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Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:01PM

Seriously, I've never known them to close. This is a bit of bull. My office goes by the County Govt, not the schools or fed governement. What the F is so important for Fairfax to be open tomorrow when everyone else is closed? It's a bit disrespectful to people who have children and although I haven't been to a main street, there are a ton of people that cannot get out of my subdivision. I don't want to get hit tomorrow by some local government worker who has bald tires and only 2wd. I now have 3 weeks I'm working on people helping to watch my kids. Granted, it's "liberal leave" but sorry, I don't love always having to take 8 hours of leave so I can watch my house get destroyed by little people and watch my hundredth episode of Dora.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: WTF are you talking about? ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:02PM

Its only essential personnel, ie police and fire

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: talking about this... ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:09PM

"unscheduled leave", meaning that I get to use 8 hours of annual leave (not sick) if I wanted to stay home.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: whine with your cheese? ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:27PM

1) There are millions of people out of work right new who would probably walk through a blizzard to have your job.

2) I'm pretty sure Fairfax County didn't make you procreate. How exactly is being open for business "disrespectful" because you chose to breed?

3) I'm supposed to feel sorry for you because you have job, a house, and kids?
Sounds like you have achieved the American Dream. Congratulations. Have a nice day at work.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:47PM

Shut the fuck up and get to work.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Oh cry me a river ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:48PM

Let's have a pity party for our hard working government workers. The folks in the private sector are getting reamed right now, and would be happy to have a job with those kind of bennies. Yes, your payscales were frozen, but you are employed. You have a pension waiting for you. Suck it up and drive with all of the other morons.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: ffx resident ()
Date: December 20, 2009 08:53PM

496 Wrote:
> Shut the fuck up and get to work.


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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Da Man ()
Date: December 20, 2009 09:08PM

Mr. 49.6, put your fucking dictionary away, take the trash out for mommy and daddy and return to your basement room!

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: FFX ()
Date: December 20, 2009 09:30PM

All Fairfax County public schools will be closed Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23. Offices are closed on Monday, December 21.

All Fairfax County public schools and offices will be closed Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23. Offices are closed on Monday, December 21.

The following activities in schools and on school grounds are canceled Monday, December 21 - Wednesday, December 23:

extracurricular activities
interscholastic contests
team practices
field trips
middle school after-school programs
professional learning and training courses
all adult and community education classes recreation programs

School Age Child Care (SACC) centers are closed.
Essential personnel are to report to work.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: December 20, 2009 10:25PM

"There are millions of people out of work right new who would probably walk through a blizzard to have your job."

Maybe they should have busted their asses through working full time through 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school. My whole point is that I don't want to get hit by some a-hole who is being forced to go into their job when the roads are still crappy. And by the way, I don't work for the govt, I'm in a small, low-pay, non-profit, so I get all the reaming with no benefits, and just go by the local govts shitty policies. I love the assumptions you a-holes make.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Assumer ()
Date: December 20, 2009 10:39PM

One assumption would be the following: You sir, are an asshole. Nobody is forced to go to work. Last I checked, this was America. Lighten up a little. Maybe you'll find better employment.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 20, 2009 10:50PM

Chris Wrote:
> "There are millions of people out of work right
> new who would probably walk through a blizzard to
> have your job."
> Maybe they should have busted their asses through
> working full time through 4 years of undergrad and
> 2 years of grad school. My whole point is that I
> don't want to get hit by some a-hole who is being
> forced to go into their job when the roads are
> still crappy. And by the way, I don't work for
> the govt, I'm in a small, low-pay, non-profit, so
> I get all the reaming with no benefits, and just
> go by the local govts shitty policies. I love the
> assumptions you a-holes make.

Hey Chris. Go find another job if you hate yours so much. The County workers are in the same boat you are and most likely if they have kids out of school they will have to burn AL or hire a sitter to watch their kids all day. Poor you. I suggest you call in sick tomorrow if you are so concerned.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: December 20, 2009 11:03PM

My name isn't even Chris. Ha! And maybe I'm not even the original poster. Who knows? What is this stupid thread about? I work, I want time off, up you're butt! School's out for ever!

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: December 21, 2009 07:01AM

Chris Wrote:
> "There are millions of people out of work right
> new who would probably walk through a blizzard to
> have your job."
> Maybe they should have busted their asses through
> working full time through 4 years of undergrad and
> 2 years of grad school. My whole point is that I
> don't want to get hit by some a-hole who is being
> forced to go into their job when the roads are
> still crappy. And by the way, I don't work for
> the govt, I'm in a small, low-pay, non-profit, so
> I get all the reaming with no benefits, and just
> go by the local govts shitty policies. I love the
> assumptions you a-holes make.

Ok Mr. "they have bald tires and 2wd". What makes you think they don't have undergrad and graduate degrees, just in a field that doesn't have a large need for workers?

Oh, and cry me a river. You have kids, watching Dora 9238498273578374234 times is part of the job. Deal with it.

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Undocumented Worker ()
Date: December 21, 2009 10:24AM

FX Co is open so Parks, Libraries and GOVT centers can host the homeless for a few hours today. Never mind the parking lots nor sidewalks are not plowed/passable

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: GerryDAdrunk ()
Date: December 21, 2009 03:30PM

Chris Wrote:
> Seriously, I've never known them to close. This
> is a bit of bull. My office goes by the County
> Govt, not the schools or fed governement. What
> the F is so important for Fairfax to be open
> tomorrow when everyone else is closed? It's a bit
> disrespectful to people who have children and
> although I haven't been to a main street, there
> are a ton of people that cannot get out of my
> subdivision. I don't want to get hit tomorrow by
> some local government worker who has bald tires
> and only 2wd. I now have 3 weeks I'm working on
> people helping to watch my kids. Granted, it's
> "liberal leave" but sorry, I don't love always
> having to take 8 hours of leave so I can watch my
> house get destroyed by little people and watch my
> hundredth episode of Dora.

It's simple economics....IF they close the county government then everybody gets a paid day off from work AND those county employees forced to work, public safety, sanitation or whatever get paid double time. This is all costs $$$. Since the gubmint doesn't give a rat's ass about their people they get to have their cake and eat it too by "allowing" the employee to use their unscheduled leave. So if they want to stay home for safety they do it on their own time or if they choose to go to work and bust their ass in the parking lot, management can say."we didn't force them to come in'. C'mon, you wouldn't want then to siphon funds away from welfare doled out to illegal aliens or section 8 housing would you?

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: Jeff ()
Date: December 21, 2009 04:03PM

Chris Wrote:

> Maybe they should have busted their asses through
> working full time through 4 years of undergrad and
> 2 years of grad school. And by the way, I don't work for
> the govt, I'm in a small, low-pay, non-profit

Wow, 6 years of school?? For that??

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Re: Fairfax County Government OPEN
Posted by: jeff ()
Date: December 21, 2009 04:38PM

Chris Wrote:
> I now have 3 weeks I'm working on
> people helping to watch my kids.

Wow, and it only took 3 seconds to conceive them.

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