Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> No, I’m indeed quite a bit more intelligent,
> well-educated, successful, and wealthy than
> anything as mundane as plain old normal. You are
> not in fact at my level in any of that, nor will
> you ever be.
You’re a lying fraud. And, you admitted to being a bisexual.
Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> You can’t explain why no blurriness exists on my
> devces .
You claim that the image in the link above is not blurry when you click on it using one of your devices? You are so full of shit. So everyone else sees a blurry image when they click on that link, but for you it is crystal clear? This is the horseshit you think people believe?
> You’re just a lame-ass liar driven by
> pure ignorance, envy, and butthurt.
Dude, you are the epitome of butthurt. Butthurt is spending every day for the last many years thinking about me. You think about me so much that you go out of your way to find stories about a town you don't live in. It doesn't get much more butthurt that that. Your butthurt is so far off the charts it is unbelievable. It takes a special kind of stupid to get as butthurt as you are. You see me behind every post that calls you out. As someone else pointed out, I don't even have to be around here for a while and I am still beating you senseless. Does any of this register in your addled, autistic brain? You aren't normal. You are far from it. And your serious level of butthurt has so much to do with that.