apperance to church, only 3 or 4 times a year, however I say prayers for Don hoping for his pain to be eased.

Thank you Don for always making my life cheerful every day.

Brian in Rochester

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Merovic ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:25AM

I heard about this site on the show today. What kind of a coward anonymously posts those type of things about another's loved one?
You're a piece of shit, an abortion. If you have the balls you say you do, then announce when you are going to the studio to give Don his lesson on the First Amendment. I would love to show up and beat your sorry, pathetic, grody ass. You're fucking loser!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Susan ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:58AM

The guy who called in saying he was just back from Alaska.....didn't believe him for a New York minute...Who knows it may have been the guy who posted Don's addy or the one posting here as the peep that Don read before he left the show.

What pissed me off was the card he got at home today.........some sicko decided to send him a card about losing Freda and it was a piece of shit card.

There must be someone who is sooooo proud of that and will galdy step forward to claim the glory of that deed.

Mr. BIG BALLS is that all you can do....hide behind that person who owes this board?????

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Bernie ()
Date: August 25, 2005 03:06AM

Fredasrottingcorpse should get a life. You are a sick son of a bitch. I am sure that you will get off because your stupid ass web name was mentioned on the air. Why don't you do us all a favor and just kill yourself. You don't deserve to be breathing the same air as the rest of us who have some compassion and understand what its like to lose a loved one.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Susan ()
Date: August 25, 2005 03:20AM

Bernie I think to lash back at them with wishes of harm to their family or themselves would just bring us down to their level.......I don't care to be the kind of person they are.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: John ()
Date: August 25, 2005 03:28AM

TO Fredasrottingcorpse,
WTF is your problem? Were you not given enough attention as a child or are you just a mental midget. Are you so starved for attention that you must attack a dead person or that persons grieving family. What has Mike(Don) or Freda ever done to you? Let me guess, you called the show and Don called you a homo or something--was that it? Get a life you loser.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: ray from Oquawka,IL ()
Date: August 25, 2005 06:34AM

You all sound great but there is some scum-bag on the site saying idiotic crule things about the lovely Freda and the webmaster is allowing it to continue. Maybe if you care so much you would do something about it.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Holy Nerd Crap Batman!!! ()
Date: August 25, 2005 06:56AM

Holy crap! First non tech help or game related crap forum I have responded to. All you folks that are posting defending Don and his good wife's name, don't worry about it. The buttplugs who talk massive bullshit are pulling out the beach towels and obviously listen to the show more than anyone (you dorks know what I mean). Damn man, people these days are fucking bored to tears if they need to worry about what a fat, virgin, 15 year old like that buttplug rtid.. whatever the fuck his name is, says. If you know that much about the show but slam it... you obviously listen to it. Quit being a puss, there is a difference between the first amendment and being a fuckhead, lol. Don't waste yer time folks (like I have just now, lol).

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: August 25, 2005 07:49AM

To any jack ass idiot that feels he has a right to hide behind the 1st amendment just to get your jollies and get a rise out of people with a sense of decency, please write down the first amendment (doubt you really know what it says) on a piece of cardboard, head to the studios of JFK, and say all you want. Listening to Mike pummel you to a pulpy mass as you hide behind your "rights" would make for some good radio.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 25, 2005 11:07AM

Cary, is it time to make this a pay-per-post site? or grab a couple of advertisers? Perhaps funeral homes? You could retire!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: JesusTittyFuckingChrist ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:01PM

Being a D&M listener, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't saddened by Freda's death. Not because I felt like I knew her or Don or Bart or their familiy but because it was just another reminder of how unpredictable life is and how that kind of thing can be just around the corner for any one of us. It would also be untrue if I said that I wasn't pissed off after hearing about this website on yesterday's show. I suppose I came to this site this morning to post some sort of objection but after spending the last 2 hours reading all of these posts, I have come to the conclusion that Don is right about one thing: the majority of their listeners really are idiots. It would seem that as soon as it was known that Don was reading posts here, people were falling over each other trying to post something that he might read and mention on the show. If you, the D&M listener, really care that much then call the fucking show! Of course you will not because you are afraid big, bad Don will call you a name or belittle you in some fashion. And really, how exactly is the whole planet going to be affected by Freda's passing? What about the hundreds of thousands of other people around the world that die every day? I despise the attempts of people to press their morals and beliefs on others. Didn't our forefathers come here to escape that sort of shit in the first place? So please, D&M listners, do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up. Leave these people and their website alone and go back to telling your friends and co-workers what to do and how to do it. I apologize for perpetuating the bullshit. Hopefully Cary, Stidman, PaperPusher and the rest of the regulars will be able to get back to enjoying their website soon.

"Lies feed your judgement of others,
Behold how the blind lead each other."

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Re: Freda
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:08PM

Very well worded.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:19PM

Thanks Titty. Did I mention I like that part of your name?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:40PM

JTFC - Cary said he would take it down if someone asked. Multiple people have asked. Cary refused.

Didn't our forefathers come here to escape that sort of shit in the first place?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: JesusTittyFuckingChrist ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:08PM

What is left up and what is taken down is up to Cary, not multiple people. If you came into my house and asked me to take a picture off of my wall that you thought was offensive, you can bet I would tell you to go fuck yourself and you would then be left with the choice of either leaving my house or sitting there staring at the offensive picture. The same goes here. If you don't like it, leave so you don't have to look at it. As for the forefathers business, did they not journey to this land to be able to live their lives their own way instead of living as others thought they should? I'm pretty sure that is taught in elementary school history.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:17PM


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Re: Freda
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:38PM

JTFC - you still don't get it. Re-read my post.

Using your analogy:

1) you said that you had an obscene picture in your house, and that if anybody who was in your house was offended by it that you would take it down.

2) People told you that they were offended, including a person with personal ties to said picture.

3) You refuse to take it down.

Don't they teach honor and responsibility and "keeping your word" in elementary school?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:40PM


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Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:45PM

said person staring at said picture can leave instead of said person continuing to stare at said picture on said wall. This is Cary's house, so if he wants said picture on said wall, sobeit.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:47PM

not Cary Wrote:
> JTFC - you still don't get it. Re-read my post.
> Using your analogy:
> 1) you said that you had an obscene picture in
> your house, and that if anybody who was in your
> house was offended by it that you would take it
> down.
> 2) People told you that they were offended,
> including a person with personal ties to said
> picture.
> 3) You refuse to take it down.
> Don't they teach honor and responsibility and
> "keeping your word" in elementary school?

A better analogy would be if you had a picture somebody you dont give 2 shits about finds offensive. If this picture is by a window and visible from the street by somebody walking by and he comes up to you and asks you to take it down, you can tell him to just keep walking and not look at the picture. Don and his fans can simply not read the offensive posts here and not be hurt.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2005 01:48PM by mad max, JD.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Ydmah ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:47PM

Look, Personal information is just that, Personal. If I wanted to, I could pay $8 to find out anything I wanted to about the asses that posted Don's information, but I don't. Its called manners. I could say that you live in virigina and enjoy paintball, and your 26, but I won't ( thats to you Rob).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2005 01:53PM by Ydmah.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:51PM


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Re: Freda
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:59PM

Madmax wrote: "you can tell him to just keep walking and not look at the picture."

But he did not tell us to just keep walking. He told us that if we didn't like it he would take it down.

He's a shit for going back on his word, that's all.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: JesusTittyFuckingChrist ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:20PM

It doesn't matter if he went back on his word or not. It's still his house and if you don't like it, you can get the fuck out.

To not Cary: I understand perfectly what you are saying. What YOU don't seem to get is that he is not obligated to do what you or anyone else want him to. Whether you think it is right or wrong, fair or unfair, inappropriate, disgusting, hateful or whatever. You have no business even TRYING to tell him what he can and cannot do with his own website. Unless, of course, you are helping to support this site financially. Then he might consider your requests. You have to face the fact that not everyone shares your ideas of honor and responsibility and that trying to MAKE others accept your opinion as their own is an exercise in futility.

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Re: Freda
Posted by: CUiNToledo ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:22PM

To All The Pathetic Freaks Gloating Over Don's Grief:

If you are fortunate to meet another pathetic freak to breed with, may your children be sodomized in half by their daycare provider.

Now, go clean your room before Mommy grounds you!

Eat One!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Mean People Suck ()
Date: August 25, 2005 03:24PM

Those of you that think it's your God given right to dispense judgement on Don Geronimo because his radio persona is a "shock jock" are delusional. It's not up to you to hand out justice against a person that doesn't even exist. Mike Sorce portrays a character called Don Geronimo.

I must say though, thanks for showing the rest of the world how much of a meat sack you really are. I don't care if "Don" reads my post or not, I am not trying to get his attention. Cary made a promise and he broke it. Are you people really going to defend someone that welches on his word?

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Re: Freda
Posted by: radiodj953 ()
Date: August 25, 2005 04:15PM

You know, I too am a an avid listener of the Don and Mike show. However, I just don't understand all of these messages people are posting about Freda. She died, so what. People die every day. Hell, my friend who was a detective for a Police Department in Northern California just got killed the other day in the line of duty and the only way people would talk about him is if I got my own radio show and got on the air and whined about it all day long. You people didn't even know her. I didn't know her but she seemed like a nagging, whining, annoying bitch. Even Don said that what you stupid people heard on the air was nothing like the way she really was. Maybe she was a dope using junkie whose job was hooking on the street for her next fix. You don't know! She's DEAD...Get over it....MOVE ON for God's sake!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Mean People Suck ()
Date: August 25, 2005 05:22PM

So you decide to degrade your friend's memory by directing venom towards Freda and then expressing love for your friend in the same message. ASSHAT. Too bad your friend didn't know how shallow you were before he passed. Lots of people do thankless jobs everyday and it is tragic when someone dies - they leave "friends" and family behind that miss them terribly. But I guess the fact that your friend served the public for reasons other than wanting recognition is too lofty of an idea for the likes of you. There is always someone on the outside looking in. The grass is greener on the other side. Life is a bowl of cherries and all I got are pits. WAAAAAAH WAAAAAAH WWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.

radiodj953 Wrote:
> You know, I too am a an avid listener of the Don
> and Mike show. However, I just don't understand
> all of these messages people are posting about
> Freda. She died, so what. People die every day.
> Hell, my friend who was a detective for a Police
> Department in Northern California just got killed
> the other day in the line of duty and the only way
> people would talk about him is if I got my own
> radio show and got on the air and whined about it
> all day long. You people didn't even know her. I
> didn't know her but she seemed like a nagging,
> whining, annoying bitch. Even Don said that what
> you stupid people heard on the air was nothing
> like the way she really was. Maybe she was a dope
> using junkie whose job was hooking on the street
> for her next fix. You don't know! She's
> DEAD...Get over it....MOVE ON for God's sake!

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Re: Freda
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: August 25, 2005 05:43PM

I think people here are starting to forget about every other thread on this site besides these two. Can we just forget about this and move on to berating law enforcement or bad drivers or something?


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Re: Freda
Posted by: dahhhh ()
Date: August 25, 2005 06:03PM


and your not on topic

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