Re: Boomer came up to me at work, telling me how Fairfax County is a lin shithole and how my generation needs to vote to fix it
Posted by:
Face it, Dimwit
Date: May 31, 2019 11:20AM
kwu7h Wrote:
> Asker of serious questions Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> --
> > Why does he need a "new schtick"? The old one
> seems
> > to be working pretty good for him.
> If his purpose was to look like a pea-brained
> infantile asshole, yes, it's working quite well
> for him indeed.
> > It's got him still living in your head rent
> free.
> Stupidest meaningless refrain on FFXU. It just
> marks you as another FIFY-like dumbshit.
Face it, Dimwit. You obsess about this troll. You shitpost the same shit about him 50X a day and he still gets you going. This means he's living in yuor head rent-free. Of course, you're too stupid to see that, but, then, that's why they call you "Dimwit".
Face it, Dimwit, you're PWND aGAIN!.....& by a troll! See, Dimwit, & you wouldn't know this because you're such a dimwit, trolls don't try to PWN anythong or anybody. This means you got PWND by somebody who wasn't even TRYING. How does THAT feel, Dimwit. YOu gotta' be a REAL DIMWIT, to get PWND by somebody who isn't even trying.
Just more proof you deserve your name, Dimwit.