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Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Slave to the hourly ()
Date: May 29, 2019 12:31AM

Randomly went off on a tangent to me (I work in a popular liberal grocery store). I agree with him in theory, needless to say his genertaion fell asleep at the wheel and let Reagan pass amnesty- driving us off the demographic cliff. Civilized whites are a thing of the past, and most are trash today like the lowest common denominator Dem voting majority-minorities. Theres no hope, but Christians should still take joy and solace in that we are in the end days, and Christ will return. God Bless you fellow heathens

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Buy my boner pills!!! ()
Date: May 29, 2019 02:38AM


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Too dumb to know better ()
Date: May 29, 2019 09:27AM

All religion is a complete waste of time. There are no supernatural beings hiding out somewhere waiting for us to find them. If you actually believe in any god at all, you are part of the problem.

Religion, racism, and conservatism are all associated with low IQ scores. Rational and intelligent people will tend to be toward the left socially and politically. They can even do basic math.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Pathetic Projecting Progtards ()
Date: May 29, 2019 09:31AM

Too dumb to know better Wrote:
> All religion is a complete waste of time. There
> are no supernatural beings hiding out somewhere
> waiting for us to find them. If you actually
> believe in any god at all, you are part of the
> problem.
> Religion, racism, and conservatism are all
> associated with low IQ scores. Rational and
> intelligent people will tend to be toward the left
> socially and politically. They can even do basic
> math.

'Virtue' signaling, 'diversity' and 'global warming' are your religion you fucking prog dupe, and we in Trump America are your Satanists.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Terrible Truth about Trumptardz ()
Date: May 29, 2019 12:21PM

Pathetic Projecting Progtards Wrote:

> and we in Trump America are your Satanists.

Trumptardz are Satanists. I grew up surrounded by conservative Republicans. Most were decent hard working people who had convinced themselves that they had played by the rules, and who didn't begrudge others enjoying the same benefits by following the same paths. If they hadn't been raging hypocrites I might have followed that same path.

Trumptarz don't want others to enjoy the same benefits. They don't even want others to exist, at least in the same environment they do. Hispanics from Central America or who have high native American blood lines are "illegals" to Trumptardz whether they came and stayed here illegally or not. Blacks are niggers regardless of how they behave, and if they succeed it must have been due to affirmative action. Asians cheat. Gays are OK as long as they are white, behave straight and don't demand the same rights for their family units as straight families.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: I Was Around Then ()
Date: May 29, 2019 01:52PM

>needless to say his genertaion fell asleep at the wheel and let Reagan pass amnesty- driving us off the demographic cliff.

You need to check who controlled Congress and why Reagan made that shitty deal, Reagan was a president who got things done by compromising . He was not a obstructionist resistance Democrat. Dems promised him they would close the border They lied. They always lie

I did not vote for Democrats then or now and I did not want Reagan to offer the amnesty deal either

The moral for all is NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT

>rumptarz don't want others to enjoy the same benefits. They don't even want others to exist, at


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: The stupid is showing... ()
Date: May 29, 2019 02:03PM

The right-wing just can’t help looking stupid or worse.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Facts of the matter ()
Date: May 29, 2019 02:26PM

Until Bush-43 came along, Reagan was in the conversation for Worst President Ever.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: ColonelAngus ()
Date: May 29, 2019 06:03PM

Fat Donnie 45 will be a shoe in for worst, especially after paying Lil' Kim a cool $2 million for a corpse and falling in love with him, giving the former head of KGB more credit than our own FBI and believing him, and empowering nazi white supremacists and generally embarrassing our once great country beyond redemption. Yes, Trump will be remembered as the worst piece of shit that dropped out of his Mama's ass. Bring it Trumptards.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Mantuian ()
Date: May 29, 2019 10:31PM

Hillary lost...boom...game over

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: FIFY ()
Date: May 29, 2019 10:36PM

Facts of the matter Wrote:
> Until Bush-43 came along, Reagan was in the
> conversation for Worst President Ever when talking
> to rabid retards like me.


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: /Fixerer Of It For You/ ()
Date: May 29, 2019 11:32PM

Facts of the matter Wrote:
> Until Bush-43I came along, ReaganGerry was in the
> conversation for Wormost moronic FFXU shitposter President Ever.


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: tuba lips ()
Date: May 30, 2019 05:18AM

Slave to the hourly Wrote:
> Randomly went off on a tangent to me (I work in a
> popular liberal grocery store). I agree with him
> in theory, needless to say his genertaion fell
> asleep at the wheel and let Reagan pass amnesty-
> driving us off the demographic cliff. Civilized
> whites are a thing of the past, and most are trash
> today like the lowest common denominator Dem
> voting majority-minorities. Theres no hope, but
> Christians should still take joy and solace in
> that we are in the end days, and Christ will
> return. God Bless you fellow heathens

Working at a grocery store means that you are a complete loser and your opinion means nothing.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: hn9xt ()
Date: May 30, 2019 08:07AM

/Fixerer Of It For You/ Wrote:
> Facts of the matter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > Until Bush-43I came along,
> ReaganGerry was in the
> > conversation for Wormost
> moronic FFXU shitposter President
> Ever.

Surely shame and scorn shall follow you all the days of your woryhless, fucked up, Falls Church life. What an asshole!


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Clean-up in Aisle-5 ()
Date: May 30, 2019 08:10AM

The fact that he thinks there are liberal and right-wing grocery stores is a big-time clue as to how not at all intelligent this nerd-fuck is!

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: worhyless fake ()
Date: May 30, 2019 08:56AM

hn9xt Wrote:
> /Fixerer Of It For You/ Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Facts of the matter Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > > Until Bush-43I came along,
> > ReaganGerry was in the
> > > conversation for Wormost
> > moronic FFXU shitposter President
> > Ever.
> >
> > FIFY
> Surely shame and scorn shall follow you all the
> days of your woryhless, fucked up, Falls Church
> life. What an asshole!
> #LuzmaryLives

obvious pickle smoker is obvious.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: IQ<50 ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:53AM

Guffaw, guffaw! What a knee-jerk stupid post! You bottom-rung rising HS sophomores are quite the unintentionally hilarious lot!

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Hammer time ()
Date: May 30, 2019 10:34AM

IQ<50 Wrote:
> Guffaw, guffaw! What a knee-jerk stupid post!
> You bottom-rung rising HS sophomores are quite the
> unintentionally hilarious lot!


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: delusional celebrity in chief ()
Date: May 30, 2019 11:02AM

Clean-up in Aisle-5 Wrote:
> The fact that he thinks there are liberal and
> right-wing grocery stores is a big-time clue as to
> how not at all intelligent this nerd-fuck is!

Trumptards like to pretend that these strange political scenarios they have in their heads actually exist in the real world.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: tchuu ()
Date: May 30, 2019 11:24AM

Hammer time Wrote:

The dumbfuck Falls Church natives are restless this morning. All that ass-pounding they took yesterday seems to have riled them up. What a colossal bunch of ignorant asswipe losers.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Down in the dust bowl ()
Date: May 30, 2019 12:07PM

BIG FONT and that 7-figure moron are the worst of it. Most other people from Falls Church seem nice enough despite the relative poverty they have to endure.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: .Fíxér of It for You. ()
Date: May 30, 2019 12:28PM

tchuu Wrote:
> Hammer time Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> TO.
> TheI'm a dumbfuck Falls Church natives areI'm restless
> this morning. because of All that ass-pounding theyI took
> yesterday and every day seems to have riled them up. WhatI'm a
> colossal bunch of ignorant asswipe loserswho has 8 FFXU trolls living in his head rent free.


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: /Fixerer Of It For You/ ()
Date: May 30, 2019 12:31PM

Down in the dust bowl Wrote:
> BIG FONT and that 7-figureI'm a moron arewho gets the worst of
> it every day on FFXU b/c I have 8 FFXU trolls & their sock puppets living in my head rent free. Most other people already know what a hopeless loser I am.
They also know how gay I am
from Falls Church seem nice
> enough despite the relative poverty they have to
> endure


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Tjdkk ()
Date: May 30, 2019 12:36PM

Eat shit, you worthless dumbfuck asshole.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: e4bvt ()
Date: May 30, 2019 01:39PM

FIFY used to be funny. Now it's just old and tiresome. Get a new schtick.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: farmville phil ()
Date: May 30, 2019 05:16PM

e4bvt Wrote:
> FIFY used to be funny. Now it's just old and
> tiresome. Get a new schtick.

It's just some little kid that can't come up with anything to post but really wants some attention.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Whole Paycheck ()
Date: May 30, 2019 08:19PM

Clean-up in Aisle-5 Wrote:
> The fact that he thinks there are liberal and
> right-wing grocery stores is a big-time clue as to
> how not at all intelligent this nerd-fuck is!

Lol ever been to Whole Foods or Trader Joes? Super gay, food obssesed freakshows

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: /Fixerer Of It For You/ ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:54PM

Tjdkk Wrote:
> I Eat shit, youb\c I'm a worthless dumbfuck asshole.


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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Asker of serious questions ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:56PM

e4bvt Wrote:
> FIFY used to be funny. Now it's just old and
> tiresome. Get a new schtick.

Why does he need a "new schtick"? The old one seems to be working pretty good for him. It's got him still living in your head rent free.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Dimwit sock puppet quoted here ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:57PM

farmville phil Wrote:
> e4bvt Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FIFY used to be funny. Now it's just old and
> > tiresome. Get a new schtick.
> It's just some little kid that can't come up with
> anything to post but really wants some attention.

Sorry, not sorry, Dimwit, but your sock puppets won't evict those trolls and their sock puppets who are living in your head rent free.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Pointer outer of things ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:59PM

Whole Paycheck Wrote:
> Clean-up in Aisle-5 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> >
> Lol ever been to Whole Foods or Trader Joes? Super
> gay, food obssesed freakshows

Dimwit goes there all the time. He's SUPER gay.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: ntc4t ()
Date: May 31, 2019 10:46AM

Since the faggots have become confused...

This was one guy...

Eat shit, you worthless dumbfuck asshole.

This was a different guy...

FIFY used to be funny. Now it's just old and tiresome. Get a new schtick.

This was also a different guy, but it could have been the same guy as the first different guy I suppose.

It's just some little kid that can't come up with anything to post but really wants some attention.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Clean-up in Aisle-5 ()
Date: May 31, 2019 10:55AM

Whole Paycheck Wrote:
> Lol ever been to Whole Foods or Trader Joes? Super gay,
food obssesed freakshows

I stopped at Whole Foods on the way to the newsstand this morning. Their breakfast bar is usually quite good. The baked ham slices were a welcome find today.

I have been once each to the Aldi at Kamp Washington and the Trader Joe's at Pickett and 236. I purchased nothing at either venue and don't expect to revisit either one.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: kwu7h ()
Date: May 31, 2019 11:01AM

Asker of serious questions Wrote:
> Why does he need a "new schtick"? The old one seems
> to be working pretty good for him.

If his purpose was to look like a pea-brained infantile asshole, yes, it's working quite well for him indeed.

> It's got him still living in your head rent free.

Stupidest meaningless refrain on FFXU. It just marks you as another FIFY-like dumbshit.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Face it, Dimwit ()
Date: May 31, 2019 11:20AM

kwu7h Wrote:
> Asker of serious questions Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> --
> > Why does he need a "new schtick"? The old one
> seems
> > to be working pretty good for him.
> If his purpose was to look like a pea-brained
> infantile asshole, yes, it's working quite well
> for him indeed.
> > It's got him still living in your head rent
> free.
> Stupidest meaningless refrain on FFXU. It just
> marks you as another FIFY-like dumbshit.

Face it, Dimwit. You obsess about this troll. You shitpost the same shit about him 50X a day and he still gets you going. This means he's living in yuor head rent-free. Of course, you're too stupid to see that, but, then, that's why they call you "Dimwit".

Face it, Dimwit, you're PWND aGAIN!.....& by a troll! See, Dimwit, & you wouldn't know this because you're such a dimwit, trolls don't try to PWN anythong or anybody. This means you got PWND by somebody who wasn't even TRYING. How does THAT feel, Dimwit. YOu gotta' be a REAL DIMWIT, to get PWND by somebody who isn't even trying.

Just more proof you deserve your name, Dimwit.

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: Next to the pay phone ()
Date: May 31, 2019 12:17PM

Clean-up in Aisle-5 Wrote:
> Whole Paycheck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lol ever been to Whole Foods or Trader Joes?
> Super gay,
> food obssesed freakshows
> I stopped at Whole Foods on the way to the
> newsstand this morning. Their breakfast bar is
> usually quite good. The baked ham slices were a
> welcome find today.

Newsstand. lol!

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Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by: lge5m ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:13PM

> FIFY used to be funny.

FIFY was never funny. It ranks right up there with someone who LOLs his own post.

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