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What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep trying & I don't know why ()
Date: July 19, 2017 07:32AM

I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a college degree. My wife has medical problems, so she doesn't want to have sex. I have a long commute. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. There is no light at the end of this tunnel.

I know this area is sort of shielded, because of all of the government work, but not everyone works for the government. Is anyone else struggling to make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in this area, let alone buy anything.

The only reason that I keep on trying is for my elementary school kid.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Mr. Reality ()
Date: July 19, 2017 07:41AM

Dear Liberal Snowflake,

Grow up, stop whining, and take responsibility for your failures.

You're welcome.

Mr. Reality

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Far from a liberal or Democrat! ()
Date: July 19, 2017 07:49AM

Mr. Reality Wrote:
> Dear Liberal Snowflake,
> Grow up, stop whining, and take responsibility for
> your failures.
> You're welcome.
> Sincerely,
> Mr. Reality

You are a nitwit, but I expected responses, just like yours!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Stop trying and see what happens ()
Date: July 19, 2017 09:02AM

It's difficult being blue collar and less educated everywhere, but it's certainly tough here. You're generally forced to choose between living in a close-in slum or going farther out and accepting a long commute. There are cons to each but many choose the latter because at least your kids will be in a better place while you're commuting back and forth.

If you're waiting for light at the end of the tunnel to come your way and you're not making any changes to what you're doing, well....the chances of miraculous change are slim. You need to develop a plan. You're not going to come up with a plan in a day, and you're probably not going to execute it in even a year. Unlike movies and TV, the path to success is usually a long series of uninspiring, deliberate actions spread out over a great length of time. Basically, it takes dedication.

I'm not sure what you mean by giving up. Quitting your job? Not paying your debts? Most of your options in this regard will only make you and your family's lives more difficult.

Oh, and sorry, but I can't help you with the wife thing....

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: move to better ()
Date: July 19, 2017 09:07AM

If you are in debt and hate your commute - move closer to your job. Downsize into a smaller, more affordable place (an apartment perhaps?).

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Donald Trump took a dump ()
Date: July 19, 2017 09:25AM

Mr. Reality assuming this poor fellow must be a liberal snowflake.

Asshole. Typical unsympathetic Trumptard. "Hurry Up and Die"

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: JGU6C ()
Date: July 19, 2017 09:40AM

I feel ya. I hope you get some relief.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Mr. Pancho ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:06AM

I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote:
> I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a
> college degree. My wife has medical problems, so
> she doesn't want to have sex. I have a long
> commute. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. There is
> no light at the end of this tunnel.
> I know this area is sort of shielded, because of
> all of the government work, but not everyone

> for the government. Is anyone else struggling to
> make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in
> this area, let alone buy anything.
> The only reason that I keep on trying is for my
> elementary school kid.

Trust me mi amigo you are not alone only thing for me is my kids are in elementary school now and they like it here. No choice but to try to get a third job.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Rev Faith ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:07AM

Find Jesus, he will help you

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: OP is white ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:22AM

Cause a mexi will have 3-4 jobs and sleep 3 hrs a day. You got no cojones white boy.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: c6dyg ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:30AM

troll post

falls church democrats trying to convince the public that it's normal to work and not be paid, and normal to simply accept that illegals can work for gov and have luxury homes

telemundo troll

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: cheese is a blessing ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:33AM

I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote:
> I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a
> college degree. My wife has medical problems, so
> she doesn't want to have sex. I have a long
> commute. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. There is
> no light at the end of this tunnel.
> I know this area is sort of shielded, because of
> all of the government work, but not everyone works
> for the government. Is anyone else struggling to
> make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in
> this area, let alone buy anything.
> The only reason that I keep on trying is for my
> elementary school kid.

Do this - every morning right when you wake up make a gratitude list 5-10 things. Write it down to start with. 'I am grateful for my son/daughter' 'I am grateful I have food and am not hungry' 'I am grateful I have a car' 'I am grateful I have a roof over my head and air conditioning' etc.

Read it or think of it every morning when you wake and every evening just before you go to sleep. It will re-wire your thinking literally.

Enjoy and dont forget - call your parents if they are alive, they will appreciate it.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: There is light ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:42AM

10 years ago my wife was also not working. I dropped all extra cost. No TV, no cell phone, no car. Moved inside the beltway into a ramshackle 450 sf apt that was mass trans/ walk/ bicycle accessible. Cut my non rent cost to about $40 per week.

Spent every extra dollar I had to send both myself & wife to further our education. If not classwork then certs.

10 years later we both make 6 figs.

Take that ass pounding.

It will take years not months.

Get tough with your woman and lead her to a better you & her.

You can do it OP.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: govt guy ()
Date: July 19, 2017 11:25AM

I have plenty of money and a do nothing government job and all my kids are grown and doing well. I am trying to decide how I will kill myself this fall.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Plenty of people here can help u ()
Date: July 19, 2017 11:33AM

govt guy Wrote:
> I have plenty of money and a do nothing government
> job and all my kids are grown and doing well. I am
> trying to decide how I will kill myself this fall.

As in help you actually do it, not get you help to not do it!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Billy Bushy ()
Date: July 19, 2017 12:27PM

Buy a tiny house. I heard that millenials love them.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: miserable too ()
Date: July 19, 2017 12:31PM

I make great money and I'm debt free, smoking lots of weed helps me cope. That and the light at the end of the tunnel being financial freedom and banging lots of whores in 3rd world countries.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I have to try that lifestyle! ()
Date: July 20, 2017 06:42AM

miserable too Wrote:
> I make great money and I'm debt free, smoking lots
> of weed helps me cope. That and the light at the
> end of the tunnel being financial freedom and
> banging lots of whores in 3rd world countries.

I'm guessing that you're single with no children.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Krusty ()
Date: July 20, 2017 07:05AM

Balls. Get a pair!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: hand ()
Date: July 20, 2017 08:11AM

If anyone out there is thinking of killing themselves, don't do it.

Even if your life sucks today, the wake that your death will leave after you do it, it is the WORST pain you could give to anyone who knows you even in the slightest way.

To your family you will be doing irreparable damage. If you have life insurance you will void your contract.

If you're are so low down and depressed, talk to someone. That is w/ real words out loud to a real person. I suggest your wife. She has problems, but if you truly love her, which by your post you do, even in her not perfect medical state, remember you took vows w/ her.

If you two think counseling will help then go. If you can't afford it find a way to go anyway. The state and county have free counseling services.

The first step is to admit that you suffering. To a person, not on a goofy website such as this. Yes, some will try to help you, but most are just passing time while they wait for whatever they want to do next. I am waiting for my favorite show to come on TV.

So..in a nutshell. Depression will pass. The next day may bring new challenges but you have to take them on w/ spirit and whatever you consider to be an outlook that will benefit you in the long run. Your life isn't sunshine and roses everyday and neither is mine. Reflect on a good day from you past. Maybe the happiest one you can imagine. The day your kid was born.

Get some services, start w/ the county website. See how you can get some debt relief. W/ school beginning soon, you might consider the lunch program for people in debt. You'll qualify if you are as poor as you say you are. Swallow your pride and get on w/ it. Admit that you are in crisis.

Instead of wallowing in your pain, use it to make yourself stronger. You got this!

Let us know how you are improving.You are loved. You are important.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: getaway from it ()
Date: July 20, 2017 08:46AM

You don't have to keep doing things that you hate doing. If you hate your job, find another job. If you hate your commute, find a job that you don't mind so much and live near it. Probably improving your stress level will help your wife's health, too.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Thortbob ()
Date: July 20, 2017 09:23AM

govt guy Wrote:
> I have plenty of money and a do nothing government
> job and all my kids are grown and doing well. I am
> trying to decide how I will kill myself this fall.


Post of the year and so proper for this area!

Seriously, to the OP.....The human condition is the same whether your rich or poor, banging a hot wife or ugly wife...you will never be happy as you were when you were a kid. It's evolutionary so that we will improve ourselves, or off ourselves. Your choice.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Go to a Meeting near you ()
Date: July 20, 2017 10:42AM

Do the gratitude list mentioned above. If you drink or drug you need to get help to stop doing that. Im willing to bet you drink a lot every day. booze is an addictive depressant.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: You Better Believe It Brother ()
Date: July 20, 2017 10:45AM

Rev Faith Wrote:
> Find Jesus, he will help you

OP I have to agree with this post here. It may sound corny, but if you read the Bible with the purpose of testing it for truth and understand, and ask God to meet you spiritually as you read it, you will find that Spiritual things are real and God's SPIRIT will lift yours and you will see a purpose for your life that GOD has for you (Jeremiah 29:11) and all this heartache won't seem so bad because when we trust God and his Son Jesus Christ, all these things will be resolved one by one.

God does not promise that we will not have trouble in this life. BUT to those who trust in Him and what his son did to forgive our sins, he promises that we will overcome the world because He did that spiritually for us on the cross.

AND he will be with us as we acknowledge him in prayer while we are going through tough times and when we are not.

If you trust in HIM he promises in the Bible, to NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE you.

I have been where you are and am still going through tough times, but reading the Bible, meeting with others who are Born again whether at Bible study or at church or where ever, and through prayer I have Hope for my Future because God's spirit lifts my spirits.

I pray that you decide to start reading the Bible. Start with the book in the Bible called the Gospel of John. It is after the book called Luke in the New Testament .. then I recommend reading Genesis and through the Old Testament AS you ALSO read through the New Testament of the Bible.

It will change your LIFE!!!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: trumpmaga ()
Date: July 20, 2017 11:24AM

Mr. Reality Wrote:
> Dear Liberal Snowflake,
> Grow up, stop whining, and take responsibility for
> your failures.
> You're welcome.
> Sincerely,
> Mr. Reality


OMG! Unbelievable!
What a rude post!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: trumpmaga ()
Date: July 20, 2017 11:31AM

I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote:

> I know this area is sort of shielded, because of
> all of the government work, but not everyone works
> for the government. Is anyone else struggling to
> make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in
> this area, let alone buy anything.
> The only reason that I keep on trying is for my
> elementary school kid.


Well, there's your answer. Get a Federal gov't job. The Fed. gov't is always hiring and even if you're a janitor, you'll be OVERPAID, like everyone else. Most of the peeps in my neighborhood work for the Fed and do NOTHING but telecommute. Half the day they're at home doing yard work or walking their dogs. Annual raises, snow days, hot days, rain days, vacation days, etc ...
In the meantime, you'll have to work 2 or 3 jobs.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Trump Voter ()
Date: July 20, 2017 11:31AM

The things that keep me going are meth, Budweiser and my cummins ram

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Be all that you can be ()
Date: July 20, 2017 11:48AM

OP, how old are you? Depending on the branch of service, you can be up to 35 years old and enlist. From there, you can learn a valuable skill (IT, law enforcement, security contractor, telecom, medical, transportation, logistics, mechanics, etc). You'll also earn money for college and have excellent health care. Just don't go and get yourself killed.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Fairytales are NOT REALITY! ()
Date: July 20, 2017 11:51AM

You Better Believe It Brother Wrote:
> Rev Faith Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Find Jesus, he will help you
> OP I have to agree with this post here. It may
> sound corny, but if you read the Bible with the
> purpose of testing it for truth and understand,
> and ask God to meet you spiritually as you read
> it, you will find that Spiritual things are real
> and God's SPIRIT will lift yours and you will see
> a purpose for your life that GOD has for you
> (Jeremiah 29:11) and all this heartache won't seem
> so bad because when we trust God and his Son Jesus
> Christ, all these things will be resolved one by
> one.
> God does not promise that we will not have trouble
> in this life. BUT to those who trust in Him and
> what his son did to forgive our sins, he promises
> that we will overcome the world because He did
> that spiritually for us on the cross.
> AND he will be with us as we acknowledge him in
> prayer while we are going through tough times and
> when we are not.
> If you trust in HIM he promises in the Bible, to
> I have been where you are and am still going
> through tough times, but reading the Bible,
> meeting with others who are Born again whether at
> Bible study or at church or where ever, and
> through prayer I have Hope for my Future because
> God's spirit lifts my spirits.
> I pray that you decide to start reading the Bible.
> Start with the book in the Bible called the
> Gospel of John. It is after the book called Luke
> in the New Testament .. then I recommend reading
> Genesis and through the Old Testament AS you ALSO
> read through the New Testament of the Bible.
> It will change your LIFE!!!

Why do bible thumpers continue to push fairytales? That is so wrong on so many levels! If this guy follows your advice he's likely to just be prolonging killing himself! Say he does what you tell him to and nothing changes with his circumstances, then what?

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: reading readerer ()
Date: July 20, 2017 12:57PM

There is light Wrote:
> 10 years ago my wife was also not working. I
> dropped all extra cost. No TV, no cell phone, no
> car. Moved inside the beltway into a ramshackle
> 450 sf apt that was mass trans/ walk/ bicycle
> accessible. Cut my non rent cost to about $40 per
> week.
> It will take years not months.

This is what it comes down to, you need to cut out all the extras like trips, cable TV, Netflix, eating out, etc. Re-baseline your lifestyle to your below your income, then as you increase income DON'T increase lifestyle for a while (years).

Also consider moving to a lower cost-of-living area, if you aren't making at least six digits household it's hard to live here, try to move out of the DC metro area if that is the case. maybe to a Richmond suburb, Fredericksburg area, etc. If your kid was in high school I'd say wait, if the kid is in elementary school he/she will make new friends. People move all the time, ask any military family.

> I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a college degree.
> My wife has medical problems, so she doesn't want to have sex.
> I have a long commute. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. There is
> no light at the end of this tunnel.

Choices you made resulted in all of the above, and choices from now on can change some of those issues.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Dmvsucks ()
Date: July 20, 2017 02:39PM

I think most people would kill themselves here if they didn't have hopes of leaving, even if not until retirement. The prospect of an entire lifetime in this area gets me shopping for a Costco sized bottle of sleeping pills and whiskey.

Just keep your eyes on the prize. Most people are stuck here, not many want to be here. Just doing what they have to do until they don't have to do it anymore.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: wellnottotallytrue ()
Date: July 21, 2017 05:12AM

reading readerer Wrote:
> There is light Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 10 years ago my wife was also not working. I
> > dropped all extra cost. No TV, no cell phone,
> no
> > car. Moved inside the beltway into a
> ramshackle
> > 450 sf apt that was mass trans/ walk/ bicycle
> > accessible. Cut my non rent cost to about $40
> per
> > week.
> >
> > It will take years not months.
> This is what it comes down to, you need to cut out
> all the extras like trips, cable TV, Netflix,
> eating out, etc. Re-baseline your lifestyle to
> your below your income, then as you increase
> income DON'T increase lifestyle for a while
> (years).
> Also consider moving to a lower cost-of-living
> area, if you aren't making at least six digits
> household it's hard to live here, try to move out
> of the DC metro area if that is the case. maybe to
> a Richmond suburb, Fredericksburg area, etc. If
> your kid was in high school I'd say wait, if the
> kid is in elementary school he/she will make new
> friends. People move all the time, ask any
> military family.
> > I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a
> college degree.
> > My wife has medical problems, so she doesn't
> want to have sex.
> > I have a long commute. I'm in debt up to my
> eyeballs. There is
> > no light at the end of this tunnel.
> Choices you made resulted in all of the above, and
> choices from now on can change some of those
> issues.

This is inspirational but I know many people who make less than 100k and can afford to live in the DC metro area. My ex made 80k and could afford a luxury townhouse in Burke. Also South Arlington, Alexandria, Falls church, etc etc can be affordable.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Fa Kinae ()
Date: July 21, 2017 06:39AM

I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote:
> The only reason that I keep on trying is for my
> elementary school kid.

Good for you that you think of your kid.

Here's me:

I have no money.
I hate my job.
I don't have a college degree.
My wife has medical problems is emotionally fucked, so she doesn't want to have sex.
I have a long commute.
I'm in debt up to my eyeballs.
There is no light at the end of this tunnel.

Disregard the unsympathetic jackasses who will respond.

What I do on weekends, is put on raggedy clothes and walk up and down the median strip at busy intersections.
You would no believe how much money people givee!!

I set up a just in case account. In case I want to get out of Dodge.

Hang in there, bro.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Albert Schweitzer ()
Date: July 21, 2017 08:07AM

Damn, so many whiny liberals here who take no personal responsibility! "Beg on the streets", "Get a govt job", "Get some handouts "!! .

Fuck all that! Have some dignity and take pride in yourself. Don't listen to the loser anowflakes. Life is meant to be a struggle. MAGA! Do it!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Chris cornell ()
Date: July 21, 2017 08:59AM

Have a whole generation raised on the premise that feelings are more important than resiliency.

Whole generation of population raised without fathers like in the blacks community.

You also have bisexuality bc they moms is dikes too.

At least there is a moment of bliss right before they commit the final act.

Unlike the gay from linkin park that did auto erotic asphyxiation like his butt lover soundgarden.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: July 21, 2017 09:19AM

We are looking for what's missing inside of us. We are looking for what will complete us. The one thing we need to feel whole and satisfy the yearning for what we are missing. That’s what we do every day - search. Unless we’ve found it. If we have found what we’ve been looking for, we are whole and every day we keep going because we now know we have a purpose. We are complete.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Sgt. Striker ()
Date: July 21, 2017 09:55AM

The measure of your life is how you've faced adversity. You gonna curl into a fetal position and suck your thumb like a little liberal, or are you gonna go out there and kick some ass?!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Tmz ()
Date: July 21, 2017 10:23AM

Don't ask Chris Cornell or linkin park guy!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep trying & I don't know why ()
Date: July 21, 2017 11:26AM

I think that I may have the early stages of depression. I should probably go to the doctor, but I don't want to take medication. I don't have any thoughts of suicide or of hurting myself. I'm afraid if I take meds I might start to. I don't drink, smoke or take any drugs, including over the counter stuff.

I just feel lost. I have no motivation. I have nothing to inspire me to want to give any extra effort. It seems the harder I work the further behind I seem to get.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: July 21, 2017 12:01PM

Look into volunteering somewhere in your community. When we stop looking at ourselves and start thinking about the welfare of others, we feel better. We need people and people need us.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Magnolia ()
Date: July 21, 2017 01:50PM

Keep trying,

I hear you. We make 90k combined as two teachers and we have a 2 year old. This area is entitled and rude. We live in Annandale and pay 2k a month for a crap boring burbia townhouse. We can't afford our rent, a family member pays half for us. We are late30s/early 40s with master's degrees. As soon as we figure out our next solid move, we are out. Hopefully by next summer! Been here three years. This area has no community feel, no nice mom and pop type areas, no soul. Just money, money, money and competing for everything, even a damn parking space at the grocery store. All I can tell you is we sometimes just get out for a while...drive to leesburg, somewhere pretty. There are some great parks here, at least! Get out and enjoy them. Nature heals. There are other "normal" people living here and hating it but making do for now. Hugs.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: MomDad ()
Date: July 21, 2017 03:13PM

Magnolia Wrote:
> Keep trying,
> I hear you. We make 90k combined as two teachers
> and we have a 2 year old. This area is entitled
> and rude. We live in Annandale and pay 2k a month
> for a crap boring burbia townhouse. We can't
> afford our rent, a family member pays half for us.
> We are late30s/early 40s with master's degrees. As
> soon as we figure out our next solid move, we are
> out. Hopefully by next summer! Been here three
> years. This area has no community feel, no nice
> mom and pop type areas, no soul. Just money,
> money, money and competing for everything, even a
> damn parking space at the grocery store. All I can
> tell you is we sometimes just get out for a
> while...drive to leesburg, somewhere pretty. There
> are some great parks here, at least! Get out and
> enjoy them. Nature heals. There are other "normal"
> people living here and hating it but making do for
> now. Hugs.

You make $90k and can't pay your own rent? Pathetic loser! Live within your means. And go the fuck back to wherever you came from. This area doesn't need any more irresponsible morons.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: budgeting problems ()
Date: July 21, 2017 03:42PM

Magnolia Wrote:
> Keep trying,
> I hear you. We make 90k combined as two teachers
> and we have a 2 year old. This area is entitled
> and rude. We live in Annandale and pay 2k a month
> for a crap boring burbia townhouse. We can't
> afford our rent, a family member pays half for us.
> We are late30s/early 40s with master's degrees. As
> soon as we figure out our next solid move, we are
> out. Hopefully by next summer! Been here three
> years. This area has no community feel, no nice
> mom and pop type areas, no soul. Just money,
> money, money and competing for everything, even a
> damn parking space at the grocery store. All I can
> tell you is we sometimes just get out for a
> while...drive to leesburg, somewhere pretty. There
> are some great parks here, at least! Get out and
> enjoy them. Nature heals. There are other "normal"
> people living here and hating it but making do for
> now. Hugs.

If you can't make it off $7,500 per month you're doing something very wrong. I assume you have lots of debt, you need to do everything to get rid of that. The $2k in month you pay is not the problem here, that's very reasonable given your income. Your situation won't get any better if you move out to the sticks. So your rent gets $500 cheaper and your income drops by $1000 per month, your irresponsible spending will still be the same. I know people like you, your rent could be completely free and you would still manage to be in debt. It's a good thing will no longer be a teacher around here.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: 09098098999900uy ()
Date: July 21, 2017 04:16PM

I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote:
> I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a
> college degree. My wife has medical problems, so
> she doesn't want to have sex. I have a long
> commute. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. There is
> no light at the end of this tunnel.
> I know this area is sort of shielded, because of
> all of the government work, but not everyone works
> for the government. Is anyone else struggling to
> make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in
> this area, let alone buy anything.
> The only reason that I keep on trying is for my
> elementary school kid.

Had a buddy who went down the very wrong road, first trying to be a youth minister. Yeah, you get paid about nothing doing that and there are no jobs. He then went into residential mental health / mental retardation care. No only do you have to work with the people all day, they live literally in the next room at night. He went about crazy doing that.

However, he worked hard and slowly, slowly climbed the ladder and built up great experience and references. He went back and got a carefully chosen masters degree at night, got a better job, and now has caught on with State Department. In about 8 years he went from miserable to pretty darn happy.

I would take a very careful look around, and make smart moves. I would look very hard at where you are going to spend your educational dollars and what you get with a particular degree. It gets knocked around all the damn time, but I've talked to three career counselors over at Nova CC, and all three have given me very sage advice about careers and degrees. I went to them with specific questions and serious intent, and they gave me some good advice. BTW, it costs nothing to talk to them.

Be very careful and spend your time and money wisely.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: LaTeisha J ()
Date: July 21, 2017 04:28PM

i spent for years at collage gitin my digree in african merican studies an i kint git a job no wear! wtf? i no its cuz merica is RACIST! fuk u white peeple!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Inspirational douche ()
Date: July 21, 2017 09:04PM

Magnolia Wrote:
> Keep trying,
> I hear you. We make 90k combined as two teachers
> and we have a 2 year old. This area is entitled
> and rude. We live in Annandale and pay 2k a month
> for a crap boring burbia townhouse. We can't
> afford our rent, a family member pays half for us.
> We are late30s/early 40s with master's degrees. As
> soon as we figure out our next solid move, we are
> out. Hopefully by next summer! Been here three
> years. This area has no community feel, no nice
> mom and pop type areas, no soul. Just money,
> money, money and competing for everything, even a
> damn parking space at the grocery store. All I can
> tell you is we sometimes just get out for a
> while...drive to leesburg, somewhere pretty. There
> are some great parks here, at least! Get out and
> enjoy them. Nature heals. There are other "normal"
> people living here and hating it but making do for
> now. Hugs.

Teacher pay tables are public info, so you knew becoming one wouldn't pay off yet you still did it. And now you want to complain about your pay?

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Magnolia ()
Date: July 21, 2017 10:09PM

Case in point....rude area.

We do not make 7,500 a month. We take home 4200 monthly. Our rent is 2,000. Nearly half. I should have specified we arent making 90k yet. We make 84k until our raises kick in this fall.

I hope my post was helpfuland encouraging to the original poster who needed it.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Magnolia ()
Date: July 21, 2017 10:11PM

We are here because we got duped by a very crafty boss. Once we have a solid foothold out of this area, byebye.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: i hear ya ()
Date: July 21, 2017 10:40PM

Magnolia Wrote:
> Case in point....rude area.
> We do not make 7,500 a month. We take home 4200
> monthly. Our rent is 2,000. Nearly half. I should
> have specified we arent making 90k yet. We make
> 84k until our raises kick in this fall.
> I hope my post was helpfuland encouraging to the
> original poster who needed it.

$500 a week in disposable income is nothing. Gas, food, utilities will eat that up in a heartbeat. I do not know why it is so expensive around here. I drop into Giant for a few things and walk out with two bags $75 later. What the duck is that?

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Fredericksburg Welcomes You ()
Date: July 21, 2017 10:45PM

>We do not make 7,500 a month. We take home 4200 monthly. Our rent is 2,000

Your Rent Alone For A Roach Hotel..2K ..That's enough to buy a 300 k newer 4 br house in a nice sub divison with a 2 car garage.. Ride up and down in max style with 1 rider on the Lexus Lanes on I95.No Charge..

2 Newer Teachers here can bag 75k a year ez also..VRS Good Med ins Cheap..and more as time moves on..No I95 needed..

DAJAX Nicer Schools Here Too..Thanks FXCO for sending so much down to Richmond to spend here..FXCO 1.1 million people..a Stupid BOS Govt..Good For a small county..1.1 million ?? FXCO should be a city..keep those hotel taxes..cleaner taxes..food taxes..on and on..Lib Assholes..LOL

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: OP Needs To Quit Lib Whining ()
Date: July 21, 2017 11:01PM

And The Rest of Ya Losers..Be like Nature Boy and eat your way out debt..with fresh veggies and fruits and drink only "Water..Pure Clean Water..Water.."

No God Dammed Weaves either..! Cigs..Dope..Booze..Numbers Games..Vapes..

You'll lose that weight so you can Get Off Your Asses..And Work!!


DAJAX Tired Of Lib SOB Stories..we all have had um..Us Conservatives just kept bootstrapping..not whining..

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Jorge22 ()
Date: July 21, 2017 11:04PM

hang in there. be brave.

try to cut down on frivolous expenses. take advantage of free entertainment for the kids, if you can.

do you have any decent neighbors to pal around with? rely on them, and offer yourself as an ally to them, too.

could you ask your boss for different or specialized tasks? this way, it will seem you are showing initiative. and if you perform well, it will be obvious to the boss, and maybe you will get a better position.

be good to people, even difficult people (like maybe your boss). let bullshit roll off your back with a grin and a roll of the eyes. just chuckle and move on and don't feed trolls. maybe this will do you well in the future, for job references, or however else.

good luck. just hang in there....

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Peace is priceless ()
Date: July 21, 2017 11:16PM

Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.

Proverbs 17:1

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Jeremiah 29:11 Look it up ()
Date: July 22, 2017 12:14AM

What keeps me from giving up?

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hope in the Lord.

Jeremiah 29:11

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: When times get rough ()
Date: July 22, 2017 12:24AM

There's always a way

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Rasulullah ()
Date: July 22, 2017 01:03AM

Peace is priceless Wrote:
> Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a
> house full of feasting, with strife.
> Proverbs 17:1


That is wisdom in its finest form!

Brother, there have been more positive remarks to your post than I expected. In this, is also a lesson: just as one is preparing to face the worst, life (God) has a way of showing you better than you expected.

Said another way God tests each of us, but never gives us more than we can bear.

With each test, we grow stronger.

You will be okay.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Mine Too Pal.. ()
Date: July 22, 2017 01:08AM

>My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Epictetus of Avalon ()
Date: July 22, 2017 01:31AM

two things prevent you from giving up:

you have more character than most people on this site, including me.
you have no more palatable choice.

you're a better man than the people mocking you on this thread. I hope you take some comfort from that.

Having a surplus of money is a bonus some have. But having character, doing the ethical thing when lesser men quit, is essential.

You hang on in there, y'hear?

I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote:
> I have no money. I hate my job. I don't have a
> college degree. My wife has medical problems, so
> she doesn't want to have sex. I have a long
> commute. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs. There is
> no light at the end of this tunnel.
> I know this area is sort of shielded, because of
> all of the government work, but not everyone works
> for the government. Is anyone else struggling to
> make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in
> this area, let alone buy anything.
> The only reason that I keep on trying is for my
> elementary school kid.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: U think U got it bad - Read this ()
Date: July 22, 2017 01:42AM

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Howard Schultz ()
Date: July 22, 2017 02:04AM

Magnolia Wrote:
> Keep trying,
> I hear you. We make 90k combined as two teachers
> and we have a 2 year old. This area is entitled
> and rude. We live in Annandale and pay 2k a month
> for a crap boring burbia townhouse. We can't
> afford our rent, a family member pays half for us.
> We are late30s/early 40s with master's degrees. As
> soon as we figure out our next solid move, we are
> out. Hopefully by next summer! Been here three
> years. This area has no community feel, no nice
> mom and pop type areas, no soul. Just money,
> money, money and competing for everything, even a
> damn parking space at the grocery store. All I can
> tell you is we sometimes just get out for a
> while...drive to leesburg, somewhere pretty. There
> are some great parks here, at least! Get out and
> enjoy them. Nature heals. There are other "normal"
> people living here and hating it but making do for
> now. Hugs.

Based on your whiny bitchy tone, you would be the perfect candidates to make a house out of a retired school bus! This is will drastically reduce your current living expenses.

Then, take the money you save from renting and pay down your debt.

Even though building this bus will be difficult, let these times be an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your wife and kid.

Having a decked out bus converted into a home is hip and cool.
Your bus will be better than a $800k single family detached in south riding!

There are buses right now on Craigslist in the $4500+ range. Less than $5k in building materials. Get metromile car insurance bc you don't drive the bus frequently. Do road trips on the weekends-Walmart let's you park overnote according to what another poster on FFU said on here!


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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Date: July 22, 2017 01:11PM

>Howard Schultz ()
Date: July 22, 2017 02

Don't fake my name Thats not my post above bout that bus

DAJAX - "Double Action Jackson"

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: 60 years old ()
Date: July 22, 2017 01:31PM

My wife is dying of cancer. Once she is gone then I will give up. I plan to take 100 grand out of savings and drive around the US and Canada just doing whatever I feel like doing, seeing sights, staying in nice hotels and visiting a few friends. After I get tired of that I will get everything straight with a good elder care lawyer and blow my brains out in a national forest somewhere in west Virginia. My kids can sell the house and split up the rest of my money. No nursing homes for me! The kids should get roughly 300,000 each so that will be a little help for them and makes me feel better.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Date: July 25, 2017 12:55AM

Many of the immigrants get good jobs in security because there is unlimited overtime--you have no limits on the income you can make that way, especially when you get posted on sites where there are lots of workers that never show up for work when they would rather party at night. All overtime after you hit 40 hours a week! Then on days you are home, have the wife get a job even if part time it helps. Build up your accounts with emergency cash, stop spending on useless expensive keep-up-with-the Jones stuff and when ready, make the move close to where your jobs are. Try to find a basement in a townhouse or house--they rent at half of what an apartment would cost. Yes it will be a grind, but if you are going to stay here, it will be necessary. Also, some security companies have a program that pays some tuition if you want to work on a degree part time.
I know of a special needs afflicted girl that used to be on a Mellwood ad--she got a job as a janitor at a gov't place and actually made enough to buy a house! If they can do it, you can also, but the whole family will need to cooperate with you and it will work sooner than later.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: No Crying in Baseball ()
Date: July 25, 2017 02:33AM

If life was fair, you'd have a hell of lot less. Count your blessings.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Strike Three ()
Date: July 25, 2017 06:19AM

My 3rd wife never showed her true self until after we were married.

Now, after 8 years of on/off peace, she says "Get out by the end of the month; I'm filing for divorce..."

I'll believe it when I see it...she can't hang up her clothes or vacuum the house to save her life.

But she loves to be dramatic.

She's done her best to keep me off balance since she first showed her anger 8 years ago.

I think I should have given up years ago...

You tell me.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: That Reflection in the Mirror ()
Date: July 25, 2017 06:47AM

Strike Three Wrote:
> My 3rd wife never showed her true self until after
> we were married.
> Now, after 8 years of on/off peace, she says "Get
> out by the end of the month; I'm filing for
> divorce..."
> I'll believe it when I see it...she can't hang up
> her clothes or vacuum the house to save her life.
> But she loves to be dramatic.
> She's done her best to keep me off balance since
> she first showed her anger 8 years ago.
> I think I should have given up years ago...
> You tell me.

3rd wife? Maybe you are the problem.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep trying & I don't know wh ()
Date: July 25, 2017 06:49AM

causeican Wrote:
> Look into volunteering somewhere in your
> community. When we stop looking at ourselves and
> start thinking about the welfare of others, we
> feel better. We need people and people need us.

I constantly volunteer. I try to help less fortunate people all of the time. I'm beginning to believe the saying that; "no good deed goes unpunished."

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Everyone Dies,One Way or Another ()
Date: July 25, 2017 07:02AM

Everybody wants something. I am happy to wake up and breath another day. I learned a long time ago to either say "fuck it" or "fuck you".
"Life isn't hard to manage when you've nothing to lose". Ernest Hemingway.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep trying & I don't know why ()
Date: July 27, 2017 07:22AM

Many thanks to the positive people who replied. Everyday is a struggle. Some are better than others.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: MG6T4 ()
Date: July 27, 2017 08:25AM

Good luck, bruv.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: just thinking ()
Date: July 27, 2017 08:36AM

Humm...I agree, a lot of liberal whining going on here, then there are the other libs advising to panhandle or seek government handouts. Geez, aren't they gentle snowflakes. Have someone else do for you instead of doing it for yourself.

Then of course the religious fanatics are recommending the cultish crutch of the Bible and all that comes with that form of self hypnotism. I guess that could help if you convince yourself it's all true.

I read your post and just come away thinking that you are just looking for PITY, which is revolting to me.

Remember, people control their own destiny, be it by working hard or "giving up" as you suggest. I guess that suicide is always an option, but still the cowards way out and causes lifelong horrific memories for your family, not a good choice for the family loving man.

Just try to do what is right, no matter how hard it is, just do it and keep doing it without complaining.

And stop feeling sorry for yourself by posting your pity seeking posts...man up!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: A Man ()
Date: July 27, 2017 08:46AM

I work hard, deal with life, and don't whine or cry about it.

Liberals have turned America into a bunch of pathetic, weak, sissy crybabies.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: y ask y ()
Date: July 27, 2017 11:00AM

While my haters are trapped in shitty marriages with the poor kids watching the parents constantly fight over money and cheat rampantly on each other...foreclosure notices on the door and the repo men looking for their luxury SUV's they bought and cannot afford....

I am on pace to a 250k year with my business- I work alone- and quietly amassing wealth. Debt- free.

Laughing at them keeps me going. Call me cruel if you want.

Its all about LIFE CHOICES. Make the wrong choice, you deserve your fate.

Consider every decision CAREFULLY. ESPECIALLY when it comes to money- do you REALLY NEED a 4 bedroom house with a full basement and a brand new Chevy Suburban in the driveway when it's just 3 people in your family when a nice condo and a toyota camry will do? Or is it just you/your wife is in a competition and trying to one-up everyone?

Who gives a fuck where you live- just BEING in this DC metro area (I kinda like the term DMV but i am not talking abuot where you get your drivers license at so won't use it here) with all the jobs around and opportunity to make money is a BLESSING.

Did you do your homework and make sure there would be jobs in your field 10-20-30 years from now with that college degree you are getting? Can you live off the average salary in this area? You need 6 figures to live a comfy middle class life here- and for some people, a TRADE is better than a DEGREE.

But hey, if you insist on living that "Gucchi" lifestyle on 40k- more power to you, good luck, and no I will not lend you money to pay your light bill when I just saw you at Tyson's the other day tearing up the mall- LOL you made your choice.

Kids are hungry and you are asking me for help?- sure I will go to the grocery store and get a few things and also let you know where your nearest food banks are in case it happens again- but fuck you if you think I will put cash in your hand to blow on drugs/your new iphone and the kids still go ragged (got burnt on this one before).

I don't give up because if i do I have no one to back me up. It's all on me.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep trying & I don't know why ()
Date: July 27, 2017 01:13PM

I wasn't really looking for pity and especially not a handout. I was merely venting some of my frustration. Of course I realize that it is my past decisions that have led me down this path to where I am today. A certain amount of life is luck. I have not been too lucky. LOL! I guess I haven't been lucky at all. I don't plan on killing myself, and as mentioned in one of my earlier replies, I am not a Liberal Democratic Snowflake. Those of you that wish I was can go fuck yourselves!

I have only been married once, which indicates that I am devoted. That's possibly one thing holding me back in the workforce. I am loyal and reliable to a fault!

If life was truly fair half of you fucks on here would already be dead!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Day after day, life turns gray ()
Date: July 28, 2017 06:35AM

like skin on a dying man.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Night after night we pretend ()
Date: July 28, 2017 12:20PM

it's alright.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: July 28, 2017 10:08PM

Day after day, life turns gray Wrote:
> like skin on a dying man.

and night after night
we pretend it's all right

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Uncle Sampson ()
Date: July 28, 2017 10:23PM


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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Zip 85297 ()
Date: July 29, 2017 02:09AM

Look forward to the day you retire and move away. Do it as early as possible.

My biggest problem is figuring how to keep my head from bumping the side of my pool as I circle lazily on my foam raft every day and watch the fluffy clouds and palm tree tops spin around.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep waking up & hoping ()
Date: July 29, 2017 02:49AM

Give the OP a break. His wife is sick and doesn't want sex.

I'm in a similar situation. Actually, a worse one.

I lost my job because my prick of a boss fired me. I'm a woman and he's a dumbass misogynist prick.

On top of that shit, my husband is sick, just like the OP's wife. Not only is he sick, but he's fat, so between the sickness and the blubber lies a limp dick.

I don't think I can go on much longer. I need sex. On a regular basis.

The only reason I get up in the morning is the hope that my "shit for brains" boss will get run over by a lesbian in a Subaru and my fat "no sex" husband will croak.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: dumb ()
Date: July 29, 2017 03:37AM

Magnolia Wrote:
> Keep trying,
> I hear you. We make 90k combined as two teachers
> and we have a 2 year old. This area is entitled
> and rude.

This area is entitled? WTF does that mean? You sound stupid.

BTW, who is taking care of your 2 year old?

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Mother Nature ()
Date: July 29, 2017 09:53AM

I invented Natural Selection to weed out weaklings like you from the gene pool. It irritates me that this excellent plan has been thwarted by moronic enablers.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: A Simple Plan ()
Date: July 29, 2017 08:11PM

I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight

And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Seen by Strangers ()
Date: July 29, 2017 08:21PM

The Broiler in Arlington

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Easily entertained ()
Date: July 29, 2017 08:28PM

Zip 85297 Wrote:
> Look forward to the day you retire and move away.
> Do it as early as possible.
> My biggest problem is figuring how to keep my head
> from bumping the side of my pool as I circle
> lazily on my foam raft every day and watch the
> fluffy clouds and palm tree tops spin around.

That sounds like fun for a couple hours, but eventually you'll want to
Blow your brains out.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: the sick wife ()
Date: July 30, 2017 01:44AM

I married this asshole 12 years ago. I had trouble getting pregnant, took lots of hormones, and eventually gave birth to our child.

I now have cancer. I'm going through chemo, losing my hair, and vomiting three days a week.

Yet, this piece of shit only cares about his dick.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Zip 85297 ()
Date: July 30, 2017 01:56AM

Easily entertained Wrote:
> Zip 85297 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Look forward to the day you retire and move
> away.
> > Do it as early as possible.
> >
> > My biggest problem is figuring how to keep my
> head
> > from bumping the side of my pool as I circle
> > lazily on my foam raft every day and watch the
> > fluffy clouds and palm tree tops spin around.
> That sounds like fun for a couple hours, but
> eventually you'll want to
> Blow your brains out.

Nah. You get hungry and grill. I didn't bust balls for 30 years in DC to do something stupid. Out here people will drive the wrong way on I-10 or 17 at high speed which seems to be the preferred method.

Plenty to do here if you like the outdoors. My nose has been peeling for four months.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: the sick wife's sister ()
Date: July 30, 2017 08:29AM

the sick wife Wrote:
> I married this asshole 12 years ago. I had trouble
> getting pregnant, took lots of hormones, and
> eventually gave birth to our child.
> I now have cancer. I'm going through chemo, losing
> my hair, and vomiting three days a week.
> Yet, this piece of shit only cares about his dick.

Yep, seen it happen.

They go off and cheat and blow the mortgage money on their "sidechicks" and at the casino and on their fancy cars and toys....

And when the money runs out/they lose their job/their dick starts going limp they can't get it up anymore and the hoes are laughing at them/they get hit with a medical crisis, they go crying back to their wives like they should be helping them---

--- then get mad when wifey says NO I WILL NOT HELP YOU and asks for a divorce.

If you kept her happy all along she would be happy to help you.

But you blew the money and forced wifey to pick up 2 jobs to cover the mortgage and bills so the kids can stay in the same school where they are thriving while you sit on the couch and play with your limp dick and still demand a hot cooked dinner when she gets home and she still has to watch the kids because you won't.

A lot of women feel jaded at this point and ask for divorce.

If you wanted to play all your life you sholda stayed single. Now you are pissed you have to pay her alimony/child support because you can't keep your dick in your pants and your wallet at home with your family.

Feels for those ladies going thru this right now, I know of several marriages where the man basically sowed his oats for years and now that HE is the one with a medical issue/bad finances he expects HER to care for HIM when he was NOT caring for the family all along.

OK let me stop ranting on a sunday morning LOL. Butthurt comments from the men forthcoming. Men cry worse than woman, they just don't want you to know that!!

A LOT of men around here would be HOMELESS if it wasn't for their WIFE PAYING FOR EVERYTHING.

Fair warning, men!!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: the sick wife's sister ()
Date: July 30, 2017 08:35AM

Oh and worse, the men who have been cheating for YEARS and the minute they get sick/broke and can't get it up anymore and KNOW they need their wife's income to survive- they want to claim they "found God" and want the wife to stand by him after he has had fun fucking around for all those years- then using Jesus as an excuse to stay together- like she owes HIM something- LOL!!!

I get "in sickness and in health" but its funny, the minute wifey gets sick the man runs and leaves her to deal with her illness on her own on top of caring for the house/kids while he is out playing around, but when he gets sick and age catches up with him, he DEMANDS she take care of him.

Almost as if the men know they will likely die first and take on a wife ONLY so they have someone to care for them in old age, and have NO intention of being faithful or actually helping out with the household THEY created- then refuse to divorce so she is legally obligated (unless she manages to divorce him). Or worse, have outside kids and then put it on the adult kids to care for him.


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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Abby ()
Date: July 31, 2017 11:24PM

the sick wife's sister Wrote:
> Oh and worse, the men who have been cheating for
> YEARS and the minute they get sick/broke and can't
> get it up anymore and KNOW they need their wife's
> income to survive- they want to claim they "found
> God" and want the wife to stand by him after he
> has had fun fucking around for all those years-
> then using Jesus as an excuse to stay together-
> like she owes HIM something- LOL!!!
> I get "in sickness and in health" but its funny,
> the minute wifey gets sick the man runs and leaves
> her to deal with her illness on her own on top of
> caring for the house/kids while he is out playing
> around, but when he gets sick and age catches up
> with him, he DEMANDS she take care of him.
> Almost as if the men know they will likely die
> first and take on a wife ONLY so they have someone
> to care for them in old age, and have NO intention
> of being faithful or actually helping out with the
> household THEY created- then refuse to divorce so
> she is legally obligated (unless she manages to
> divorce him). Or worse, have outside kids and
> then put it on the adult kids to care for him.

Thanks for posting. Always great to hear the perspective of obese, bitter old hags!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: man's perspective ()
Date: August 01, 2017 01:31AM

I love my wife but if she's too tired to have sex I am not a happy man. I get sick and I still want sex. Sorry but thats the reality of things.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: up da wazoo ()
Date: August 01, 2017 05:31AM

I love my wife but she's too crazy to have sex; I am not a happy man.
I get sick and I still want sex.
That's. reality, sag-a- bag-a-tits.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Just sayin' ()
Date: August 01, 2017 09:18AM

I keep waking up & hoping Wrote:
> Give the OP a break. His wife is sick and doesn't
> want sex.
> I'm in a similar situation. Actually, a worse one.
> I lost my job because my prick of a boss fired me.
> I'm a woman and he's a dumbass misogynist prick.
> On top of that shit, my husband is sick, just like
> the OP's wife. Not only is he sick, but he's fat,
> so between the sickness and the blubber lies a
> limp dick.
> I don't think I can go on much longer. I need sex.
> On a regular basis.
> The only reason I get up in the morning is the
> hope that my "shit for brains" boss will get run
> over by a lesbian in a Subaru and my fat "no sex"
> husband will croak.

You and the OP should hook up!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I keep waking up & hoping ()
Date: August 02, 2017 01:58AM

Just sayin' Wrote:

> You and the OP should hook up!

Is he fat? I can't do fat.

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: Lower your standards ()
Date: August 02, 2017 09:34AM

You would be surprised at how lowering your standards can help you find someone that can make you happier than you've ever been before!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I completely agree ()
Date: August 02, 2017 09:38AM

My wife stopped fucking me. He fat, ugly and overweight friend that always comes over kept dropping hints. One day she came over when the wife wasn't around. She asked to use the bathroom. Then she asked me to come looks at something. When I opened the door she pulled me in and turned the lights off. It happened really fast! She unzipped my pants and started sucking my cock! I don't know if it's because it had been so long or if she's just that good at sucking dick, but it seems like she made me cum in about 3 minutes!

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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: I completely agree ()
Date: August 02, 2017 09:40AM


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Re: What keeps people from giving up?
Posted by: silly ()
Date: August 03, 2017 03:03AM

hand Wrote:

> If you're are so low down and depressed, talk to
> someone. That is w/ real words out loud to a real
> person. I suggest your wife. She has problems, but
> if you truly love her, which by your post you do....

What exactly in the OP's post told you he truly loved his wife? The only thing he said about her was that she was sick and didn't want to have sex.

> W/ school beginning soon, you might consider the lunch
> program for people in debt.

Excellent financial advice. LOL!

> Instead of wallowing in your pain, use it to make
> yourself stronger. You got this!

You got this? LOL, again!

> You are loved. You are important.

One shouldn't assume.

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