JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> LOL! Your whole silly salad debacle was triggered
> by a failure to understand a simple English
> sentence.
The salad debacle was entirely your doing and embarrassment. There was no misunderstanding of a sentence, rather it was your misunderstanding on how to properly order or dress a salad. It revealed your total lack of culinary experience and knowledge. It is obvious you have the palate of a preschooler. You probably order chicken nuggets with ketchup (on the side of course). LOL!
> They are dead and buried in New Jersey. And as an
> FYI, while I once did, I have not lived in McLean
> in a very long time, and I have never worked
> there.
You clearly claimed they were alive and well up in Brookmont. Of course, Brookmont was merely a fuckup as you meant to say Broadmont. What's McLean got to do with anything?
> The claim was and still is entirely correct. You
> are once again just flat-out too stupid to
> understand the context of a simple English
> sentence. Unadulterated dumbness on your part.
LOL! Doubling down on your lack of food knowledge is no way to redeem yourself, dope.
> It certainly was, and it will be again on every
> foreseeable Sunday and holiday morning to come for
> many area restaurants, whether in DC or in NoVa.
Actually, it won't be as it has been demonstrated over and over again while you simply rely on your fictitious meeting with the principals as proof to the contrary. Your fantasy lunch, by the way, was exposed to be a fraud as the time stamps clearly prove your didn't have time to leave your outside the beltway hovel with a carport and get to a decent restaurant and dine with anyone and get back home to post here. You barely had time to get to McDonald's and order a happy meal and get back home.
> LOL! A sweet pepper sauce is one of the most
> common sauces to serve with fish. Particularly
> roasted red pepper sauce. You were both too dumb
> to know any better and too stupid to go google it
> before once again making an utter fool of
> yourself.
Romesco sauce (go ahead and Google it) is commonly served alongside fish. However, your pepper sauce was slathered upon the fish to mask its three day old pungency. There is a difference even if your unrefined palate doesn't know any better. You really are a rube.
> LOL! Pols came over for a photo-op on Friday.
> Actual work began on Monday.
> -high-school-friday-at-2-p-m/
Which is exactly what I said. Too dumb to understand I suppose.
> LOLOLOLOL! Falls Church City lost in court in
> Alexandria. They lost in court in Richmond. THey
> were abandoned by the Army Corps of Engineers, and
> then they lost in court in Fairfax. In the end,
> the City simply collapsed, losing its substantial
> capital investment, its substantial cash
> investment, its exclusive service area, and a
> major chunk of its revenue stream. Losses don't
> come much bigger than this one. The City had way
> overplayed its hand and got its butt kicked
> accordingly. They lost everywhere and everything.
> That's what went down, and every serious person
> knows it.
Millions of dollars coming in for an asset that was not performing. So sorry you're too stupid to understand the significance of that.