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Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines
Posted by: Qualified Beast ()
Date: September 10, 2019 08:19AM

Which branch should I join and why? I would like to serve this great country.

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Re: Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines
Posted by: Omit one ()
Date: September 10, 2019 09:59AM

Seeing as how you cannot spell it correctly, I would recommend that you do not join the Air Force! Go to the recruiting station and talk to recruiters from each of the services. You will either find a fit, or decide the military is not for you. If I had to do it all over again I would join the Coast Guard.

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Re: Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines
Posted by: My 2¢ ()
Date: September 10, 2019 10:09AM

I didn’t serve in the military, but found the stories of what my friends did and learned in the Coast guard a lot more interesting than the other branches.

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Re: Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines
Posted by: none of the above ()
Date: September 10, 2019 10:12AM

Qualified Beast Wrote:
> Which branch should I join and why? I would like
> to serve this great country.

america is the enemy in this day and age. if you dont realize it youre an idiot and if you do realize it and still want to go commit genocide in other countries you are psychopath. the prospect of free school may be tempting but for the good of the human race dont do it

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Re: Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines
Posted by: be a real american ()
Date: September 10, 2019 10:23AM

Qualified Beast Wrote:
> Which branch should I join and why? I would like
> to serve this great country.

Put on One America News, start seething with anger, then buy a bunch of AR-15’s and start your own militia. Do it for your country.

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Re: Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines
Posted by: real talk kk ()
Date: September 10, 2019 10:44AM

If you truly want to "serve" your country and not just kill people legally then the armed forces are not where you belong. become an EMT if you absolutely must play hero. but if you really, really want to serve your country in a
meaningful way, dont work for the govt at all. start a business in your community, invent something useful, pick up litter, volunteer at an animal shelter, soup kitchen or an old folks home.... the world police (US military) is even worse than the pigs occupying our streets in body armor with M4s, taking our guns

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