You ever wonder how far people will go to lie and scheme look no further than
Officer Chris Fraley, protege of one Chief Cynthia McAlister of Purcellville!!
Let’s look a closer look at Officer Kristopher Fraley shall we? Multiple complaints filed by females siting inappropriate and harassing behavior. Just ask Sara Ballinger and Jordan Gutoski, represented by attorney Edward ReBrook!
Officer Fraley even took the wallet of one Sammy Mosleh, after he towed his car, HOME WITH HIM! Guess Fraley never heard of an EVIDENCE LOCKER!
Oh and let’s not forget Fraley LYING UNDER OATH during a DWI/DUI hearing. Fraley claimed the suspect was so drunk he nearly sideswiped three cars, then conveniently after three court continuations LOST the dash cam. But thank goodness for the Defense Attorney who took the time to get footage from local businesses... turns out the suspect was NEVER on that street as described by Fraley and the case DISMISSED!
Oh wait, there is so much more! Did I mention how Fraley FAILED a polygraph? So what does this disingenuous rat decide to do? He LIES and alleges Nuckolls had a relationship with the Polygraph Investigator!! Omg, his SPECIAL is this lunatic? So now we are to believe Nuckolls was messing with Vanagas & Debow? SERIOUSLY?
Kristopher Fraley has absolutely no business wearing a badge and most certainly no business carrying a gun. He has proven himself to unethical, dishonest, and very aggressive. In fact Farley’s preemployment psychological described him as “attention seeking” and cautioned Purcellville in hiring him!
Outstanding investigative reporting on the part of Loudoun Times-Mirror... you wrote another smeary fabrication of the truth solely to defame and attack an innocent civilian.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2019 08:38AM by SneakerKath.