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Walking In The Street
Posted by: Doesn't Matter ()
Date: December 21, 2009 03:09AM

Can somebody please explain to me the thought process of the person who decides that it is a good idea to walk down the middle of a six lane road just because it is snowy. I had to dodge more people than cars from Centreville to Oakton on Sat. I took 66w to fair lakes pkwy/monument drive to west ox to vale. I understand that it was an exciting event but that doesn't mean you can just loose your mind. It's was just stupid and un-safe. Btw, I wouldn't have been out driving in it, but my grandmothers furnace gave out on her and I had to go pick her up. So thanks to all of you who said fuck common sense...IT"S SNOWING!!!

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: XXX ()
Date: December 21, 2009 04:31AM

You should have told grandma to walk to your damn house cause its unsafe to drive

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Dadam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 06:19AM

XXX...really? I mean...really? You just felt like you absolutely had to write something down in response to this post and that's all you could come up with? Just because your hand-me-down honda civic hatch back couldn't get out of your parent's driveway doesn't mean that this particular poster (whom I know) couldn't get out and drive around. His Jeep did just fine in the snow as is evident by his lack of crashing in spite of all of the dipshits he had to dodge along the way. Sit and spin for posting something so fucking stupid.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: December 21, 2009 06:57AM

Dadam Wrote:
> XXX...really? I mean...really? You just felt like
> you absolutely had to write something down in
> response to this post and that's all you could
> come up with? Just because your hand-me-down honda
> civic hatch back couldn't get out of your parent's
> driveway doesn't mean that this particular poster
> (whom I know) couldn't get out and drive around.
> His Jeep did just fine in the snow as is evident
> by his lack of crashing in spite of all of the
> dipshits he had to dodge along the way. Sit and
> spin for posting something so fucking stupid.

He never said he had a jeep, just that he drove there. Care to entertain us with any more lies that you don't know the OP?

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Dadam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:14AM

The OP is my brother, dipshit...

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: hahaha ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:24AM

HAHAHAHA, your brother is the original poster! That means it's your grandma too! You complete dipshit!

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Dadam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:31AM

And how does that make me a dipshit exactly?

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Blam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:34AM

Dadam Wrote:
> XXX...really? I mean...really? You just felt like
> you absolutely had to write something down in
> response to this post and that's all you could
> come up with? Just because your hand-me-down honda
> civic hatch back couldn't get out of your parent's
> driveway doesn't mean that this particular poster
> (whom I know) couldn't get out and drive around.
> His Jeep did just fine in the snow as is evident
> by his lack of crashing in spite of all of the
> dipshits he had to dodge along the way. Sit and
> spin for posting something so fucking stupid.

You sure blew your top over this, you got trolled.. hard. Also don't be that typical internet faggot who does those assumptions things... We can go ahead and assume you have a tiny dick/tits if you want to assume what cars we drive etc etc

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Dadam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:38AM

See above about the OP being my brother...I think it's safe to say I know what car(s) my brother owns, drives.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: yulebrnr ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:40AM

Wow, did you get so ticked off because it's your brother and you have the same grandmother and someone suggested she walk?

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Blam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 09:45AM

Dadam Wrote:
> See above about the OP being my brother...I think
> it's safe to say I know what car(s) my brother
> owns, drives.

No you idiot...

"Just because your hand-me-down honda civic hatch back couldn't get out of your parent's driveway" - You

^^ Don't be that abnoxious faggot on the internet who comes up with what I like to call "internet insult lies" so you can insult the person.. make a baseless assumption.. and attempt to look cool/tough or w/e so perhaps other people will agree with you.

regardless... A lot of this website is NOT serious.. at all.. take a joke.. I found it comical... I'm sure your G-Ma has dealt with ice ages before I'm sure she could walk....... :D

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Doesn't Matter ()
Date: December 21, 2009 10:11AM

Here is another twist...I lied about my Grandmothers water heater. dun dun DUUUNNN!

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: William Zumwalt ()
Date: December 21, 2009 10:14AM

Doesn't Matter Wrote:
> Here is another twist...I lied about my
> Grandmothers water heater. dun dun DUUUNNN!

who cares?

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Dadam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 10:24AM

It's a half-lie...it wasn't working properly, but kicked back in later on in the day. Agree with William...

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Poop ()
Date: December 21, 2009 10:39AM

I only saw one person walking in the road, it was during the heaviest snow. I shouod have hit her, so she would not be able to procreate any more morons. I think hitting the people walking in the snow and then telling the police your car was skidding is acceptable.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 21, 2009 11:06AM

I had to walk in the street this morning because the sidewalks were a solid two inches of ice and compressed snow. The 7 foot tall pile of snow at the end of the sidewalk, blocking the way, didn't help either.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 21, 2009 11:55AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I had to walk in the street this morning because
> the sidewalks were a solid two inches of ice and
> compressed snow. The 7 foot tall pile of snow at
> the end of the sidewalk, blocking the way, didn't
> help either.

Pardon me Meph, but isn't it your job to clear that shit?
Merry Christmas!

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 21, 2009 11:57AM

496 Wrote:
> Pardon me Meph, but isn't it your job to clear
> that shit?
> Merry Christmas!

It is, but only at my place of employment. I'm not an Arlington County janitor, after all.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: December 21, 2009 12:28PM

in answer to the OP's question... people are stupid and/or lazy.

just remember that the next time you want to post such a pointless question and save yourself the time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2009 12:29PM by bdimag.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Blam ()
Date: December 21, 2009 12:59PM

Perfectly fine to walk in the streets during snow in residential areas.. especially if the sidewalks have not been shoveled at all.. just go against the traffic so you can easily see cars comin, and they should be slow as hell anyways so you are unlikely going to have to jump out of the way at the very last second..

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 21, 2009 01:12PM

Doesn't Matter Wrote:
> Can somebody please explain to me the thought
> process of the person who decides that it is a
> good idea to walk down the middle of a six lane
> road just because it is snowy. I had to dodge more
> people than cars from Centreville to Oakton on
> Sat. I took 66w to fair lakes pkwy/monument drive
> to west ox to vale. I understand that it was an
> exciting event but that doesn't mean you can just
> loose your mind. It's was just stupid and un-safe.
> Btw, I wouldn't have been out driving in it, but
> my grandmothers furnace gave out on her and I had
> to go pick her up. So thanks to all of you who
> said fuck common sense...IT"S SNOWING!!!

So how do you feel about people riding bicycles in the streets during the summer?

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Date: December 21, 2009 01:30PM

Ran into that this morning. The sidewalks were shoveled and cleared and some bone-headed woman was walking down the middle of the street while I was trying to drive. She figured out I was coming and reluctantly allowed me to pass.



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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Doesn't Matter ()
Date: December 21, 2009 02:08PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Doesn't Matter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Can somebody please explain to me the thought
> > process of the person who decides that it is a
> > good idea to walk down the middle of a six lane
> > road just because it is snowy. I had to dodge
> more
> > people than cars from Centreville to Oakton on
> > Sat. I took 66w to fair lakes pkwy/monument
> drive
> > to west ox to vale. I understand that it was an
> > exciting event but that doesn't mean you can
> just
> > loose your mind. It's was just stupid and
> un-safe.
> > Btw, I wouldn't have been out driving in it,
> but
> > my grandmothers furnace gave out on her and I
> had
> > to go pick her up. So thanks to all of you who
> > said fuck common sense...IT"S SNOWING!!!
> So how do you feel about people riding bicycles in
> the streets during the summer?

Thats pretty normal. Doesn't really bother me. Hey bdigmag, almost all the posts on here are pointless you negative fucker. AND I had no idea it was working, then not working, and then working again. Agree with Blam...lol

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: December 21, 2009 04:43PM

There sure was a lot of bump fodder this weekend. Of course, none of them had any reflective clothing and only a few were walking against traffic.

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Re: Walking In The Street
Posted by: David Bowie and Mick Jagger ()
Date: December 21, 2009 05:58PM

Philadelphia PA, Baltimore, DC, now.

Walking in the street.

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