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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 01, 2019 12:17PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Your math skills suck too.
> No math involved. Just history.
> > Both Hurricane Irene and the 2012 Derecho
> were both
> > within the past decade and caused widespread
> power
> > outages in this area.
> Not out here. Irene did lots of damage elsewhere,
> but blew back out to sea over southeastern VA, and
> didn't make landfall again until reaching NJ. The
> Sweet Spot got nothing. We did have some minor
> tree damage from the derecho, but while many did,
> we never lost power.

It’s almost as if you don’t mind making yourself look like the stupidest person in the internet.

Hurricane Irene outages in Northern Virginia: 124,000 (most outages in Fairfax, Arlington and Alexandria, plus Fredericksburg and Stafford County along I-95 corridor)

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:01PM

^^^ Thick as a brick. Rant your foolish head off, but just like last night, NOTHING OF ANY ACTUAL CONSEQUENCE occurred in the Sweet Spot as the result of those two storms.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 02, 2019 11:55AM

Well, if this imaginary god thing that many feebly try to maintain a belief in actually existed, he certainly would have a soft spot for the Sweet Spot, as we out here do indeed enjoy yet another simply brilliant morning. That would be one completely free from the sight, sound, or smell of heavy earth-moving equipment. We have again instead the sight of lush green lawns and gardens, the sound of cooing doves and singing songbirds, and of course the magnificent aroma of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona. Win-win-win.

And speaking of winning, the Nats managed to do that last night, even against Cincinnati stalwart, Tanner Roark. Must be at least a little bit of irony in the fact that Tanner Rainey got the win for the Nats last night. Too soon to tell really, but he could end up being one of those late-bloomer types who turns out to be a useful and need-filling piece in the puzzle for Mike Rizzo. Time will tell.

Winning of course was not at all something managed by any of the Falls Church clown-crew on Saturday. Their Generac units sat once again unused, only continuing to rust and decay their way into an $8,000 sink-hole of pointless oblivion. Failing similarly were their fool's-errand efforts at constructing histories in which actually significant damage occurred in the Sweet Spot as the result of either Hurricane Irene or the 2012 derecho.

Then again, envy and butthurt have always been among the weakest of building materials.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Jesus says ()
Date: June 02, 2019 07:08PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Well, if this imaginary god thing that many feebly
> try to maintain a belief in actually existed, he
> certainly would have a soft spot for the Sweet
> Spot,

Even the non-religious among us know Jesus had a soft spot for those in poverty. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God," he said.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 02, 2019 07:15PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> ^^^ Thick as a brick. Rant your foolish head off,
> but just like last night, NOTHING OF ANY ACTUAL
> CONSEQUENCE occurred in the Sweet Spot as the
> result of those two storms.

Nothing of actual consequence ever happens in your shit spot. It's ever more mundane than a routine trip to FL.

Out in the real world where power outages occur on a regular basis, including at least two in the past decade where millions saw their power out, those of us with the means don't miss a beat with our Generacs quietly humming along while the power crews get things back on track. Just another luxury beyond your reach.

I don't use lots of things everyday, but they sure are nice to have when I need them. Things like snowblowers, medical, homeowners and auto insurance are about being prepared. You're too dumb and poor to know about such matters.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 03, 2019 09:44AM

Jesus says Wrote:
> Even the non-religious among us know Jesus had a soft
> spot for those in poverty. "Blessed are you who are
> poor, for yours is the kingdom of God," he said.

Would have done better in reading Aesop's Fables than in wasting time on any book in the misogynistic, hate-filled Xtian Bible.

But if there were such a God as many do pretend there to be, he would again have shown great favor to the Sweet Spot in bestowing upon us today a morning even more glorious than what was duly celebrated yesterday.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 03, 2019 10:18AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Nothing of actual consequence ever happens in your
> shit spot. It's ever more mundane than a routine
> trip to FL.

Well. we do lack the sights, sounds, and smells of heavy earth-moving machinery, if that's what you mean. But we do have easy access to shopping, dining, and even special events such as Viva! Vienna!

> Out in the real world where power outages occur on
> a regular basis, including at least two in the
> past decade where millions saw their power out,
> those of us with the means don't miss a beat with
> our Generacs quietly humming along while the power
> crews get things back on track. Just another
> luxury beyond your reach.

LOL! Just another waste of money that people with any financial savvy at all will refrain from falling into. The last actual power outage we had out here was during Hurricane Isabel. We did read in this morning's paper abiout it, but we saw no traces of hail or fierce winds or blinding sheets of rain out this way last night either.

> I don't use lots of things everyday, but they sure
> are nice to have when I need them. Things like
> snowblowers, medical, homeowners and auto
> insurance are about being prepared. You're too
> dumb and poor to know about such matters.

As a financial professional, I certainly know to have and use the wondrous tool of a $200K home equity line, and I know as well to have plenty of insurance against what are actual risks.

But I am nowhere near dumb enough to have purchased insurance against elephant stampedes, nor to have mimicked the dopes who purchase a bulky snow-blower that will only serve to further clog up a garage that they already can't park a car in. Even out here, nine snowfalls out of ten can be dealt with simply by driving back and forth on the driveway a few times. Takes ten minutes. That tenth event is dealt with by the landscaping crew who in two hours can have in-and-out access fully restored in exchange for a couple hundred bucks. Easy-peasy.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 03, 2019 11:32AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:

> Would have done better in reading Aesop's Fables
> than in wasting time on any book in the
> misogynistic, hate-filled Xtian Bible.

Most educated people understand that reading the Bible as literature is an indication of being well read. This holds true for a plethora of religious texts from the different faiths. The Bible, after all, is a composite of literary styles. It contains story and poetry, metaphor and proverb, parable and letter, satire and symbolism. Not grasping that very simple fact is a sure sign of stupidity.

> But if there were such a God as many do pretend
> there to be, he would again have shown great favor
> to the Sweet Spot in bestowing upon us today a
> morning even more glorious than what was duly
> celebrated yesterday.

As noted, Jesus is well known to have a soft spot for those in poverty.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 03, 2019 11:32AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:

> Would have done better in reading Aesop's Fables
> than in wasting time on any book in the
> misogynistic, hate-filled Xtian Bible.

Most educated people understand that reading the Bible as literature is an indication of being well read. This holds true for a plethora of religious texts from the different faiths. The Bible, after all, is a composite of literary styles. It contains story and poetry, metaphor and proverb, parable and letter, satire and symbolism. Not grasping that very simple fact is a sure sign of stupidity.

> But if there were such a God as many do pretend
> there to be, he would again have shown great favor
> to the Sweet Spot in bestowing upon us today a
> morning even more glorious than what was duly
> celebrated yesterday.

As noted, Jesus is well known to have a soft spot for those in poverty.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: LOL... ()
Date: June 03, 2019 11:41AM

Your invisible friend failed to keep you from the sin of double-posting.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 03, 2019 12:08PM

Hmmm. Ghost in the machine. Who might my invisible friend be, my uncultivated moron?

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 03, 2019 12:12PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> But if there were such a God as many do pretend
> there to be, he would again have shown great favor
> to the Sweet Spot in bestowing upon us today a
> morning even more glorious than what was duly
> celebrated yesterday.

He also seems to have led Max Scherzer and the Nats to another nifty win over Cincinnati last night. That’a my kind of god! I’ll take 15 strikeouts over 10 commandments any day!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 03, 2019 01:59PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Well. we do lack the sights, sounds, and smells of
> heavy earth-moving machinery, if that's what you
> mean.

That's what those in the know call progress. It took a good deal of heavy equipment to build your precious Mosaic. What's the rent pers sq.ft./month there again?

Sorry nobody is interested in improving things out your way.

> But we do have easy access to shopping,
> dining, and even special events such as Viva!
> Vienna!

Viva! Vienna! is nice. We used to take the kids there with their cousins. We never did the park and take a shuttle crap though. Parked at my brother's house and walked.

> LOL! Just another waste of money that people with
> any financial savvy at all will refrain from
> falling into. The last actual power outage we had
> out here was during Hurricane Isabel.

Isabel? That was the actual impetus behind the Generac. Lost power for nearly a week. That won't ever happen again. You, of course, can't say that.

> We did read
> in this morning's paper abiout it, but we saw no
> traces of hail or fierce winds or blinding sheets
> of rain out this way last night either.

Good for you. Keeping your fingers crossed is no way I want to get through a storm though.

> As a financial professional, I certainly know to
> have and use the wondrous tool of a $200K home
> equity line, and I know as well to have plenty of
> insurance against what are actual risks.

Except power outages. You'd rather just get in a car and drive around (and yet you worry about keeping a fridge door open too long. LOL!). That's just foolish and possibly unsafe if there are downed wires or trees.

> But I am nowhere near dumb enough to have
> purchased insurance against elephant stampedes,
> nor to have mimicked the dopes who purchase a
> bulky snow-blower that will only serve to further
> clog up a garage that they already can't park a
> car in. Even out here, nine snowfalls out of ten
> can be dealt with simply by driving back and forth
> on the driveway a few times. Takes ten minutes.
> That tenth event is dealt with by the landscaping
> crew who in two hours can have in-and-out access
> fully restored in exchange for a couple hundred
> bucks. Easy-peasy.

Have two cars in my garage. Can you say the same? Oh sorry, I forgot you can't afford a garage. Your car seems to be an integral part of your copins strategy. No power? Go out for a long drive. Driveway covered in snow? Drive over it back and forth many times. And yet you worry about a fridge door being open a second too long? With the level of stupidity you put on full display for all to see, it's no wonder you're too stupid to know how to properly order or dress a salad.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 04, 2019 12:58PM

Well, this may come as no surprise at all at this point, but Divine Providence (or whatever other hocus-pocus Fairy Tale characters one might wish to imagine as being involved in all this) has yet again bestowed a simply grand and glorious morning upon those of us fortunate enough to live out in the Sweet Spot. No doubt enough to have inspired the brushes of Monet back in the day, it's just the magnificently peaceful sights and sounds of untrammeled nature that we have out here to accompany the traditional brewing and enjoyment of yet another fresh pot of single-estate Kona. So good!

The Nats meanwhile had an off-day yesterday, so nothing much to report on that front. But with the team on the road of late, we hadn't been eating out as often as usual, and with the wash-out of our date with 'The Principals", we felt compelled to go ahead and cap off the day by hitting up Pazzo Pomodoro over in Vienna for din-din. Rich and velvety crab bisque, two crisp and scrumptious soft-shell crabs, and of course Bocci de Sophia Loren and coffee to wind it up. Came to $210 for the two of us, with tip and a simple bottle of 2017 Pinot Grigio Jermann included. Nice way to wind up a marvelous Sweet Spot Monday.

Nothing much marvelous for the illiterati of Falls Church though. They just stumbled along clumsily, as has become their wont and passion. Out of 2.6 million Dominion Energy customers by the way, a devastating total of 655 are reported to be without power this morning. Once again, not much chance for any Generacs out there to be earning any of their foolish and expensive keep today.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 04, 2019 01:06PM

well read person Wrote:
> Most educated people understand that reading the Bible
> as literature is an indication of being well read.

In reality, most educated people would understand that the Bible was intended as Scripture, not as mere literature. Your demotion of it to such a far more mundane status is certainly warranted, even if still incomplete.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 04, 2019 02:26PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> That's what those in the know call progress.

Progress presumes that a superior state can be moved to. This would no doubt the case for every cramped square foot of Falls Church City, but it is very much not the case out here in the Sweet Spot.

> It took a good deal of heavy equipment to build
> your precious Mosaic.

Not precious. Just a significant step up from the dumps of Falls Church City. Today even more so of course than back in the bygone days of 2013 from which little more than your searing, burning butthurt yet remains.

> What's the rent pers sq.ft./month there again?

Ouch. There's a type in there. But rents are much different today from what they were six years ago before the Mosaic and Halstead areas were even built out and came to be so much more desirable than the decay of FCC.

What hasn't changed over time of course is your infantile dependence on typos as a primary source for the ridiculous claims you try to make. That just marks you an a doltish, unrepentant, bottom-feeding, Falls Church nincompoop.

> Viva! Vienna! is nice. We used to take the kids
> there with their cousins. We never did the park
> and take a shuttle crap though. Parked at my
> brother's house and walked.

So your brother has fared much better in life than you have? Unsurprising.

> Isabel? That was the actual impetus behind the
> Generac. Lost power for nearly a week.

A classic case of closing the barn door after the horses have run off. What an $8000 idiot!

> Good for you. Keeping your fingers crossed is no
> way I want to get through a storm though.

As with wasting money on a generator, I saw no storm-related need to be crossing my fingers. I leave that to mystics and other confused and bamboozled parties, While damage was indeed reported elsewhere the other day, there was none of that at all out in the Sweet Spot. None. It was almost like Hurricane Irene all over again.

> Except power outages. You'd rather just get in a
> car and drive around (and yet you worry about
> keeping a fridge door open too long. LOL!).

Since the 90th-percentile duration of such power outages as actually do impact this area is a couple of hours, a drive out to enjoy a nice meal is a typically a very good way of dealing with things.

> Have two cars in my garage. Can you say the same?

I would certainly not want to say the same. A garage is not at all necessary in these parts, and one disrupts natural sight-lines and air-flow. A carport and a decent shed will meet the same needs as any garage, and do it at lower cost with less environmental degradation. Win-win.

> Oh sorry, I forgot you can't afford a garage.

LOL! Angie's List reports that the average cost to build a 26x26 two-car garage ranges from $27K for an attached unit to $47K for a free-standing model. As we know, I have an already open $200,000 revolving line of credit sitting out there, so (as with trips to West Palm Beach) I could afford to build garages tomorrow for myself and all of my actual neighbors. Few if any of us would actually want such a thing, however.

> Your car seems to be an integral part of your
> coping strategy. No power? Go out for a long
> drive. Driveway covered in snow? Drive over it
> back and forth many times.

An example of simple multi-tasking, an important thing in autos as well as in people. Our vehicles out here are in fact beyond competent to these two particular tasks, as well as others.

> And yet you worry about a fridge door being open a
> second too long?

Leaky faucets are not a good thing either.

> With the level of stupidity you put on full display
> for all to see, it's no wonder you're too stupid to
> know how to properly order or dress a salad.

Repeat after me: "I'll have the salad, please." While there are places that do so automatically, if you are particular, you can always ask to have the dressing served on the side. Oh, and you should always dine at places known for not serving wilted lettuce. LOL!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 04, 2019 02:56PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> well read person Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Most educated people understand that reading the
> Bible
> > as literature is an indication of being well
> read.
> In reality, most educated people would understand
> that the Bible was intended as Scripture, not as
> mere literature. Your demotion of it to such a
> far more mundane status is certainly warranted,
> even if still incomplete.

Actually, well educated and well read people would laugh out loud in your face for making such a foolish assertion. Intent is irrelevant when examining the Bible as a literary work. The same can be said about the Sutras, the Quran, the Vedas, the Avesta or any other religious text. The Bible has long been considered an important work of literature. It has long been and continues to be studied in numerous English departments across academia including at the highest regarded universities in the world.







It's OK though, you can keep showing us what an unrefined clod you are when it comes to such matters.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 04, 2019 03:20PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Not precious. Just a significant step up from the
> dumps of Falls Church City. Today even more so of
> course than back in the bygone days of 2013 from
> which little more than your searing, burning
> butthurt yet remains.

LOL! Let that butthurt and envy out. It really is eating you alive. Posting about me and Falls Church in thread after thread where I don't even post. Thanks though, it only reaffirms the fact that I own your sorry ass.

> So your brother has fared much better in life than
> you have? Unsurprising.

No, but his life isn't terrible. His wife grew up in Vienna and shares those foolish notions that the shit in Vienna doesn't stink. His place is far too small to host family gatherings at the holidays or other occasions. On the plus side, he's got a garage which is more than you can say.

> A classic case of closing the barn door after the
> horses have run off. What an $8000 idiot!

Just one of the many storms that caused outages over the past 16 years, some of which were quite lengthy. Smart people know to learn from circumstances and work to prevent them in the future. You seem to be struggling with that $8K number. Seems to represent a large investment to you. Hmmm, didn't seem like much then to me and certainly doesn't today. Sorry for your situation.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 04, 2019 03:33PM

well read person Wrote:
> It's OK though, you can keep showing us what an
> unrefined clod you are when it comes to such matters.

One more time: The Bible was intended as sacred text -- the literal Word of God. The study of its simple literary influences seriously denigrates it from the get-go. By the way, while I never took any of those courses, one of those universities of yours does appear on my CV.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 04, 2019 04:16PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> LOL! Let that butthurt and envy out. It really is
> eating you alive. Posting about me and Falls
> Church in thread after thread where I don't even
> post. Thanks though, it only reaffirms the fact
> that I own your sorry ass.

You're an embarrassingly battered and pathetic fool. One so hurt that he has dragged a 2013 typo around over all these many years. As had been foretold in those times, Mosaic et al. simply left FCC behind in terms of being residential and commercial attractors in the area.

> No, but his life isn't terrible. His wife grew up
> in Vienna and shares those foolish notions that
> the shit in Vienna doesn't stink.

I don't live there myself, but I do live close enough to know that the perception of Vienna as a place far superior to the likes of FCC and various surrounding CDP's is indeed both widespread and well-justified.

> His place is far too small to host family gatherings
> at the holidays or other occasions.

Tell it to Chip and Joanna Gaines, bozo.

> On the plus side, he's got a garage which is more
> than you can say.

Actually LESS than I can say. Again, in the world outside of dolts and fools, there is no actual purpose to having a garage in this area.

> Just one of the many storms that caused outages over
> the past 16 years, some of which were quite lengthy.

Hahaha! Not in the Sweet Spot, as I have had to explain now several times over for the benefit of the terminally dense. Not since 2003 have we seen a storm that took the power out for more than a few hours.

> You seem to be struggling with that $8K number.

It's peanuts, Dumbo. Just like your IQ. The bottom line here remains that you made a foolish decision on the representation of some Fuller Brush salesman who in the wake of Agnes was able to play you like a fiddle. Not much sophistication there, Billy Bob!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 04, 2019 04:35PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> You're an embarrassingly battered and pathetic
> fool. One so hurt that he has dragged a 2013 typo
> around over all these many years. As had been
> foretold in those times, Mosaic et al. simply left
> FCC behind in terms of being residential and
> commercial attractors in the area.

The "typo" still haunts you to this day which is why it is routinely and successfully deployed to watch you spiral into a fit of rage, butthurt and envy. This recent deployment was as successful as all previous uses.

> I don't live there myself, but I do live close
> enough to know that the perception of Vienna as a
> place far superior to the likes of FCC and various
> surrounding CDP's is indeed both widespread and
> well-justified.

The perceptions of Vienna are usually not to kind. Of course, those stuck there take that a bit too personally and overcompensate for it in many ways. It's merely a speed hump between Tyson's and Fairfax.

> Actually LESS than I can say. Again, in the world
> outside of dolts and fools, there is no actual
> purpose to having a garage in this area.

LOL! Now you don't even know the purpose of a garage!

> Hahaha! Not in the Sweet Spot, as I have had to
> explain now several times over for the benefit of
> the terminally dense.

You lie about dead parents, who would presume that you're telling the truth now? Your sociopathic need to compulsively lie is well noted and documented.

> It's peanuts, Dumbo.

You aren't making it seem that way. The fact that you continue to dwell on it makes you seem overwhelmed by it.

> The bottom line here remains that you made a foolish
> decision on the representation of some Fuller
> Brush salesman who in the wake of Agnes was able
> to play you like a fiddle. Not much
> sophistication there, Billy Bob!

Actually, it was a well researched decision that took many weeks and I actually sought out the manufacturer and installer on my own. Many in the neighborhood soon followed suit. Then again, they have the means to.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 04, 2019 04:49PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> well read person Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's OK though, you can keep showing us what an
> > unrefined clod you are when it comes to such
> matters.
> One more time: The Bible was intended as sacred
> text -- the literal Word of God. The study of its
> simple literary influences seriously denigrates it
> from the get-go. By the way, while I never took
> any of those courses, one of those universities of
> yours does appear on my CV.

AGAIN: Intent is irrelevant when examining the Bible as a literary work. The same can be said about the Sutras, the Quran, the Vedas, the Avesta or any other religious text. It is a standard read for those among us who are considered well read. Smart people know this and understand it.

By the way, all universities need janitors.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 04, 2019 05:18PM

Literature was never the point of the Bible. Neither (plainly) was accuracy in any measure. Jabberwocky at least was written as nonsense, yet it has literary value that goes above and beyond that of what some call the Good Book.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 05, 2019 08:38AM

Well, the sun has risen over the Sweet Spot this morning, once again revealing an area resplendent in a tranquil sort of natural beauty, the likes of which are found in few other places. Those of us who can afford the best can only gaze out across the bright green vistas and lift a cup of single-estate Kona in celebration of both the hard work and good fortune that paved the way for us.

So things looked really bad for the Nats early on last night, but down 5-0 after two innings, they roared back, using a 6-run fifth to walk off with a 9-5 win over the White Sox. The decision will never be considered one of his best efforts, but it was still the 100th WIN of Stephen Strasburg's career. The two clubs meet again this afternoon at 1:00. Since we have rickets, I imagine we'll soon be making our way across Mass Ave ro enjoy the game and perhaps some upscale fare as well. No firm plans yet, but we'll see what develops.

Meanwhile, the feeble-minded of Falls Church did some low-grade carrying on over the afternoon and into the evening yesterday. Perhaps I'll be able to devote a few minutes to laughing at them before we head out.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 05, 2019 09:41AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> The "typo" still haunts you to this day which is
> why it is routinely and successfully deployed to
> watch you spiral into a fit of rage, butthurt and
> envy. This recent deployment was as successful as
> all previous uses.

LOL! It was a typo you clod, as was noted within minutes if its occurrence. It lives on only through your weakling 6-year need to cling to any sort of little bit at all. I on the other hand have ignored hundreds of typos in your posts. I don't actually have a need for the sort of childish silliness that you so frequently resort to, as I have many other means of making you look like the simpleton troll and downscale Mambo sauce, scallop, and salad stooge that you actually are.

> The perceptions of Vienna are usually not to kind.

OMG! Was that another one of those typo things? Should I jot that down and regularly mention it out through the year 2025 or some such? Nah, that would be childishly stupid.

> Of course, those stuck there take that a bit too
> personally and overcompensate for it in many ways.
> It's merely a speed hump between Tyson's and Fairfax.

Well, as has been noted many times, I don't live in Vienna, just sensibly close enough to be able to take advantage of the many amenities that the Town has to offer and that your failing Little City does not. Like a 'chicken place,' for instance. It's bad for you of course, but I do love that cajun rice!

> LOL! Now you don't even know the purpose of a garage!

Name one that isn't better and more economically served by a carport and shed combination. Assuming of course that one has enough land to put such structures on.

> You lie about dead parents, who would presume that
> you're telling the truth now?

Again, it has long been the case that my parents are dead and buried in New Jersey per their wishes. It is equally certain that your overstated claims about Irene and the derecho were a massive and desperate-as-ever overreach as poorly founded as the dingbat rubbish found in your Tim Ma diatribes.

> Your sociopathic need to compulsively lie is well
> noted and documented.

What you bring to the table here is all a crock of made-up, cliff-denying, shit-babble that you hope will somehow bolster your ever-fading hopes of not being swept away into utter irrelevancy by the tides of simple fact that ever wash over you and your sand-castles of fraud. It's not working out for you, however. You only grow smaller here every day.

> You aren't making it seem that way. The fact that
> you continue to dwell on it makes you seem
> overwhelmed by it.

Convulsed in laughter at your economic stupidity. You threw away $8000 for a device that you never really needed. You are like the occasional weekend duffer (< golf term) spending thousands of dollars on a new set of clubs that he can't hit.

> Actually, it was a well researched decision that
> took many weeks and I actually sought out the
> manufacturer and installer on my own. Many in the
> neighborhood soon followed suit. Then again, they
> have the means to.

Worse yet! One could almost understand falling in a moment of panic for the folly of such a purchase, but to claim it as a product of the best reasoning you could muster over an extended period of careful consideration is just a further admission on your part of the seriously limited nature of your badly impaired intelligence.

Well, time to go get ready for the ballgame.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 05, 2019 02:20PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Literature was never the point of the Bible.
> Neither (plainly) was accuracy in any measure.
> Jabberwocky at least was written as nonsense, yet
> it has literary value that goes above and beyond
> that of what some call the Good Book.

Once again for the terminally stupid, the intent, point, or whatever synonym you'd like to use is irrelevant when examining the Bible as a literary work. The same can be said about the Sutras, the Quran, the Vedas, the Avesta or any other religious text. It is a standard read for those among us who are considered well read. Smart and educated people know this and understand it. Stupid people continue to dispute it.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 05, 2019 03:30PM

A thing is not literature because it at was once written down. Neither will it necessarily convey any meaningful scientific, historical, moral, or other value, no matter the zeal for it that some might irrationally have.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 05, 2019 03:46PM

It is widely considered literature by those clearly much more intelligent than you. You are letting your animosity toward religion blind your thoughts on the matter. The Bible is the model for and subject of more art and thought than you'll ever realize due to that self imposed blindness. To those of us with open and educated minds, the Bible is simply a good story with an intricate plot, extended metaphor, and beguiling characters. When you hold any text up too highly as a "religious" book, you risk missing out on its true beauty as literature. Likewise, your blinders prevent you from seeing the beautiful poetry in the Psalms or Song of Songs. You will miss the artful simplicity of the parables. It is these kind of moments in the text that supersede belief and enter in the mythic realm of storytelling archetypes that our greatest writers have latched onto.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 05, 2019 04:03PM

Stow it, bozo. I grew up in the high Anglican Church and would pretty easily have a much clearer and more sober view of these matters than you do.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 05, 2019 06:50PM

Attending church services and Sunday school is not relevant. It's not a church's job to examine and analyze the literary values of the Bible. Rather, they explore the spiritual and ecclesiastical nature of scripture. I've clearly demonstrated the the Bible is treated as literature by most educated and well read people. You, on the other hand entered the conversation with nothing and now you're left with less than that. Your myopic view that you can't separate scripture from literature is just plain dumb.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 05, 2019 07:29PM

No, dope. By in the Church, I meant IN the Church. MAD Magazine was meanwhile seen as ‘literature’ by some. But it was written as and should be studied as humor.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 06, 2019 09:51AM

Well, after some showers overnight, it was actually kind of an overcast morning in the Sweet Spot today, but things are burning off nicely now, and it looks to be just another sparkling day for all of us fortunates out this way. The freshly-brewed single-estate Kona certainly doesn't seem any the worse for wear. It's as rich and deeply flavorful as ever.

Roller-coaster night at the ballpark on Wednesday, as with the homestand coming to an end, half the staff we usually see were already up and gone. We hear that they'll have a new menu up when the boys get back from the road though, so we'll look forward to that.

Meanwhile, Anibal Sanchez was surprisingly effective over the early going and the Nats finally crept away to a 4-1 lead. Barraclough and Suero gave all of that back in the 8th, each surrendering one of back-to-back homers to the White Sox. Things looked bleaker still as Doolittle had to struggle to make his way through the 9th, but in the bottom half, good old Trea Turner, who'd looked like fish at the plate all day long, suddenly smacked a two-run walk-off homer to send everybody home happy. That's a season-high four-game winning streak for the boys now, and off they go to San Diego to see if they can make it five.

For us, the notion of post-game dinner plans had to be set aside when it was realized that neither of us had gassed up the car, and there wasn't enough of that stuff left to get us home again with any certainty. We had to run up to the Exxon at 2nd & Mass Ave NE and give her $20 worth. When we got home, we found that neither of us had managed to tape the game either, so it was a bit of an off day in that regard.

Of course, not nearly as off as what the FCC and other assorted dopes had been going through. The phonies just went about making fools of themselves, as they so routinely do. Need to make a non-baseball trip downtown today, but some time to go laugh at the flubbers will likely be found.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 06, 2019 01:31PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> No, dope. By in the Church, I meant IN the
> Church. MAD Magazine was meanwhile seen as
> ‘literature’ by some. But it was written as
> and should be studied as humor.

Again, it isn't relevant that you grew up in the basement homeless shelter of a church. It's not a church's job to examine and analyze the literary values of the Bible. Rather, they explore the spiritual and ecclesiastical nature of scripture. It isn't just me you are arguing with, it's all of the prestigious universities and scholars that view the Bible as a work of literature. Take some time to look it up and discover how wrong you are.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 06, 2019 02:31PM

Though you may not be able to avoid it, acting the fool is not going to earn you any bonus points.

Further, all you have sought to do here is claim a set of all sets named 'literature' into which you wish to drag the likes of such collected ancient myth and errant superstition as may be found in the books of the Bible. But you are as well dragging MAD Magazine into that set, a fact that you seem reluctant to address.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 06, 2019 02:38PM

Which Ivy League university (or any other university) dedicates an upper level English course to MAD Magazine? Further, it is another irrelevant point you are making in a lily-livered attempt to deflect from your egregious blunder in declaring the Bible is not literature. It clearly is as evidenced by numerous academics and scholars.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 06, 2019 02:53PM

There are many university-level courses studying the literary legacy of MAD Magazine. Look it up. You may wish to look up Russell’s Paradox as well.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 06, 2019 02:55PM

Link to one that dedicates an upper level English course to MAD Magazine.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 06, 2019 05:09PM

Moving the goalposts already? Still ignoring Russell’s Paradox? Still baffled by what ‘in the church’ might mean? Repent: The End Is Near!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 07, 2019 10:14AM

Well, the good news this morning includes the fact that there were once again no power outages at all out in the Sweet Spot last night, meaning that 15 1/2 years on, there is still no earthly reason to have purchased anything like an $8000 Generac back in 2003. And of course, we do indeed have another beautiful morning welcoming us from our slumbers. That and this cup of freshly brewed single-estate Kona should count for something as well.

Wife had lunch out with her girlfriends again yesterday, this time at Lotus Garden in Vienna. She brought home a couple of egg rolls (not too good) and an order of not-really-Chinese-at-all Orange Beef (very tasty). Looks like our date with 'The Principals' will be the next official meal out, though there's no decision re Fri-Sat that has been made yet.

Sadly, after grabbing a 4-0 first inning lead, the Nats managed just one more hit over eight innings to lose to the Padres by a score of 5-4. We were retired 1-2-3 in each of the final five frames, each time by a different SD pitcher. Doesn't bode well.

Nothing of course bode well yesterday for the bands of local idiots either. That's not news of course -- more of an everyday thing. We'll see if another coat of shellac is needed later today.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 07, 2019 11:36AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Moving the goalposts already? Still ignoring
> Russell’s Paradox? Still baffled by what ‘in
> the church’ might mean? Repent: The End Is
> Near!

No goalposts moved. You can't seem to provide evidence of your absurd assertion. Meanwhile, ample evidence has been put forward to demonstrate just how wrong and stupid you are.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 07, 2019 12:24PM

Sorry, dope. You're done here, and with nothing more to show for your time than on any of your prior crash-and-burn misadventures. Things would have ended the same way in any case of copurse, but your foolish 'set of all sets' gaffe simply set you up for an immediate demise.

All glory be to Thee, O Lord.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 07, 2019 02:01PM

I'm the only one to show any evidence of my assertion, which has clearly been proven true. Meanwhile, you've been babbling about nonsense and continue to impotently stumble through this matter. That's par for the course for an inconsequential boob like you.

BTW, nationwide, homes with garages sell for 12% more than homes without. You seem to always be on the without side of the ledger when it comes to the finer things in life. Your stupidity only ensures you'll be stuck there.

Being raised in the church, you'd think your parents would've taught you not to lie about they're dead or not. From the looks of things, that's not the only matter they failed at in raising you.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 07, 2019 02:21PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> there is still no earthly reason to
> have purchased anything like an $8000 Generac back
> in 2003.

Consumer Reports states that in some cases, your home value can increase by 3 to 5% by having a generator installed. Another in the without column for you.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 07, 2019 04:26PM

What are those ‘cases’, Mr. Seven Figure Well Read Phony? Would they be the same ones noted earlier that in no way refer your house? Face it, El Dopo — you blew eight grand on something you had no actual need for. Only the salesman made out well in this deal.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 07, 2019 05:01PM

The cases where the purchaser values the convenience of having reliable backup power in the inevitable event of a power outage lasting more than a few minutes. Of course, the financially challenged are forced to suffer without one.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 07, 2019 05:20PM

So since CR didn’t actually elaborate on these ’cases’, you have no idea at all what they are. Shockingly typical.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 07, 2019 06:27PM

It's called common sense. I'd tell you try it sometime, but you've this far proven that it's well beyond your reach. You aren't capable of much more beyond sociopathic lying and outright stupidity.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 08, 2019 09:02AM

Now, now -- mind you manners, little boy! No sense making a spectacle of yourself simply for having yet again been proved the fool.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 08, 2019 10:42AM

Well, it's roughly partly cloudy out here in the Sweet Spot this morning. All the other variables are in the excellent range (including of course the quality of this cup of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona), but it looks like such sun as may shine later on today will be part of its last hurrah for a while. Lots of chances and likelihoods of showers coming up for Sunday and then well into next week. I hope we don't have some awful power-outage or something as the result.

Otherwise, Sean Doolitle gave up hits to two left-handed hitters in the same outing last night for the first time since 2016, as the Nats sank to a second straight 5-4 loss to the Padres and saw their "season of woe" status re-imposed after a brief glimpse of respectability. Fewer than 100 games are left in the 2019 season now, and there is no realistic path to the playoffs. With Kimbrel and Keuchel now signed elsewhere, it's clear that the Lerners are dead set against going over the tax threshold this year and will just try to pick up the pieces over the off-season. That's a sensible strategy actually, but like bad-tasting medicine, it's no fun in the short-run. So, two more games in SD now, and then two chances for the White Sox to get some revenge at their place against a tired and perhaps dispirited Nats squad. None of these three clubs is actually any good, so we'll still have to wait to see what happens.

In the rear-view mirror already of course is yet another collapse by our laughable Seven Figure Well Read Amateur Local Historian friend. Might have taken disgraced financial wizard, Lowe Kashflowe, along with him. Either way, another example of having bit off way more than he could chew for what must be the umpty-seventh time or more. Probably won't bother him much though, as completely outclassed is his customary state of being.

I see by the way that the Little City is having some difficulties now in figuring out how to come up with funding for the new West End high school that they are required to build under terms of the unconditional surrender that ended the Water Wars. It was all supposed to be so easy. The little six-figure 'railroad cottages' are cute though.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 09, 2019 09:35AM

Well, we've got clouds for sure out here in the Sweet Spot this morning. Easy to believe all this talk about showers later on from what we've seen so far. Won't really put too much of a damper on the day though, as barring the unforeseen, we have dinner later on with 'The Principals'. Been a while now, so we're looking forward to that. It's their call to decide where we go, so we don't know yet where that will be. Most likely though it will be a place to which fresh seafood was delivered just a few short hours ago.

Also brightening the skies at least a little bit was Max Scherzer who rather handily put away the Padres last night. Wander Suero was not able to get the final out, so Doolittle had to come on to wrap things up. But a win is still a win, and you never know when this crew might secure another one of those. Strasburg is set for a hometown start this afternoon though, and he's pitched well there in the past. Need to get him some sort of offense.

The Falls Church brigade of course had a much worse week than the Nats, and it may be that the lot of them has chosen now to pack off on another of their restorative weekend pleasure trips to Generic Beach or some other similarly nondescript destination. Don't know what sort of reading materials they may have taken along or what the depreciation on the trusty Generac will be while they are away, but it will be more money down the drain, that's for sure.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 10, 2019 01:52PM

Well, it looks like we could see some sort of wind-and-water uprising over on the east side of I-95 late this afternoon and on into early evening. Out here in the Sweet Spot meanwhile, we do have clouds and some intermittent showers, but not much threat of anything beyond even more lush and green vistas to view out the expansive windows. Cool!

So it was good to get together with 'The Principals' once again last night. They've both already been to Patsy's American out by Tysons and they were quite impressed with the place. Seems it's on a different sort of scale than the usual GAR place. Word they got was that their gross was over $50K after their 4:00 PM grand opening. Not too shabby.

Meanwhile, Mr. & Mrs. Zimmie had stopped into one of their places not long ago, so a promise to return the favor had been made and ultimately led to the four of us dining at The Salt Line down on the SE Waterfront last night. Like The Monocle, Café Berlin, and Bluejacket, we frequently drive past The Salt Line on our way to Nats games, but we'd never eaten there before. I can now report that it was well worth the trip.

We started with 10 oysters from each of 3 available VA varieties, and they were all great. The classic mignonette was spot-on as well, so we definitely got what we paid for there. Slurp! Slurp!

I was one of two to order the fried clam bellies next, and they were wonderful. Tender, juicy, and flavorful under a crisp-fried batter and paired with a very good tartar sauce. The table also chose the Pimento Crab Dip app which somehow had enough crab meat in it that the flavor was not drowned out by copious bunches of cheese and bacon. Very rich and very good.

For the main course, I went with the Crispy Skin Rockfish, mostly because I hadn't had rockfish for what seemed like quite a while. It was just as advertised -- crispy, peppery skin along with the flaky soft sweet meat that makes rockfish famous. A solid choice.

One of The Principals decided to go off-grid by ordering the New England Smash Burger which both looked and was reported to be an ooey-gooey mass of beefy deliciousness. The couple at the table next to ours ordered a lobster roll, and while they had plenty enough to do so (the thing was beyond HUGE), they didn't offer us a bite. Hence, I can only say that it looked positively wonderful.

Two desserts and some coffee (appropriately spiked for non-drivers) finished things off. There are just three dessert selections available, and we chose to bypass the Banana Split. The S'mores Lava Cake was basically a bowl of yummy hot fudge with some other goodies tossed in. The Strawberry Icebox Pie got more votes from the four of us, as much for the graham-cracker crust as for the fresh strawberries and pastry cream. It was the understated opposite of the over-the-top S'mores bowl.

All in all, it was quite a fine dinner for $525, tax and tip and those $100 worth of oysters included. I think the plan is for the four of us to get together next in two weeks time, but even the remote viewers of Falls Church City can't be sure about these things.

Had to watch the Nats game off the box after we got home. Quite the 8th inning as a strong performance from Strasburg was suddenly backed up by the striking of back-to-back-to-back-to-back home runs. Kendrick then Turner then Eaton then Rendon all went deep one after the other, a feat that's only been accomplished nine times in MLB history. The Nats were already the last team to do it (Goodwin-Difo-Harper-Zimmerman in July 2017), and now they are the only team ever to do it twice. Go figure.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: well read person ()
Date: June 10, 2019 04:18PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Now, now -- mind you manners, little boy! No
> sense making a spectacle of yourself simply for
> having yet again been proved the fool.

The last resort of a lying know nothing. Your dead parents, no matter the fact that you claim differently, would be disappointed to know their son aged to be such a lying know nothing. Although, good evidence indicates they probably saw it coming. Sociopathic compulsive liars usually begin at a young age. Stupidity, like the kind of stupid that denies the Bible is literature despite being presented with overwhelming evidence, usually manifests itself at a young age as well.

BTW, nationwide, homes with garages sell for 12% more than homes without. You seem to always be on the without side of the ledger when it comes to the finer things in life. Your stupidity only ensures you'll be stuck there.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: 47474747474747 ()
Date: June 10, 2019 09:07PM

I wish I had NEVER started this thread.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 11, 2019 10:10AM

Well, Dominion Energy reports that 1,057 of its 2.6 million customers (0.04%) are without power this morning, but in checking their maps, I don't see a single one from out here in the Sweet Spot where nothing but golden sunshine is pouring down once again this morning. Quite the contrast to Sunday evening out along the deck at The Salt Line with wind and rain lashing across our views of the Anacostia River and the Frederick Douglass Bridge. It'll be a couple of years yet before the stylish new bridge can be completed, but it will be another welcome addition to the SE Waterfront area when it finally does arrive. Meanwhile, there's just a bit of a breeze out here today, but the temps and humidity are in the extremely comfortable range right now and are expected to stay there all day long. Time to celebrate I'd say with a cup of freshly brewed single-estate Kona. Mmmm, good!

In other good news, the Nats were able to shake off the effects of changing dugouts by two time zones, with Kurt Suzuki smacking a grand-slam as part of a six-run ninth that sealed a 12-1 win over the now home-standing White Sox. Nice work by Anibal "Band-Aid" Sanchez in keeping that Pale Hose lineup in check inside a notorious bandbox of a ballpark. There's little doubt that the season as a whole is shot of course, but we can still enjoy those few moments of good baseball when they actually do occur.

No good moments at all for our vacationing friends over in Falls Church City I'm afraid, as they have managed of late but a single dispatch from a low-level official in foolish praise of garages. As if data from Alaska or Maine or the parched deserts of the American Southwest would be of any relevance to homeowners here on the southern side of the temperate Mid-Atlantic region. Like Generacs, garages are just a waste of money and an insult to the environment in this area. Everything that a garage does here can be better done with a well-designed carport/shed combination that preserves both sight- and flight-lines in addition to good old bank balances. And that's without even delving into tax, insurance, and maintenance issues.

Looks like a good part of today will go to a quick road trip to schlep pets back and forth to the vet for annual checkups. They don't like it and we don't like it, but it's part of being a responsible pet owner, so we're all in on it actually. The Nats have one more game in Chicago tonight, then it's back home for four against the Diamondbacks. Manager Sergio has promised to roll out a new menu for the ARZ series, so we'll have to see what sort of culinary tricks they might be up to. Unlike the boys on the field, the kitchen lineup has had a good year this year, so we're excited to see what's next.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 11, 2019 10:12AM

47474747474747 Wrote:
> I wish I had NEVER started this thread.

So do the clowns from Falls Church City.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 11, 2019 01:42PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> No good moments at all for our vacationing friends
> over in Falls Church City I'm afraid, as they have
> managed of late but a single dispatch from a
> low-level official in foolish praise of garages.
> As if data from Alaska or Maine or the parched
> deserts of the American Southwest would be of any
> relevance to homeowners here on the southern side
> of the temperate Mid-Atlantic region.

Let's take a look at the Mid Atlantic. In the Wilmington, DE metro market, homes with garages sell for an estimated 11.8% more than comparable homes without them. In Baltimore, MD, that number is 10.4%. In the Hampton Roads region, it's 11%. And right here in the DC metro market, a garage adds 8.5%.

Those are some really sour grapes you can't quite attain.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 12, 2019 11:08AM

Unsurprisingly, we have yet another boundlessly green and beautiful morning to deal with out here in the Sweet Spot. There is a whirring of leaf-blowers to deal with in the background today, as a couple of grounds crews are out simultaneously in the area and are now winding up their efforts at mowing, manicuring, and otherwise beautifying the place. It's a little like living on a golf course out here, but thankfully without having the pesky golf course to deal with.

And the pets all checked out A-OK yesterday. That's always good news to receive, especially re the older models. Blood work won't be back for a day or two, but all signs are positive to this point. Came to just under $900 per critter for the first half of the crew. We'll get to the other and younger half later in the month. Should be just routine maintenance in their cases.

Not checking out so well at all yesterday though was poor Patrick Corbin, whose third straight sub-par outing since tossing a complete game 4-hit shutout allowed the White Sox to build a sizable early lead that the stumbling Nats would not be able to overcome. The home club has off today while the Diamondbacks are up in Philly for a night game. Those two teams will kick off a 4-game series at Nats Park starting at 7:05 tomorrow night. Looks like Greinke vs Fedde after a ride across Mass Ave and a nice pre-game meal.

Not checking out well on any occasion at all of course are the Fools of Falls Church City, a band that seems to have gotten back together at last for the purpose of making even further fun of themselves, particularly in their relish for needlessly paying more for less whenever they possibly can! Generacs, unsecured credit, and of course, garages that are just plain pointless in this area. It's like they don't know any better than to believe that price, quality, and utility must all move together. Then again, it's not like living in The Little City suggests that they'd be capable of anything better.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 12, 2019 12:43PM

Unsecured credit costs you nothing if you have the means to pay off the balance when the bill comes due. Clearly you don't have those means. Nor do you have the means to afford a Generac, a garage, nice vacations or even the ability to take care of all your pets at the same time. Is it any wonder your life if filled with nothing but envy and butthurt.

Be sure to wish your old man over in Brookmont a Happy Father's Day this weekend.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 12, 2019 03:57PM

^^^ Impressive loser-ness, dimbulb. Not sure meanwhile what these dredged up apparitional parents of yours might be doing this weekend, but the real ones are, as you should have come to realize by now, long since dead and buried.

There are meanwhile six critters, so it’s a simple matter of logistics (plus some basic intelligence apparently not available in stores) that leads to doing vet exams in shifts. All of the charges from both rounds will of course be sent rolling down the trusty old home equity line conveyor belt to be processed right along with the $525 worth of oceany deliciousness from The Salt Line on Sunday and whatever else we might rack up by the end of the month. Our means are so vast though that we can choose to pay the whole thing off or not at that time, as interest if any, would be a pittance for us.

Just heard back from the vet on the blood work by the way. Out of all that, we’ve got one liver value (the notoriously volatile ALT) to keep an eye on next year. Things are otherwise clear across the board. What good care these critters have!

We do of course have a fund set aside containing $0 that will fully fund all future purchases of Generacs. The next major non-Spring Training vacation is likely to be European, but details are not anywhere near final on that at this point. Plenty of time for that, and as always, plenty of money for whatever we decide to do. Cool to be us.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seafarer ()
Date: June 12, 2019 05:00PM

Oceany deliciousness?

Oysters from VA live in brackish and saltwater bays, estuaries, and tidal creeks.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Mrs. Paul's ()
Date: June 12, 2019 05:13PM

seafarer Wrote:
> Oceany deliciousness?
> Oysters from VA live in brackish and saltwater
> bays, estuaries, and tidal creeks.

You're talking to a guy who eats three-day-old halibut and frozen Chinese scallops.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 12, 2019 06:50PM

Ah, the classic Falls Church fail. A blend of ignorance, envy, and butthurt. There is no other like it.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 12, 2019 06:58PM

LOL! Okay there, Mr. Salad Dressing Ontheside. Lying about the vital status of your parents makes you lower than low, loser. Making fun of your lack of culinary knowledge just rubs your face in your stupidity.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:13PM

Fresh fish is delivered every morning to many places in NoVa, just as it is to your over-hyped Oceanaire downtown. Fresh scallops are meanwhile available in this area 365 days a year. Virginia oysters are farmed in seven geographic regions. Region-1 is called Seaside.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:21PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> LOL! Okay there, Mr. Salad Dressing Ontheside.
> Lying about the vital status of your parents makes
> you lower than low, loser. Making fun of your lack
> of culinary knowledge just rubs your face in your
> stupidity.

There is no art to ordering a salad. There are only dopes who cannot decipher an ordinary English sentence. You’d be one of those.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:39PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL! Okay there, Mr. Salad Dressing Ontheside.
> > Lying about the vital status of your parents
> makes
> > you lower than low, loser. Making fun of your
> lack
> > of culinary knowledge just rubs your face in
> your
> > stupidity.
> There is no art to ordering a salad. There are
> only dopes who cannot decipher an ordinary English
> sentence. You’d be one of those.

Of course there's no art in ordering a salad which is why it makes it all the more funny that you can't accomplish that very simple task. Likewise, there is no art to properly dressing a salad but GAR can't even manage to do it correctly.

No matter how hard you google, your lack of epicurean refinement has been on full display for some time. Do we need to rehash your Delmonico blunder or your days old fish masked with a pepper sauce again? Maybe your fresh lobster tails at Red Lobster! LOL!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Wonder Years ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:53PM

I was driving down Maple, turned a quick right, left, then right again onto Cottage Street.

I always drive the speed limit, 24 give or take. Blue sky, green lawns, flowering bushes, and then I see the porch.

At a tenth of a mile, I could make out the woman in the rocking chair. I could see the chair was moving a little. I slowed down to 20, but the rocking kept on, very slowly.

I passed the house going 5 mph. But the rocking chair kept rocking. That was years ago, and I still can't forget.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:53PM

Face it, loser. You can't run. You can’t hide. You can’t keep pace. Your sorry ass gets kicked here every time you post. Like claims for a “seven-figure city”, your body of work here is characterized by nothing more than a few honest mistakes and a whole lot of deliberate fraud. There is nothing to respect in that at all.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Wonder Years ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:57PM

I didn't even get to tell you about the story about the tire in the road.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Wonder Years ()
Date: June 12, 2019 07:59PM

And, that time at 29 Tastee Diner that I found Blackfoot's "Train, Train" on their little mini-jukeboxes, but I had no quarters.

That was a 2nd of July I believe, sometime in the mid to late-80s.

It's amazing how the mind works.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Vibriosis ()
Date: June 12, 2019 09:29PM

Wonder Years Wrote:
> And, that time at 29 Tastee Diner that I found
> Blackfoot's "Train, Train" on their little
> mini-jukeboxes, but I had no quarters.
> That was a 2nd of July I believe, sometime in the
> mid to late-80s.
> It's amazing how the mind works.

I think you ate a bad frozen Chinese scallop.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 13, 2019 08:03AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Face it, loser. You can't run. You can’t hide.
> You can’t keep pace. Your sorry ass gets
> kicked here every time you post. Like claims for
> a “seven-figure city”, your body of work here
> is characterized by nothing more than a few honest
> mistakes and a whole lot of deliberate fraud.
> There is nothing to respect in that at all.

LOL! You've been caught lying about the vital status of your parents yet you still continue to post. That's some serious sociopathic compulsive shit right there. Not only can I run, I've lapped you many times over. C'mon let's talk about your Delmonico fuck up. LOL!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 13, 2019 11:14AM

Well, there was certainly some shower activity out here in the Sweet Spot overnight. It seems the currently off but still off-and-on chance of more of those things will linger on into the early evening when a clearing-out process is expected finally to begin. Still, it's as good a time as ever to sit back and appreciate the beautiful green vistas with a cup of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona. The deliciousness just never ends.

So the D'Backs took down the Phillies 2-0 last night as their sudden staff ace, Merrill Kelly, almost got through the 8th inning while allowing just three hits in posting his third straight really strong start. The Nats will have to deal with actual staff ace Zack Greinke tonight to start off a 4-game series. At age 35, he's had some ups and downs of late, but he's a tough cookie anyway. Could be that those showers in the area will have some effect tonight as well.

The elder cats have meanwhile gotten right back into the swing of things after the vet-visit adventure on Tuesday. Usually, there is some slinking around under the furniture for a bit after getting back home, as well as some hiding out under the king-size bed, but there was none of that at all. Just lots of normal behavior. Good to have gotten a nice clean bill of health there.


Plainly still diseased however (and as lacking as ever in any sort of sense at all) is the Fool from Falls Church City, who brought to an end the blessings of a bit of a boycott yesterday by firing off a seven-figure volley of valueless verbal diarrhea.

He seems particularly agitated and incensed now over my at-long-last dinner with The Principals (whom he sometimes calls The Principles) at The Salt Line Sunday night. Good thing perhaps that I didn't tell him about the house-made Chicken Pot Pie at the McLean Family Restaurant on Tuesday. I ordered a salad with that by the way. With Thousand Island dressing. Went off like clockwork.

In addition to re-resurrecting his supremely bungled Salad Stooge saga, he foolishly retreated as well to a 2016 thread in which he was battered over a fumbled history of the term Delmonico, which reduces from the name of a popular 19th century NYC restaurant to a mere popular term for a rib-eye, or more broadly, any similarly thick-cut steak. Today of course, such a cut is specially marinated and grilled to become an insanely popular menu selection at Sweetwater Tavern, Mike's American, and other GAR restaurants.

And while yet again underscoring his failure to understand the difference between hot and other peppers, he again insults the words and memory of his late and once-revered mentor, Andrew Bourdain, who years ago conceded that time and technology had passed him by along with the entirety of his now long-ago cautions about ordering fish on Monday. Andrew was able to, but some other folks just plain can't keep up.

And of course the only actual relevance of Red Lobster is that one of us was able to enjoy the succulent butter-poached lobster during a recent Lobsterfest event, and one of us as usual was not. That would be the same one who thinks that Liberty BBQ is a 'chicken place'.

But having not yet fully restored levels of outright foolishness, he goes on to recall his derision of Tim Ma's delicious Scallops with Coconut Risotto while DC Eater extols it. Wonder what factors that sort of difference should be attributed to...

PS. No news on parents. Still at least a dozen years dead and buried in NJ. You meanwhile are long dead and buried right here at FFXU.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 14, 2019 09:56AM

well, certainly it will come as no surprise to learn that it is yet another crisp, clear, and beautiful morning out here in the Sweet Spot. Dominion Energy reports that 476 of its customers have no power at the moment, and we know as well that similar numbers are plagued today with the sights, sounds, and smells of heavy earth-moving machinery, but none of those is anywhere near here in more ways than one.

Like Falls Church City meanwhile, the ballpark last night just didn't work out very well at all. Enjoyment of a pre-game Stella with some tasty soft shrimp tacos was about the last happy hour of the night. Erick Fedde had all the horses run out of the barn on him in the very first inning, and the offense was a bunch of all-night no-shows, managing almost literally nothing against Zack Greinke, who can still be a force for stinginess at age 35. And then with the outcome no longer in any sort of doubt at all, we were hit (as had been feared) with an hour-long rain delay. Fortunately the game had been speeding right along up to that point, so it still ended at a normal hour. No traffic to deal with on the way home either. Still, what may be looked back upon as the key homestand of the season is now off to a bad start. We've got Scherzer and Strasburg lined up for the nest two, but those are now must-win games before having to trust Anibal Sanchez again on Sunday.

Also among yesterday's no-shows of course were sundry members of the Falls Church Chorale, a motley crew that's sung quite out of tune since a recent return to the stage. Methinks they would just as well go putter around in their pointless garages as try to make any headway here. Maybe they'll get some manly new power tools from someone on Sunday though. Wouldn't that be nice.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 15, 2019 07:54AM

Well, certainly not many will be surprised to learn that it's another bright and beautiful morning out here in the Sweet Spot, with a continuation of those same conditions forecast over the rest of the day. This will of course be enjoyed in part along with copious cups of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona just like the one sitting here next to me right now. Yum! Looks like some precip will be on tap across the region for Father's Day though. Might be enough to kill any plans over in Falls Church for grilling or pizza-making out on the back deck, or it might not. Some sprinkles might be good for the bottom lines of The Principals though.

In other news, Max Scherzer did his thing last night and the Nats were able to find enough offense to down the D'Backs by a final count of 7-3. This afternoon (4:05), we'll send Stephen Strasburg out against fill-in ARZ starter Taylor Clarke. He's struggled in five MLB starts, including getting knocked around a bit by PHI last time out. Hopefully, this seemingly lop-sided matchup will result in another win for the Nats. We have a charity breakfast to get to first, but we'll again be rolling our way across Mass Ave to see it all happen anyway.

The term 'lop-sided' of course calls to mind the ever more badly battered state of our friends from Falls Church City. They may have suffered some sort of collective relapse or other of late, as they have once again seemed too weak to post very much. Could it be that fumes from heavy earth-moving machinery have finally gotten the better of them? They may need to go their own way with Anoro or some such. Poor babies!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 16, 2019 11:39AM

Well, don't look now, but it's been another flat-out fabulous morning out here in the Sweet Spot. It being both the Lord's Day and Father's Day and all, perhaps the heavy earth-moving machinery guys will be taking a break today, allowing the much-abused masses of the Little City some respite from the daily pains of having their hapless burg further transformed into a poor man's excuse for Ballston. Might not matter much though, as rains are expected to move into the area later today. Pretty sad when rain can be looked forward to as an improvement in things.

Out here meanwhile, yesterday began on a definite high note, as the charity breakfast was attended by more people than had been expected. The bottom-line generated by a near-capacity crowd won't be known until sometime next week, but certainly the scene on Saturday morning was most encouraging.

From there we had to dash down to Nats Park to grab our Obi-SEAN Kenobi bobbledheads ahead of the Stars Wars Day crowds. They are actually pretty cool, for being just little toy-like things and all...


Still pretty much stuffed from breakfast, we made do with just an order of wings before heading up to The Club, but after that bit of deliciousness, things quickly went downhill. Stephen Strasburg had his first pitch swatted into the right-field bullpen and went on from there to record one of the worst starts of his career, at least that I can recall. The Nats' bats meanwhile went quiet after a productive 1st inning against a raw rookie from Ashburn, and next thing you know, we're on the wrong end of a 10-3 final. Bad, bad, bad! Now we're down to Anibal Sanchez versus the D'Back bullpen with Archie Bradley leading things off. Not where we wanted to be with PHI waiting on deck.

Turning in an even worse performance than Strasburg yesterday were the feckless slum-dogs of festering Falls Church City. These tawdry low-lifes sunk yet again to the shabby and Forum-forbidden tactic of poster-impersonation, this time only in underscoring their utter lack of understanding as to how fresh fish moves daily between the Jessup area and the quality dining spots of NoVa and nearby areas. The out-of-the-loop FCC dopes just have no clue about any of this at all. As their mailing addresses would suggest, steerage class is about all these dismal suckers have ever come to know.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 17, 2019 09:58AM

Just wanted to report that calls for showers out here in the Sweet Spot went entirely unheeded yesterday, leading now to yet another brilliant morn comprised of blue skies, shining sun, singing birds, scampering squirrels and chipmunks, and gorgeous green vistas stretching out across the lush lawns and well-tended gardens. Paired with a cup of freshly-brewed, single-estate Kona, it's all quite the excellent way to start off the day. The boys at NWS aren't giving up easily though, as they're calling again for rain not only later today but over much of the rest of the week. We'll see about that.

Meanwhile, Anibal Sanchez was more than a ray of sunshine yesterday, and the Nats offense scored early and late and even some in between as the club rode off into the sunset with a satisfying 15-5 victory to split the 4-game series with the Diamondbacks. More would have been better of course, but there's lots that this club with this manager isn't really able to do.

So now, the Phillies come to town, and if the weather holds, we'll be headed out across Mass Ave and down to the ballpark later on today. Like us, the Phils are 5-5 in their last ten games, and they've lately given up four games and first place to ATL. With a recent surge, Bryce Harper is up to .247 with 12 home runs, on par with any number of players that most people have never heard of. So we'll see how all that plays out with Patrick Corbin set to square off against Jake Arrieta. They've each had some ups and downs so far and have comparable numbers on the year, none of them actually being very good.

In other news, the Follies of Falls Church City have continued along their World Gutter Tour, repeatedly stopping off to post mindless, gutless, pointless whimpering in one thread after another. This of course enhances nothing more than the scale of their tawdry self-inflicted disgrace and general sorry-ass loserness. For all the hoopla, it's really quite a pathetic show.

Meanwhile The Smaller and Smaller City begins on this very day the still not fully funded task of constructing a new high school under the terms of its surrender in the Water Wars. Plans call for the project to be completed by the end of next year, but only a fool would expect a projection like that to stand up for very long. Look for a Go-Fund-Me page to show up soon. LOL!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 17, 2019 12:24PM

Reminder, there's no art in ordering a salad which is why it makes it all the more funny that you can't accomplish that very simple task. Likewise, there is no art to properly dressing a salad but GAR can't even manage to do it correctly.

Reminder, you lied about the vital status of your parents which is the sign of a serious sociopath that can't resist the urge to compulsively lie.

Reminder, The term "Delmonico steak" refers to any thick-cut steak. You foolishly claimed, "Delmonico is merely one of several popular names for a ribeye."

Reminder, no fresh fish was delivered yesterday by JJ McDonnell (not McConnell) or any other wholesaler for that matter.

Reminder, a sweet pepper sauce can mask the taste of three day old fish as well ass a hot pepper sauce. The fact that you assume one presumes a hot pepper sauce is another indicator of just how little you know about food.

Reminder, ground was broken Friday for the new high school and construction started in earnest this morning. Meanwhile, the city was able to jettison its non performing asset at a substantial profit.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 17, 2019 01:04PM

Shhhh! I’m in a meeting with The Principals.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 17, 2019 02:29PM

Meeting’s over, but still no time to deal with a dope like you. You’ll just have to wait for your regularly scheduled morning beat-down.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 17, 2019 02:37PM

LOL! Dumbass liar can't argue with facts! They always beat him down into a pile of blithering nonsense.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 18, 2019 04:15PM

Well, there were certainly some early clouds lingering in the skies out over the Sweet Spot this morning, but those have burned off now to reveal yet another spectacularly beautiful day out this way. Perfect for sitting out on the back patio, enjoying the sights and sounds with a cup of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona.

What a shame that so few others are able to enjoy these finer things in life. Some it seems are now being subjected instead to even more of the awful sights, sounds, and smells generated by even more heavy earth-moving machinery. That can't be good. But at least the number of Dominion Energy customers lacking power today remains ridiculously low at 1,076 out of 2,627,779.

Interesting night at the ballpark last night meanwhile, as after a nice opening play of a frosty cold one matched with a pulled-pork sandwich with daikon slaw and french-fried onions, that mystery man in the sky suddenly went berserk, sending downpours of biblical proportion raging into the stadium. Then he just as quickly made them all go away again. Then after toying with people like some tartish Lolita, he turned on the faucets for a second time, ultimately forcing the home side into canceling out in favor of a twin-bill tomorrow.

Club Level patrons of course have comfy easy chairs available that they can pull together into conversational clusters when such conditions prevail. Others are mostly turned into huddled masses yearning to stay dry.

And speaking of huddled masses, the Falls Church Fail Army has been out on murky maneuvers yet again, flitting about like fireflies making a sordid show of their sorry-ass selves. Quite the bunch of supremely failed fumblers, they are.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 18, 2019 05:37PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Reminder, there's no art in ordering a salad which
> is why it makes it all the more funny that you
> can't accomplish that very simple task. Likewise,
> there is no art to properly dressing a salad but
> GAR can't even manage to do it correctly.

LOL! Your whole silly salad debacle was triggered by a failure to understand a simple English sentence.

> Reminder, you lied about the vital status of your
> parents which is the sign of a serious sociopath
> that can't resist the urge to compulsively lie.

They are dead and buried in New Jersey. And as an FYI, while I once did, I have not lived in McLean in a very long time, and I have never worked there.

> Reminder, The term "Delmonico steak" refers to any
> thick-cut steak. You foolishly claimed, "Delmonico
> is merely one of > several popular names> for a ribeye."

The claim was and still is entirely correct. You are once again just flat-out too stupid to understand the context of a simple English sentence. Unadulterated dumbness on your part.

> Reminder, no fresh fish was delivered yesterday by
> JJ McDonnell (not McConnell) or any other wholesaler
> for that matter.

It certainly was, and it will be again on every foreseeable Sunday and holiday morning to come for many area restaurants, whether in DC or in NoVa.

> Reminder, a sweet pepper sauce can mask the taste of
> three day old fish as well ass a hot pepper sauce.

LOL! A sweet pepper sauce is one of the most common sauces to serve with fish. Particularly roasted red pepper sauce. You were both too dumb to know any better and too stupid to go google it before once again making an utter fool of yourself.

> Reminder, ground was broken Friday for the new
> high school and construction started in earnest
> this morning.

LOL! Pols came over for a photo-op on Friday. Actual work began on Monday.


> Meanwhile, the city was able to jettison its non
> performing asset at a substantial profit.

LOLOLOLOL! Falls Church City lost in court in Alexandria. They lost in court in Richmond. THey were abandoned by the Army Corps of Engineers, and then they lost in court in Fairfax. In the end, the City simply collapsed, losing its substantial capital investment, its substantial cash investment, its exclusive service area, and a major chunk of its revenue stream. Losses don't come much bigger than this one. The City had way overplayed its hand and got its butt kicked accordingly. They lost everywhere and everything. That's what went down, and every serious person knows it.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 09:20AM

Well, an overnight watering left behind a light overcast that had earlier been obscuring the bright blue skies out over the Sweet Spot, but the sun is now starting to win the battle, scattering splotches of its brilliant light out over the still glistening green. A nice accompaniment one might say to the usual cup of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona.

And not at all surprisingly, the Nats were rained out again last night, though not before Max Scherzer had his nose broken during batting practice bunting drills. We'll go watch as the club tries to play two games against the Phils today, then we'll try to rest no matter how many they try to play tomorrow. Last night's game was officially shuffled off to September and it could be that more will follow. Scherzer meanwhile may or may not be able to pitch today depending on how he feels and also on whether the 80% chance of precipitation holds up throughout the afternoon and evening. The forecast is for more showers and thunderstorms all the way through Friday afternoon. The Nats are slated to play the Braves Friday night (which we will also be on hand for), but it could be that none of the games against PHI will have been played by then. Such a mess!

Also quite a mess of course has been the ever-sputtering performance of the humbled Falls Church Fail Army. They've looked anywhere from really bad of late to much worse than that, as they've recently been stood up and stomped on over and over again, especially it seems on matters having anything to do with seafood. What a bunch of old salt losers. Didn't even realize that most Virginia oysters are farm-raised. LOL.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 11:26AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> LOL! Your whole silly salad debacle was triggered
> by a failure to understand a simple English
> sentence.

The salad debacle was entirely your doing and embarrassment. There was no misunderstanding of a sentence, rather it was your misunderstanding on how to properly order or dress a salad. It revealed your total lack of culinary experience and knowledge. It is obvious you have the palate of a preschooler. You probably order chicken nuggets with ketchup (on the side of course). LOL!

> They are dead and buried in New Jersey. And as an
> FYI, while I once did, I have not lived in McLean
> in a very long time, and I have never worked
> there.

You clearly claimed they were alive and well up in Brookmont. Of course, Brookmont was merely a fuckup as you meant to say Broadmont. What's McLean got to do with anything?

> The claim was and still is entirely correct. You
> are once again just flat-out too stupid to
> understand the context of a simple English
> sentence. Unadulterated dumbness on your part.

LOL! Doubling down on your lack of food knowledge is no way to redeem yourself, dope.

> It certainly was, and it will be again on every
> foreseeable Sunday and holiday morning to come for
> many area restaurants, whether in DC or in NoVa.

Actually, it won't be as it has been demonstrated over and over again while you simply rely on your fictitious meeting with the principals as proof to the contrary. Your fantasy lunch, by the way, was exposed to be a fraud as the time stamps clearly prove your didn't have time to leave your outside the beltway hovel with a carport and get to a decent restaurant and dine with anyone and get back home to post here. You barely had time to get to McDonald's and order a happy meal and get back home.

> LOL! A sweet pepper sauce is one of the most
> common sauces to serve with fish. Particularly
> roasted red pepper sauce. You were both too dumb
> to know any better and too stupid to go google it
> before once again making an utter fool of
> yourself.

Romesco sauce (go ahead and Google it) is commonly served alongside fish. However, your pepper sauce was slathered upon the fish to mask its three day old pungency. There is a difference even if your unrefined palate doesn't know any better. You really are a rube.

> LOL! Pols came over for a photo-op on Friday.
> Actual work began on Monday.
> https://fcnp.com/2019/06/13/groundbreaking-for-new
> -high-school-friday-at-2-p-m/

Which is exactly what I said. Too dumb to understand I suppose.

> LOLOLOLOL! Falls Church City lost in court in
> Alexandria. They lost in court in Richmond. THey
> were abandoned by the Army Corps of Engineers, and
> then they lost in court in Fairfax. In the end,
> the City simply collapsed, losing its substantial
> capital investment, its substantial cash
> investment, its exclusive service area, and a
> major chunk of its revenue stream. Losses don't
> come much bigger than this one. The City had way
> overplayed its hand and got its butt kicked
> accordingly. They lost everywhere and everything.
> That's what went down, and every serious person
> knows it.

Millions of dollars coming in for an asset that was not performing. So sorry you're too stupid to understand the significance of that.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 11:30AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Didn't even realize that most
> Virginia oysters are farm-raised. LOL.

LOL! No evidence supports such a contention. In fact, evidence points to you being full of shit. The vast majority of farm raised oysters aren't from the ocean. Rather, they are as correctly claimed previously, from brackish and saltwater bays, estuaries, and tidal creeks.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 11:56AM

Another unsurprising array of absolute slop. Nobody fails any more dependably than you fallen-down City-folk. LOL

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 12:17PM

LOL! Once again, the hovel dwelling dope is shamed by facts he can't refute. His string of embarrassing losses keep piling up.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 03:16PM

Too stupid, as usual. You’re a dead duck worthless asshole being laughed at from the ballpark. You can expect the usual humiliation to be ladled out later on.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 03:35PM

LOL! You've convinced absolutely zero people that you're anything more than a shit stain on the boxer shorts of humanity. Per usual, you've had your pathetically stupid ass handed to you multiple times in this thread. The facts you are running from like a complete pussy more than confirm what a failure you are.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 04:36PM

You’re a hapless dope. Nuf Ced.

Meanwhile, nice going-away win by the Nats in Game-1. A little bit sticky up in The Club at first, but it got nicer and nicer as things went along. Looks now like a decent bet to get Game-2 in as well. Scherzer is saying he’ll give it a go, so we’ll see...

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 04:44PM

Your vain attempts to get in the last word are so obvious. It's part of the loser aura that surrounds your existence. Causing you great pain by not letting you get it is half the fun. The other half is watching you squirm like a stuck worm when trying to run from the avalanche of facts that make you look so stupid on a regular basis.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 04:54PM

The facts include that you’re an ass who lives in a cramped and dirty dump with a pointless garage and Generac. What a fool! By the way, Brockmont is hotter in FCC-ish real estate circles these days than your back-sliding Broadmont.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 07:15PM

Brockmont? Is that near Brookmont? LOL! The fuckups, like your envy over Generacs, garages and countless other luxuries outside your reach, never seem to end.

The facts will continue to expose you for the lying moron you plainly are.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 07:39PM

No, it’s much closer to Luzmary. You don’t know jack-shit about your own fucking city, you pathetic dumbass.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: June 19, 2019 08:01PM

LOL! Luzmary is in the county, dope.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 08:14PM

You had to Google it. That was hardly the first time I’ve mentioned Luzmary, and all the others all went right over your head. And of course, it is close to Brockmont, which you’ve never heard of either. Total stooge.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 19, 2019 10:23PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Meanwhile, nice going-away win by the Nats in
> Game-1. A little bit sticky up in The Club at
> first, but it got nicer and nicer as things went
> along. Looks now like a decent bet to get Game-2
> in as well. Scherzer is saying he’ll, , give it a
> go, so we’ll see...

Well, Max and his broken nose did more than just give it a go. Kind of tense, but the Nats finally naked down a 2-0 win and a sweep on the day. Glad I came!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 20, 2019 10:19AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> The salad debacle was entirely your doing and embarrassment.
> There was no misunderstanding of a sentence, rather it was your
> misunderstanding on how to properly order or dress a salad.

Again, there is no art to either ordering or dressing a salad. It's not any great deal more complicated than tying your own shoes. Your claims for some sort of esoteric salad knowledge are total puffery and a desperately contrived farce.

> You clearly claimed they were alive and well up in Brookmont.

No, that never happened. I have only claimed that my parents are dead and, per their wishes, buried in New Jersey. As they are.

> Of course, Brookmont was merely a fuckup as you meant to say Broadmont.

This also never happened. You are blinded by totally foolish devotion to your precious but nothing-special Broadmont, so much so that you can't admit even to the existence of other, sometimes very nearby, places that have similar sounding names. This is just another aspect of your illness.

> What's McLean got to do with anything?

LOL! That's quite a fail. Go ask your pal, Brookmont Bob.

> LOL! Doubling down on your lack of food knowledge
> is no way to redeem yourself, dope.

The statement was and still is entirely correct. Delmonico is one of several popular terms for a ribeye. Argue until you're blue in the face, and you will still be as hopelessly wrong as you are on so very many other points.

> Actually, it won't be as it has been demonstrated
> over and over again while you simply rely on your
> fictitious meeting with the principals as proof to
> the contrary.

Due in part to my long involvement in the food service industry, I regularly have direct access to multiple and reliable principals whose NoVa stores take delivery of fresh fish every single morning, including Sundays and holidays. You have only your asshole for things to come out of. That doesn't measure up.

> Your fantasy lunch, by the way, was exposed to be a
> fraud as the time stamps clearly prove your didn't
> have time to leave your outside the beltway hovel
> with a carport and get to a decent restaurant and
> dine with anyone and get back home to post here.

Once again, your remote-viewing skills positively suck and so does your meager understanding of how wifi and cell towers work. Lunch and dinner with these folks would be regular events. There is no 'next time' yet on the schedule, but some such meet-up will no doubt occur within a matter of weeks, not months.

> Romesco sauce (go ahead and Google it) is commonly
> served alongside fish. However, your pepper sauce
> was slathered upon the fish to mask its three day
> old pungency.

The pepper sauce served now so long ago with an order of fresh halibut was not a romesco. Your google-map and remote-viewing skills have each again failed you in humiliating fashion.

> Which is exactly what I said. Too dumb to
> understand I suppose.

It was exactly what I said, since I plainly read the article well before you did.

> Millions of dollars coming in for an asset that
> was not performing. So sorry you're too stupid to
> understand the significance of that.

As has been so convincingly demonstrated here since early 2018, my understandings of the Water Wars are far better than yours. This is why you were so badly beaten up over the matter back then and have been ever since. Your non-performing assets for instance became so on account of devastating losses in court that pushed Falls Church City out of what had once been very profitable picture. After all, the City had been funding itself in significant part by bilking non-resident customers for their water service. That scam got knocked down like a bowling pin in the end, and deservedly so.

"In the spring of 2007 the City of Falls Church and the Fairfax County Water Authority, unable to amicably resolve their differences, met on the field of battle. No bayonets gleamed in the sunlight. No drums beat or trumpets sounded. No cannons roared. But at the end of the day the City, which had sought the engagement, withdrew from the field, defeated as surely as Lee at Gettysburg. So ended the first major battle of the Water War."

-- George Bromley, Falls Church Times

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 20, 2019 11:42AM

Well, it's warmer and a bit more humid this morning than has been typical of late, and there's a bit of an overcast still lingering up in the Sweet Spot skies. Recent history suggests that this will burn off soon enough though, likely revealing yet another inspirational summery day out here in God's Country -- far, far from the stench and roar of any heavy earth-moving machinery. Dominion Energy meanwhile reports that due to last night's weather, a total of 384 of its 2.6 million customers is without power this morning. Oh, the humanity!

And as was in part chronicled in real time above, it was quite a day at the ballpark yesterday. The Nats had some problems getting stadium employees to show up for the 1:00 game, but Patrick Corbin certainly came out to earn his paycheck, giving up a dinger in the first, but then tossing six scoreless to defend a hard earned 1-run lead. The bats arrived like the cavalry late in the game, paving a fairly easy path to a most welcome and much needed 6-2 victory.

And in the 7:00 nightcap, the fresh-off-a-broken-nose Max Scherzer was even better, nursing a 1-0 lead by tossing seven shutout innings. He looked a mite gassed as he went out to start the seventh, and there was much concern in the stands when he gave up a leadoff double. No problem though, as he just bore down and all but willed the next three batters into striking out. Very impressive. A late HR by Victor Robles let Sean Doolittle sew up a 2-0 final, topping off one of the best days at the ballpark this year.

The same two clubs will go at it one more time tonight. No marquee names are slated to be on the hill, as Nick Pivetta will go against Erick Fedde. A win is still a win though, and since someone has to get it, it would be nice if it were us. The forecast for tonight is back to being rather grim-looking though, so who knows if they'll get the game in at all.

As for the always dismal FCC Fail Army, they were as rained out and irrelevant as ever yesterday. It seems that new and recycled garbage is about the only load these clowns can actually carry.

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