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Speed Limit
Posted by: Teenager ()
Date: June 20, 2005 04:23PM

What's the most you can go over a posted speed limit before a cop will pull you over. I have heard 5 and i have heard like 15 sometimes.. Please advise

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: June 20, 2005 04:52PM

Once I got booked for wreckless driving, 50+ in a residential area. When I was 'downtown' there were several cops talking about tickets. One said he pulled people over going 68+ on a highway.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: June 20, 2005 05:23PM

68 in a 55 sounds possible, wouldn't think someone would be pulled over for going 68 in a 65 though.

You can tell the general rule is about 10 mph on the highways since a steady flow of traffic will rarely exceed that. But if you're driving w/out many cars around you and it's in the middle of the night, they'll pull you over for any little thing they can think of since there's a very good chance you're up to no good.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: bob ()
Date: June 20, 2005 06:09PM

If the speed limit is above 50mph then a cop will pull you over if you are going more than 10 over the limit; if the limit is under 50mph then they usually only pull you over if you are going 15mph or over... argue all you want with this but this is a fact - my brother is a cop and I work with many cops on a regular basis and this is what they have told me (and I have witnessed during ride-a-longs)... don't just think they are being nice though... this is because many more people go 10mph over a limit than 15mph and if they wrote a ticket for every 5-10mph and over offender the judge would think they are a dick when people go and 'fight' their tickets...

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 21, 2005 10:10AM

bob is dead on

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Price ()
Date: June 21, 2005 11:47AM

I think this rule doesn't apply to major highways like I-495 as you can safely pass the cop @ 70. But on 267 they'll bust you for +5.

Now, if you're speeding AND changing lanes aggressively (in cop's opinion), then it's another story.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: June 21, 2005 12:21PM

I'm guilty of speeding just like everyone else but have a question?

Why is it that we spend so much effort trying to figure out how to get away with breaking the law instead of putting the same effort into making ourselves stick to within-the-limit?

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Tim ()
Date: June 21, 2005 01:05PM

With all of the traffic we deal with in NoVa, it is maddening to make trips take even longer by sticking to ridiculous limits that were set for the lowest common denominator.

So I guess the short answer is selfishness? And I, too, am the (above?) average speeder.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: ben ()
Date: June 21, 2005 09:11PM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> I'm guilty of speeding just like everyone else but
> have a question?
> Why is it that we spend so much effort trying to
> figure out how to get away with breaking the law
> instead of putting the same effort into making
> ourselves stick to within-the-limit?

Because the law makes no sense?

The real question is why we spend so much effort trying to figure out how to get away with breaking the law instead of trying to get the laws repealed.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Toby ()
Date: June 22, 2005 11:22AM

Frankly, the roads in Fairfax are so clogged that its pretty rare for me to even get up to the speed limit, much less surpass it. However, the few times I can get a good speed up (like on the County Parkway), I have kept it to no more than 10 MPH over the limit and have literally driven through speed traps and have not been pulled over.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Price ()
Date: June 22, 2005 02:14PM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> Why is it that we spend so much effort trying to
> figure out how to get away with breaking the law
> instead of putting the same effort into making
> ourselves stick to within-the-limit?

As others said, these limits make very little sense, especially on highways. For example, the F.C. Parkway (7100) has 50 mph limit which is strictly enforced, while exactly the same Ox road (123) has 55 mph (not everywhere, but the part compared to 7100 b/w Faifax and Lorton) and almost no cops.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Matt tarp ()
Date: June 27, 2005 12:48AM

Ox Road is a safer design road than 7100. It has fewer curves and better visibility. There are some parts of the parkway with fewer stoplights and fewer curves that could warrant a higher speed limit, though.

One thing I-66 needs is a higher speed limit, especially west of Route 50. When it's not rush hour, you can easily do 75 there. A 65 limit would be great. Almost all the suburban freeways in other cities, like Los Angeles, Miami, etc. are 65 mph.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 27, 2005 09:09AM

The stretch of 28 from Dulles to past 28/29 should be higher too. I was driving on 28, passing under 29 and trying my best to keep it under 50mph because I know to cops love that area. I had four lanes of road all to myself with no other cars in sight and great visibility but I'm held to 45.

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Re: Speed Limit
Date: June 28, 2005 09:27AM

Yeah that spot of 28 is stupid. They lower the speed limit when it should stay at 55, then raise it to 55 when it SHOULD be dropped to 45 because of all of the traffic lights. And since NO ONE goes 55 in that section they might as well drop it to 45.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: jack ()
Date: June 29, 2005 09:10PM

this is fairfax county, there is a cop on every corner do the speed limit you will get there faster

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 29, 2005 09:29PM

Jack, shut the holy fuck up and go back to touching your kids inappropriately.

If you know where to look the cops won't surprise you, and the cops will be the first to tell you they are hardly "everywhere".

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 01, 2005 12:28PM

VDOT sets the wacky speed limits. They have some code that mandates a speed limit for certain areas due to density of residences or businesses. Fairfax County, not State Police, has a policy that no tickets should be written for persons travelling less than 10mph over the speed limit, but that is not set in stone. Over 10, write them. If he wants to pull you over for, lets say a seatbelt violation, doing 5mph over the speed limit is enough probable cause to stop you and write 2 tickets.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: July 01, 2005 11:45PM

I drive at least 15+ mph over when there isn't traffic...never been pulled

I do drive a Camry though....sports cars are more prone to being pulled over.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: PhilLesh ()
Date: July 04, 2005 12:03AM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> I'm guilty of speeding just like everyone else but
> have a question?
> Why is it that we spend so much effort trying to
> figure out how to get away with breaking the law
> instead of putting the same effort into making
> ourselves stick to within-the-limit?

Or even better, spend effort to change the laws?

Face it, most speed limits are about 15 - 20% below the "88th percentile" -- meaning, if they check speeds on a road, as a rule of thumb in highway science, the "natural speed limit" is what the 88th percentile is driving at. But generally, the rule for municipalities is to go with the 50 or 65th percentile, because that means that a sizable portion of traffic will naturally drive above that arbitrary limit. Thus, MONEY can be made.

In reality, the science deems that the 88th percentile is the "safest reasonable speed" for a specific road. People generally go as fast as they feel safe, according to the road, the conditions and the type of car they drive.

I know that my car feels very safe, and has proven so, well into 30 to 35 above the speed limit on most roads. Residential, maybe only 5 or 10 at the most, but on highways, I find myself at about 85 or 90 most of the time, not because I'm trying to speed, but because it feels "reasonable". and of course, as the density of traffic increases, that number goes down.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 04, 2005 07:50AM


I agree with you 100% about the 88th percentile theory and about the advancement of automobiles etc. BUT, don't you think that even if higher limits were allowed legally that people will still push the limit even more just because they will be allowed an additional 7 or 8 miles above that newly set limit without getting pulled?

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 07, 2005 01:20PM

I agree with many of your points. Cars of today are built faster and safer, but the human factor still exists. If someone were to step out in front of your car, if you were traveling at a higher speed, your stopping distance would obviously be longer. You couldn't stop in time. And there are times that swerving into opposing traffic lanes isn't an option. THe fatser you go, you have more tunnel vision, thus decreasing your chances of seeing items peripherilly (hope I spelled that right) and that is a proven fact. Plus, many of you will agree, there are more idiots on the road that don't pay attention or know even the basic road laws. Example, a woman pulled out in front of me to turn right on red. She never even stopped. When I spoke to her, 1st she was foreign, and second she only knew that you can turn right on red. She didn't know you had to stop first. If I were going at the speed I could have been going on the county parkway, I would have killed her. So I think the laws are written partly due to the human factor of people not knowing how to properly drive and stop their own cars. If all of you assume you're good drivers, then assume that over 50% of the people out there aren't. And there are several reports of people going 80+ mph and losing control due to sheer inexperience or caused by another persons inability to focus properly.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: July 08, 2005 10:05PM

my thoughts exactly.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Mateo1 ()
Date: July 10, 2005 03:26AM

SWweeman Wrote:
> VDOT sets the wacky speed limits. They have some
> code that mandates a speed limit for certain areas
> due to density of residences or businesses.
> Fairfax County, not State Police, has a policy
> that no tickets should be written for persons
> travelling less than 10mph over the speed limit,
> but that is not set in stone. Over 10, write
> them. If he wants to pull you over for, lets say
> a seatbelt violation, doing 5mph over the speed
> limit is enough probable cause to stop you and
> write 2 tickets.

I was told that 2004 was the first year that not wearing a seatbelt was probable cause in and of itself. In other words, a cop can pull you over for seeing you without a seatbelt; however, in years past he needed a better excuse.

Amateur lawyers chime in?

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 10, 2005 01:32PM

I don't understand why they enforce the wearing of seatbelts. Is there a growing problem of human projectiles that cause injury to others? I generally don't think people should be ticketed for something that hurts noone but themselves.

Having said that, I don't even back my car out of a parking spot without clicking first, it is such an automatic reaction when I get in the car.

Anybody riding in my car that doesn't put their belt on learns real fast what my dashboard looks like up-close as I slam on the breaks going about 20 miles an hour. Not enough to hurt them, just a friendly reminder that I don't want friends or family flying out of my window and dying:)

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 10, 2005 08:54PM

"Knowing Kevin: A New Series This Fall on NBC"

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 11, 2005 12:11AM

uh, who's kevin?

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 11, 2005 12:34AM

Just some a--hole from around the way

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 11, 2005 12:36AM

yeah, i heard he's an asshole, stealin all the guys' bitches n shit

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: bob ()
Date: July 14, 2005 09:25AM

"I don't understand why they enforce the wearing of seatbelts. Is there a growing problem of human projectiles that cause injury to others? I generally don't think people should be ticketed for something that hurts noone but themselves."

I imagine insurance companies push this one.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 14, 2005 09:48AM

No, I can't imagine there would ever be any kind of corporate influence on the gov't. I would hate to think that our policy-makers are bought out by lobbyists and special interest groups.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: July 14, 2005 10:49AM

kklare Wrote:
> No, I can't imagine there would ever be any kind
> of corporate influence on the gov't. I would hate
> to think that our policy-makers are bought out by
> lobbyists and special interest groups.

Hahahaha! Wooh.. I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Thanks, kklare!

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: The Drake ()
Date: July 14, 2005 04:04PM

speeding tickets are nothing but a money grab. i'd rather be taxed in a more traditional manner than have to cough up a couple hundred dollars and get gouged by an insurance company for three to five more years. if it's all about safety, let's set the limt to 25 for all roads. but it's not, and as cars get safer, limits should be raised. and there should be no limit on toll roads!

and finally, it's not aggressive driving that causes the problem so much as stupid driving. get out of the GD left lane people!

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: ben ()
Date: July 14, 2005 05:31PM

The Drake Wrote:
> speeding tickets are nothing but a money grab.
> i'd rather be taxed in a more traditional manner
> than have to cough up a couple hundred dollars and
> get gouged by an insurance company for three to
> five more years. if it's all about safety, let's
> set the limt to 25 for all roads. but it's not,
> and as cars get safer, limits should be raised.
> and there should be no limit on toll roads!
> and finally, it's not aggressive driving that
> causes the problem so much as stupid driving. get
> out of the GD left lane people!

Well said!

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: VALegend ()
Date: July 14, 2005 08:15PM

Very rarely do I ever go over 10 mph over the limit, anywhere. I despise getting tickets, plus I figure it's better to be safe.

However, there's some spots in this area that drive me crazy. That section of Rt. 7 right past Seven Corners always kills me. 25 mph through there, and it should really be 35.

Raising the speed limits on the highways isn't a good idea, IMO. In North Carolina, all of the highways are 65-70, which people think gives them the right to go at least 80. Because of the population increase, I think it'd be a mistake around here.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 14, 2005 09:05PM

The Drake Wrote:
> and finally, it's not aggressive driving that
> causes the problem so much as stupid driving. get
> out of the GD left lane people!

I'll stay in the left lane northbound on 7100 driving past 29, thanks. The right lane is basically a pitted, undriveable, shock-killing mess all the way over the bridge up to the Eastbound I-66 sign.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: July 14, 2005 09:08PM

VALegend Wrote:
That section of Rt. 7 right past
> Seven Corners always kills me. 25 mph through
> there, and it should really be 35.

I live near Seven Corners, and the whole area drives me nuts. The 25mph area could easily be faster, and then the actual intersections of Seven Corners have 40 and 45mph speed limits. I have NEVER been able to go faster than 35mph through there, except for on Rt. 50, on occasion. It makes the least sense of anything I have ever seen, but you have to remember, Seven Corners is FFX county, the 25mph zone is Falls Church City, and I'm pretty sure the city determines speed limits within its boundaries.

-"The best way to stay in business is to give your competitor all of the risky contracts" Dr. H Randolph Thomas, CE 432 - Construction Project Control, Penn State University

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: July 15, 2005 08:28AM

> I was told that 2004 was the first year that not
> wearing a seatbelt was probable cause in and of
> itself. In other words, a cop can pull you over
> for seeing you without a seatbelt; however, in
> years past he needed a better excuse.
> Amateur lawyers chime in?

VA did not pass the law that allows officers to stop drivers for just seatbelt violations. MD and DC do have laws that it can be done. And I kind of aggree with the comment, the driver of the vehicle should have the right to decide whether or not to wear the belt. It is their life and if they wish to be a vegetable after their wreck, then so be it.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 16, 2005 07:49AM


it's hardly a matter of rights. it's more like injured or dead people that were productive citizens cost society more in the long run, giving out tickets gets money, and those who wish to force their moral judgement upon you get to do so. see, everyone wins... well, everyone they care about.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 16, 2005 10:23PM

I can't wait to buy Chris Craddock's vote on something important...

I'm starting a special bank account to save for it.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: johnson ()
Date: January 25, 2006 03:30PM

congratulations. your turn is comming.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Me ()
Date: January 25, 2006 05:24PM

kingOFgEEEks Wrote:
> Seven Corners is FFX county,
> the 25mph zone is Falls Church City, and I'm
> pretty sure the city determines speed limits
> within its boundaries.

Yep. That 25 mph limit is an (almost) city-wide limit for Falls Church City - and don't expect it to go up any time soon. Falls Church City is planning more development right off of Rt 7, and is trying to make Rt. 7 more "Pedestrian Friendly", which basically means changing the timing of the lights, adding lights, and making it less car friendly.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 28, 2006 01:30AM

making highways "Pedestrian Friendly" is quite possibly the dumbest idea in city planing history. however, the design of Fairfax City is a close second.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Me ()
Date: January 28, 2006 07:09PM

Gravis Wrote:
> making highways "Pedestrian Friendly" is quite
> possibly the dumbest idea in city planing history.
> however, the design of Fairfax City is a close
> second.

The City of Falls Church doesn't really see Rt 7 as a highway - just a big road. That's probably their first problem . . .
Falls Church City just likes to think in general that they're a small town, and totally seperate from the rest of Northern Virginia (seperate police, sheriff, schools, city council, etc)

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 29, 2006 08:03PM

well... it seems we should redirect all traffic around falls church and completely isolate them with only one two lane road going in and out. that would certainly make them into a small county. seriously, i hate how stupid local politics can be. it's like what the Confederation would have been. they all have their own concept of the world. idiots!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Speed Limit
Date: January 30, 2006 02:09PM

IF they want to make it more pedestrian friendly maybe they should put in a or several pedestrian bridges to go over the road. But then again I guess that makes too much sense

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 31, 2006 10:42PM

that is actually what they are doing in "old town fairfax". if they would just fix the real problem with that place there would be no need for this bullshit.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Me ()
Date: February 02, 2006 12:07AM

Trogdor the Burninator Wrote:
> IF they want to make it more pedestrian friendly
> maybe they should put in a or several pedestrian
> bridges to go over the road. But then again I
> guess that makes too much sense

They've got one as part of a bike trail that goes over 7 - but as far as I know, they're aren't any plans to add any more.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: February 02, 2006 04:27AM

As far as the whole seat belt thing goes, I'm pretty sure if your vehicle or you break any vehicular law or code that is enough to pull your over. I've been pulled over in CA before for tinted windows and a dark license plate cover. I know they can pull you over for a cracked windshield/taillight whatever. My friend got flagged over by a pedestrian cop for "not signalling withing 100 feet of a turn".Hell where I used to live bicycle cops on peddling bicycles would pull over cars all the damn time. FYI I saw a red unmarked mini van pull someone over today with normal plates but flashing blue lights out of the rear windows. Traffic enforcement around here is definitely no joke. Hell I just got back from CA and I literally went 90 for about 3 hours straight on the 101/405 and never saw a CHP and I got passed all the time. (65 is the limit)

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How to change (lower) Speed Limit on a residential street
Posted by: Lili ()
Date: June 07, 2011 04:57PM

We live in Falls Church-Pimmit Hills area. The Speed limit is 35mph on Magarity Rd people drive over 55 or 60 MPH everyday with no police supervision. We and many other neighbors have complained and want the speed limit to be change to 25mph. This is a residential street. How can we get the County to lower the speed limit? Anybody knows

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Re: How to change (lower) Speed Limit on a residential street
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: June 07, 2011 05:03PM

Residential Traffic Administration Program

The Residential Traffic Administration Program (RTAP) assists communities in controlling traffic and parking in area neighborhoods. The RTAP program utilizes the following tools to achieve these controls:

Traffic Calming
Cut-Through Restrictions
$200 Fine for Speeding Signs
Multi-Way Stop (MWS) Signs
Watch for Children (WFC) Signs
Through Truck Restrictions
Community Parking Districts
Residential Permit Parking Districts
Temporary Traffic Management
Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Areas


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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Col Jessup ()
Date: June 07, 2011 05:03PM

Anybody knows.

There is this thing called the internet, where you can "search" for subjects like this. Yes, I'm sure I heard that somewhere.

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Re: How to change (lower) Speed Limit on a residential street
Posted by: Bill N ()
Date: June 07, 2011 05:48PM

Lili Wrote:
> We live in Falls Church-Pimmit Hills area. The
> Speed limit is 35mph on Magarity Rd people drive
> over 55 or 60 MPH everyday with no police
> supervision. We and many other neighbors have
> complained and want the speed limit to be change
> to 25mph. This is a residential street. How
> can we get the County to lower the speed limit?
> Anybody knows

There are a great many residential streets where the speed limit has been set at 35mph because the roads were designed to handle traffic at this speed and the volume of traffic justifies it. Of course it is a bitch for those who live on the road, and this might explain why in many areas there is a premium for homes located on cul de sacs or dead end roads. However remember they are trying to balance the needs of drivers as well as residents. Many of the "major roads" that we travel today in the eastern county started off as residential streets.

Occassionally it is possible to get speed limits changed. VDOT controls the speed limits on roads located outside incorporated towns, so it isn't something that you can fix by contacting your supervisors. From my experience having the support of local politicians CAN SOMETIMES assist in getting things changed because they are the ones who can get VDOT to take a look at the situation. Dont get your hopes up too high though. We tried to get a four way stop sign put in at the main intersection in our neighborhood (which sees a fair amount of cut through traffic) but VDOT said no.

You may have better luck trying to get the 35mph speed limit enforced than you will with getting it changed. Enforcement is local and your supervisor does have the pull to get police to more actively enforce speed restictions on your street. Besides tons of revenue producing tickets can be an incentive to act, especially in these budget strapped times. HOWEVER BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. I've heard many instances of people bitching about traffic problems in their neighborhood and when the police step up enforcement it is the residents, not the cut through drivers, who mostly end up getting caught.

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Re: How to change (lower) Speed Limit on a residential street
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: June 07, 2011 06:28PM

Lili Wrote:
> We live in Falls Church-Pimmit Hills area. The
> Speed limit is 35mph on Magarity Rd people drive
> over 55 or 60 MPH everyday with no police
> supervision. We and many other neighbors have
> complained and want the speed limit to be change
> to 25mph. This is a residential street. How
> can we get the County to lower the speed limit?
> Anybody knows

Raise it to 45, and everyone will get to their destinations faster. No one likes driving 25 mph. Tell your kids not to play in the street.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 07, 2011 07:08PM

name me one 35 MPH roadway where it's safe for kids to play in the street - now that's just BAD PARENTING if that's actually occurring somewhere............................

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: WTF?? ()
Date: June 07, 2011 08:49PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> name me one 35 MPH roadway where it's safe for
> kids to play in the street - now that's just BAD
> PARENTING if that's actually occurring
> somewhere............................

What's your point? It's not safe for kids to play in any street, 25 mph limit or otherwise, if the road actually leads from point A to point B.

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: June 07, 2011 10:45PM

Well for the people 6 years ago who didn't like 28 being low - it's now thankfully 55 from Route 7 to I-66. Amazing what several interchanges and probably hundreds of millions of dollars can do!

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Re: Speed Limit
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 07, 2011 10:52PM

@WTF - my point is that Magarity Rd is not a residential street - it's s thru road.

But Bill N's post puts it as eloquently as possible.

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Re: Speed Limit
Date: June 07, 2011 11:06PM

Speeding at a certain level is not a hard and fast rule.

You might be able to be 12 over on I95 and get away with it from the VSP.

But 12 over on Rte 123 driving into Vienna or on the Dulles Access Road or on Pickett Road coming down the hill from the Gas tank farm, and you are toast.



"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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