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Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 05, 2010 08:45AM

Silver Eagle Group
Sunday, January 3, 2010

"On sunday evening a member of the Silver Eagle Group sustained an injury to his leg and foot when he accidentally discharged his firearm while holstering it on the range. The SEG team immediately administered first aid to the injured member and transported him to the emergency room. It is anticipated that he will make a full recovery. In an effort to safeguard his privacy, SEG is not releasing the name of the injured member. We would like to remind all shooters of the importance of safe handling techniques and proper firearm maintenance."

Had to happen sooner or later considering all of the idiots that go to shooting ranges thinking they're Billy Badass then shoot up the walls, ceiling, carriers, themselves etc...

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Person ()
Date: January 05, 2010 08:47AM

Sloppy gun handlers make me nervous. Get your shit together, or stay the hell away from gun ranges.
And me in particular.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: shooter ()
Date: January 05, 2010 08:48AM

I wouldn't call him an idiot. It could happen to any of us. You just have to slow down and be careful, there's no reason to holster your weapon so fast (you should draw fast, but there's no need to holster quickly). This is why reason why I don't like guns without a manual safety (glocks).

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Person ()
Date: January 05, 2010 08:49AM

Stupid is as stupid does.

Go Forrest.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Date: January 05, 2010 09:05AM

Accidents happen.
So the fuck what?

I know! Lets ban gun ranges now, you liberal dumbasses.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 05, 2010 09:44AM

That's what happens when you don't respect your weapon. He broke one of the first rules of handgun safety: Never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 05, 2010 09:50AM

I think what happened was he never took his finger off the trigger. Speculation, of course, but after working there for a while when the place first opened and running the ranges that's my best guess.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Person that is the original Person ()
Date: January 05, 2010 09:56AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> That's what happens when you don't respect your
> weapon. He broke one of the first rules of
> handgun safety: Never put your finger on the
> trigger until you're ready to fire.

100/100 post

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Lawmann ()
Date: January 05, 2010 10:13AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> That's what happens when you don't respect your
> weapon. He broke one of the first rules of
> handgun safety: Never put your finger on the
> trigger until you're ready to fire.

95% of gun owners shouldn't be allowed to own guns. I'm surprise there are not more accidents considering the recklessness of the majority of gun owners.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: mgnut ()
Date: January 05, 2010 10:15AM


Don't they know they shouldn't be shooting at Silver Eagle since they supported Obama.

I would say 'serves them right' but nah. ;)

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 05, 2010 10:24AM

Lawmann Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That's what happens when you don't respect your
> > weapon. He broke one of the first rules of
> > handgun safety: Never put your finger on the
> > trigger until you're ready to fire.
> 95% of gun owners shouldn't be allowed to own
> guns. I'm surprise there are not more accidents
> considering the recklessness of the majority of
> gun owners.

There are, but putting them all out there is bad for business. When I worked at SEG a guy shot himself in the hand inadvertantly when the cylinder of his revolver didn't align properly with the barrel (which means he didn't take care of his weapon for shit). Luckily enough for him, the bullet fragment only grazed his hand and embedded itself in the wall behind him. Other common injuries caused by carelessness / ignorance would include; railroad tracks caused by double-thumbing the grip, fucked up thumbs (hyper extended or broken) after leaving it up on the back end of the slide, burns / bruises on the face after giving your 95 lb. girlfriend who has never fired a weapon before a .357 magnum... the list goes on and on and the fuck-ups only get weirder and weirder.

(I will admit that watching the last one listed was funny as hell and never got old)

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Lawmann ()
Date: January 05, 2010 10:37AM

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 05, 2010 10:38AM

mgnut Wrote:
> Ow.
> Don't they know they shouldn't be shooting at
> Silver Eagle since they supported Obama.
> I would say 'serves them right' but nah. ;)

Google "Dario Marquez Campaign Contributions" if interested. I never cared, but on other forums they seemed to care a great deal.


Dario Marquez Political Contributions 2008

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Dane Bramage from afar ()
Date: January 05, 2010 12:30PM

Sounds like an Agent Zero stunt.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Date: January 05, 2010 12:33PM

Had to happen sooner or later considering all of the idiots that go to shooting ranges thinking they're Billy Badass then shoot up the walls, ceiling, carriers, themselves etc..

...And in other news, 199,999,999 guns in America were not involved in negligent discharges that day.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 05, 2010 01:54PM

boristhebulletdodger Wrote:
> > Had to happen sooner or later considering all of
> the idiots that go to shooting ranges thinking
> they're Billy Badass then shoot up the walls,
> ceiling, carriers, themselves etc..
> ...And in other news, 199,999,999 guns in America
> were not involved in negligent discharges that
> day.

Which is great! But being a 2nd Ammendment advocate I know that it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. Gun control is education, not legislation. If retards like this guy weren't careless, politicians wouldn't be trying to restrict / revoke our given right bear arms.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: January 05, 2010 02:08PM

i > u Wrote:

> Gun control is education, not
> legislation. If retards like this guy weren't
> careless, politicians wouldn't be trying to
> restrict / revoke our given right bear arms.

It would appear that he went to the Plaxico Burress School for Responsible Use of Firearms.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 05, 2010 02:09PM

^ win

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: SUD0 ()
Date: January 07, 2010 08:12PM


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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: 2A ()
Date: January 07, 2010 08:26PM

Haha, I love that commercial. Not as good as Don's Guns commercial though:

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: January 08, 2010 08:17AM

mgnut Wrote:
> Ow.
> Don't they know they shouldn't be shooting at
> Silver Eagle since they supported Obama.
> I would say 'serves them right' but nah. ;)

That was Blue Ridge Arsenal, not the Silver Eagle. Besides, Obama hasn't done anything to restrict gun ownership, so who gives a fuck if a gun store supported a guy who wasn't going to fuck with gun laws.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: i > u ()
Date: January 08, 2010 10:25AM

boredom Wrote:
> mgnut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ow.
> >
> > Don't they know they shouldn't be shooting at
> > Silver Eagle since they supported Obama.
> >
> > I would say 'serves them right' but nah. ;)
> That was Blue Ridge Arsenal, not the Silver Eagle.
> Besides, Obama hasn't done anything to restrict
> gun ownership, so who gives a fuck if a gun store
> supported a guy who wasn't going to fuck with gun
> laws.

No, it was Silver Eagle but I agree with what you said. Who gives a fuck? So what if the owner of MVM Security/CEO of Silver Eagle threw a few thousand at Hillary, Obama and company? He (Dario Marquez) is a Dem. and supports his party. I think the major factor for the people who do care is that he supports local Dems. who do want to further restrict gun laws and introduce legislation to that effect on a national level which they believe Obama would back. Clear as mud?

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Yo ()
Date: January 08, 2010 11:03AM

Fly as a kite. u r > me.

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Re: Idiot shoots self in leg, foot at local gun range
Posted by: Ruger ()
Date: January 08, 2010 12:02PM

boredom Wrote:
> mgnut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ow.
> >
> > Don't they know they shouldn't be shooting at
> > Silver Eagle since they supported Obama.
> >
> > I would say 'serves them right' but nah. ;)
> That was Blue Ridge Arsenal, not the Silver Eagle.
> Besides, Obama hasn't done anything to restrict
> gun ownership, so who gives a fuck if a gun store
> supported a guy who wasn't going to fuck with gun
> laws.

I do. I refuse to patronize ANY establishment/owner that supports
ANY politician who favors gun control. State, local, federal, it
doesn't matter to me. BTW, here's a rundown of BO's past history
on 2nd Amendment issues.


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