released2410 Wrote:
> Quoting Random Dude..
> "I am on the phone with a buddy in the old side of
> ADC right now. He has been to the new side before,
> so he is somewhat of an authority on knowing about
> the place. Um, not that that's so good btw. My
> buddy in there right now says the OP is full of
> shit. As the poster XXX pointed out, no coffee,
> jam, salt or pepper and the eggs are powdered.
> Things like coffee and jam can be bought from
> commissary and it takes maybe two days or so to be
> able to even order it. That is also if one has any
> money on their books. He also says this is
> obviously the OP's first visit and he must have
> been drunk again when he wrote this.
> Yes, I too am finally out. They had me in there
> for four months and I didn't do anything. So, I
> fought the charges and put Unfairfax in to the
> ground.
> I don't get why freeagain thought that was the
> best jail, NO jail is the best jail. lol
> Fairfax county isn't a country club compared to
> anything else, you must have been on the new side.
> Previously, I heard the old side was real bad and
> that hope you never go there.
> Here's a few things about the old side compared to
> the new side:
> 1. You sleep on the floor from lockout (7:30am)
> to after dinner (5-6pm).
> 2. The deputies treat you like shit all the
> time.
> 3. You're literally locked out all day. (as I
> said first)
> 4. Your cellmates are mostly illegals, or stupid
> people.
> 5. The block is about 15X small than the new
> side.
> 6. It's dirty as hell.
> 7. People try and take your food, I know for a
> FACT that doesn't happen on the new side.
> 8. ONE shower for 20 people.
> 9. Hardcore wanna be acting mother fuckers watch
> soaps and love it.
> 10. Everyone's fake as hell.
> New Side:
> 1. You can sleep in your cell, just not under your
> blanket.
> 2. You get along and have less problems way more
> than the old side.
> 3. Block's pretty huge, clean, etc.
> 4. The majority isn't illegals. lol
> 5. Even though you're not supposed to make friends
> in jail, people on the new side will help you out
> if you need it. The old side's full of greedy ass
> people.
> 6. The best part.....ONE person to a cell, that's
> actually even bigger than the old side.
> 7. Never have to worry about soap or TP. The old
> side made getting tp and soap look like WW3.
> That's pretty much it, I think.
> Adios
I got a pic from the new side, pretty schweet.