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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
in search of the best funeral home in fairfax
Posted by: mike source ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:59PM

I'm looking for a clean, inexpensive, and, last, but, not least, is unlikely to molest a departed loved one.

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Re: in search of the best funeral home in fairfax
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: December 08, 2009 06:07PM

Shoppers Food Warehouse.

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Re: in search of the best funeral home in fairfax
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 08, 2009 06:10PM

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Re: in search of the best funeral home in fairfax
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: December 08, 2009 06:27PM

Fairfax Memorial is great.

Like somebody said in that old thread...Fairfax Memorial is family-owned. Most funeral homes (and cemetaries) are owned by big crooked corporations.

Remember the Post articles recently about the awful shit that one of the funeral chains was doing in Falls Church. Like leaving bodies out in a open garage in hot weather for months...

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Re: in search of the best funeral home in fairfax
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 08, 2009 07:21PM

Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: ToFrei ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:03AM

Gore Should Give Back Oscar, Two Academy Members Say

Friday, December 4, 2009 1:05 PM

By: James Hirsen Article Font Size

Two members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have called on the group to take back the Oscar awarded to former Vice President Al Gore for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd made the request based on the e-mails that a hacker/whistle blower released revealing that so-called scientists at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England systematically falsifying data to support the theory that the earth is heating up and that humans caused it.

"An Inconvenient Truth," a film based on a climate-change speech that Gore developed, won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2007. (Coincidentally, the next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore’s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household. )

That same year, the Academy elevated Gore's PowerPoint lecture, helping him to snag a Nobel Peace Prize as well.

The academy members' request that Gore return his statue is happening as preparations are under way for next week's United Nations climate change meeting in Copenhagen, where 16,500 people from 192 countries will fly in using private jets, consume 200,000 meals, and produce an estimated 41,000 tons of carbon dioxide, roughly the same as the carbon emissions of Morocco in 2006.

© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:06AM

Some idiots out there have "evidence" that the Holocaust was all a shame. Maybe Steven Spielberg should return his Oscar for Schindler's List?


Apparently, Roberto Ebanez knew.

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 07, 2009 02:03PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Some idiots out there have "evidence" that the
> Holocaust was all a shame.

I guess count me in that crowd, I don't require much evidence beyond the history books.

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: December 07, 2009 02:09PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Some idiots out there have "evidence" that the
> Holocaust was all a shame. Maybe Steven Spielberg
> should return his Oscar for Schindler's List?

I assume that you mean "Sham".

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 07, 2009 07:19PM

ThePackLeader Wrote:
> I assume that you mean "Sham".

Why ruin the fun :)

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: J35U5 ()
Date: December 07, 2009 07:39PM

> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> Some idiots out there have "evidence" that the
> Holocaust was all a shame.

Sounds like something Mel Gibson would say! ;)

What Would Gay Jesus Do?

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: December 08, 2009 04:22PM

Yeah. I meant "sham." D'oh!


Apparently, Roberto Ebanez knew.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/08/2009 04:22PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: Sham Wow! ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:07PM

The peace prize was shown to be a sham when Obama won this year. No meaning to that prize anymore.

As far as Academy Awards, Liberal actors are the only ones that are valued by Hollywood so who cares?

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: Sham Wow! ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:15PM

I must say that I admire Sarah Palin's intelligence. She should have won the peace prize based on her whoziwitzits and gotcha questions and dandilions and oh, what was I saying again? I'm slow.

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 08, 2009 07:06PM

Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication between residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Chewy ()
Date: December 07, 2009 02:10PM

Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour

Please, Lord, Please! Make it stop! Make the Republicans stop drinking.

There is mounting speculation that the former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is going to announce a possible presidential bid with a stop in Iowa during her national book-signing tour.

This is being speculated because Iowa’s caucuses have traditionally launched the presidential nominating season.

Read more: [www.thaindian.com]

Read more: [www.thaindian.com]

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: slash n burn ()
Date: December 07, 2009 03:39PM

Palin isn't perfect, but she is the only politician who GETS IT. SHe's one of us...a REAL American who understands what we go through, not some kenyan playboy or some child molesting senator who gives out tug jobs in the bathroom. I support Palin because she will stick up for the little guy

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Lopter53 ()
Date: December 07, 2009 04:09PM

slash n burn Wrote:
> Palin isn't perfect, but she is the only
> politician who GETS IT. SHe's one of us...a REAL
> American who understands what we go through, not
> some kenyan playboy or some child molesting
> senator who gives out tug jobs in the bathroom. I
> support Palin because she will stick up for the
> little guy

You betcha, she is just a simple hockey Mom.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: TheSeeker ()
Date: December 07, 2009 06:02PM

Considering the President we have now, Pee Wee Herman would be a better deal
than Obama.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: TheSeeker ()
Date: December 07, 2009 06:17PM

But, considering my vast knowledge of all things Pee Wee, this makes me an epic tool.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 07, 2009 06:18PM

slash n burn Wrote:
>...a REAL American who understands what we go through,

The reason most self-described "REAL Americans" shouldn't set foot near the White House:

Bill O'Reilly: Let me be very bold and fresh again, do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world?

Sarah Palin: I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Sarah Palin ()
Date: December 07, 2009 06:29PM

I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me.


Sorry, but I subbed out English courses for Fashion Merchandising at the sixteen different schools I attended to get my Bachelor's degree. My supporters are stupid, so they will understand my rogue speak. Here's my educational background. Notice my major is Communications.

- Hawaii Pacific University in the Fall of 1982,

- North Idaho College in the Spring and Fall of 1983,

- University of Idaho in the Fall of 1984 and Spring of 1985,

- Matanuska-Susitna College in the Fall of 1985,

- University of Idaho again in the Spring and Fall of 1986 and the Fall of 1987, when she received her Bachelor's degree in COMMUNICATIONS.


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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Joy ()
Date: December 07, 2009 08:23PM

Sarah Palin Wrote:
> Sorry, but I subbed out English courses for
> Fashion Merchandising at the sixteen different
> schools I attended to get my Bachelor's degree.
> My supporters are stupid, so they will understand
> my rogue speak. Here's my educational background.
> Notice my major is Communications.
> - Hawaii Pacific University in the Fall of 1982,
> - North Idaho College in the Spring and Fall of
> 1983,
> - University of Idaho in the Fall of 1984 and
> Spring of 1985,
> - Matanuska-Susitna College in the Fall of 1985,
> - University of Idaho again in the Spring and Fall
> of 1986 and the Fall of 1987, when she received
> her Bachelor's degree in COMMUNICATIONS.
> WTF??????

It's difficult to find where the best beauty pageants are, you have to travel a little bit. What was she doing in Idaho? There's not any good pot for her there.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:34PM

I would vote for Pee-Wee Herman.

I love the girls and the money and the shame of life.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:44PM

The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Ugly ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:42AM

I just got my new VA license in the mail. OMG it is ugliest thing I have seen. The little transparent clear picture it cool, but damn, the rest of it looks like it came out of 1920.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Yahweh ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:48AM

i like it. total throwback.

i hear the "walker IDs" are staying the same.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Ugly ()
Date: December 07, 2009 11:53AM

I see how it is more complicated to duplicate. The birth dates are raised lettering like credit card numbers. The birth date is also in a number of spots like on the back carved into the plastic covering.

However, I think with some work and practice a person could duplicate it.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: curious ()
Date: December 07, 2009 12:19PM

My problem is the dumb cashiers that haven't learned about the new ones yet . . . even worse, try using that puppy out of state.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: A lil south of ya ()
Date: December 07, 2009 12:33PM

A related thread from September regarding whether there would be RFID or not


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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Baba64 ()
Date: December 07, 2009 04:41PM

Yeah, I agree. It's odd-looking.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: December 07, 2009 05:19PM

Interesting this is they the VA ABC says you should spot a fake ID. I thought the A-ask section was clever.

F-L-A-G is a simple way to remember how to properly check IDs
F - Feel

* Have the customer remove the ID from their wallet or plastic holder. You may see another ID in their wallet.
* Feel for raised edges, glue lines or bumpy surfaces by the photo or birth date. Uneven surfaces often indicate tampering. Feel for cut-out or pasted information.
* Check the thickness of the ID. Check to see if it was re-laminated after changing some of the information.

L - Look

* Photograph - Does it look like the person in front of you? Hairstyles and makeup can change, so focus your attention on the person's eyes, nose and chin. When checking men with beards or mustaches, cover the facial hair portion of the photo and concentrate on the eyes, nose or ears.
* Height and weight - Do they reasonably match the person?
* State seal - Is it on the ID and is it in the correct place?
* Date of birth - Is the person old enough? Figure the math or look at the "Under 21 Until" portion of the ID.
* Age on ID vs. Appearance - Does the person in front of you match the age on the ID?
* Expiration date - Is the ID expired? Expired IDs are unacceptable.
* Lamination - Are the cuts or corners/edges straight or crooked?

A - Ask

* Ask for their middle name, zodiac sign or year of high school graduation. If someone has to think about his or her sign or when they graduated, the ID may be false.
* Ask the birth month. If the person responds with a number rather than the name of the month, they may be lying.
* If the customer is with a companion, ask the companion to quickly tell you the customer's name. Any hesitation may indicate deception.
* Ask the customer to sign his/her name and then compare the signatures to the ID. Sometimes if the ID is false, the customer will sign his or her true name, rather than the one on the ID.

G - Give Back

* Give the ID back to the customer and make the sale if the ID is valid.
* If the ID is fake or altered, you must return the ID.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Porksta ()
Date: December 07, 2009 07:05PM

^^ So even if the ID is fake you give it back?

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: December 07, 2009 08:11PM

Porksta Wrote:
> ^^ So even if the ID is fake you give it back?

That's from the VA ABC. I guess a fake document is the property of the owner.

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Re: The New VA License, Ugliest Ever! new
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: December 07, 2009 08:45PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> Porksta Wrote:

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 07:16AM

You also have to understand that she had to get out of Hawaii because the Asians were making her "uncomfortable."


> Sarah Palin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sorry, but I subbed out English courses for
> > Fashion Merchandising at the sixteen different
> > schools I attended to get my Bachelor's degree.
> > My supporters are stupid, so they will
> understand
> > my rogue speak. Here's my educational
> background.
> > Notice my major is Communications.
> >
> > - Hawaii Pacific University in the Fall of
> 1982,
> >
> > - North Idaho College in the Spring and Fall of
> > 1983,
> >
> > - University of Idaho in the Fall of 1984 and
> > Spring of 1985,
> >
> > - Matanuska-Susitna College in the Fall of 1985,
> >
> > - University of Idaho again in the Spring and
> Fall
> > of 1986 and the Fall of 1987, when she received
> > her Bachelor's degree in COMMUNICATIONS.
> >
> > WTF??????
> It's difficult to find where the best beauty
> pageants are, you have to travel a little bit.
> What was she doing in Idaho? There's not any good
> pot for her there.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Lopter56 ()
Date: December 08, 2009 10:01AM

I guess if Republicans feel Obama can't be beat in 2012 then why not throw Palin under the bus.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: curious ()
Date: December 08, 2009 10:10AM

As a Democrat, I support Sarah Palin's 2012 presidential campaign.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Postie ()
Date: December 08, 2009 11:51AM



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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Clown Shoe ()
Date: December 08, 2009 11:51AM

Palin is a freakin wingnut. I can't believe Republicans worship her like she is the new great phoenix of the Republican party. Don't they remember how terrible she was in debates?

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Clown Shoe ()
Date: December 08, 2009 11:53AM

I forgot to add that the real reason I hate her is because people say she is hot. As a flaming gay Democrat, I only find hot sweaty men attractive.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Postie ()
Date: December 08, 2009 12:32PM

I forgot to add that the real reason I hate her is because people say she is hot. As a flaming gay Republican, I only find hot sweaty men attractive. Like my political party, I am weak.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 08, 2009 01:07PM

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Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: Bob Evan ()
Date: December 07, 2009 05:59PM

A Hispanic male robbed the Bob Evans off rt 123 Sunday night. He was wearing a grey hoody, surgical gloves and a black mask. Police arrived about 10 minutes later. Canine and Helicopter did not locate any possible suspects.

The robber had possible cuts on his hands. The cash amount of the take was estimated to be $10,000. It is thought that robber had knowledge of the back room area of the Bob Evans.

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: jah ()
Date: December 08, 2009 09:11AM

Seems like you already know more than the police.


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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: Bob Evans ()
Date: December 08, 2009 09:55AM

jah Wrote:
> Seems like you already know more than the police.
> [www.fairfaxcounty.gov]
> 2009/120709robbobevans.htm

We see all and know all. Police stopped three Hispanic males but after closer investigation they did not fit the description.

The fact that the person knew the backroom probably leads to a connection with an employee.

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 08, 2009 10:04AM

$10,000 from a Bob Evans? Definitely an inside job.

I love the girls and the money and the shame of life.

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: ja ()
Date: December 08, 2009 10:11AM

Did you get this from listening to the scanner?

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: Ohsee ()
Date: December 08, 2009 11:41AM

I wonder what the get away path was? Get on I66? Have a getaway driver? Live in place nearby and get rid of your disguise before running home?

You wouldn't want to take 123 because there are too many lights and too much traffic.

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 08, 2009 12:18PM

Why would anybody rob a Bob Evans?

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 08, 2009 12:25PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> Why would anybody rob a Bob Evans?

For $10,000, I'd rob Bob Evans.

I love the girls and the money and the shame of life.

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: Ruth Chris ()
Date: December 08, 2009 12:26PM

Maybe Bob Evans will rethink the wisdom of hiring from the ADC day-release program.

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Date: December 08, 2009 12:30PM

Hispanic male?

Well that really narrows it down.

Last time I checked, the term Hispanic could mean several different things.

There are many different types of people who could fall fit into the Hispanic category.

Paul Gasol a whitey

Sammy Sosa a darkie

George Lopez a beaner

So please be more specific.

What kind of Hispanic was it?

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Re: Bob Evan on 123 near AT&T building Robbed new
Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: December 08, 2009 12:58PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Why would anybody rob a Bob Evans?
> For $10,000, I'd rob Bob Evans.

Who knew you could net that much off of potpourri, gum and food that tastes like it's fresh out of the can?


Yes, you fucking penis.

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Options: Reply•Quote•PM•Subscribe to Thread•Report•Edit Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 08, 2009 02:39PM


I love the girls and the money and the shame of life.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Clown Shoe ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:16PM

At least be creative if you going to re-post others posts. Try making them funny, intelligent etc...

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Sarah Palin ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:18PM

I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me.


Sorry, but I subbed out English courses for Fashion Merchandising at the sixteen different schools I attended to get my Bachelor's degree. My supporters are stupid, so they will understand my rogue speak. Here's my educational background. Notice my major is Communications.

- Hawaii Pacific University in the Fall of 1982,

- North Idaho College in the Spring and Fall of 1983,

- University of Idaho in the Fall of 1984 and Spring of 1985,

- Matanuska-Susitna College in the Fall of 1985,

- University of Idaho again in the Spring and Fall of 1986 and the Fall of 1987, when she received her Bachelor's degree in COMMUNICATIONS.


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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:23PM

Seriously - you should be asking yourself WTF - lol.

It seems you have some mental locknut with Palin's face on it. Maybe you should go whack off/masturbate like a normal person if you can't stop thinking about her.

Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Sarah Palin ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:42PM

I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me.


Sorry, but I subbed out English courses for Fashion Merchandising at the sixteen different schools I attended to get my Bachelor's degree. My supporters are stupid, so they will understand my rogue speak. Here's my educational background. Notice my major is Communications.

- Hawaii Pacific University in the Fall of 1982,

- North Idaho College in the Spring and Fall of 1983,

- University of Idaho in the Fall of 1984 and Spring of 1985,

- Matanuska-Susitna College in the Fall of 1985,

- University of Idaho again in the Spring and Fall of 1986 and the Fall of 1987, when she received her Bachelor's degree in COMMUNICATIONS.



I think Registered Voter might have gone to Matanuska-Susitna College too!

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:45PM

What, are you applying to be Vince's apprentice?

*clap for the apprentice retard*

Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registnerd Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:46PM

He claps like a clubbed seal. Nice.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:49PM

Wow, you even post like Vince - retard repost, after retard repost.

Vince must be proud of you.

Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Sarah Palin ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:52PM

Registered Voter wrote:

I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:54PM

Might want to check your own sources. It seems you can't quote previous sections of your own statements too well either.


Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registnerd Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:55PM

Registered Voter babbled:

I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 05:58PM

I bet Vince is setting a special place for you tonight at his mental midget table lol.

Keep up the good work Retard.

Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/08/2009 05:58PM by Registered Voter.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registnerd Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 06:09PM

Oooooh. Someone's blood is at a boiling point. I didn't mean to push you over the edge there, fella. According to your recent posts, this should bring happiness to your world.

Insert PEN15 here...







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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 08, 2009 06:24PM

LOL - as if.

Vince, now he was exploding the other day. Me, I am just toying with a Retard.

A gay retard at that.

Keep up the good work - I know Vince is so happy for you.

Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: cobbledick ()
Date: December 08, 2009 06:47PM

Registnerd's real name is B. J. Cobbledick. He is a she, but not so much.

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Re: Sarah Palin might launch Presidential bid at Iowa book-signing tour
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 08, 2009 07:03PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> LOL - as if.
> Vince, now he was exploding the other day. Me, I
> am just toying with a Retard.
> A gay retard at that.
> Keep up the good work - I know Vince is so happy
> for you.

You are a discusting human being intenton bring out the worsr in people. Stop mentioning my name in posts....repetition is retibution!

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Re: Should Al Gore Return Oscar? Peace Prize?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 08, 2009 07:11PM

COPENHAGEN—“Politicians talk, leaders act” read the sign outside the Bella Center in Copenhagen on the opening day of the United Nations climate summit. Inside the convention center, the official delegations from 192 countries, hundreds of NGOs (nongovernmental organizations)—an estimated 15,000 people in all—are engaging in two weeks of meetings aiming for a global agreement to stave off catastrophic global climate change. Five thousand journalists are covering the event.

Outside, Copenhagen has been transformed into a vibrant, global hub of climate-change activism, forums and protest planning. In one square, an ice sculpture of a polar bear melts day by day, and an open-air exhibit of towering photos displays “100 places to remember that will disappear.”

While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week designated carbon dioxide as a threat to health, President Barack Obama has said that there will not be a binding agreement from this summit. Many see the U.S. as a key obstacle to it and are seizing the opportunity to assert a leadership role in what environmental writer and activist Bill McKibben has described as “the most important diplomatic gathering in the world’s history.” At stake are not only the rules that will govern entire economies, driven for well more than a century by fossil fuels, but the very existence of some nations and cultures, from the tropics to the arctic.

The Republic of Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, sent 15-year-old Mohamed Axam Maumoon as a climate ambassador. After attending the Children’s Climate Forum, he told me, “We are living at the very edge ... because our country is so fragile, only protected by the natural barriers, such as the coral reefs and the white sandy beaches.”

Most of the 200 inhabited islands of the Maldives are at most 3 feet above sea level, and projected sea-level rises would inundate his country. Even at his age, Axam comprehends the enormity of the threat he and his country face, and starkly frames the question he poses to people in the industrialized world: “Would you commit murder, even while we are begging for mercy and begging for you to stop what you’re doing, change your ways and let our children see the future that we want to build for them?”


Farther north, in Arctic Village, Alaska, indigenous people are fighting to survive. Sarah James is an elder and a chair member of the Gwich’in Steering Committee. I met her at the Klimaforum09, dubbed “The People’s Summit,” where she told me: “Climate change, global warming is real in the Arctic. There’s a lot of erosion, because permafrost is melting. ... And last summer, there was a fire all summer long, no visibility. Last spring, 20 villages got flooded along the Yukon. Sixty villages within the Yukon area never got their fish.”

Emerging economies like China and India are growing rapidly and are becoming first-rate carbon emitters, yet none approaches the per capita emission levels of the United States. With just 4 percent of the world’s population, the U.S. produces about a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gases. The model for the past century has been clear: If you want to escape poverty, grow your economy by industrializing with fossil fuels as your main source of energy. Yet the wealthy nations have not been willing to pay for the environmental damage they have caused, nor significantly change the way they operate.

Author Ross Gelbspan says poverty is at the root of the problem: Take care of poverty, and humanity can solve the climate crisis. He says retooling the planet for a green economy can be the largest jobs program in history, can create more equality among nations, and is necessary, immediately, to avoid catastrophe.

Tuesday, between sessions at the Bella Center, in the cafe area packed with thousands, a group of activists dressed as space aliens, in white spacesuits and with green skin and goggles, walked in. “Take us to your climate leaders!” they demanded. “Show us your binding treaty!” In the rarified diplomatic atmosphere of the summit, such antics stand out. But the calls from the developing world, both inside and outside the summit, to cut emissions and to compensate countries, from Africa to Asia and Latin America, for the devastating effects of global warming they did not cause are no laughing matter.

Protesters are planning confrontations as more than 100 world leaders descend on Copenhagen next week. The battle cry at the Klimaforum09 is “Mobilize, Resist, Transform.” The people are leading, while the politicians talk.

Denis Moynihan contributed research to this column.

Amy Goodman is the host of “Democracy Now!,” a daily international TV/radio news hour airing on more than 800 stations in North America. She is the author of “Breaking the Sound Barrier,” recently released in paperback and now a New York Times best-seller.

© 2009 Amy Goodman

Distributed by King Features Syndicate

TAGS: activism amy goodman climate change climate crisis copenhagen democracy diplomacy economy environment global warming health media obama politics protest un

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By NYCartist, December 8 at 8:32 pm #

I am listening daily to DemocracyNow, live show from inside the Bella Center. Amy Goodman says it’s the only daily news show, live, inside the Center. It’s available, free, at the website, and video/transcript a little bit later. [www.democracynow.org]

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Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: in search of the best funeral home in fairfax
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: December 08, 2009 07:51PM


W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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