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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: ffxlife ()
Date: March 20, 2010 04:08PM

At around 10 am today I went to the 7-11 that sits on University between North and Whitehead. I happened to see down the side drive of the 7-11 what appeared to be odd behavior by two men, as if they were looking at something.

After making my purchase, I drove down that drive and looked to the and did not see those men, but across the area by the parking garage was the Incident Response truck and several officers. They were over a body of what seemed to be a man in a blue work shirt and white cloth bits untucked here and there. The man was on his back and not moving.

I drove toward Whitehead and saw a woman standing there, so asked her what was going on. She said her neighbor discovered a 'jumper' that had died and called police.

Now, its nice to know Fairfax PD left a wide girth around the scene with yellow tape, but I had to wonder what the backstory was. Anyone missing a heavier set man in blue?

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: March 20, 2010 04:21PM

the guy jumped off a 7-11? Doesn't seem like that would kill a person.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Date: March 20, 2010 04:33PM

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> the guy jumped off a 7-11? Doesn't seem like that
> would kill a person.

Maybe he had really good legs and jumped really high, first.


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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: ffxlife ()
Date: March 20, 2010 05:08PM

He jumped off the roof of the parking garage. Its about 3 stories or more at that point.

I had written:
"across the area by the parking garage was the Incident Response truck and several officers"

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: March 20, 2010 05:13PM

well, there's a lucky bastard, then. The odds of a jump like that killing you are very, very low. He's lucky he didn't end up paralyzed or something like that. It's VERY easy, and common, to botch a suicide, and when that happens, you often end up WORSE than if you had been successful....so to me, this guy was very, very lucky. Believe me--I've looked into it.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: ffxlife ()
Date: March 20, 2010 05:30PM

Mr. Misery,

It was an odd sight and yes, to actually die from that he was lucky, but I suspect he took a header and lay for a while until discovered. That area behind 7-11 is pretty quiet since the Old Library closed.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Bobonscanner ()
Date: March 20, 2010 06:27PM

lucky guy. Most jumpers don't die and the end result is worse. You even have a heavy conviction so n some cases cant even keep their jobs.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: thedreamer ()
Date: March 22, 2010 01:58PM

ffxlife Wrote:
> At around 10 am today I went to the 7-11 that sits
> on University between North and Whitehead. I
> happened to see down the side drive of the 7-11
> what appeared to be odd behavior by two men, as if
> they were looking at something.
> After making my purchase, I drove down that drive
> and looked to the and did not see those men, but
> across the area by the parking garage was the
> Incident Response truck and several officers.
> They were over a body of what seemed to be a man
> in a blue work shirt and white cloth bits untucked
> here and there. The man was on his back and not
> moving.
> I drove toward Whitehead and saw a woman standing
> there, so asked her what was going on. She said
> her neighbor discovered a 'jumper' that had died
> and called police.
> Now, its nice to know Fairfax PD left a wide girth
> around the scene with yellow tape, but I had to
> wonder what the backstory was. Anyone missing a
> heavier set man in blue?

Actually it was right behind the RVDA building and the only reason I know about this is because my Mother works there. She told me about it and we wondered what had happened. It's a pretty long drop from there so who knows. She said by the time she got to work (sat) they had taken his body away. My thoughts do go out to whatever family the guy might of had.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: 666 ()
Date: March 22, 2010 02:41PM

Gotta poke it in the eye with a stick to make sure he is dead.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: ffxlife ()
Date: March 22, 2010 05:13PM

Well, I spoke with a friend who has a high school age son. His son said it was a fellow student who died. It was said to be posted about on facebook. So, if true, it was a teen male from FHS.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: fhs student ()
Date: March 22, 2010 06:27PM

yes he went to fairfax and he was a senior and a really sweet kid at that.. im gunna miss him

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anonymous. ()
Date: March 22, 2010 06:54PM

Fuck you guys. He was my friend. He was loved and is sorely missed. He is not "lucky" to have died. I am so devastated by this and i miss him terribly.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: March 22, 2010 07:00PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 12:58AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anonymous1 ()
Date: March 22, 2010 07:02PM

Thank you for caring. I would tell you his name, but i don't really think the people on here deserve to know. They've demonstrated they don't care. He was a great person.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: March 22, 2010 07:08PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 12:57AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: dfhlfkjsdfd ()
Date: March 22, 2010 07:15PM

a kid from fairfax highschool killed himself on saturday. apparently his parents kicked him out of the house and i am pretty sure he dropped out of school on friday. his name is patrick moran and he was a senior.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: March 22, 2010 10:18PM

Strong week for death so far.....

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: March 22, 2010 10:38PM

It turns out, the guy falling off the building was caught on video tape.

Here's the FFU exclusive.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: yomama ()
Date: March 22, 2010 10:43PM

Where did you guys find the information on patrick?

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: yomama ()
Date: March 22, 2010 10:46PM

We know Patrick and wonder what the real story is and what arrangements have been made.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: shirls ()
Date: March 22, 2010 11:22PM

dfhlfkjsdfd Wrote:
> a kid from fairfax highschool killed himself on
> saturday. apparently his parents kicked him out of
> the house and i am pretty sure he dropped out of
> school on friday. his name is patrick moran and
> he was a senior.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: shirls ()
Date: March 22, 2010 11:25PM

You all making jokes should be ashamed as this was a friend of my teen sons that took his own life...so sad that he saw this as his only way out...prayers and condolences go out to his friends and family.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: bm30 ()
Date: March 22, 2010 11:41PM

How would you all feel if the person who committed suicide was someone you knew and cared about? It's sad to read all your comments and realize how ignorant and unfeeling you are about the sorrow of others.
What goes around comes all the way back around...so you shouldn't be making fun of such a sad event.
R.I.P Patrick Moran.
My prayers are with his family and those who knew him.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anon ()
Date: March 23, 2010 11:28AM

yeah for real. patrick was my neighbor and a really good kid.

so "Numbers" and co. can shut their fucking moron faces right up plzthx

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Hillerman ()
Date: March 23, 2010 11:52AM

Yes, poking a body with a stick is the right way to determine if someone is dead ro not.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: March 23, 2010 12:17PM

Hillerman Wrote:
> Yes, poking a body with a stick is the right way
> to determine if someone is dead ro not.
eric smith.jpg

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: March 23, 2010 04:15PM

Well, at least someone is using that parking garage for something.

PS, anon, don't get mad at me. Blame the all knowing and all wise fairfax city council that created that abomination in downtown Fairfax.

So far, in their attempt to turn the city into an upscale shopping experience, we have 2 psychics, a tattoo parlor, a 600 car garage and a lot of empty space.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anon ()
Date: March 23, 2010 04:54PM

dude i'll get pissy at you for making a basic, tasteless internet joke about death in a local community forum. those are only funny if you don't know the person, and odds are you can "kevin bacon" yr way to this kid pretty damn easily.

lrn2internet, n00b.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: March 23, 2010 05:52PM

i love me some kevin beacon.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Anonymous93 ()
Date: March 23, 2010 10:09PM

Wow, the web is the true place a person's identies are revealed, it is so easy to be ignorant when behind a computer screen. I laugh at some of you who refer to yourselves as 'human.' What happened to the boy who died there, or his suicide, is none of your bussiness. Whoever was the first person to post on here should be smacked for sticking their nose in a place where it doesn't belong. I love how people turn something so tragic into a comedy, I don't understand how some people seem to have absolutely no emotions at all. It's absolutely disgusting.Anyone who has ever gone through the death of a loved one would be mortified at what some of you refer to as humor. The boy that died there that day was one of the kindest most loving boys ever. Everyone goes through a dark period, or take actions that are irreversable what isn't fair is their issues being discussed so openly, lightly, and might I say heartlessly. Please do humanity a favor, and keep any more 'jokes' to yourselves. I am going to go throw up now.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: lolwut ()
Date: March 23, 2010 10:28PM


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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anon ()
Date: March 23, 2010 10:39PM

^^ go back to 4chan you piece of shit.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Slowpoke ()
Date: March 23, 2010 10:47PM

inb4 an hero!

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: March 24, 2010 07:46AM

bm30 Wrote:
> How would you all feel if the person who committed
> suicide was someone you knew and cared about?

The person who tried to commit suicide was someone I know very well indeed...it was me. And I felt AWFUL about it. But I doubt you are on the level...after all, EVERY TIME a thread like this comes along, someone posts anonymously claiming to be the 'shocked' and 'outraged' loved one of the deceased. Just seems unlikely is all. But...if you really are for real, then I'm sorry and I apologize. I was just trying to say that the consequences of an unsuccessful suicide can be equally tragic.

yours in mental illness,
Mr. Albert Q. Misery, esquire

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: March 24, 2010 04:19PM

Anonymous93 Wrote:
I am going to go throw up now.

Be careful, you could erode your esophagus and tooth enamel over time. Eating disorders, like karma, are a bitch.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: DIX ()
Date: March 24, 2010 05:11PM


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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anonymous43 ()
Date: March 24, 2010 05:14PM

Wow, "numbers" thanks for turning this into a criticism of Fairfax City. Your insensitivity and lack of intelligence are shocking. Maybe instead of bitching about buildings, you should think about the fact that someone died. Grow up, please. Hillerman and Gonads & Strife, I would like to point out the difference between humor and being an asshole. I guess "respect" is synonymous with "serious," huh?

Some people are forgetting that this "dead body" was a person, (the nicest person I have ever known, to be specific). Please have some tact and consider the fact that his family and friends can read this.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Wat ()
Date: March 24, 2010 05:17PM

Did he drop any good loot?

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: March 24, 2010 05:28PM

anonymous43 Wrote:
> Wow, "numbers" thanks for turning this into a
> criticism of Fairfax City. Your insensitivity and
> lack of intelligence are shocking. Maybe instead
> of bitching about buildings, you should think
> about the fact that someone died. Grow up, please.
> Hillerman and Gonads & Strife, I would like to
> point out the difference between humor and being
> an asshole. I guess "respect" is synonymous with
> "serious," huh?
> Some people are forgetting that this "dead body"
> was a person, (the nicest person I have ever
> known, to be specific). Please have some tact and
> consider the fact that his family and friends can
> read this.

That's an automatic quote which appears when I post in a thread. You'd know that if you didn't fail @ teh interwebz.

Wat Wrote:
> Did he drop any good loot?

Just your basic leather armor and like 43 copper (he was a n00b)
^Now THATS being an asshole^ ;) you know, just FYI

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anonymous43 ()
Date: March 24, 2010 07:40PM

If you didn't fail at "teh interwebz", you would have posted something other than a picture and a copy of what someone else wrote.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: March 24, 2010 07:49PM

There are these things on the picture called letters which are arranged in a pattern which then form what we call words. Those words are related to what the previous poster wrote, hence why I hit the quote option at the bottom of their post box. You've actually spent more than a minute on this site, right? Or are you really that "interwebz" illiterate? Here's an idea...Google (you know how to do that, right?) Eric Smith and then maybe you'll see why I posted that pic. Until then, troll, your argument (like your friend) remains wormfood.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anonymous43 ()
Date: March 24, 2010 09:03PM

So being "interwebz" illiterate is a bad thing? You might want to give human interaction a try...
These "words" that you speak of, have we agreed upon a set spelling for them, or is it a sound it out affair?
And the joke with the picture was insensitive, so I am going back to the "asshole" comment.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: March 24, 2010 09:10PM

I've said enough here. This wormfood thread is fail.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anon ()
Date: March 25, 2010 01:11AM

anon43, don't argue with neckbeards on a lightly travelled internet forum. no good can come of it, it allows them to give pseudo-poignant perspectives on the subject and/or let them put on their "internet-tough-guy-i-make-jokes-about-srs-things" mask.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: March 25, 2010 09:18AM

anonymous43 Wrote:
> Wow, "numbers" thanks for turning this into a
> criticism of Fairfax City. Your insensitivity and
> lack of intelligence are shocking. Maybe instead
> of bitching about buildings, you should think
> about the fact that someone died. Grow up, please.
> Hillerman and Gonads & Strife, I would like to
> point out the difference between humor and being
> an asshole. I guess "respect" is synonymous with
> "serious," huh?
> Some people are forgetting that this "dead body"
> was a person, (the nicest person I have ever
> known, to be specific). Please have some tact and
> consider the fact that his family and friends can
> read this.

Oh stop. The more you whine about this, the worse it'll get for you here. This is not a particularly great site for obituaries or to mourn peoples sad demise. I think most people come here to get away from all that shit. Oh and BTW, this site IS all about Fairfax City, so why shouldn't I criticize it. If it weren't for that ghastly garage, none of this would have happened or the kid could have quietly hung himself in a closet somewhere and everything would be okay.

I'm sure there's a blog out there somewhere for you to go cry and talk about what a tragic loss this is, but I'm fairly certain you ain't gonna get that here.
Feel free to read the other death threads here on FFU and be thankful you got off lightly on this thread.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: anon ()
Date: March 25, 2010 10:57AM

I'm gonna ignore my own advice.

>sad demise

>quietly hung himself in a closet and everything would be okay

>I'm sure there's a blog out there somewhere for you to go cry and talk about what a tragic loss this is, but I'm fairly certain you ain't gonna get that here.
Feel free to read the other death threads here on FFU and be thankful you got off lightly on this thread.

Items 1 & 2- Are you sad or nonchalant about it? Get your shit straight, you sound like an inconsistent moron. but i'm sure you're not that way irl, i mean, you are clearly a l33t. the way you troll on fairfaxunderground is just so artistic that it's making me think you just may be the michaelangelo of the ENTIRE INTERTUBES and have all the hax for real life written down somewhere

Item 3-Your subscription form is all filled out

in closing, you are a shit-for-brains fucktard who doesn't deserve to own a keyboard.

also, consider yourself flambe-ed. don't even try to retort; i consider myself an internet expert and will be forced to pwn you so hard that your whore of a mother will feel it.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: aardeo ()
Date: March 25, 2010 04:15PM

Death is pain to some, release to others but never final and never the answer. If you feel dead inside, all I can tell you is breathe. If you have a friend or relative you trust now would be the time to reach out to them for help. Don't crush them just keep breathing and moving. Don't think about what was and what will be this is not good for you right now.

Accept living in the moment. Don't fill the void with anything. Allow numbness to be your comfort because it will be your only gift when you face the deafening silence. Asking why will only provoke the pain. If I see you I will extend my hand and lift you even as my words have reached you. You only need to know that you are not alone in your suffering. Someone loves you. Urgency is your enemy, tomorrow is your friend. You will remember how to live again but not yet. Breathe...


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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: March 25, 2010 04:18PM

aardeo Wrote:
> Death is pain to some, release to others but never
> final and never the answer. If you feel dead
> inside, all I can tell you is breathe. If you
> have a friend or relative you trust now would be
> the time to reach out to them for help. Don't
> crush them just keep breathing and moving. Don't
> think about what was and what will be this is not
> good for you right now.
> Accept living in the moment. Don't fill the void
> with anything. Allow numbness to be your comfort
> because it will be your only gift when you face
> the deafening silence. Asking why will only
> provoke the pain. If I see you I will extend my
> hand and lift you even as my words have reached
> you. You only need to know that you are not alone
> in your suffering. Someone loves you. Urgency is
> your enemy, tomorrow is your friend. You will
> remember how to live again but not yet.
> Breathe...
> aardeo

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: lolwut ()
Date: March 25, 2010 05:50PM

well at least we know that since he killed himself he will burn in eternal hellfire

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: omgwtf ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:09PM

"well at least we know that since he killed himself he will burn in eternal hellfire"

take a look at modern theology. even the catholic church doesn't condemn people for committing suicide.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: lolwut ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:20PM

omgwtf Wrote:
> "well at least we know that since he killed
> himself he will burn in eternal hellfire"
> take a look at modern theology. even the catholic
> church doesn't condemn people for committing
> suicide.

you're soundin' like a dirty jap there bub.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: omgwtf ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:34PM

"you're soundin' like a dirty jap there bub."

care to explain?

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: same ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:36PM

omgwtf is having a conversation with himself.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: same ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:39PM

same is assuming that omgwtf is a male.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: same ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:41PM

hey! now same is having a conversation with himself. that's funny.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: lolwut ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:42PM

omgwtf Wrote:
> "you're soundin' like a dirty jap there bub."
> care to explain?


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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: rules ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:44PM

same Wrote:
> same is assuming that omgwtf is a male.

no girls on the internet.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: omgwtf ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:44PM

enlighten the fairfax underground community with your clever wit! share your knowledge with us intellectual peasants!

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: guesswhat ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:47PM

omgwtf Wrote:
> enlighten the fairfax underground community with
> your clever wit! share your knowledge with us
> intellectual peasants!

u r ghey

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: omgwtf ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:48PM

gew ehway u durmass mozafugger. plz. tanks.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: lolwut ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:57PM

omgwtf Wrote:
> gew ehway u durmass mozafugger. plz. tanks.

I bet you do good reacharounds.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: omgwtf ()
Date: March 25, 2010 07:01PM

plz staup assuyming eye aym 1 of the mailz

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Lolwut ()
Date: March 25, 2010 07:07PM

omgwtf Wrote:
> plz staup assuyming eye aym 1 of the mailz

Here, you are.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: March 25, 2010 10:32PM

anon Wrote:

> also, consider yourself flambe-ed. don't even try
> to retort; i consider myself an internet expert
> and will be forced to pwn you so hard that your
> whore of a mother will feel it.

You sound like a very young, depressed, drab and awful kid. I suggest you lighten up.
By the sound of it, you may be the next one to jump from the garage.
You see what you've done now? You've unleashed the dogs and your cryfest has turned into a shitstorm with posters replying to themselves and mocking your dead friend twice as much.
Good job.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Mira ()
Date: March 25, 2010 10:41PM

Kangaroos are good jumpers. This kid was not a kangaroo.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: jillianblum ()
Date: March 26, 2010 03:02AM

I went to the same school as Patrick Moran and I was one grade above him. I never knew him but I had friends that were friends with him and he always seemed like a nice guy. It really upsets me that some people on here are making a joke about his death, you guys truly disgust me. RIP PATRICK MORAN. My prayers go out to his family.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: failedpatrick ()
Date: March 27, 2010 07:41AM

Patrick had made several attempts on his own life over the past four years. Fairfax City Police responded to his house multiple times. School's psychologist, his private psychologist, and his father all washed their hands at Patrick. They failed Patrick. Patrick was good but troubled youth. His service was beautiful. My prayers to his mother and sister.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: damn ()
Date: March 27, 2010 09:13PM

he was a real good guy. really makes me sad.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: thedreamer ()
Date: March 28, 2010 09:20PM

It makes me sad to see so many rude mf'ers on here. I'm terribly sorry for the people who lost the young man. I had a friend who jumped as well...so I am so sorry for your loss.

To the rest of you wankers, grow up.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: March 28, 2010 10:06PM

thedreamer Wrote:
I had a friend who jumped as
> well...so I am so sorry for your loss.

Did your friend also jump off the useless, empty, 600 car garage that Fairfax spent $400 million tax dollars on?

The Fairfax city council is now proposing a new plank to make criminals walk off (like on the old pirate ships) to be built on top of the garage. Sure it'll cost taxpayers another million dollars, but that's still cheaper than electrocution or lethal injection and will finally give the garage a purpose.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: dix ()
Date: March 29, 2010 12:59PM

FINALLY, somthing ther're doing makes sense

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: herro ()
Date: March 29, 2010 03:19PM

Numbers Wrote:
> thedreamer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> I had a friend who jumped as
> > well...so I am so sorry for your loss.
> Did your friend also jump off the useless, empty,
> 600 car garage that Fairfax spent $400 million tax
> dollars on?
> The Fairfax city council is now proposing a new
> plank to make criminals walk off (like on the old
> pirate ships) to be built on top of the garage.
> Sure it'll cost taxpayers another million dollars,
> but that's still cheaper than electrocution or
> lethal injection and will finally give the garage
> a purpose.

you filthy old whore, i wish for nothing more than for you to slowly whittle away the rest of your miserable days in fairfax virginia.

have a meaningless, unproductive life. but you don't need me to tell you that.

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Re: Dead body found in Old Town
Posted by: missing ()
Date: April 26, 2011 03:37AM

something is missing

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