Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Greg’s big lie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The fact is that you are Greg Thomas. You live
> at
> > 8645 McHenry Street and that is the only
> property
> > you own.
> One out of three.
Nope. Only one. Conclusively proven as fact.
> > The most recent county assessments values
> > it at very slightly more than$1M.
> It was done in 2023.
As I said, it is the most recent assessment done by the County.
> > Your daughter has a criminal record.
> Two DUIs fifteen years ago?
Yes. Her criminal record.
> > You spent over four decades in the government
> > yet never made the top grade.
> Long made the top salary.
No. Top salary in 2013 for those on the General Schedule or similar schedules was $155K+. You earned nearly $20K less than that. So, you did not make the top salary.
> Graciously declined the
> pain-in-the-
> neck other stuff.
“Other stuff” like accountability, responsibility, decision making authority. Face it, you didn’t have the knowledge, skills, or abilities to make the grade.
> > Your wife Marianne grew up at 32949 Franklin in
> > Wayne, MI.
> Wasn’t her actual name at the time.
> > You sold a Subaru about a year ago.
> The wife did.
You foolishly announce the sale here. One of the final breadcrumbs. Of course, at the time you said it was BOTH of you selling it.
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Actual JP Morgenthau ()
Date: August 26, 2023 09:23AM
Well, their ignorance, envy, and butthurt do indeed have both Linus and Little Squiggles tied up in knots. Knowing that the wife and I are about to sell our 2004 Forester, they have used their google skills to track down just such a vehicle for sale by a lady in Vienna, which presumably is where those pictures were taken.
Now it’s just her. Your inconsistencies continue to add up.
> > Your two remaining vehicles are Honda Pilots.
> And?
Just noted that they are routinely photographed there.
> > One older than the other.
> Of necessity.
Or lack of resources.
> > Both have Washington Nationals plates.
> Theseq are common.
How many? 5-10k out of 8M+ vehicles in VA.
> > One is a vanity plate that says MYZIM.
> That’s the wife's plate.
You’ve noted that before.
> > One or both of those vehicles have been
> > photographed there since your identity and
> address
> > were revealed here.
> We both own and maintain the McHenry property.
> It’s just six miles away. We are there often.
And you take both your cars there?
> > Those same vehicles and the aforementioned
> Subaru
> > were photographed there by various street-view
> > services over the past decade.
> How would you know that?
Seen the photos. See for yourself.
> > Those are the facts, Greg.
> Yes and no.
Yes and yes.
> > Some of those you aren’t emotionally prepared
> to
> > accept, are you?
> I’m actually good with facts. You are not.
You suck at facts. Face it, you can’t even make your lies sound plausible.