The image is the same as it was the day that you uploaded and posted it on 3/27/2020 here:
This a direct link to your same image file attached to your post:
First, you said at the time that it was perfectly clear.
Posted by: Actual JP Morgenthau ()
Date: March 28, 2020 04:16PM
seven figure city Wrote:*
> LOL! What is it that your addled mind thinks you’re accomplishing
> by posting these blurry pictures?
Get a grip, you now transparently worthless loser. Once it’s posted, everyone sees the exact same image. I can see and read all of the above images clearly...
Then you conceded that was only sufficient to (kinda-sorta) make out the top two lines:
Posted by: Actual JP Morgenthau ()
Date: April 01, 2020 07:35PM
Obvious Fail is Obvious Wrote:
> The lie is that there it anything "clear" about that pic.
It suffices entirely for making clear the restaurant name and the date of the image. Nothing more is needed.
Which shows that you knew that it was shitty at the time that you posted it and before you started up with the moronic "you fucked with it" nonsense.
And we know that the file has not changed since I posted the properties at the time:
They remain exactly the same today which anyone can independently verify.
So the file has not been "fucked with" by anyone other than you before you uploaded it. You knew that it wasn't "perfectly clear" then. You know that it's not "perfectly clear" now, no "if" about it. The reason that it's shitty is because you fucked with it by cropping, resizing, and reducing the resolution/quality to the point that you ended up with a shitty little ~5K image in an attempt to "save resources." You've admitted that you did.
So WTF are you continuing to babble about?