James Wrote:
> I'm laughing at all you die hard skins fans who
> blindly hand your money over to Snyder each week.
> He's laughing all the way to the bank.
> He'll fire the staff and bring in some more
> incompetents and you poor saps will get your hopes
> up again. Only to be crushed once more.
These people don't get it. They don't understand that Danny's management style makes winning a Super Bowl impossible.
Say Danny manages to bullshit Jon Gruden into taking a job here. He is going to have to work with Vinny. Gruden says, "We need to remake this O-Line." Vinny says, "Great. I found this guy who played for Ole Miss in 2002 but who has been sleeping under a bridge since 2006. He's your new starting center."
Gruden's like, "Wait. You're a professional organization, right? Where's all the salary room?"
Vinny's like, "Yeah. Danny has committed $60 million of the salary cap to three guys who he likes to share scotch and cigars with. By the way, those three guys? They don't have to practice and you're not allowed to yell at them. Oh, and you MUST play them, unless they decide to sit out a few series."
Gruden's like, "Fuck that!"
Next thing you know, Danny Boy is spreading shit rumors about Gruden in the locker room. By December 2010, word is Gruden will be out on his ass for 2011.
That's why the Redskins will never win a Super Bowl under Danny Boy.