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Asst Principal in fcps arrested hunter mill
Posted by: Wowzarrrrr ()
Date: January 29, 2018 08:45PM

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Re: Asst Principal in fcps arrested hunter mill
Date: January 29, 2018 09:36PM

This woman has had issues for years. Complaints about her have been never ending and apparently ignored by fcps. They just move her from school to school Hope this is the end of her time around our kids!!!!

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Re: Asst Principal in fcps arrested hunter mill
Posted by: FCPS standards are low ()
Date: January 30, 2018 12:38AM

This woman tried to steal $690 worth of merchandise? Good grief. It isn't as if Fairfax County doens't pay its assistant principals enough money.

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Re: Asst Principal in fcps arrested hunter mill
Posted by: Substance abuse ()
Date: January 30, 2018 06:37AM

Probably alcoholic and weed abuser to try to lift that much stuff!

Did she use the “fill the cart and leave technique????”

If it was cheap clothing(Liz Lange maternity), she deserved to get caught!

Difficult Places to shoplift:

1.toys r us-employees get cash bonuses for reporting a shoplifter

2. Target- too many plain clothes

3. White neighborhood Walmart’s-Burke is the exception bc it’s sooooo busy.

4. High end dept store like Nordstrom’s at tysons.
Plain clothes....

Dumb bitch will claim chemical issues and get summary probation.

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