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Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: February 01, 2010 09:05PM


"Fairfax County, Va., police charged a teacher at an elementary school with sexually assaulting a student.

Sean Lanigan, 43, of Centreville, a physical education teacher at Center Ridge Elementary School in Centreville, turned himself in to police on Friday. He is charged with abduction and aggravated sexual battery of a juvenile under 13 years old.

On Jan. 12, the victim was working with a small group of students helping Lanigan clean up the gym when Lanigan picked the girl up, touched her inappropriately and carried her into a nearby room, police said.

When the girl tried to leave, Lanigan pushed her down and lay on top of her, police said. When the girl said she had to go, Lanigan released her, according to authorities.

Lanigan, a full-time teacher with the school district since 1997 who has been at Center Ridge since 1998, was suspended without pay pending investigations by police and the school district.

Lanigan coached the Herndon High School boys soccer team the past two seasons, and he was expected to return as coach again this spring, according to Herndon High."


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2014 11:40PM by KeepOnTruckin.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: i support SL ()
Date: February 01, 2010 10:27PM

sean lanigan has been a good friend of me and my family for years. he has coached me and my brother in soccer for years and i am in complete support of him i do not believe at all that he did this. that little girl is a liar

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: February 01, 2010 10:39PM

I wish these news stations would at least wait until it goes to trial before they plaster someone's face up in high-def.

I'm not sure what makes that guy look "sketchy" aside from an abnormally large neck.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Skeptical ()
Date: February 01, 2010 11:19PM

Happened so soon after their FLE classes. Makes me wonder whether she dreamed it. PE teachers don't usually pick up 6th graders and carry them into their office, especially in front of witnesses. Hopefully the other students around can provide coherent statements regarding what they observed.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: mhm ()
Date: February 01, 2010 11:37PM


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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: February 02, 2010 12:37AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2016 09:51PM by KeepOnTruckin.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: February 02, 2010 12:46AM

"Turning himself in" simply means that he surrendered when he found out he was wanted for arrest, rather than fleeing. It has nothing whatsover to do with admitting guilt.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: damn ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:39AM

yo he coached me in soccer too! also was a teacher back in the day @ Bull Run Elementary and was such a great guy. He would share stories of his soccer days, and was thoroughly interested in my budding soccer career.

I do not believe these claims, this 12 year old girl must be neglected at home or something, she is screaming for attention and there is no way this can be true. It is a fucked up world now-a-days, and anyone will do anything to get money or pub. later.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: wendysavoy ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:55AM

Just because someone had always been the "nice guy" or the nice teacher doesn't mean they have no hidden skeletons or weird desires. And with all kinds of perverted internet porn nonsense, some people become secret addicts. How many times have you seen or heard people who are completely deemed "normal" everyday folks only to find out they are just perverts? But I pity his family the most - whether he is guilty or not, his family is ultimate the one who is paying the price. His spouse must be devastated by the news.....

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: suspect ()
Date: February 02, 2010 07:26AM

Story sounds suspect to me. I'll be curious to see the outcome of this one.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: soccer balls ()
Date: February 02, 2010 07:40AM

If their old enough to bleed,their old enough to breed

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 02, 2010 07:49AM

Snapple Wrote:
> "Turning himself in" simply means that he
> surrendered when he found out he was wanted for
> arrest, rather than fleeing. It has nothing
> whatsover to do with admitting guilt.

I thought everyone knew that. There are people who think
"turned himself in" means they admit guilt?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: andy park ()
Date: February 02, 2010 07:50AM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote: HE is a good pe teacher. HE is nice and funny. i wish he come back to be a pe teacher again
> http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local-beat/Teach
> er-Coach-Accused-of-Child-Sex-Assault-83285912.htm
> l
> "Fairfax County, Va., police charged a teacher at
> an elementary school with sexually assaulting a
> student.
> Sean Lanigan, 43, of Centreville, a physical
> education teacher at Center Ridge Elementary
> School in Centreville, turned himself in to police
> on Friday. He is charged with abduction and
> aggravated sexual battery of a juvenile under 13
> years old.
> On Jan. 12, the victim was working with a small
> group of students helping Lanigan clean up the gym
> when Lanigan picked the girl up, touched her
> inappropriately and carried her into a nearby
> room, police said.
> When the girl tried to leave, Lanigan pushed her
> down and lay on top of her, police said. When the
> girl said she had to go, Lanigan released her,
> according to authorities.
> Lanigan, a full-time teacher with the school
> district since 1997 who has been at Center Ridge
> since 1998, was suspended without pay pending
> investigations by police and the school district.
> Lanigan coached the Herndon High School boys
> soccer team the past two seasons, and he was
> expected to return as coach again this spring,
> according to Herndon High."
> A sketchy looking guy indeed

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: andy park ()
Date: February 02, 2010 07:55AM

andy park Wrote:
HE is a good pe teacher. HE is nice and funny. i wish he come back to be a PE teacher again

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: soccer parent ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:01AM

Here is a good post from another site:


I think there's a huge difference between saying someone is guilty of child molestation versus thinking he's a jerk on the soccer field. I haven't always been a fan of Sean's (to say the least) as a coach -- his outbursts are pretty well-known. That said,as a mom of a child of that age, I also know him as a husband and father -- there's a huge part of me who prays that these allegations are untrue. His wife and children are a testament to the good in him. As a mom, I also feel for the child in the story. Let's all hope that our system works here and that level heads and justice prevail! We should also all hope that the innocents in this don't have to suffer!

Until this, I had heard nothing but good things about Sean.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: MPH ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:08AM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local-beat/Teach
> er-Coach-Accused-of-Child-Sex-Assault-83285912.htm
> l
> "Fairfax County, Va., police charged a teacher at
> an elementary school with sexually assaulting a
> student.
> Sean Lanigan, 43, of Centreville, a physical
> education teacher at Center Ridge Elementary
> School in Centreville, turned himself in to police
> on Friday. He is charged with abduction and
> aggravated sexual battery of a juvenile under 13
> years old.
> On Jan. 12, the victim was working with a small
> group of students helping Lanigan clean up the gym
> when Lanigan picked the girl up, touched her
> inappropriately and carried her into a nearby
> room, police said.
> When the girl tried to leave, Lanigan pushed her
> down and lay on top of her, police said. When the
> girl said she had to go, Lanigan released her,
> according to authorities.
> Lanigan, a full-time teacher with the school
> district since 1997 who has been at Center Ridge
> since 1998, was suspended without pay pending
> investigations by police and the school district.
> Lanigan coached the Herndon High School boys
> soccer team the past two seasons, and he was
> expected to return as coach again this spring,
> according to Herndon High."
> A sketchy looking guy indeed

Andy Park-

You clip and paste the article above and write "a sketchy looking guy indeed"? You base this on what? His picture? The article? Karma is a bitch, and you had better hope and pray that this is not you someday. If this could happen to this man, this could happen to anyone.

You never really no anyone, I understand that. Watch this play out though mouth behind a keyboard. His reputation is screwed, but he will not be found guilty.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:27AM

What the article above doesn't say it that the girl waited three days to tell her parents. I find that a bit strange.

A teacher assaults a person and that person waits three days to tell the parents? Usually 12 year olds going running to their parents. Something fishy going on here.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ???? ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:31AM

Lurker. Wrote:
> What the article above doesn't say it that the
> girl waited three days to tell her parents. I
> find that a bit strange.
> A teacher assaults a person and that person waits
> three days to tell the parents? Usually 12 year
> olds going running to their parents. Something
> fishy going on here.

So what does that say about people who claim to have been abused by priests as children and come forward decades later? Are we not to lend them any credence as well?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: good point ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:47AM

???? Wrote:
> Lurker. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What the article above doesn't say it that the
> > girl waited three days to tell her parents. I
> > find that a bit strange.
> >
> > A teacher assaults a person and that person
> waits
> > three days to tell the parents? Usually 12
> year
> > olds going running to their parents. Something
> > fishy going on here.
> So what does that say about people who claim to
> have been abused by priests as children and come
> forward decades later? Are we not to lend them
> any credence as well?

Good point. The knee-jerk reactions on both sides are scary.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Date: February 02, 2010 09:03AM

What I can't come to grips with is that before this guy ever had a chance to defend himself, his picture is placed in the paper and on TV as though he is guilty before ever even going to trial.

This is WRONG!

This man MIGHT, or might NOT be innocent and the MEDIA has placed his picture and name in the public eye for all to draw thier own conclusions even though he may be 100% innocent.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:14AM

Why dont you contact the media and bitch about it to them?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: PS ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:17AM

ok first of all none of you should be talking becuase you didnt go to our school. he used to touch all the girls "back in the day" just becuase someone reported him now doesnt change the fact that hes a child molester. he was my gym teacher for 6 years, and he touched all the girls in my class.. so i believe the little girl. good for her that she told someone cuz hes a freakin creep and deserves to be behind bars.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Great Idea! ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:18AM

Could you do it for me?
I'm still waiting on my free gas Obama promised me
and I'm known to be a bit lazy.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Yeah whatever... ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:22AM

Make all the arguments you want to the effect of this guys innocence at a trial.
I just don't understand how just becase an accusation is made wether it be child mol. or bank robbery that the MEDIA be allowed to treat American citizens this way. An arrest is NOT a conviction.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:24AM

PS is just butt-hurt that he touched all of the other girls in her class except for her.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:26AM

He looks scared.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:31AM

The media didn't say he was convicted, just charged. The problem is that a lot of people don't know the difference. Most people believe being arrested means guilty and jail.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:36AM

Lurker. Wrote:
> The media didn't say he was convicted, just
> charged. The problem is that a lot of people
> don't know the difference. Most people believe
> being arrested means guilty and jail.

They dont teach that at Center Ridge.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Elle Diabla ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:39AM

i support SL Wrote:
> sean lanigan has been a good friend of me and my
> family for years. he has coached me and my brother
> in soccer for years and i am in complete support
> of him i do not believe at all that he did this.
> that little girl is a liar


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2010 09:40AM by Elle Diabla.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Elle Diabla ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:40AM

wendysavoy Wrote:
> Just because someone had always been the "nice
> guy" or the nice teacher doesn't mean they have no
> hidden skeletons or weird desires. And with all
> kinds of perverted internet porn nonsense, some
> people become secret addicts. How many times have
> you seen or heard people who are completely deemed
> "normal" everyday folks only to find out they are
> just perverts? But I pity his family the most -
> whether he is guilty or not, his family is
> ultimate the one who is paying the price. His
> spouse must be devastated by the news.....

8/8 post

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RE: eesh,lizzie,Mr.Misery and the rest of you
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:42AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2015 07:45AM by WingNut.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:43AM

PS Wrote:
> ok first of all none of you should be talking
> becuase you didnt go to our school. he used to
> touch all the girls "back in the day" just becuase
> someone reported him now doesnt change the fact
> that hes a child molester. he was my gym teacher
> for 6 years, and he touched all the girls in my
> class.. so i believe the little girl. good for her
> that she told someone cuz hes a freakin creep and
> deserves to be behind bars.

If true, victims will come out. Did you immediately run to the police and report what you know?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: •Yuhuh• ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:47AM

Well the problem is actually, that if he is found to be innocent, he will have this degrading PRESS STORY with pictures and personal info to wrestle with. They need to wait until after CONVICTIONS to do THE BIG STORY. Especially with sensitive issues like this one, then we wouldn't have this problem now would we?

Don't get me wrong. If this guy is guilty then he should rot. I do NOT defend his supposed actions at all just point out the character damage that is as a result of the media's protocol for news stories.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:50AM

•Yuhuh• Wrote:
> Well the problem is actually, that if he is found
> to be innocent, he will have this degrading PRESS
> STORY with pictures and personal info to wrestle
> with. They need to wait until after CONVICTIONS to
> do THE BIG STORY. Especially with sensitive issues
> like this one, then we wouldn't have this problem
> now would we?
> Don't get me wrong. If this guy is guilty then he
> should rot. I do NOT defend his supposed actions
> at all just point out the character damage that is
> as a result of the media's protocol for news
> stories.

Actually, what relevant facts were presented in the media that were not in the press release?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:53AM

I have complained in earlier threads that pics of accused should be outlawed because one loses their life (career and usually family) on an accusation. Put up all the pics you want following a conviction. No one is demanding pics of the accusers following not-guilty verdicts, why are we putting up pics of accused before guilty verdicts?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:53AM

FCPD released the photo.
Its now public domain.
He will have to deal with it, guilty or not.

That how it works.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:58AM

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: •Putooey• ()
Date: February 02, 2010 10:03AM

Thats how it is wrong, on the FCPD or any other Pds part.
That's how it is, but that does not mean thats how it should be.
Just like our commander in chief should not be presupposing guilt on criminals HE wishes to CONSTITUIONAL RIGHTS to.
I think it's time for him to retire from the medias speaking podem to the oval office with a bottle of vodka and what ever else will shut him up and keep America running right.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 10:05AM

•Putooey• Wrote:
> Thats how it is wrong, on the FCPD or any other
> Pds part.
> That's how it is, but that does not mean thats how
> it should be.
> Just like our commander in chief should not be
> presupposing guilt on criminals HE wishes to
> I think it's time for him to retire from the
> medias speaking podem to the oval office with a
> bottle of vodka and what ever else will shut him
> up and keep America running right.

Go easy on the vodka, your post is a mess.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Date: February 02, 2010 10:30AM

It presents a conflict of interest on the police dept.'s part because they protect the identity of the accusOR but take no consideration about the rights of the accusED, and the FACT that it all PRESUPPOSES GUILT.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: notasstupidasyou ()
Date: February 02, 2010 10:33AM

Yeah this guy was a good guy too:


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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Ding-Dong ()
Date: February 02, 2010 10:34AM

This thread is a great exemplar.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: February 02, 2010 11:02AM

Who needs proof when an accusation will suffice.

Anyone read the charging documents?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Elle Diabla ()
Date: February 02, 2010 11:06AM

John Wayne Gacy was such a sweet guy with those kids!

Shame about the ones in his walls and basement floor.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Munkey_D ()
Date: February 02, 2010 12:30PM

PS Wrote:
> ok first of all none of you should be talking
> becuase you didnt go to our school. he used to
> touch all the girls "back in the day" just becuase
> someone reported him now doesnt change the fact
> that hes a child molester. he was my gym teacher
> for 6 years, and he touched all the girls in my
> class.. so i believe the little girl. good for her
> that she told someone cuz hes a freakin creep and
> deserves to be behind bars.


You should really go talk to somebody about that if your telling the truth. You have nothing to lose if you do except put someone that belongs in jail... in jail.

Now if your lying for the sake of a post. your a fucktard

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: SeanSupporter ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:01PM

My kids went to Centre Ridge over a 10 year period. I've known Sean from school and from his involvement in the community. Sean is a stand-up guy, well liked by the kids, and well respected in the community. Sean is a hands-on teacher (no pun intended), meaning that he is very involved with the kids. Only in a hypersensitive world could this be construed as a crime. There is no way on God's green earth that he molested this girl. Come on people, there were other kids present - does it make sense to you that he carried a girl into his office and layed on top of her while kids were just outside his door?

I will eat my hat if he is guilty. She will eat my hat if she is lying. And I hope that if she is found to be lying or exaggerating about this incident that her picture will be plastered all over the internet with the heading LIAR.

I will support Sean Lanigan until this case is resolved.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: C*9 ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:13PM

SeanSupporter Wrote:
> My kids went to Centre Ridge over a 10 year
> period. I've known Sean from school and from his
> involvement in the community. Sean is a stand-up
> guy, well liked by the kids, and well respected in
> the community. Sean is a hands-on teacher (no pun
> intended), meaning that he is very involved with
> the kids. Only in a hypersensitive world could
> this be construed as a crime. There is no way on
> God's green earth that he molested this girl.
> Come on people, there were other kids present -
> does it make sense to you that he carried a girl
> into his office and layed on top of her while kids
> were just outside his door?
> I will eat my hat if he is guilty. She will eat
> my hat if she is lying. And I hope that if she is
> found to be lying or exaggerating about this
> incident that her picture will be plastered all
> over the internet with the heading LIAR.
> I will support Sean Lanigan until this case is
> resolved.

So, Mrs. Lanigan, have you been shopping for divorce lawyers? Soemthing tells me custody won't be a problem.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: SeanSupporter ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:24PM

Good one. It's a shame that a good person can be crucified due to a single, unsubstaniated accusation. I'm sure you wouldn't be so smarmy if it were your good reputation being pillaged.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:27PM

"LANIGAN ","SEAN ","D","043"," 15433","EAGLE TAVERN ","LA","CENTREVILLE ","VA","02/08/2009","55-59MPH/40MPH ZONE

Must imply guilt.....

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: C*9 ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:28PM

SeanSupporter Wrote:
> Good one. It's a shame that a good person can be
> crucified due to a single, unsubstaniated
> accusation. I'm sure you wouldn't be so smarmy if
> it were your good reputation being pillaged.

You assume I have a good reputation... Well, mine is better than a pedoteacher.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:32PM

Can we talk about other important things now?

Fuck, the snow is about to come down.

Are you all prepared? 4x4 gas tank full?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: February 02, 2010 01:36PM

I forgot to buy teepee and milk at Giant today....

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ps ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:05PM

first off i really dont care what you have to say. you didnt go to school with me, you dont know the guy and he never touched you. so seriously get a life, you have no right to be talking crap when you dont know anything. i know hes innocent until proven gulity but why would someone lie to get a PE teacher fired....of all people a PE teacher? hes not innocent and your the butt head.....get a life loser

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:07PM

We all have a right to talk about crap.

Does your mommy know you're posting on Internet boards with adults?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Guess ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:20PM

The reaction of many on this site is the reason why young women don't come forward. Not only are you assaulted once by the predator, you are assaulted by the justice system, and public opinion.
There is no justice get real.
Just because someone was your coach does not mean that you know them. You never
really know people. Psycopaths are the best at deception and they are attracted to positions of authority. Lawyers, teachers, priests, law enforcement, principals, administratiors,doctors. There are more people with psycopathy as a deficit, than eating disorders and autisim. They are successful in life because they don't have the burden of a conscience.
If there are any other children who have had the misfortune of being violated
by these creeps and their supporters why on earth would they come forward.
Unless they want a Colonial stokade type humiliation.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: SeanSupporter ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:27PM

Re: Posted by: ps ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:05PM

first off i really dont care what you have to say. you didnt go to school with me, you dont know the guy and he never touched you. so seriously get a life, you have no right to be talking crap when you dont know anything. i know hes innocent until proven gulity but why would someone lie to get a PE teacher fired....of all people a PE teacher? hes not innocent and your the butt head.....get a life loser


I don't believe she tried to get a PE teacher fired. Perhaps she embellished the story the way young girls are known to do. Then she couldn't retreat from her story because the school and cops were involved, and she was more afraid of her parents thinking she's a liar than the consequences for poor Mr. Lanigan. It's happened a thousand times before.

If you have credible evidence that Mr. Lanigan is a pedophile, please contact the police and put your statement on record, and testify about it. If you are full of crap, shut up and stop sullying this man's good name. My daughter was at that school for 7 years and never mentioned anything innappropriate regarding Mr. Lanigan. To this day, he is one of her favorite teachers from that era. She is shocked, as many in the community are, to hear about these unsubstantiated charges.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:30PM

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:34PM

Guess Wrote:
> The reaction of many on this site is the reason
> why young women don't come forward. Not only are
> you assaulted once by the predator, you are
> assaulted by the justice system, and public
> opinion.
> There is no justice get real.
> Just because someone was your coach does not mean
> that you know them. You never
> really know people. Psycopaths are the best at
> deception and they are attracted to positions of
> authority. Lawyers, teachers, priests, law
> enforcement, principals, administratiors,doctors.
> There are more people with psycopathy as a
> deficit, than eating disorders and autisim. They
> are successful in life because they don't have the
> burden of a conscience.
> If there are any other children who have had the
> misfortune of being violated
> by these creeps and their supporters why on earth
> would they come forward.
> Unless they want a Colonial stokade type
> humiliation.

I would not call the anonymous posters on this board "the public" or value their opinion.

They (or the one or two) are cowards who just looking for ways to get their jollies.

If you knew/know this man and you think he is innocent, write him a letter explaining that and offer to be a character witness or contribute to his defense fund.

If you know/knew this man and think he is guilty, go to the police with any evidence you think you have.

Other than that - posting anonymously on this board is a big waste of time. We got window tinting and DUI issues to discuss for god's sake.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Ps ()
Date: February 02, 2010 02:35PM

Ok talk crap... Does your mom know that she raised a jerk?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Can'tB ()
Date: February 02, 2010 03:42PM

Whats more messed up than the posting of his picture is the news media posted his address!! That has to be outlawed....

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: ps lied ()
Date: February 02, 2010 03:49PM

The girl was interviewed by a child psychologist today and said her original story was not true. Look for a quick resolution to this one.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: student of centre ridge ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:16PM

i believe that either thing could have happened. but this is a sixth grade student and it could just be a rumor that spread. if it was a rumor then we could be destroying this teachers life.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: •Oops• ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:18PM

Oops. Where's that libelous slandering idiot talkin' that shit now?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Isabella iafrati ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:36PM

Hello this is one of his students from centre ridge elm. And I love mr lanagan he didn't do that stuff he is SO NOT LIKE THAT.he is the best teacher in the hole school I was in the room when the girl in my class said that happend l never believed what happened he is the nicest man in the whole world so I hope the news finds this out what I wrote cause it all is fake he didn't do anything to her. So please poole believe me I'm telling the truth.


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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Out of context quoting ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:43PM

Isabella iafrati Wrote:
> he is the best teacher in the hole

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: graphic ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:48PM

Sad to say but this stuff happens a lot. When I was in elementary school at virginia run a little girl accused a gym teacher of touching her and he was, needless to say, fired but i never heard anything after that. i presume the charges were dropped or not even pursued. A year or two after that another girl pretended someone tried to abduct her and sent the police on a wild goose chase only to find that she made the whole thing up. It had the whole community in a frenzy.

Im not saying that this man is innocent or guilty, but jumping to conclusions isnt the answer. I too will be curious to learn how this pans out. Little girls can, and often are, full of shit.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: andy park ()
Date: February 02, 2010 04:59PM

i agree with isabella because i am in same pe class with her and Mr .lanigan never do that stuff. he is a cool pe teacher

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: mclnyouthsoccerLA ()
Date: February 02, 2010 05:03PM

I've known Coach Lanigan for 10 years. He helped me get on the best girls youth soccer team of my age. He did everything he could do make me play to my maximun potential. He's been an incredible coach and friend to my entire family for years and this is impossible. Everybody that I've ever known and knows Sean, thinks he is amazing and loves the man. He simply is not capable of an act like this. The 12 year old is lying out of her ass. When I heard of his arrest, I didn't think it could possibly be true. Lanigan is always light-hearted and making jokes, but he would never take it that far.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: question ()
Date: February 02, 2010 05:17PM

ps lied Wrote:
> The girl was interviewed by a child psychologist
> today and said her original story was not true.
> Look for a quick resolution to this one.

Can you give us a source for this claim or are you lying youself?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Chris Lamke ()
Date: February 02, 2010 05:24PM

In answer to the girl who says she had Coach Lanigan for six years and that touched her and all the girls regularly: My daughter (now 13 and at Liberty Middle School) also had Lanigan as a coach for six years. She says Lanigan never touched her or any girls she saw. She and her friends were talking about this in school today and saying that the little girl lied because they never saw Lanigan do this to anyone. All the kids I know love Mr. Lanigan.

The proper thing to do now is wait and see how this turns out. In the meantime, how about keeping Mr. Lanigan's photo out of the papers unless he is proven guilty? And the person who wrote "a sketchy looking guy" above should be ashamed.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: McLean Youth Soccer ()
Date: February 02, 2010 05:25PM


I've known Coach Lanigan for 10 years. He helped me get on the best girls youth soccer team of my age. He did everything he could do make me play to my maximun potential. He's been an incredible coach and friend to my entire family for years and this is impossible. Everybody that I've ever known and knows Sean, thinks he is amazing and loves the man. He simply is not capable of an act like this.

There you have it: He is an excellent soccer coach, so this could not have happened. He may have done it and he may not have done it. (I hope that FCPD interviewed multiple children before going ahead.) But the fact that he got you on a good soccer team is as irrelevant as it can be, just as his bad behavior on the sidelines at soccer games is irrelevant.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Date: February 02, 2010 05:50PM

You are so completely cruel to say something like that, this man has a family. He was a father. Creep you say? you're disgusting. Yes, he would pick kids up but it was never in a "creepy" way. He was a father and he was a kind, playful, and friendly guy. People like you are a disgrace, talking about him this way ruins his reputation in the community. I'm sorry if you were never hugged by your parents...

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: mike johnson ()
Date: February 02, 2010 05:50PM

This man was one of the nicest people i know. i hope this story is not true. He was one of the better teachers at Centre Ridge.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: allison fernandez ()
Date: February 02, 2010 05:52PM

PS Wrote:
> ok first of all none of you should be talking
> becuase you didnt go to our school. he used to
> touch all the girls "back in the day" just becuase
> someone reported him now doesnt change the fact
> that hes a child molester. he was my gym teacher
> for 6 years, and he touched all the girls in my
> class.. so i believe the little girl. good for her
> that she told someone cuz hes a freakin creep and
> deserves to be behind bars.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: old student ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:04PM

all of this is WHACK...i hav been wit mr lanigan for 7 years..he waz my P.E teacher..and he has never done anything like this....i also did this pen pal thing where u stay after school to help clean and he was always on the computer or on his phone

mr lanigan is NOT GUILTY..
all of this lie is just going to mess up his life...

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: old student ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:06PM

who was that little girl who told on him...or made that LIE.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: cw2004 ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:07PM

This media circus has been sad, and I pray that Sean is proven innocent and can move on with his life. His wife and children do not deserve the fact their loved one has been plastered from here to kingdom come without any proof of the fact he may be innocent. He has to be. The story is fishy and Sean would never do this. He has coached my kids and too many of my close friends kids for years, and NO ONE has ever witnessed behavior that was innapropriate. I hope the county takes this to the bitter end to prove he is innocent. He has a 12 year old daughter, and would never do this.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: pee wee herman ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:11PM

at least he's not a FAG!

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: old student ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:37PM

who was that 12 year old girl?.........

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: student ()
Date: February 02, 2010 06:47PM


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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: noname ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:09PM

just because he used to touch you on the shoulder or talk to u doesnt mean hes a fuckin molester you freak.Theres teachers like that at every school. football coaches smack ur ass for a good play and they bond with you but they arent molesters

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: nonigname ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:13PM

PS Wrote:
> ok first of all none of you should be talking
> becuase you didnt go to our school. he used to
> touch all the girls "back in the day" just becuase
> someone reported him now doesnt change the fact
> that hes a child molester. he was my gym teacher
> for 6 years, and he touched all the girls in my
> class.. so i believe the little girl. good for her
> that she told someone cuz hes a freakin creep and
> deserves to be behind bars.

just because he used to touch you on the shoulder or talk to u doesnt mean hes a fuckin molester you freak.Theres teachers like that at every school. football coaches smack ur ass for a good play and they bond with you but they arent molesters

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:23PM

Guess Wrote:
> The reaction of many on this site is the reason
> why young women don't come forward. Not only are
> you assaulted once by the predator, you are
> assaulted by the justice system, and public
> opinion.

Yet another reason why the accused should not be made public in these cases.

If they are found guilty and then release pictures and names. Then the "others" can come forward if there are any and he/she can be tried for those allegations as well. We have too many stories of people accused and named publicly, only to find that the accused retracts the story. If that is going to happen, let it happen out of the public eye.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:38PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> A teacher assaults a person and that person waits
> three days to tell the parents? Usually 12 year
> olds going running to their parents.

What makes you say that? I mean, do you have some
statistics or something on the timing of children
of that age? Because my anecdotal evidence is that
they DON'T go running to tell their parents right away.

I don't know what's odd or not about the story (eg. the witnesses).
It's terrible when people are convicted in the press like this.
Hopefully we will learn the truth, and I am sure there's nobody
who hopes the allegations are true.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2010 08:40PM by Spacy.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: sameey ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:51PM

it doesnt seem like this bro did anything so u popo needa chill. why in LIFE would a respected coach of 12 years do this?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Erik Degermanjian ()
Date: February 02, 2010 08:53PM

i have a large dick

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Black Star ()
Date: February 02, 2010 09:24PM

ha haaaaaaaaaa you got owned bitch!!!!

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: CRS ()
Date: February 02, 2010 10:41PM

I know Mr. Lanigan, the suspect, and both of their personalities. Mr. Lanigan knows me well and the suspect knows who I am. He could have been kidding around and the suspect may have over reacted when he was. At the moment, Mr. Brooks is temporarily replacing him.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: susan simmons ()
Date: February 02, 2010 10:43PM

This is not true, even though you can never know someone I know .............He has teached both of my sons and I have talked with him many, many times in the last 5 years. This is NOT TRUE! Susan Simmons

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: STDNT4RMWAYBAK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 11:04PM

I do not believe mr. Lanigan did this!! People like "PS" can talk all the crap they want but I graduated last year and guess what hun? I DID GO TO CENTRE RIDGE!! He NEVER touched the girls inappropriately! Maybe a pat on the back saying good job on running the mile lol but that's it so you and that little 12 year old liar can shove those accusations up ur asses! She was a nice and cool PE teacher one of the best in all my years of going to school! I hope that little liar tells the truth and I hope her lying days are over because if she goes to Liberty middle pointing fingers I guarantee she'll get beat up by the other girls for talking shit.. It's the circle of life and karma at school..

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: STDNT4RMWAYBAK ()
Date: February 02, 2010 11:10PM

> I do not believe mr. Lanigan did this!! People
> like "PS" can talk all the crap they want but I
> graduated last year and guess what hun? I DID GO
> TO CENTRE RIDGE!! He NEVER touched the girls
> inappropriately! Maybe a pat on the back saying
> good job on running the mile lol but that's it so
> you and that little 12 year old liar can shove
> those accusations up ur asses! She was a nice and
> cool PE teacher one of the best in all my years of
> going to school! I hope that little liar tells the
> truth and I hope her lying days are over because
> if she goes to Liberty middle pointing fingers I
> guarantee she'll get beat up by the other girls
> for talking shit.. It's the circle of life and
> karma at school..

Sorry, it's kind of hard to type with my itouch. Lol. I meant to say that's bull and you and little 12 year old liar can shove those false accusations up your asses! Oh and HE was a nice n cool PE teacher! Lol sorry again! :)

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: soccer-many-years ()
Date: February 02, 2010 11:18PM

I've known Sean since about 1988...there is absolutely no way he did anything like what he is being accused of. As someone said above - he does joke a lot. He loves coaching and teaching and interacting with kids; and he is extremely good at it, but does have a joking, kind of rough approach. So, I can see him perhaps picking someone up and joking around.

The whole story just sounds so hokey, especially if you know him. Not only is he an upstanding and sincere, caring person - he is also very smart, and the story paints a picture of someone that would have to be a complete idiot and desperate idiot, too. There is just no way that "this" is Sean.

I've co-coached soccer teams and at camps with Sean and had my Gks trained by Sean for 20+ years. He is an outstanding person with high morals and has always acted in a responsible, serious and mature way. Like all people, he just possibly made some mistake in taking rough-housing a bit far, and/or the girl (as someone has mentioned) is just exaggerating and/or over-reacting etc...that has been known to happen with kids a lot. He has likely learned a really hard lesson in today's world.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Sufficent ()
Date: February 02, 2010 11:18PM

The police must had credible evidence to arrest this man. They must have interviewed other students, and they must have had the same stories. I highly doubt that they would just interview the accuser and then arrest the man. I know that this country is "Innocent until proven guilty," but their must be credible evidence.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Date: February 03, 2010 12:24AM

What happens if he was rough-housing and accidentally got a hard-on? And lets say for shits and giggles, "it" rubbed her the wrong way. Has he commited a crime then?

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: Yes ()
Date: February 03, 2010 12:41AM

Yes. He is a teacher. Teachers shouldn't be rough housing with students.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: •Homer• ()
Date: February 03, 2010 01:10AM


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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: yeahhhh ()
Date: February 03, 2010 08:11AM

so the accusation was that he just picked this girl up caveman style, dragged her into a room and "layed" on top of her? and also that other 12-13 year olds witnessed the first part? i mean i know that age group isnt the brightest but...im pretty sure most children have a distinct sense of right and wrong at that age, and theres no plausible way he could have expected to do this in front of them and think they were clueless...to be completely honest there are way more messed up, disturbed, attention seeking children in the public school system than there ever will be teachers, id bet money that more than half of these types of cases are all bs.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: concernmother ()
Date: February 03, 2010 09:47AM

I would like to make a comment, first of all I do not know the teacher or the child involve, but I know that CPS and Detectives do not bring charges to the Comonwealth's Attorney if they do no have "Sufficient Evidence" of the charges, they interview not only the victim, but the teacher as well, they also speak with other kids to get all the facts straight. If they have enough evidence to prove the case then and only then they will make the charges. Don't you think that if they have done that is because they have enought to charge him with?

Like I said I do not know the teacher involve, but last year there was another case, at Guston (this is were my kids go to) were the littile girl came forward some weeks after the touching had taken place and told a third person what had happen, vaguely, CPS was called and tought that the charges were bogus, so only the SW went to interview, the detective was called later after talking for hours with the girl she told them what had happen (granted it was while tutoring and she was never left alone, but the parents where not at the table with them either), but she did not run to her parents to tell (like it was mention above),

I know the family and they still do not understand why the girl did not tell them what had happen, that teacher also was popular, loved and very good. He was the best and all the students really, really liked him and cared for him. The girl was 10 at the time, and was also called a liar, was told that probably she was having problems in school and that is why she accuse the teacher. She probably was neglected at home and calling for attention, etc. Well the accusations were true, the teacher plead guilty and is serving 5 years in jail.

So let's wait and see, but if it is true then I feel sorry for the girl and her family, they have been called liars and will have to move because their community chose to CLOSE their eyes and see that pedophilers are regular people, 95% with normal life, family, kids and popular that learn how to GROOM the rest of the world so nobody suspect them. If the charges are false, then same sentiments for the Teacher, he will have a hard time clean his image and the girl family will need to figure out what is wrong with the girl.

But do not assume either way until everything comes out clear, I am incline to believe that SOMETHING happen, wheter it was intentional or not, that is to be seen, but something went on an CPS and FCPS have enough to bring does charges forward.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Date: February 03, 2010 10:00AM

Just a simple accusation is "enough" evidence to slap the cuffs on.
No proff otherwise needed.

Stop acting stupid people.

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Re: Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 03, 2010 10:09AM

concernmother Wrote:
> Don't you think that if they
> have done that is because they have enought to
> charge him with?

No, which is thankfully why one gets a trial and can be found not guilty of charges.

Other than those that know this guy, I don't think anyone stated that charges should not be brought if there is evidence. The problem is you lose your life on the accusation before the first juror is chosen because of the publication of pictures and names of the accused. I think all sexual crimes should be prosecuted and I don't know that anyone disputes that.

But the identity of the non-convicted accused needs to be protected until conviction due to the massive social penalties involved. This is a case where the public accusation is a life sentence.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2010 10:10AM by pgens.

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