Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
So what are the items to discuss in a first introductory post. I generally keep it light so in I don't upset anyone that really does not need a good whooping. I guess would be I am pretty chill.
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Date: June 13, 2018 01:01AM
Wow, nice one. Guess maybe this is not the sight I thought where people carry on friendly conversation. about subject matter one might have interest in.
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Date: June 13, 2018 01:25AM
Snapper Wrote:
> That would be me.
> So what are the items to discuss in a first
> introductory post. I generally keep it light so
> in I don't upset anyone that really does not need
> a good whooping. I guess would be I am pretty
> chill.
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Date: June 13, 2018 01:48AM
Welcome Snapper, Bruce Klein III here. Just wanted to alert you to a few rules and facts on the FFU site. Keep the subject matter light and interesting and you should be just fine. I would highly recommend you run a search on my name and review my posts for samples of enlightened, interesting, and quite entertaining posts. Most of the people on the forum love my stuff. If you become really decent with your posting skills your followers can nominate you for the FFU Hall of Fame, I am in the midst of being nominated as I type this. Also, there is the Annual Bruce Klein III award that is bestowed upon the poster that submits the most interesting, creative, and entertaining posts each year.
Remember to make a note on chalk board when done - we need eggs, milk, salt, dog food, and ass wipes.
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Yard Man
Date: June 13, 2018 06:09AM
Snapper Wrote:
> That would be me.
> So what are the items to discuss in a first
> introductory post. I generally keep it light so
> in I don't upset anyone that really does not need
> a good whooping. I guess would be I am pretty
> chill.
Most everyone on here are morons. It will be difficult for you to stay chill. Also, why are you named after a lawnmower?
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Snapper sucks toro better
Date: June 13, 2018 06:37AM
Snapper was the shit in the late 70’s and early 80’s.
Shit, even Forrest Gump had one!
Then, toro started its expansion, and now Walmart sells snapper....
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Date: June 13, 2018 01:19PM
LOL yeah, my dad named me Snapper as a loving nickname because I used to date this girl that would talk non stop and sometimes her jaw would make a snapping sound. I did find a means to get her to stop talking every now and then but not sure this is the forum to describe how I was able to do this. But a little hint could be before she would snap that jaw I would have her eat some meat if you know what I mean. Just so everyone gets to know me I am not gay. That Bruce Klein guy above sort of insinuated I was gay but there are gay forums for gays and LBGQTs right?
I have noticed through a few of the posts over the last few days that there seem to be a lot of folks obsessed with gay stuff. Please let me know if this is really a gay site because I don't swing that way and will find another forum to post my reads.
Anyone ever go downtown DC? Is it safe there now? Back in the early turn of the century when I was in High School most of my friends would not go to DC because of all the crime. I think it was like really bad crack heads there.
Re: Good Evening FFU-Introducing The Latest Member
Posted by:
Date: June 13, 2018 02:21PM
Snapper Wrote:
> Whelp, that's it for Snapper. I am outie. I
> figured this was just another gay hangout. You
> boys enjoy yourselves.