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Black church member sentenced to 10 years for setting fire to own church and framing it as a pro-Trump hate crime
Posted by: Another libtard hoaxter ()
Date: May 03, 2019 07:52AM

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Re: Black church member sentenced to 10 years for setting fire to own church and framing it as a pro-Trump hate crime
Posted by: local liberal ()
Date: May 03, 2019 10:01AM

Doesn't matter that he did it, Trump should still be blamed and it's racist to send this nigger to jail.

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Re: Black church member sentenced to 10 years for setting fire to own church and framing it as a pro-Trump hate crime
Posted by: Discerning AA ()
Date: May 03, 2019 01:00PM

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Re: Black church member sentenced to 10 years for setting fire to own church and framing it as a pro-Trump hate crime
Posted by: nog knower ()
Date: May 03, 2019 01:26PM

Discerning AA Wrote:
> Quite so, and consider this
> https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/zac-efron-te
> d-bundy-white-privilege

Absolutely. I'm sure the cops knew who he was and that he was killing all those people, but didn't arrest him because he was white. I still can't believe any white person has been convicted of anything given how racist this horrible country is.

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Re: Black church member sentenced to 10 years for setting fire to own church and framing it as a pro-Trump hate crime
Posted by: K Foxx ()
Date: May 05, 2019 07:15AM

Why didn’t the dindu get a smollett? Liberals, like all mentally ill savages, cannot be held liable for their actions.

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