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Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Hood ()
Date: February 16, 2019 12:25AM

WTF?! Why two years to investigate?

Fairfax County man charged with wife’s killing after two-year investigation
By Justin Jouvenal February 15 at 4:03 PM
A Fairfax County man has been charged with killing his wife in 2017, following an extensive, two-year investigation, police announced Friday.

Laszlo Pentek, 55, was arrested by a Fairfax County police SWAT team outside his home in the Mantua area on Friday afternoon, police said. Pentek has been charged with murder and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony in connection with the slaying of Donna Pentek, 51.

Fairfax County police officers were called to the family’s single family home in the 9200 block of Okla Drive on the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2017, after a family member came home and discovered Donna Pentek shot, said Fairfax County police Major Ed O’Carroll at a news conference.

Donna Pentek was pronounced dead on the scene and Laszlo Pentek was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound, O’Carroll said. Police officials declined to say how Laszlo Pentek was shot.

O’Carroll said there was no sign of forced entry on the house, and from early on police called the incident a domestic-related shooting. No motive was given for the slaying, and O’Carroll declined to release other details about the incident, since a trial is still pending.

O’Carroll did not specify why police spent two years investigating the case, but said it involved forensic work.

“These cases are not easy to work,” O’Carroll said. “Sometimes complex cases do take time to work.”

Neighbors said the Penteks had two children. The family had lived in the home for at least a decade before the killing.

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Mantua = shithole ()
Date: February 16, 2019 06:53AM

Mantua is a poor area.
Good riddance

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Thatsnotit ()
Date: February 16, 2019 07:29AM

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Mantua = Toxic Soil ()
Date: February 16, 2019 08:53AM

The gasoline fumes slowed the progress

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: The Effects of Leaking Oil ()
Date: February 16, 2019 09:53AM

Wonder if our favorite FBI agent who lives in Mantua can use that when the DOJ charges him with treason?

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Silly boy... ()
Date: February 16, 2019 11:04AM

There aren't any gasoline fumes in Mantua these days. It is true that in 1990, it was discovered that since its opening in the 1960s, small leaks from the then Star (Texaco), now Motiva tank terminal across Pickett Road had allowed up to 200,000 gallons of petroleum products to enter local storm sewer systems and then contaminate a groundwater plume that flowed under some two dozen properties at the southern end of Mantua, a community of about 1,500 homes altogether. After a decade of remediation work, the EPA began its final stage in 2000 and ended it with an all-clear in 2010.

The tank terminal is at the northern end of a major East Coast petroleum pipeline. The terminal handles about a million gallons of product every day, including about 40% of all the gasoline distributed across the DC region.

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Benzene - Toluene - Isoparaffins ()
Date: February 16, 2019 11:58AM

Then there are the cancer causing chemicals that seeped into the soil. Has anyone ever done a cancer study, or a study of birth defects caused by the toxic stew under those homes?

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Motive ()
Date: February 17, 2019 08:15AM

Just Wondering...
What causes a Person To shoot their wife & mother of two minors?


Laszlo Pentek is a beekeeper based in Arlington. His day job is as a government actuary, and his interest in population dynamics led him naturally to bees. Now he is a bona fide bee expert, with the obsessive, encyclopedic knowledge of the autodidact. When a swarm of bees invades a house or yard and the city refuses to do anything, Pentek is the go-to among area beekeepers. He often responds on his lunch hour, and during the spring he’ll check out two or three hives a week that have migrated to someone’s attic or tool shed.

On a Thursday afternoon in early May, I watched Pentek delight a small crowd of office workers at 16th and P Streets NW. After emerging from his Prius, he put on a full beekeeper suit and—using nothing but a broom, a box, and a cheese knife—proceeded to subdue a couple thousand bees that had covered a fire hydrant. As he worked, a steady stream of people took pictures on their cell phones and reporters from the Washington Post and NBC-4 circled the incident. One bystander took several hundred pictures, went home, downloaded the pictures from his camera, came back, and took more pictures. Although impressed with his skills, everyone seemed vaguely disappointed Pentek was not stung to death.

Pentek maintains hundreds of hives around D.C. (he keeps the locations and number secret) and, what’s more significant, experienced only a 5 percent loss this spring. Like most of the other smaller beekeepers I encountered, he was a CCD skeptic.

“I don’t think CCD is made up, per se,” Pentek says. “But I don’t think it’s anything new, either. It’s a matter of miscategorized facts. A PR campaign.”

Pentek also doesn’t buy claims that CCD is a new pathogen or the first wave of mass extinctions; it’s merely weakened bees falling prey to known pathogens and infections, a consequence of unsustainable commercial beekeeping practices. But if that’s the case, I ask, why not just admit it and devise new methods?

“Money,” says Pentek. “The beekeeping establishment thinks that if they declare a state of emergency, they’ll get all this publicity and then Congress will give them money for research—research that should have been done a long, long time ago.”

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: Gerry Connolly ()
Date: February 18, 2019 05:48PM

Mantua = shithole Wrote:
> Mantua is a poor area.
> Good riddance

I live in Mantua. Had a few beers with this guy in the past.

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Re: Murder in Fairfax on Okla Drive
Posted by: GoodOleFX ()
Date: August 14, 2019 06:51AM

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