aardeo Wrote:
> Death is pain to some, release to others but never
> final and never the answer. If you feel dead
> inside, all I can tell you is breathe. If you
> have a friend or relative you trust now would be
> the time to reach out to them for help. Don't
> crush them just keep breathing and moving. Don't
> think about what was and what will be this is not
> good for you right now.
> Accept living in the moment. Don't fill the void
> with anything. Allow numbness to be your comfort
> because it will be your only gift when you face
> the deafening silence. Asking why will only
> provoke the pain. If I see you I will extend my
> hand and lift you even as my words have reached
> you. You only need to know that you are not alone
> in your suffering. Someone loves you. Urgency is
> your enemy, tomorrow is your friend. You will
> remember how to live again but not yet.
> Breathe...
> aardeo