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Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: ...... ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:19PM

It's always the old White couple with their mudblood grandchild. Always the single for life White mother with the future criminal?

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: NNJM4 ()
Date: May 31, 2019 12:10AM

Same reason Father's Day is so confusing in Harlem.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: Retardoville... ()
Date: May 31, 2019 10:25AM

Mixed race couples and their kids are everywhere. You assholes must not quit cleaning your guns and actually leave the trailer park very often.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: Poseurer of Queries ()
Date: May 31, 2019 11:27AM

Retardoville... Wrote:
> Mixed race couples and their kids are everywhere.
> You assholes must not quit cleaning your guns and
> actually leave the trailer park very often.

YOu never leave the glory hole, Dimwit, so how would you know about mixed race couples & their kids?

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: nigga please ()
Date: May 31, 2019 12:15PM

Mixed race?

If you have vanilla ice cream and you put 50% poo in it, what is it now? Mixed ice cream? Right.

Those are niglets.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: Zebra grandkids ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:47PM

The grandparents watch the savages while the mom does drugs and the dad is incarcerated.
The grandparents have thick skin to be seen in public with these future felons.
God put people on different parts of the planet for a reason.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: hillary2 ()
Date: June 02, 2019 12:07AM

Niggers are the worst! They do shit like this all day, every day, whether its shooting, robbing, raping, assaulting, or just annoying.
Yet you fucking white faggots celebrate these apes as being cool.
The next time you see these fucking niggers and their white friends protesting racism, just think of this poor lady and the thousands of others who have fallen victims to these savages this year.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: Soul brother #1 ()
Date: June 02, 2019 12:13AM

Look at this white folks how can you disparage anyone of another race.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: BigJane ()
Date: June 02, 2019 09:49AM

If not for niggers, how would ugly obese white girls get some?

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: LOL... ()
Date: June 02, 2019 10:25AM

Retardoville... Wrote:
> Mixed race couples and their kids are everywhere.
> You assholes must not quit cleaning your guns and
> actually leave the trailer park very often.

Mixed race kids are quite obvious to people with an IQ above 50. So many around FFXU however fail to cross that threshhold.

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Re: Why don't we ever see African Americans with the half blood kid?
Posted by: Grandpa to DeMarquise ()
Date: June 02, 2019 07:17PM

> Mixed race kids are quite obvious to people with
> an IQ above 50. So many around FFXU however fail
> to cross that threshhold.

Awwwwww, sorry u have to babysit a niglet bc ur daughter got some nigger spunk in her.....

Too bad you and your fat wife had retirement plans to drive across the country with your GS-12 retirement, but now have to watch Lil DeMarquise.....

Too kind to give your daughter the “2x4 niggerbeater-in-the-shed warning” when she was age 9.

We are all seeing your failure and taking notice.

If you’re bold, post a pic of ur pet monkey.

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