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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Old Goat ()
Date: May 18, 2015 12:48AM

Roy Rogers Massacre

Can't place where this occurred. Is it the location of the Arby's near Landmark on 236?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: May 18, 2015 01:43AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2015 03:12PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Grand Slam Breakfast ()
Date: May 18, 2015 08:50AM

Back in the summer of 1985 or 1986 a tractor trailer hauling eggs overturned and created a "Egg Slick" a quarter mile long on 495 at I-66. The excessive heat actually cooked the eggs to the asphalt. Fairfax County fire trucks had to use fire hoses and snow shovels to clean up the thousands of eggs.

The clean up was delayed because snow shovels were difficult to find that hot July day. Traffic was backed up to the Wilson Bridge, and the stink of rotten eggs lingered for weeks.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BITD ()
Date: May 18, 2015 12:22PM

Maybe 1974, but a Rolling Valley ES teacher, Mr. Finkelstein, was killed in a car accident locally. He was the (music?) teacher and maybe a new hire when the school opened. I have vague recollections of a display case dedicated to him with family photos and essays about him from former students.

Can anyone fill in details? Memory is spotty, but I seem to think he was killed by a drunk driver and maybe over the summer?

Think about his family so often still.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: I remember... ()
Date: May 18, 2015 02:30PM

A few years ago, when they put up the flood gates at Georgetown Harbor, but forgot one, which resulted in the entire lower level getting flooded out. Destroyed Nicks Riverside, Tony & Joes, The entrance to Sequoia and the other restaurants down there (forgot their names, new places are there now.)

I wonder if that minimum wage non-English speaker was slipped a few hundred to "forget" to put the gate up by the owners of those restaurants...after all, they took that insurance money, and totally upgraded Nicks and Tony & Joes.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Weird Connections...- ()
Date: May 18, 2015 02:42PM

facepalm Wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Morefield
> Morefield died at age 81 on October 11, 2010, in
> Raleigh, North Carolina due to pneumonia. He was
> survived by his wife, Dorothea, as well as by a
> daughter and four sons. His son Rick had been
> killed in 1976 by a gunman during a robbery of a
> Virginia restaurant.[2] Morefield recalled that
> the experience of dealing with the death of his
> son had given him greater strength to make it
> through the hostage crisis.[1]
> http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1144&dat=197
> 60307&id=WPEjAAAAIBAJ&sjid=PlcEAAAAIBAJ&pg=6780,11
> 13063

My family knew the Morefield's. My dad replaced Mr. Morefield in Colombia, when he was transferred to the Tehran Embassy. We got to know all of them for the short period of time that Mr. Morefield got my father up to speed on the Economic section operations, and made the round of introductions with Colombian officials.

When Morefield went to Iran, he was the highest ranking Embassy official held. By shear coincidence, there was also a brief hostage incident in Colombia, when the M-19 Guerrilla group took over the Dominac Republic Embassy, and captured our Ambassador, Diego Ascencio and the ambassadors of several other nations. Strangely enough, the Soviet and Cuban Ambassadors weren't at the event when this happened.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: May 18, 2015 09:05PM

In (I think) summer of 1969, the Esso (back then!) on 50 by Graham Road burned. The entire place looked like it had been sprayed with tar--black and melty. I was 8, visiting my grandparents, which is why I'm pretty sure of the year.

And mini golf at Ballston! Anyone else remember that?

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: CedarRidgeBITD ()
Date: May 21, 2015 02:06AM

I recall Monica Roman who was killed by her brother, but it was in the late 80's. We were in the same grade and went to school together. That was a terrible shock for all of Langston Hughes intermediate/middle school. Also during those short 2 years, there was a huge sit in by the students and around that same time, I THINK even the same day there was a student who had come to school with a gun and had secretly threatened to kill all the black students. Someone turned him in before anything crazy happened, but its amazing how LITTLE schools communicated with parents about major events back then. I also recall earlier in Cedar Ridge the murder of a friends mother, their last name was Beale. It was a terrible walking outside to check the weather and get a little fresh air to only be greeted by crowds, flashing lights, and then look downstairs and see my friends mother with a butcher knife in her chest, a trail of blood, and paramedics working frantically to try to save her life. Also at Cedar Ridge during the early days of Domino's pizza, my elementary school best friend's mother actually robbed the delivery guy right at her front door.....hmmmm. Needless to say there was definitely something not quite right, and that was proven when her mother and her boyfriend were later arrested because the mother was allowing her 42 year old boyfriend to rape he bilogical daugther right in front of her...The whole sex offenders listings were not in place back then, and sadly I cant locate what ever happened to the mother and the boyfriend after prison. Janet Listou and Stanley Moore...I think they were basically "grandfathered" in with not being posted as sex offenders, but then again, maybe they departed this world and never needed to be posted...either way, disgusting people that if they havent already, will meet their makers who will judge them appropriately. Rapes, drugs eventually took over Cedar Ridge....hey, does anyone remember the "Jump Outs!!" or ever got caught in one? What about Mister Ford and the candy truck, or the crab apple trees which are so sadly not there anymore. I went to visit to share a piece of my past with a family member, and they were all gone. that made me kinda sad...I dont know anywhere else to find crabapple trees. As kids, we would have crabapple fights after school. I even recall a couple that had baby tigers living in the apartments temporarily that I got to pet. The black path that used to lead to Giant Food, 711, Hallmark, and a cool pet shop (all gone now), and the opposite side of the path that lead to uplands swimming pool where they would sometimes have outdoor movie nights. Then there was "Mount Reston" the big hill ad the end of the developement that has the garden and church there. I recall being in a huge snowsuit until it got dark sleding down the tallest side, and one time trying to sled down the shorter side to get to the bottom quicker only to slide right into the stream and have to run home almost suffering frostbite! So many more memories, mostly bad though sadly, glad we were able to eventually get the heck out of that crazy place. I was even raped twice as a child there, not happy memories. Once by friend's cousin and then later by the same man that raped my friend. I learned that the pharmacy store at Lake Anne has closed down sadly, that was a great childhood memory and I remember Sweet Tooth that used to be there with a few awesome games. Here's to life!

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Jack '66 ()
Date: June 28, 2015 03:30PM

There was a murder in Kings Park in the fall of 1964, and it is still (officially) unsolved. Col. Fitzmaurice, a retired Marine officer, answered a knock on the door and was cut in half by the blasts of a two-barrel 12-gauge shotgun. I lived a couple of blocks away and remember hearing the blasts. I understand that the Fairfax County Police eventually settled on one suspect and, for years, they asked the suspect if he was ready to confess, but he never did. 51 years later, the case is still "open." The suspect is still alive.

Here are three memories from W.T. Woodson's early years:

(1) A scary "greaser" biker chick nicknamed "Lock Jaw" (for her appearance) brought a gun to school and pulled it on another girl, evidently intent on killing her rival. It was a dispute over a guy. This student had a long record of threatening students and teachers, but this time she went too far. She was expelled and we never saw her again. I would say this was in 1964 or 1965. Does anyone remember this?

(2) A large, tremendously obese boy nicknamed "Dancing Bear" sexually assaulted a young teacher, Miss Cleveland, who was lovely and beautiful. He was taken away and never seen again. Remember that Woodson was a gigantic county school (reaching a student population of 3,600 in the fall of 1965), and with a school that large, and with almost no alternative programs for mentally or emotionally challenged students (like "Dancing Bear"), there was always a risk of something happening. (See Lock Jaw account, above) The assault on Miss Cleveland took place in 1965, I think. Does anyone remember this?

(3) In 1964, the administration got its panties in a wad because the Beatles had prompted male students to let their hair fall below their ears (the "horror"!), and because social fraternities burst on the scene. There were two large social fraternities, but I only remember the name of one: Alpha Sigma Sigma ("ASS" -- get it?). I was a member of ASS, and was one of the ones called into the "Star Chamber" (in 1965) to give evidence against my friends and myself (the "freakin' Stalinists"). As a result, we had to stop wearing our "colors" (small patches on our expensive London Fog jackets) and recruiting on school grounds. In effect, we were told to make ourselves invisible. During the spring of 1966, the two fraternities dragged a half-dozen huge black barrels onto Woodson's roof (where they could be seen from Route 236 -- this was long before trees and shrubbery blocked the view). We then filled the barrels with hundreds of pounds of SAKCRETE (concrete mix), filled the barrels with water, and spray-painted the barrels with the names of both fraternities.) The concrete dried over the weekend, and when the admin returned to work on Monday, they encountered the barrels, which weighed at least 300 pounds apiece. It took the school two weeks to get them down, and that involved hiring some people to come out with a crane. Were they pissed! We graduated on time, a couple of months later (1966) Anyone remember?

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: June 28, 2015 08:41PM

Strangely clad People in the days of HS 70's who favored weed smoking material. Favorite places back then were rides to the "country" (Burke) cutting class and to Great Falls park though I never went up there . Many went to Lake Accotink and Clifton party grounds.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2017 04:53PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: June 28, 2015 08:56PM

Drag Race's in the Parking lot during school hours(Not Guilty). Motocross cycles pulling wheel stands in the same. (Not Guilty) Students smoking lots of cigarettes in school with occasional whiffs of a strange smelling burning weed. (Guilty of cigs Not Guilty of the weed).

Compared to today those were "Weird Incidents"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2017 04:45PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Fairfax Bob ()
Date: June 28, 2015 08:57PM

Old Goat Wrote:
> Roy Rogers Massacre
> Can't place where this occurred. Is it the
> location of the Arby's near Landmark on 236?

No, it happened across 236 from the Arbys.
There's an Exxon station there now.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: June 28, 2015 09:05PM

Greybeard Wrote:
> In (I think) summer of 1969, the Esso (back then!)
> on 50 by Graham Road burned. The entire place
> looked like it had been sprayed with tar--black
> and melty. I was 8, visiting my grandparents,
> which is why I'm pretty sure of the year.
> And mini golf at Ballston! Anyone else remember
> that?

Yea, Parkington back then.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: June 28, 2015 10:38PM

> Roy Rogers Massacre

That was a KFC or now a IHOP, right across the street from where Tower Records was near the 395 exit on Rt 236. Breeden the killer died in prison some time back, The murder was one of Robert Horan the Commonwealth Attorney for 40 years in Fairfax's 10 worst. Another was the shooting of the Navy commander and his son on Columbia Pike on July 4th 1971, A pitiful shooting, look it up in search here we've gone over it too here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2017 04:45PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Bill's Friend ()
Date: June 28, 2015 11:16PM

"Bill Wilibur NARC" spray-painted all over Northern Virginia around '72.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: AnonEmousse ()
Date: August 04, 2015 05:28PM

Was that early 90's? I thought it was more like "87. I remember it because I had a frightening experience walking to school. That year I was struggling with strep throat, getting it a lot. The school was on my case for missing so much. I was late and had to park further down from the school. This man in a metallic foreign sports vehicle was stopped in the turn lane in the middle of the median to turn into one of the town homes. He was blonde with a mustache had on these sunglasses with the bluish rainbow metallic lenses. He was just sitting there watching me, and there was no one around. I got this real unsettling feeling vibe from him, like I should keep my eyes on him and not turn my back or pass his car. I started to look around for anyone in the town homes being home,so I could knock on their door if I had too. No one; everyone was at work. The closer I got to his car the more frightened I got, because it was weird. He was just sitting there in his car staring at me. I looked for another route so I wouldn't have to pass that car. There was no way except a steep incline and pine trees. So I stared back at him, I didn't take my eyes off him as I passed. As soon as I passed, I was walking fast. It was just a blur soon after that a student walked out a bit and asked me a question, he scared the bejezus outta me. But, I think he may have saved me. This was before winter break. I was afraid to tell people at the office about it because I was so late, I just went straight to class. I was afraid of getting into trouble. I was about the same height as this girl,same build, brown eyes, short cut like hers. I think that had maybe I reported my experience,people would have been more on the look out.She was abducted that very summer in the same area where I saw that man, and my freaky encounter. I was very skinny, tiny frame easy prey. There were also rumors about our Theater teacher being a pedo, and he left for California shortly after that incident as well. He also drove a four door metallic car, and girls in my class had complaints about him also. I completely forgot about that because I thought they had a suspect and caught the guy. Til years later they were talking about cold cases on Fox5.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Kings.Park.Mafia ()
Date: August 04, 2015 06:40PM

Jack '66 Wrote:
> There was a murder in Kings Park in the fall of
> 1964, and it is still (officially) unsolved. Col.
> Fitzmaurice, a retired Marine officer, answered a
> knock on the door and was cut in half by the
> blasts of a two-barrel 12-gauge shotgun. I lived
> a couple of blocks away and remember hearing the
> blasts. I understand that the Fairfax County
> Police eventually settled on one suspect and, for
> years, they asked the suspect if he was ready to
> confess, but he never did. 51 years later, the
> case is still "open." The suspect is still alive.
> Here are three memories from W.T. Woodson's early
> years:
> (1) A scary "greaser" biker chick nicknamed "Lock
> Jaw" (for her appearance) brought a gun to school
> and pulled it on another girl, evidently intent on
> killing her rival. It was a dispute over a guy.
> This student had a long record of threatening
> students and teachers, but this time she went too
> far. She was expelled and we never saw her again.
> I would say this was in 1964 or 1965. Does
> anyone remember this?
> (2) A large, tremendously obese boy nicknamed
> "Dancing Bear" sexually assaulted a young teacher,
> Miss Cleveland, who was lovely and beautiful. He
> was taken away and never seen again. Remember
> that Woodson was a gigantic county school
> (reaching a student population of 3,600 in the
> fall of 1965), and with a school that large, and
> with almost no alternative programs for mentally
> or emotionally challenged students (like "Dancing
> Bear"), there was always a risk of something
> happening. (See Lock Jaw account, above) The
> assault on Miss Cleveland took place in 1965, I
> think. Does anyone remember this?
> (3) In 1964, the administration got its panties in
> a wad because the Beatles had prompted male
> students to let their hair fall below their ears
> (the "horror"!), and because social fraternities
> burst on the scene. There were two large social
> fraternities, but I only remember the name of one:
> Alpha Sigma Sigma ("ASS" -- get it?). I was a
> member of ASS, and was one of the ones called into
> the "Star Chamber" (in 1965) to give evidence
> against my friends and myself (the "freakin'
> Stalinists"). As a result, we had to stop wearing
> our "colors" (small patches on our expensive
> London Fog jackets) and recruiting on school
> grounds. In effect, we were told to make
> ourselves invisible. During the spring of 1966,
> the two fraternities dragged a half-dozen huge
> black barrels onto Woodson's roof (where they
> could be seen from Route 236 -- this was long
> before trees and shrubbery blocked the view). We
> then filled the barrels with hundreds of pounds of
> SAKCRETE (concrete mix), filled the barrels with
> water, and spray-painted the barrels with the
> names of both fraternities.) The concrete dried
> over the weekend, and when the admin returned to
> work on Monday, they encountered the barrels,
> which weighed at least 300 pounds apiece. It took
> the school two weeks to get them down, and that
> involved hiring some people to come out with a
> crane. Were they pissed! We graduated on time, a
> couple of months later (1966) Anyone remember?

Greetings, Jack...2nd generation Kings Park resident here. Grew up there and now own a home there myself. Really sad at how the neighborhood has deteriorated...nothing gold can stay, I guess.

If you flip back through the earlier pages of this same discussion thread, you'll see a more in depth discussion of the Fitzmaurice murder. It's still stunning to me after all of these years that when the FCPD asked his wife to speak with their son, she said, "Oh...he had nothing to do with this..." and the FCPD left it at that and never spoke with him.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: shotgun blast ()
Date: August 04, 2015 10:11PM

In the early 80's, some teenage kids were playing with a flare gun and stuck a shotgun shell in it...and unfortunately one of the kids got shot in the face, died.

Around 80-81 in Ft Hunt area.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Melanie ()
Date: August 17, 2015 11:26PM

That's so bizarre I was reading this. She was my sisters next door neighbor. We were waiting for Her to come home to her son's birthday party :/

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: hmmmmmmmmmmm ()
Date: August 17, 2015 11:46PM



Which post are you commenting on?

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: T6dcY ()
Date: August 18, 2015 01:29AM

Bill's Friend Wrote:
> "Bill Wilibur NARC" spray-painted all over
> Northern Virginia around '72.

Remember this too well now that you bring it back. I think I may have actually met the guy after this all went down.

Love to hear the real story behind this guy and what happened.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: What's Happening Now ()
Date: August 18, 2015 07:47AM

T6dcY Wrote:
> Bill's Friend Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Bill Wilibur NARC" spray-painted all over
> > Northern Virginia around '72.
> Remember this too well now that you bring it back.
> I think I may have actually met the guy after this
> all went down.
> Love to hear the real story behind this guy and
> what happened.

What happened was this one dude in his teens got busted, the cops scared him real good so he ratted out his dealer, his dealer's friends got really pissed so they started spray painting his name around the area so that no one would forget what he had done and as a warning about what happens to narcs, they painted his name in so many places that it became a thing so that people who didn't even know anyone involved continued to spread the word.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: August 18, 2015 11:59AM

Weird And sad. Many years back, Id say about 1996 a kid rode his motorcycle straight into the side of the locker room At Hayfield H.S . Cops said he was doing 90 when he hit.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Fudgie ()
Date: August 18, 2015 11:51PM

There was this time we got chased by midgets over near the tracks in Vienna.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: rwogj ()
Date: September 06, 2015 06:21PM

i remember the incident where i banged your mom

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: back in the day at MTV ()
Date: September 10, 2015 10:09PM

Those growing in Mt vernon area, do you remember the incident in late 70's with some MtV high kids...went something like this-basically one kid who was new to drinking drank himself unconscious in the woods near Ft belvoir...the 2 other kids took him home and threw in the shower to try and wake him up...

When he didn't wake, they wrapped him in a blanket and put him in a shed in the backyard thinking he would awake later...

When he didn't (because he had died) they took his blanket wrapped body and hid him in a neighbors shrubs...and he was eventually found a few days later...

Something like that?

Didn't get as much attention as the Vienna kid, but for those around Mt V it was pretty creepy.

Also, who remembers the Mt V high school basketball recruiting "scandal", early 80's, did it involve TC Williams kids, and some Ft Hunt Kids?

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Border Security is CHEAPER Than Wars
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: September 10, 2015 10:13PM

Anyone remember some kind of police standoff in the early 80's in Newington?

Kid ended up shooting himself I think. A friend of mine lived in the area.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2015 09:29PM by WingNut.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: September 12, 2015 09:43PM

The Scarsdale Diet Doctor Murder

Jean Struven Harris was the headmistress of The Madeira School for girls in McLean, Virginia, who made national news in the early 1980s as she was tried and convicted of the murder of her ex-lover, Herman Tarnower, a well-known cardiologist and author of the best-selling book The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: September 12, 2015 09:50PM

Surrender Dorothy was painted on the bridge heading towards the Mormon Temple

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ULPj3 ()
Date: September 12, 2015 09:55PM

Falls Church Burger King shooting/murder in 1979. I was in High School and would occasionally hit the joint for lunch.

The Burger King was torn down in the past few weeks, so this history is dwindling.

Burger King replacement - http://www.thefallschurchpost.com/2015/07/06/the-burger-king-comes-down-council-serves-up-its-version-of-a-whopper/

1979 Shooting/murder at the now gone Burger King - http://truecrimecases.blogspot.com/2012/08/joseph-paul-franklin.html

A "Serial Killer" in Falls Church, VA!!

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: XvGeh ()
Date: September 12, 2015 10:03PM

The Burger King shooter was the same guy that shot and paralyzed Larry Flint the Hustler Magazine publisher/owner.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: September 12, 2015 10:18PM

>Surrender Dorothy was painted on the bridge heading towards the Mormon Temple

Yes It twas and We've been there and done that on dis thread as well as "Double Action Jackson Sex Tool" painted on beltway bridges. Ok so It was not DAJax but maybe it was "Bill Clinton or Bill Cosby" or "Petey" someone..

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Show Fan ()
Date: September 12, 2015 11:16PM

I remember years ago when I needed to buy some guns so I went to a guy whose company had an FFL and the guy in charge knew jack shit about rules and regs. Took my business to the streets instead. It was all good.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Those were the days ()
Date: September 13, 2015 03:58AM

Mike O'Meara Show Fan Wrote:
> I remember years ago when I needed to buy some
> guns so I went to a guy whose company had an FFL
> and the guy in charge knew jack shit about rules
> and regs. Took my business to the streets
> instead. It was all good.

I remenber a time when you weren't here and jerking off on every thread.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Wes T Springfield ()
Date: September 13, 2015 01:01PM

Very area-specific, but for years in the 1970s, there was constant white graffiti painted (not sprayed) on rust colored backyard fencing all along Rolling and Keene Mill Roads. One oft-repeated phrase was, "I'd rather be a toad than a frog!" I think it had something to do with a WSHS fraternity, something popular at the time. Also, pledges of love with girls' first and last names. The owners would regularly paint over the huge letters and within days, same words would be back.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: wshs paint ()
Date: September 13, 2015 09:04PM

Somewhere along Rolling Road near WSHS in the late 70's painted on the backside of somebody's fence..."Mickey Numbnuts"...always saw it for at least 5 years

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: September 13, 2015 09:34PM

That graffiti on Rolling Road went on there a long time that's for sure.

And speaking of West Springfield anyone remember the friendly "Officer Hall" of the FCPD who was stationed at the West Springfield station and robbed banks while on on duty in the area. That was a truly "Weird Incident"

He's still doing time in the joint. I think he got 25 years, he got to keep his pension as he had the time in to earn it. Just like the FBI Agent Spy at Nottoway Park in Vienna, Hanson I think.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Stones. ()
Date: September 13, 2015 09:37PM

Rosie Gordon murdered in Burke....1988?

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Stones. ()
Date: September 13, 2015 09:45PM

What about some Robinson guy getting shot over an ounce of weed and his friends getting curbed...1994 by some hoods from DC. He drove some old super car.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: DontKnowNufn ()
Date: September 13, 2015 10:14PM

What does "curbed" mean? Run off the road?

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Stompy ()
Date: September 13, 2015 10:23PM

DontKnowNufn Wrote:
> What does "curbed" mean? Run off the road?

Don't know about the incident but he probably means this.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Stones. ()
Date: September 13, 2015 10:33PM

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: near lake ridge ()
Date: September 14, 2015 08:41AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Anyone remember some kind of police standoff in
> the early 80's in Newington?
> Kid ended up shooting himself I think. A friend of
> mine lived in the area.

i remember a huge police chase down there back around 81 or 82 after someone tossed a stick of dynamite into a grocery store. i remember it shook our whole house and the cops were everywhere.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: September 15, 2015 03:34AM

Poo Poo and Pee Pee Wrote:
> During the mid to late 90's, there was a townhouse
> fire in the Burke neighborhood of Greenfield
> Farms. The guy was testing out a grill in his
> basement. One thing lead to another - fire!

I remember that well.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: September 20, 2015 09:20PM

Poo Poo and Pee Pee Wrote:
> During the mid to late 90's, there was a townhouse
> fire in the Burke neighborhood of Greenfield
> Farms. The guy was testing out a grill in his
> basement. One thing lead to another - fire!

I remember that vividly. It looked like a tornado in the distance. Then again, I was 10 at the time, and had no knowledge of how tornadoes formed, lolz.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Shawn Crosby ()
Date: November 14, 2015 02:47PM

Yes I do, I was friends with him, his Name was Ivan, but I can't remember his last name, please help me find his last name and where he is Buried, I'm now a Musican, and I just worst a great song about that night when he killed himself. And his girlfriend that he was distraught about, I can only remember her last name, and it was Stars! And the road,she lived on was parallel to the front of Kings Park Elementary school! Plus back then I actually lived on Parliament Dr. Back then and the other man that you were talking about, that was shot in the face, just lived maybe about 20 houses from me on the same side of the street! Please, you you have or anybody has more information about Ivan and his ex girlfriend, the Stars girl, to please let me know! My email is evilk69@gmail.com thank you so much!

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Shawn Crosby ()
Date: November 14, 2015 02:51PM

Damn spell check! I meant to say that I just WROTE a great Song about that night! Not WORST a song!!!!Lol

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: November 14, 2015 05:13PM

no shit. i was responding to this post. dont be a prick.

Cant remember the name painted on the bridge over the beltway a good 15 years back.. So and so is a "SEX TOOL" It would come and go and was good for a laugh!. In Maryland there was the "Dorothy" message over the beltway near the
Mormon Temple many many years back "Free Dorothy" as I recall.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Remember This? ()
Date: November 14, 2015 05:45PM

Back in 1984 or 1985 a tractor trailer car carrier was heading southbound through the Springfield Interchange. It was hauling brand new Ford pick-up trucks, when something happened.

The driver was unaware as the pick-up trucks began to fall off, and hit the pavement at about 50mph. It wasn't until the State Police stopped the carrier truck, and brought it to the driver's attention that he had lost 4 of the pick-ups between 395 and Newington.

To save time the driver only used one chain to secure each truck, instead of the required four.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: jikes ()
Date: February 01, 2016 08:49PM

anyone know anything more about this story from 1974 in Falls Church high school student shoots classmate... https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1298&dat=19741011&id=QfZNAAAAIBAJ&sjid=FIsDAAAAIBAJ&pg=7222,1498008&hl=en

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Only been here 21 years ()
Date: February 01, 2016 09:19PM

Army brought me here in '95. Here are some things I remember:

1999-2000ish PG county cop "on duty" followed a guy into Fairfax County. The guy tried to lose him and cornered him on some side street. Cop ended up shooting him after getting car rammed. This was before all the cop hating stuff, but turns out the guy he was following was banging the cops ex-wife.

Little Kevin Shiflett getting him head chopped off.

Lady falls down elevator shaft when the doors open, but no car waiting for her. Was thanksgiving dinner at friends apartment in DC.

Wasn't there a bar that was half country half dance music? Somewhere in Springfield?

An 18 wheeler carrying a hazmat load tipped while taking a turn during the mixing bowl construction. cleared out a huge area in Springfield.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Blackies ()
Date: February 01, 2016 09:23PM

House of local roast beef.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Have A Hunch ()
Date: February 01, 2016 10:35PM

Was it Petey Young. The "Sex Tool" ?? or was It DAJAX?? LOL..This ones on here somewhere else in th thread, as well as "Free Dorothy" near the Mormon Temple..That had to be 25 years back easy.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: what a blast ()
Date: February 02, 2016 04:45PM

I knew a guy called 'pit bull' that tried to blow up somebody's car in newington in the early 90's. He only succeeded in blowing himself up

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: mhKe9 ()
Date: February 02, 2016 06:26PM

Have A Hunch Wrote:
> Was it Petey Young. The "Sex Tool" ?? or was It
> DAJAX?? LOL..This ones on here somewhere else in
> th thread, as well as "Free Dorothy" near the
> Mormon Temple..That had to be 25 years back easy.

The graffitti under the over pass near the Mormon Temple actually read "Surrender Dorothy" and it was there for years and years .. I think it was scrubbed in the late 90s.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: 9v9Y6 ()
Date: February 02, 2016 06:37PM

Only been here 21 years Wrote:
> Army brought me here in '95. Here are some things
> I remember:
> 1999-2000ish PG county cop "on duty" followed a
> guy into Fairfax County. The guy tried to lose him
> and cornered him on some side street. Cop ended up
> shooting him after getting car rammed. This was
> before all the cop hating stuff, but turns out the
> guy he was following was banging the cops
> ex-wife.
> Little Kevin Shiflett getting him head chopped
> off.
> Lady falls down elevator shaft when the doors
> open, but no car waiting for her. Was thanksgiving
> dinner at friends apartment in DC.
> Wasn't there a bar that was half country half
> dance music? Somewhere in Springfield?
> An 18 wheeler carrying a hazmat load tipped while
> taking a turn during the mixing bowl construction.
> cleared out a huge area in Springfield.

The bar with 2 sides, one dance and one country was located on Commerce street on the East side of 395, between 395 and Old Keene Mill. I forget the name of it. It was there as late as 1999 or 2000. It was torn down. They removed a big Hill on which it stood and then leveled the ground. A hotel, Marriott Courtyard -- Springfield, now occupies that space.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: February 02, 2016 08:04PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2016 08:04PM by causeican.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cruiseing Around McD's ()
Date: February 02, 2016 08:24PM

Yes Cruising around Mc D's in fast Cool street cars parking and looking for the party of hot chicks. The McD's in Springfield on Commerce St. where the Vietnamese place on the corner is now was a "Hot Spot" I was not a part of the "Cool Rod Crowd", as I drove beat up hillbilly pickups.No money then , no money now, some things never change except for the size of the gun collection..LOL.. "Just Kidding Kilton!" ..Kilton would have never cruzed Mc D's ..They don't have Hot Dogs...


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Good Riddence To This ()
Date: February 02, 2016 08:30PM

Sitting in long traffic jams in Springfield on Backlick Rd and Keene Mill, The same at Gallows and RT 50. Those were really lousy intersections in days of old. Before they built the overpasses to fix um!


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: February 02, 2016 09:13PM

Only been here 21 years Wrote:
> Lady falls down elevator shaft when the doors
> open, but no car waiting for her.

Happens all the time--ask anyone in the elevator business.

Notable case I remember was in (I think) Toronto: incident wasn't memorable, newspaper headline was:


(for those who don't know, Schindler is a huge elevator company, like Otis)

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Fairfax County Govt Building ()
Date: February 02, 2016 09:50PM

> Lady falls down elevator shaft when the doors
> open, but no car waiting for her.

Don't know where your talking about but this did happen at one of the county high rise buildings across from the Taj Mahal. "The Government center". probably was 10 years ago. Terrible, Tragic..and yes she died. Always make sure there's a car when the doors open before you step on.. Car = Elevator Car.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Old Gold ()
Date: February 02, 2016 10:08PM

Anybody remember the social studies teacher at Frost who was accused of being a pedophile but was so popular with the students that they had a protest when he was fired? I think his name was Luke something. They called him Mr. Luke. Think he got arrested and entered a guilty plea after three or four boys testified.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Craig Stoner ()
Date: February 02, 2016 11:46PM

Accused Killer Found Free Of Mental His / PETERSBURG. Va. (AP) -- Robert P. Jewell, 18, found not guilty in a murder trial be- cause of a mental disease, has been released after three doc- ttirs have found him free of mental illness. I' Jewell shot Alan Shelor, 16, one year ago after several fel- low Falls Church High School students teased him. A Fairfax County Circuit Court Jury last month found Jewell

This is what I found on line and it is a copy of a copy so some of the spellings are off

So the killer Robert Jewell served no time. Not guilty because of a mental disease and then released from mental hospital because he was free of mental illness. Jike, I'll keep looking.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FCHS76 ()
Date: February 02, 2016 11:53PM

jikes Wrote:
> anyone know anything more about this story from
> 1974 in Falls Church high school student shoots
> classmate...
> https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1298&dat=19
> 741011&id=QfZNAAAAIBAJ&sjid=FIsDAAAAIBAJ&pg=7222,1
> 498008&hl=en

I had forgotten all about this. Shelor and Mehalic were a year younger than me at FCHS. Lived in Westlawn, I believe. If not, Broyhill Park or the neighborhood between the two. I do not remember any details off the bat, but if I do think of any, I will report back. I think I have the yearbook from that year, so will see if there are any details therein.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Hazy memory ()
Date: February 03, 2016 12:02AM

I think the shooter was bullied by the kid who was shot. I want to say there was an assault or threat made with numchucks. This was all about 10 years before I went to FCHS.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Old Westlawn Resident ()
Date: February 03, 2016 01:06AM

Yes, I remember this. Grew up in the Westlawn neighborhood. Shelor was our paper boy. He had an older brother I think his name was Alvin. They were known as bad asses back in the day. Yes, the kid he went after was considered a nerd and was bullied by a lot of the local kids. Your right Shelor threatened him with numb chucks. He had enough. Sad story because I felt sorry for the killer when I was at Westlawn elementary school. Wonder what happened to him

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: February 03, 2016 12:42PM

Anyone remember when that shack or shacks that was at the corner of Burke Road and Burke Lake Road caught fire? This was obviously long before those stupid, out of place McMansions were built.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Ghosts of Walnut Hill ()
Date: February 03, 2016 12:49PM

On Annandale Road about 1982, On the Curve where the Old Walnut Hill estate was ,now Walnut Hill Drive, A Street Racers car lost control and went over the side down toward the little lake. 3 youths were killed in the wreck.

Walnut Hill Was a cool huge white stone house.With a sloping lawn and lake. Believe it or not it only had 3 Bedrooms, each the size "Of a Basketball Court" Lots of events were held there by the Arnold family who owned Arnold Bus Lines back in the 1950's and they welcomed children to sleigh on the lawn.

The full story of Walnut Hill is here : Nothing about the wreck however.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: jikes ()
Date: February 03, 2016 06:03PM

My understanding is that the shooter (Bobby Jewell) was charged but found innocent, he ended up transferring to Marshall HS, Robert Horan prosecuted the case...

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: jikes ()
Date: February 03, 2016 06:06PM

Craig Stoner Wrote:
> Accused Killer Found Free Of Mental His /
> PETERSBURG. Va. (AP) -- Robert P. Jewell, 18,
> found not guilty in a murder trial be- cause of a
> mental disease, has been released after three doc-
> ttirs have found him free of mental illness. I'
> Jewell shot Alan Shelor, 16, one year ago after
> several fel- low Falls Church High School students
> teased him. A Fairfax County Circuit Court Jury
> last month found Jewell
> This is what I found on line and it is a copy of a
> copy so some of the spellings are off
> So the killer Robert Jewell served no time. Not
> guilty because of a mental disease and then
> released from mental hospital because he was free
> of mental illness. Jike, I'll keep looking.

wow, thanks for the info, I didn't see this post before my previous post did he not end up going to Marshall HS?

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: LongTime FirstTime ()
Date: February 04, 2016 03:53AM

Ghosts of Walnut Hill Wrote:
> On Annandale Road about 1982, On the Curve where
> the Old Walnut Hill estate was ,now Walnut Hill
> Drive, A Street Racers car lost control and went
> over the side down toward the little lake. 3
> youths were killed in the wreck.
> Walnut Hill Was a cool huge white stone house.With
> a sloping lawn and lake. Believe it or not it only
> had 3 Bedrooms, each the size "Of a Basketball
> Court" Lots of events were held there by the
> Arnold family who owned Arnold Bus Lines back in
> the 1950's and they welcomed children to sleigh on
> the lawn.
> The full story of Walnut Hill is here : Nothing
> about the wreck however.
> http://www.annandalechamber.com/period_splendor_ar
> nold_estate.rhtml

There was a TV show in the early-to-mid 80s filmed at the Walnut Hill mansion, starring Robert Wagner. It only lasted a couple of episodes, though.

I grew up on Arnold Lane, on the back side of the grounds, around that time. The place was empty and dilapidated by then, but it was pretty cool to wander around. It must have been something in its heyday.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Jan ()
Date: March 08, 2016 06:47AM

I remember the same song about packing up your brother in a glad trash bag and smile, smile, smile... I went to high school with his older brother. I think his name was Larry. He seriously seemed like he was mentally challenged. He creeped me out because he would follow me around school and always was bumming smokes from me in the smoking lounge at school. Of course that was when you were allowed to smoke in school.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Lizzie M. ()
Date: August 14, 2016 05:36PM

It was in '90 or '91--I was teaching at Hayfield at the time. The kid's mother had also committed suicide. He left a note asking to be buried next to her.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Lizzie M. ()
Date: August 14, 2016 05:45PM

Sorry--thought I was replying to DoubleActionJackson about the boy who drove his motorcycle into the side of Hayfield Secondary School. It was in '90 or '91, not '96.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: fairfax hippies ()
Date: August 15, 2016 10:30PM

I had just moved to Fairfax in October 2011 and my first time driving through Old Town I saw a group of weird hippies sitting out front of the courthouse. Turns out they were "Occupy Fairfax" from that Occupy movement that was everywhere in 2011.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: "jAIL bREAK" ()
Date: August 15, 2016 11:44PM

About 1982 a prisoner in the Fairfax County ADC made a "jAiL bReaK ", Somehow he got the heavy cell door off and then with a rope made from sheets standing by, slammed it with help thur the outside window. the windows were "bulletproof " and thick but could not stand the impact. he scurried out as well his pal. As the deputies were on him he panicked and dropped from the second floor breaking his ankle. His pal made it into some woods and was flushed out soon by a combination of Va State Police Troopers FXCO PD and Sheriffs deputies with DOGS! He made it to a pickup truck in the parking lot with a tool box and slid under the box. I heard on the news they searched and searched and could not find him and finally did when he started moaning as he was is pain. After this "jAiL bREAk" it was later reported they put strong iron bars over the windows. So don't try it Yourselves..


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Intrigued ()
Date: August 16, 2016 05:22PM

Anyone remember the murder of Marian Murphy where the guy she was dating at the time shot her in her own home and her parents found her the next day? Think it was mid 90's near Lake Barcroft.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Col. Dill ()
Date: August 16, 2016 05:40PM

Larry Viscidi. He accidentally killed his brother when he pushed him and he hit his head on a ceramic elephant. There was a major search for the kid as, I believe, he said he last saw him walking down the street. Eventually, they found him buried in the family garden.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Sad Story ()
Date: August 16, 2016 06:40PM

Lizzie M. Wrote:
> It was in '90 or '91--I was teaching at Hayfield
> at the time. The kid's mother had also committed
> suicide. He left a note asking to be buried next
> to her.

I remember hearing about that kid from a girl I was dating that went to Hayfield in that time frame.

She said the kid hit the brick wall at 90mph, and he was basically spattered into the wall like a bug.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Intrigued ()
Date: August 16, 2016 08:41PM

Sad Story Wrote:
> Lizzie M. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It was in '90 or '91--I was teaching at
> Hayfield
> > at the time. The kid's mother had also
> committed
> > suicide. He left a note asking to be buried
> next
> > to her.
> I remember hearing about that kid from a girl I
> was dating that went to Hayfield in that time
> frame.
> She said the kid hit the brick wall at 90mph, and
> he was basically spattered into the wall like a
> bug.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: iremember ()
Date: August 16, 2016 10:31PM

Intrigued Wrote:
> Anyone remember the murder of Marian Murphy where
> the guy she was dating at the time shot her in her
> own home and her parents found her the next day?
> Think it was mid 90's near Lake Barcroft.

It was spelled Murphree. Sad case, just her mom found her, the parents were separated or long divorced. They lived in Barcroft. Her mom died fairly young of cancer(early 60's) in Dec 2014. Never got over the shock of finding her daughter to some degree. It was 1995 when Marian was killed.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: God Bless the Minnick's ()
Date: August 17, 2016 12:31AM

"they heard of an adoption program"

For children with emotional and physical problems..They did what they could for him.

God Bless.. for the love and care you gave the troubled youngster. Really.. How many people other then Mother Teresa or the Pope would want to even try to take care with love and kindness of a child with emotional problems..that is a adopted child..There are some Saints among us for Sure here and there. I knew all about his death on the cycle at Hayfield with the high speed crash, but did not catch this part of the story.. Thanks for digging it up. "Intrigued ()"


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember.
Posted by: Chantilly boy ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:53PM

I was up at the top of The Washington monument the day before that kook took the thing over. It was a school field trip, ca. 1982 I think.

I remember the Concorde coming in for landing at Dulles for the first time. It was mid morning some weekday and they brought us out onto the playground behind Brookfield ES to watch it. there was controversy because at the last minute the pilot insisted on landing on a different runway than was planned. A bunch of technical equipment had been set up on the designated runway, to measure the Concorde's noise level. I remember a lot of bickering over whether the Concorde should be allowed to fly to the USA. Folks opposed claimed it was going to make a lot of noise.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:56PM

And it was damned loud! I remember driving 75MPH on the Toll Road (um, er, I mean, 55MPH, ossifer) and going "Holy ****, is that plane about to land on the hightway?" and realizing it was the Concorde noise coming through the sunroof. That's *loud*!

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: The Dude With the White Van ()
Date: October 14, 2016 08:10PM

>I was up at the top of The Washington monument the day before that kook took the thing over. It was a school field trip, ca. 1982 I think.

Yes the Odd ball with the white van who said he had 1000 pounds of explosives in the van and was going to blow it at the base of the monument. I cant recall what his beef was about but he was there about 3 days, then he started driving off and the Police Snipers were given the Green Light..


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: 49TKN ()
Date: October 16, 2016 05:41AM

Went to a 4th of July fireworks display at Ft. Belvoir over 20 years ago. After several ones shot off early on, the next one a dud misfired and came back and landed in the pile of the remaining fireworks they were to shoot off and all of them went off at once. As far as know, no one in the audience was injured, but alot of smoke blowing across the field. People standing around initially wondering what happened, though the Washington Post account falsely reported (IMO to increase their advertising revenue) that people were running in panic.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Hotdog Swallowing Guy ()
Date: October 16, 2016 10:03AM

The Dude With the White Van Wrote:
> >I was up at the top of The Washington monument
> the day before that kook took the thing over. It
> was a school field trip, ca. 1982 I think.
> Yes the Odd ball with the white van who said he
> had 1000 pounds of explosives in the van and was
> going to blow it at the base of the monument. I
> cant recall what his beef was about but he was
> there about 3 days, then he started driving off
> and the Police Snipers were given the Green
> Light..

He was protesting the small size of the hotdogs being sold at local gun shows.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BroyhillCrest ()
Date: October 16, 2016 10:27AM

There was a red statement painted on a fence near Gallows Rd and Hummer Rd. Still sticks with me today 35 years later.


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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Skinsfan87 ()
Date: October 16, 2016 10:39AM

That kid who died went to Bryant Intermediate (wasnt an alternative school at the time). His last name was O'Donnell I believe. It may have been '77.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: LB98 ()
Date: November 01, 2016 09:26PM

Sarah C. Chris Stemler lost his battle with addiction and passed away 10 years ago. I remember getting the phone call from Lisa after he passed. He was found by his mom at her home.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Countryboy ()
Date: November 02, 2016 09:43AM

I remember when Rockledge Mansion in Occoquan burned due to arson. The photo on the front page of the Potomac News was of the house burning, but...sitting on the fence outside was some random dude. Yep, the arson.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: November 03, 2016 12:28AM

Speaking of elevators. When living in Four Mile Run Apartments in S.Arl. back in ’72-'73, me and a friend would ride the elevators for fun and we’d open the doors between floors and jump out onto the floor below. One time I jumped first, landed, turned and saw my friend teetering between the floor and falling back into the shaft. Without a single thought or a bead of sweat, I reached my hand out to him and pulled him in. I never thought anything of it until 25 years later. If my hand had not been there to pull him in, he would have surely been down that shaft. What a horrible event that would have been to have to live with. Kids have no idea what dangers they escape.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: An Actor ()
Date: November 03, 2016 10:21AM

LongTime FirstTime Wrote:
> Ghosts of Walnut Hill Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > On Annandale Road about 1982, On the Curve
> where
> > the Old Walnut Hill estate was ,now Walnut Hill
> > Drive, A Street Racers car lost control and
> went
> > over the side down toward the little lake. 3
> > youths were killed in the wreck.
> >
> > Walnut Hill Was a cool huge white stone
> house.With
> > a sloping lawn and lake. Believe it or not it
> only
> > had 3 Bedrooms, each the size "Of a Basketball
> > Court" Lots of events were held there by the
> > Arnold family who owned Arnold Bus Lines back
> in
> > the 1950's and they welcomed children to sleigh
> on
> > the lawn.
> >
> > The full story of Walnut Hill is here : Nothing
> > about the wreck however.
> >
> >
> http://www.annandalechamber.com/period_splendor_ar
> > nold_estate.rhtml
> There was a TV show in the early-to-mid 80s filmed
> at the Walnut Hill mansion, starring Robert
> Wagner. It only lasted a couple of episodes,
> though.
> I grew up on Arnold Lane, on the back side of the
> grounds, around that time. The place was empty and
> dilapidated by then, but it was pretty cool to
> wander around. It must have been something in its
> heyday.

The TV Show was called "55 Lime Street" during production, and later slimmed to "Lime Street" when broadcast on ABC. Lots of exteriors were filmed in DC, and in Middleburg in March of 1985. I remember them closing the set on M Street one early evening because of strong winds and flurries. It wasn't that cold, but RJ left the set wearing a coat that looked like it was designed for an arctic expedition. Oh, those California people.

Robert Wagner's daughter in the show was played by Samantha Smith. You may recall, Smith was the schoolgirl in Manchester, Maine who had written then-Soviet premier Yuri Andropov a letter asking him whether he was truly desirous of a nuclear war with the United States. He wrote back stating that he was not, and invited her to visit the Soviet Union. She did travel to meet with him, and she became in international news "star," having the visit covered by media in over 70 nations.

Three episodes and the pilot were in the can when Smith and her father were tragically killed on August 25, 1985, in small airplane crash in Auburn, Maine. There were rumors she was returning from filming "Lime Street" in London, but that was never proven or settled.

After Smith's death, three episodes were aired in the fall of 1985. The production quietly stopped over disagreements over how to address Smith's death, or getting a replacement, as well as the show's poor ratings.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: OaktonRd ()
Date: November 05, 2016 07:13PM

I remember visiting a friends house on telegraph rd as a kid and seeing the fresh paint or new block on the side of the school where he splattered himself into.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Putt Putt ()
Date: November 05, 2016 07:24PM

causeican Wrote:
> Greybeard Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In (I think) summer of 1969, the Esso (back
> then!)
> > on 50 by Graham Road burned. The entire place
> > looked like it had been sprayed with tar--black
> > and melty. I was 8, visiting my grandparents,
> > which is why I'm pretty sure of the year.
> >
> > And mini golf at Ballston! Anyone else remember
> > that?
> Yea, Parkington back then.

Yes, the Putt Putt was right down the street from the American Nazi Headquarters and where Rockwell was knocked off at the laundromat. My Grandma took me to Putt Putt and showed me the places. I remember a swastika painted on the roof of the headquarters. You could see it in the winter when the trees were bare.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Alex Haley ()
Date: November 05, 2016 08:19PM

"The House On Hatemonger Hill"" Rockwells. I remember Alex Haley who later wrote Roots interviewed Rockwell there..It was in Playboy magazine in 1966..The First Thing Rockwell told Haley.."We Call Your people N _ _ _ _ _." That year in Norfolk I saw a bunch of Nazi party Hate leaflets on the street that said "N ..s Hands Off Whites or Die" with a Nazi Swastika on them and it scared the shit out of me even though I was a 12 yr old white boy as I had never seen any thing like that in real life. A mixed race couple lived there and I was the paperboy. Rockwell was a naval officer in WW2 and had blacks under his command and treated them well. Later after the war he began his life of hate toward them as well as Jews. He was killed with a German Broomhandle Mauser Pistol by one of his "Comrades" a nut who later got out of prison, and that pistol is still in the evidence Rm in the Arlington Co Courthouse..

Maybe You Can Go and See It.. And tell about a "Weird Local Incident" ..LOL!

DAJAX Don't Ask me what caliber that Broomhandle was..32 something or 7.62 30 something a rear cartridge hard to find..or 9mm Luger (parabellum) the 32s (30's??) were most common, the "Red Nines" with a Red 9 on the grip are rarer. they have a wooden shoulder stock holster that attaches to the pistol but if its put together the BATF will Kill You as It will be a short barreled Rifle..And Ruby Ridge Would Repete itself If Hillary Wins..

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Robert D ()
Date: December 22, 2016 06:40AM

I was living next door to the Gavis farm the night that happened.
Have known Pete for many years, and worked with him.We've talked about that night on more than one occasion.
A lot of the "stories" are pure bullshit. The Free Lance Star article is full of incorrect information.
That's a fact.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: eVUCP ()
Date: December 22, 2016 07:30AM

I remember the "whack job" that threatened to blow up the Washington Monument. He was dressed in all black with a black helmet on. Police took care of that situation the correct way..........BANG! That was I think in the early '80's.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Nathan's 1/4 Pounder ()
Date: December 22, 2016 01:01PM

Hotdog Swallowing Guy Wrote:
> The Dude With the White Van Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >I was up at the top of The Washington monument
> > the day before that kook took the thing over.
> It
> > was a school field trip, ca. 1982 I think.
> >
> >
> > Yes the Odd ball with the white van who said he
> > had 1000 pounds of explosives in the van and
> was
> > going to blow it at the base of the monument. I
> > cant recall what his beef was about but he was
> > there about 3 days, then he started driving off
> > and the Police Snipers were given the Green
> > Light..
> >
> He was protesting the small size of the hotdogs
> being sold at local gun shows.

DAJAX has a white van, and loves to suck down hotdogs. There is a gun show sometime very soon in Chantilly, so take care to take care.

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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: mary ellen ()
Date: December 22, 2016 05:02PM

Politicians who instead of living modestly in a large sub-urb, began excercizing hitler style powers and living in mansions

mother fucker

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